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ICSE Prelims 2016 : Chemistry (Deepti Convent School, Koraput)

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Surajit Chatterjee
St. Paul's School, Rourkela
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ASSOCIA TION OF ODISHA lCSE SCHOOLS UDISHA =CHATTISGARH leSE MODEL EXAM - 2016 CHEMISTRY (TWO HOURS) REGION Answer to this paper is written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing answers. SECTION- A (ATTEMPT ALL QUESTIONS) (A) Choose the most appropriate [10Xl = 10] answer-: YWhich is not a hydrocarbonb. a. C2H4 ~sCI CCI4 c. CaC2 d. can be obtained from ethane by treating with a. Chlorine water b. Chlorine gas c. Concentrated Hydrochloric acid d. Bleaching powder ~hen concentrated exposed to air in a beaker it's volume increases. This is a. Oe-hvd=ting property of H2S04, b. Oxidising property of H2S04 c. Reducing property of H2S04 40ne ~ of the above ~.(.., e ~ )Yt '\1't(. ~V- /' ~ nitrate which on heating gives oxygen as the only gaseous product c. NaN03 d. Ca(N03h (~iCh of the following forms neutral solution in water A. K2S04 B. Na2C03 C. (NH4hS04 D. Cu(N03h LC5. Model Exam 2016, Chemistry Page 1 of 5 , ~ metal whose oxide can be reduced by heating. a. Iron b. Sodium c. Silver d. calcium ~on metals are generally a. Oxidising agent b. Reducing agent c. Catalytic agent d. Hardening agent ~hemical which can dissolveplatinum is a. Aqua-fortis b. Aqua-regia c. Aqua- pure d. None of the above ~ non-metal with luster is a. Sulphur b. Iodine c. Graphite d. Both b. and c. Which metal produces lime light on strong heating? a. Hydrogen b. Magnesium c. Sodium d. Calcium fully balanced equation for the following reaction: ~rite ~tion of heat on copper nitrate ~ction of heat on potassium nitrate ~Action [5] of heat on ammonium nitrate ~/.. . LC5. Action of ammonia with oxygen without catalyst Action of ethyl alcohol with ethanoic acid Model Exam 2016, Chemistry Page 2 of 5 . , ~~ t-h~ following . 5ub~ance5 . An hydrocarbon which is used to preserve specimens. . ~ --- ... ---~-. [5] FOY'~ (~ ~ :r~~p~oPI ~~ A salt which is soluble in hot water but not in cold water ~ ~n-metallic ~ An alloy which is used in soldering metals. ~atch chloride on heating leaves no residue the descriptions (a to e) bellow with the appropriate term from the list 1 to 6: 2. Anion 1. Neutral Oxide fatlhe 3. Alkane 4. Aromatic 5. Deliquescent process of heating concentrated ore in presence of air fbJ' A substance ~The 6. roasting 6 that absorbs moisture from air and change its state , 5 compound of carbon and hydrogen with a close molecular structure ~ @ A homologous series with ~eneral formula CnH2n+2 .3 atom or a group of atoms with a charge attracted by the anode L ~An ~n~er the following: fa'( Wha~'~o you understand by the term molecular weight? [1] the volume of O.32gm. of sulphur dioxide at STP. ~Ic_ul~te [2] 3 {2] many moles of nitrogen are in 5.6 dm at STP? ~~bW [5] D e}4le: ~ [5} 1 ) ore 4ag ~Of an acid ~ctrolYSiS ~uriOUs alcohol. [5] .Fi~ln the bl~rt'<s: ~ The acidity of aluminum hydroxide ~e ~hUte4 ~'~ I compounds form when ethyl alcohol reacts with ethanoic acid is cY The metallic ~.r--~ is oxide which is yellow when hot and white when Cold is _ _ is a mineral acid which is hygroscopic. Glycol is an example of type alcohol. SECTION-B Answer any four questions from this section: ~ Mrr the structure of the hydro carbon with two carbon atom in the following cases: if'/Which [3] shows addition reaction. d An alcohol ~hich is used in the making of polythene lCS.E Model Exam 2016, Chemistry Page 3 of5 [3] ~me: ~ A compound used to reduce the melting point of alumina 11(" The compound yThe which is the i" member of alkanol compound form when ammonical silver nitrate reacts with C2H2 ~rite [4] the chemical equation to obtained- d_.;pane from a sodium compound Y?hene ~ from ethanol Ethanol from ethane ~thanoic acid from ethanal Jr-1/ ~ . stat;l0ur u/~arium y( j,6 ~ chloride solution is a.dded to potassium sulphate solution Zinc is added to copper sulphate solution Concentrated sulphuric acid is added to Sugar. Ans~the ~ [3} observation when [3] following questions ~y is electrolysis of acidulated water considered as catalysis? WYVhy is silica crucible used for the electrolysis of lead bromide? $sodium ~en chloride crystals do not conduct electricity why? concentrated hydrochloric acid is treated with manganese dioxide a [4] greenish yellow gas is evolved. ~ e the gas evolved rite the fulty balanced equation for it 0Jj( iv( )5 the acid acting as oxidizing agent or reducing agent State one test for HCI Q-4 a) Calculate the percentage of water of crystallization in CuS04.SH20 given [Cu=63, 5=32, 0=16, H=1] b) [3] 20gm. of MgC03 of 64% purity dissolved in excess HCI as under [3] MgC03 + HCI ~ MgCb + H20 + CO2 Calculate the weight of carbon dioxide produced, C=12,O=16.,Mg=24 .CI=35.5 [1] c) What do you mean by the term vapor density? d) A gaseous hydrocarbon of vapor density 29 contains 82.76% of carbon. [3J Calculate its imperial formula and molecular formula. LC5.E Model Exam 2016, Chemistry Page 4 of 5 7rit~e name and the structural formula of [4] organic compound present in vinegar. An A tri hydric alcohol. Write the chemical equations for concentration ~he ~ [4] of bauxite. Catalytic oxidation of ammonia ~ar- [2] '-i( A carbonate which is stable towards heat. pn alloywhich is used for makingmagnet. ~ ~ne roasting and calcination,giveone examplefor each ~ _'at is froth flotation method?where it is used? (2] ~Name- [4J ~ A metal hydro-oxide present antacid 4 A liquid metal JU(~ 'tc1( [4] metal whose nitrate decrepitates on heating The compound which form brown ring in brown ring test. ************************** LCS. Model Exam 2016, Chemistry Page 5 of 5 t " I; ,

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