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ICSE Class X Prelims 2025 : Chemistry (City Montessori School (CMS), Vishal Khand, Gomtinagar Campus 1, Lucknow)

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Priy Mandhyan
Seth M. R. Jaipuria School, Lucknow
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THE SEC OND PRE-BOARD EXAMINATION 2024-25 Class X (ICS E) SCIE NCE Paper-2 CHE MIST RY Maximum marks: 80 ded separately. Answ ers to this pape r must be written on the answer script provi You will NOT be allow ed to write during the.first 15 minutes. This time is to be spen t in reading the question paper. writing the answers. The time given at the h~ad of this pape r is the time allowed for on B. Section A is compulsory. Attem pt any four questions from Secti in brackets [ ]. The inten ded mark s for questions or parts of questions are given Time: Two hour s SEC TION A [40 Marks] (Attempt all questions from this Section.) I Ques tion 1 [15] options: Choo se the corre ct answ ers to the questions from the given (Do not copy the quest ion, write the corre ct answers only) (i) metallic Lead ions Durin g the electr olysi s of fused or molten Lead bromide, the ted at th:e an_ode. are disch arged at the catho de as Lead metal and Brom ine is libera - Whic h of the follow ing could be the reason? P. The catho de is an electron donor'. of neutr al Q. Brom ine ions give up electrons, resulting in the formation Brom ine atom s .. R. Brom ine vapo urs are evolved at the cathode. (ii) (a) Only P (b) Only Q (c) Only R (d) Both P and Q The. colou r of the Sodiu m hydro xide solutio,n is adde~ tq ;Zinc sulphate solution. preci pitate formed is: (b) Pale blue (a) Gelat inous white (c) Redd ish brow n (d) Dirty green si~m in Potas siu~ di~hromate (iii) Perce ntage by weig ht of Pota~ ,. 1s: (b) 376.9 2% (a) 26.53 % (d) 265.3 % (c) 2.65% This pape r consists of Nine printed pages. [K = 39, Cr= 5~, 0 = 16] Turn over (iv) The equation that depicts oxidation reaction is: (v) (a) Fe3+ + le- Fe2+ (o) Ch+ 2e- 2cr (b) Fe2+ - le- Fe3+ . (d) Cu2+ + 2e- Cu Asse rtion (A): The aqueous solution of Amm onia is basic in nature. Reas on (R): Amm onia undergoes partial dissociation in aque ous solution to give hydro xyl ions in low concentration. (a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (b) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the corre ct explanatio (c) (A) is true but (R) is false. (d) (A) is false but (R) is true. (A). n of (A). (vi) But - 2 - ene _is repre sente d as: (a) H3C -CH 2-C H=C H2 (b) H3C -CH =CH -CH3 (c) H3C -CH 2-C H=C H-C H3 (d) H3C -CH 2-C H2- CH= CH2 (vii) The elect ronic configuration ofan elem ent Pis 2, 8, 3. The formula of its chlor ide is: (a) P3Cl (c) PCh (viii) An elem ent has seven electrons in its valence shell. In whic h group will it be place d? (a) Alka li meta ls (b) Alkaline earth meta ls (c) Halo gens (d) Nobl e gases (ix) An oxid e whi~h disso lves in wate r forming an acid is: (x) (a) S02 (b) Si02 (c) MgO (d) Na20 Ute most electronegative el~ment in the periodic table is: (a) Brom ine (b) Fluor ine (c) Chlo rine (d) Iodin e (2) (xi) Ass erti on (A): Alk ali met als are goo d oxi dizi ng age nts. tron in thei r out erm ost shell. Rea son (R): Alk ali met als hav e one elec is the cor rect exp lana tion of (A). (a) Bot h (A) and (R) are true and (R) of (A). (b) Bot h (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the cor rect exp lana tion (c) (A) is true but (R) is false. (d) (A) is fals e but (R) is true . 6.02 3 x I 0 22 mol ecu les of a gas Xis : (xii ) The vol um e at STP occ upi ed by (b) 2.24 L (a) 22. 4 L (c) 6.0 23 X 1022 0.22 4L (d) solu tion is add ed. A whi te pre cipi tate is (xii i) To a salt solu tion , Bar ium chlo ride roc hlo ric acid . The anion pre sen t in the . form ed whi ch is inso lub le in dilu te Hyd salt solu tion is: (a) s032 - (b) s2- (c) s042 - (d) No3- and t with bot h acid s and alkalis to form salt (xiv ) The oxi des of cert ain met als reac wat er. Suc h oxi des are call ed: (b) Bas ic oxid es (a) Aci dic oxi des (d) Am pho teri c oxi des (c) Neu tral oxi des as I, stri ps sep arat ely in fou r test tube s labe lled (xv ) A stud ent take s Cu, Al, Fe and Zn L of fres hly pre par ed Fer rou s sulp hate II, lII and IV resp ecti vely . He add s lOm . the colo ur of the met al resi due in eac h case solu tion to eac h test tub e and obs erv es (() (II) (Ill) (IV) Cu Al Fe Zn tubes: He wou ld obs erv e bla ck resi due in test (b) I and III (a) I and II (d) II and IV (c) II and III (3) Tu rn ove r Ques tion 2 (i) In the table given below , H does not repre sent _Hydrogen. Som e elem ents are in their own symb ol and posit ion while other s are show n with letter s. Stud y the table caref ully and answ er the quest ions that follo w: [5]. Grou p numb er 1 ~IA] 2 [IIA] 13 [IIIA] 14 [IVA ] 15 [VA] 16 [VIA ] 17[V IIA] 1![0 ] 2na Perio d Li DS 6e 0 l&f Ne l"IC ''IN 3ro Period . A Si M N~- Mg ~ (-\r f\f 10 . f"l4 Perio d I KR y u Q & r! (a) Nam e the most elect roneg ative elem ent. (b) Ident ify the elem ent in perio d 3 with least atom ic size. Writ e the elect ronic confi gurat ion of the noble gas in perio d 2. (c) (d) Whic h elem ent from grou p 2 has the lowe st ioniz ation energ y? (e) State the type of bond form ed betw een A and H. (ii) Matc h the follo wing Colu mn A with Colu mn B: S.No (iii) Colu mn A [5] Colu mnB (a) Redu cing elect rode 1. Sulph ide ore (b) Roas ting 2. Nitri c acid (c) Ostw ald's proce ss 3: Cath ode (d) Non- volat ile acid 4. . Solv ent for gums and resin s (e) Etha nol 5. Sulph uric acid Com plete the follo wing by choo sing the corre ct answ ers from the brack et: [5] (a) The most meta llic elem ent in perio d 3 is _ __ (Mag nesiu m/So diui: o/Alum inium ). (b) The acid whic h ioniz es in aque ous solut ion to prod uce one Hydr ogen ion per mole cule of the acid is _ _ _ (Car boni c acid/ Acet ic acid/ Sulp huri c acid) . (c) A__ __ (dirt y gree n/red dish brow n/wh ite) preci pitat e is form ed when Sodi um hydr oxide is adde d to Calc ium nitra te. (d) Ethe ne unde rgoes _ _ _ (add ition /subs titut ion) react ions. (e) . An _ _ _ (alka line/ acidi c/neu tral) solut ion will tum meth yl oran ge solut ion pink or red. (4) (iv) (v) Ide ntif y the following: base (a) Th e sal t for me d by com ple te neutralization of an acid by a perature and (b) Th e law wh ich sta tes that und er the same c~nditions of tem contain the same num ber of pre ssu re, equ al vol um es of all gas es mo lec ule s acid (c) Th e pro ces s of con den sat ion of an alcohol with an en combined in a (d) Th e ten den cy of an ato m to attract electrons to itse lf wh com pou nd tals to a base metal (e) A sub sta nce pre par ed by add ing oth er metals or non-me certain desirable properties. in app rop riat e pro por tion s to obtain [5] owing organic compounds: (3] (a) (b) h of the foll Dra w the structural diagram for eac I. Bu tan al 2. 1 - Bu tyn e 3. Pro pan oic aci d following organic compounds Giv e the IUP AC nam e of each oft he 1. H3 C- CH 2- CH 2- 0H I I I I I I I I I I I I : [2] I I I I I I H 2 C- CH2 2. I Br I I I I Br SE CT IO N B [40 Ma rks ] (At tem pt any fou r que stio ns) Q~3 and a ium chloride to form a soluble sal t X Sod h wit cts rea ate nitr d [2] Lea (i) Y. pre cip itat e (a) Na me the pre cip itat e Y. ation for the abo ve reaction. (b) Wr ite a bal anc ed che mic al equ [2] of Sulphuric acid. ure act nuf ma the for d use s ces pro (a) Na me the (ii) to alytic oxidation of Sul phu r dio xid e cat the for n atio equ al mic che the e (b) Giv ed in (a). Sul phu r trio xid e in the pro ces s nam [3] gre ate r tha n tha t of ele me nt Y. is X nt me ele an of y init aff n ctro The ele (iii) like ly to com par e wit h tha t ofY ? (a) Ho w is the oxi diz ing pow er ofX like ly to com par e wit h tha t ofY ? ofX ity ativ neg ctro ele the is w Ho (b) in pla ced to the left or to the rig ht ofY (c) Sta te wh eth er Xi s like ly to be the per iod ic tab le? (5 ) Turn ove r (iv) A stude nt prepared a solut ion of Pota ssium sulphite in the laboratory and adde d a few drop s of Bari um nitrate solution to it. He obse rved a whit e precipitate bein g formed in the test tube. On addition of dilut e HCl to the white precipitate and mixi ng it, he obse rved that the precipitate disappeared. [3] (a) Nam e the whit e precipitate bein g formed in the test tube. (b) Writ e a balan ced chem ical equa tion for the react ion betw een whit e precipitate nam ed in (a) abov e and dilut e HCI. (c) Nam e the gas evol ved in the abov e reaction. Qu e u 4 (i) The follo wing ques tions relate to the extraction of Alum (a) inium from its ore: Give the formula of the main ore of Aluminium. [2] (b) (ii) (iii) (iv) Give the equa tion for the conversion of impu re ore to Sodi um aluminate. A com poun d has the following percentage composition by mass: Carb on 85.71 % and Hyd roge n 14.29%. Dete rmin e the empirical formula of the compound. If the vapo ur dens ity of the comp ound is 35, what is its molecular formula? [2] [C = 12, H = 1] Give a bala nced chem ical equation for each of the follo wing reactions: (a) Acti on of dilut e HCl on metallic bicarbonate (b) Burn ing of Amm onia in Oxygen (c) Oxid ation of Copp er with hot concentrated Nitric acid. The diag ram give n belo w shows the laboratory prep arati on of Amm onia . Stud y the same and answ er the questions that follow: Amm onia gas Sal Am mon iac- """? ~ ~ _:-- J~= === :-i + Albl i [slaked lime] (a) Give a bala nced chem ical equa tion for the abov e prep arati (b) Nam e the dryin g agen t used in the abov e prep arati on. State the reaso n for its use. (6) on. [3] [3] Que~6 ns (i} A few drops of concentrated Sulphuric acid were added to hydrated Copper sulphate. CoSOli~tiJHH2$04 ~ [2] State the observation for the same. (a) Which property of Sulphuric acid is demonstrated by this activity? Give a reason for each of the following statements: (b) (ii) A layer of powder ed coke is sprinkled over the electrolytic mixture during the extraction of Aluminium. Electrolysis of molten Lead bromide is considered as a redox reaction. (a) (b) (iii) [2] Raj was given a salt X for the analysis of the anion present in the salt. When he added concentrated H2S04 and copper turnings to the salt X and heated it, reddish brown fumes were evolved. (a) Name the anion present in the salt X. (b) Name the gas evolved. (c) What do you observe when Potassium iodide paper is brought near the mouth of the test tube in which the gas is evolved? (iv) Given below in Column A is a schematic diagram of electrolysis of fused Alumina. Label A, Band C by choosing the correct option from Column B: Column B Column A [3] . s---4f'I A [3] (i) Bauxite (ii) 2 AlJ+ + 6e- 2 Al (iii) Molten Alumin ium (iv) C 302--6 e- 3[0] 302 (v) AJi03 + Na3AlF6 eB. ~6 (i) Arrange the elements as per the instructions given in brackets: (a) Na, K, Cl, S, Si (increasing order of ionization energy) (b) [2] Mg, Cl, Na, S, Si (decreasing order of atomic size) (7) Turn O\'Cr (ii) (iii) (iv) State a relevant observation for each of the following: (a) A glass rod dipped in concentrated HCl is brought near Ammonia gas. (b) Chlorine gas is passed into a solution ofEthene in an inert solvent at room temperature. A jeweller wants to electroplate an article with silver. He used a certain electrolyte only for this purpose. (a) Name the electrolyte used in the process and state the reason for its use. (b) Write the reaction taking place at the cathode. Complete each of the following statements by filling in ~he blanks: (a) A metal present in Cryolite other than Sodium is _ _ __ (b) Non metals tend to form _ _ _ _ oxides. (c) An alloy used to make statues is - - - - [2] [3] [3] ~on7 (i) p + 5HNO3(conc.) H3PO4 + H2O + 5NO2. [3] If9.3g of Phosphorus was used in the reaction, calculate: (ii) (a) The number of moles of~hophorus taken (b) The mass of Phophoric acid formed (c) !he volume ofNO2 produced at STP. [H = 1, N = 14, P = 31, 0 = 16]. From the equation CaCO3 + 2HC1 CaCh + H2O + CO2 calculate the weight ofCaCh obtained from 10g ofCaCO3 and the volume at STP of CO2 obtained at the same time. [Ca= 40, C = 12, Cl= 35.5, 0 = 16]. [3] (iii) Write the method of preparation ofthe salts (a), (b), (c) and (d) from the methods given in the list below: [4] S.No l ! Method of Preparation 1 Neutralization reaction 2 Precipitation reaction 3 Direct combination reaction 4 Displacement reaction 1,(a) Lead(II) chloride ~(b) Zinc sulphate \(c) Sodium sulphate ',(d) lron(III) chloride i I 1.- (8) ' 1. -: --Qu#ns (i) Distin~ish b~twe~n each of the following pairs of compounds as per the instructions given 1n the brackets: Manganese dioxide and Copper(II) oxide (using cone. HCI) Ferrous sulphate solution and Ferric sulphate solution (using Na OH solution) (a) (b) (ii) ' Draw the electron dot diagram of Ammonia molecule and label the Ione pair of electrons. [N = 7, H =I]. (iii) Give a balanced chemical equation for each of the following reactions: He-thane . (a) Laboratory preparation ofEthaBe from Sodium ethanoate [2] [3] Conversion of Ethyne to 1, I, 2, 2-tetrachloroethane Laboratory preparation ofHCI gas. (b) (c) (iv) [2] The structures of six organic compounds are shown below: H H H H H I I I ~O I I H-C-C= C-C-H I I" H H I H I H C\\Hs (A) H ~ H-T-c'O -H H I H I H-c-c- c-c-H I I I I H H H H ~ (C) C2H ~o-c\-\ (B) H H I I H-C-C- H I I H O,H (D) ~ \-\\0 c.l'ASO'n H I H-C-H H. I I H H I I H I H (E) I H I C=C H-C-C- C-H I H I H C4H,o I H (F) Cl\-\~ eJi;len~ (a) Identify two of the compounds that are members of the same homologous series but are not isomers. (b) Which two compounds are isomers of each other'! (c) (F) can be prepared from (D). Give a chemical equation for the reaction. (9) [3]

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