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CBSE Class 9 Exam 2025 : Information Technology

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VIDYAPEETH II Il VISHWA GROUP OF SCHOOLS CENTRAL BOARD OF SECONDARY EDUCATION (2024-25] FINAL EXAMINATION - JANUARY SUBJECT: INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY-(402) Date: 20-01-2025 Name: Time: 2 Hrs Class: IX Marks: 50 Instructions: Allquestions are compulsory. B. questions in two sections: Section A & Section This Question Paper consists of 21 questions. type Subjective contains Section A has Objective type questions whereas Section B answer (5 + 10 =) 15 questions in the has to Out of the given (5 + 16=) 21 questions, a candidate allotted (maximum) time of 2 hours. attempted in the correct order. Allquestions of a particular section must be allowed to write during reading time. reading time of 10 minutes will be given. You will not be A The question paper contains 5 printed pages. SECTION A -ICT SKILLS Q. 1 Methods of Communication include: a) Verbal Communication c) Visual Communication E: (1x4=4) Answer any 4 out of the given 6 questions b)Non-Verbal Communication dAtl of the above Which one of the following shortcut keys is used to paste a file? b) CTRL+P a)CTRL+C 1 d) CTRL+X c)TRL+V Which of the following techniques selects a sentence in Writer/Word? YDouble Click a) Single Click c) Triple Click 1 d) None of the above of the following? We can change the mistakes noticed in which b) Word Processor Software a) Electronic Typewriter c) Both a& b 1 d)Simple Typewriter VVP/ FinalExamination QP/Jan/2024-25/1 of 5 1 To hidc or vicw the ruler we should go to which of the following menus? b)Inscrt Menu a) Tools Menu d) Edit Menu c)Vicw Vi Q.2 Which of the following is a valid filc extension for a Notepad file? H.doc a) jpg c) .text d) . txt (1 x5= 51 |Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions Which icon allows the user to access all drives. files, and folders on the computer. a) Recycle Bin ii 1 b) Computer Application Software piracy refers to a) d) Start button Stealing software and b) Opensource software distributing unlicensed copies C) Gain access to a and perform illegal d) Selling software website online with a proper license activity key 1 is the top margin of each page. e) Header b) Footer le) Left d) Right How can an antivirus protect your device? a) It can protect it from overheating. b) It can increase its performance. Htcan prevent data from getting corrupted. d) It can back up data. |Choose the correct example of Oral Communication ja)Letter to a Friend vi iscussingcricket matches with friends The concept of ICT refers to i : ii d)Application to the Principal b) Storing digital AIl of the aboveinformation Answer any 5 out of the given 6questions What is the name of the mechanism to arrange a)Sorting 1 (1 x 5= 5) the data in a particular order? b) Searching c) Filtering Which of the following is an extension of a a).ods 1 d)Validating worksheet created in Spreadsheet? b) .odd c) .xls iii 1 b) Project Report to the School Teacherl a) Recording digital information c) Sending digital information Q.3 1 d) .obj 1 Working together with people to accomplish shared goals is called a)Self-Management c) Competition b) Punctuality dTeamwork VVP/Final Examination QP/Jan/2024-25/2 of 5 1 Rcalistic bclicf and trust worthincss is of an indvidual in one's own a)Sclf-Motivation Self-Confidence calculate the total of values How V can onc a) By manual cntry ) By formula judgment, capab1litiesand 1 b)Over-Confidence Team Player column? d) oksheet a Byauto-sum cnteredinb) function sutn d By discomfort and otiginatingfrom 1 situations. tensicn |It refers to a state:of psychological challenging b)TimeManagement V1 unforescecn. diflicult, confusing. and d)SclfManagement aStress Management ) Personality Confidence (1 x 5=5) questions out of the given 6 Q.4 Answer any 5 fynction should start with i 1 b)alphabets d)Allofthese sign c) numbers following options is Which ofthe e) Insert Chart c) File Print shortcut ii used to print a create a keys are used to la) Alt+N c) Crtl+N |The column intersection of arow and la) Box chart? b)File View d) View Chart 1 new document. b)Crtl+I d)Alt+U is called a ina Spreadsheet b) Space d) Name Box 1 )Cell that generates business ora venture a establishes for him. is a person who |An entrepreneur customer and proves to be byprofit some value for the above 1 d)none of the la) loss c) undefined vi The filename and extension are separated by b),(Comma) d) (Single Quote) laY. (Period) c)_(Underscore) (1 x 5=5) Q.5 i Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions The area where cut and copied images stored is aClipboard b) RAM d) Imageboard c) ROM VVP/ Final Exanination QP/Jan/2024-25/3 of 5 1 Thekeyboard : shortcut text in the tosearchany a)Ctrl+X erl+F document is b)Ctrl + S d) Ctrl+ C ) Experiment be Whichoptionshould place? 2 at its proper get to H20, b) Underline used to tvpc analyze that we have steps helps us to management following time Which ofthe effectively? b) Track our time Jused v 1 d)8ubscript la) Bold c) Superscript V 1 b)Analysis lofthese Entreprencurs lcarn by a)Observation 1 1 d) Priorities la) Organize lc) Control the The writer is a part of suite. 1 b)Libre Office eBoth (b) and (c) la) Microsoft Office ) Open Office SECTIONB - SUBJECT-SPECIFICSKILLS (2 x3= 6) questions in 20-30 words. Answer any 3 out of thegiven 5 daily lives. Mention any two impacts of ICT in our Q.6 computer? Explain each. What are the basic components of the Q.7 Q. 8 the spreadsheet: Write the uses of each of the following in a. Name Box b 2 2 2 Formula Bar self-confidence? Q.9 What are the factors that affect Q. 10 List any two benefits of personal grooming. each Answer any 4 out of thegiven 6 questions in 20- 30 words any four. Q. 11 What are the elements of Communication? Explain 2 2 (2 x4=8) 2 Q. 12 Write the difference between a workbook && worksheet. 2 Q. 13 Write the steps to implement autofill. Explain with an example. 2 Q. 14 Explain the difference between transition and animation. O. 15 How will you count the total cells having nuneric data in a spreadsheet? Q. 16 What is an active cell? How to delete the contents of an active cell? VVP/ FinaB Examination QP/Jan/2024-25/4 of 5 (4 x3= 12) Answer any 3 out of the given 5 questions in 50- 80 words each ). 17 What is the defaultextension givento a Word document? low do we savea document in Word, and writc steps? What is the diflerence betwcen Savc & 4 SaveAs? Q. 18 What do youunderstand by refercncing? How many types of referencing are there? Explain cach. Q. 19 Write any four commonly used functions in aSpreadshect with syntax and their 4 4 uses. Q. 20 and 6 then a. IfAl:AS contains the numbers 16, 10, 3,25, =Average(Al:A5)will display. numbers? b. How will you calculate the sun of these in the given range. value minimum to find the C. Write the formula d. $A1SB2 is an example of 4 referencing in spreadsheet software. Q.21 following Look at the image and answer the questions 4 ale=el D RANGE1 RANGE 2 srRANGE2 123 cell represented by Rangel? What is the address ofthe first range. b. Write the name of column range along a row? cell the of name the is rows and C. What represented by Range 2 having both the d. Write the cellrange a columns. of 5 VVP/Final Examination QP/ian/2024-25/5

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