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CBSE Class 9 Exam 2025 : Social Science

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VIDYAPEETH II II VIsHWA GROUP OF SCHOOLS EDUCATION CENTRAL BOARD OFSECONDARY FINAL EXAMINATION-JANUARY J2024-25] SUBJECT: SOCIAL SCIENCE (087) SET-A Date:17/01/2025 Time: 3 hours Marks: 80 Name: Class: IX Instructions: The Question Paper contains six sections. Section A has 20 questions of 1 mark each. Section B has 4 questions of 2 marks each. Section Chas 5 questions of 3 marks each. Section D has 3 questions (Case-based) of4 marks each. Section E has 4 questions for 5 marks each. " Section F has 5 map questions - History 2 marks and Geography 3 The question paper contains 9 pages. SECTION-A (1x20=20) Multiple Choice Questions: 1. for? Wh t does the word livres stand asUnit of currency in France (c) Tax levied by the Church (1) (b) Tax levied by the state (d) Tax to the Landlord VVP/Final Examination QP/Jan/2024-25/1 of 9 2 by the Which of the following decisions wastaken (a) It declared France a coconstitutional Monarchy () convention? (5Abolished the Monarchy (C) All men and women above 21 got the right to vote (d) Declared France a Republic 3 (1) What was the Davwes Plan'? (a) A plan to secure loans from US bankers 8) Aplan to ease reparation terms on Germany (c) A plan to overtake Rhineland mines (d) An extension of the Versailles treaty 4. The Nuremberg Laws, enacted in 1935, targeted which group of people, stripping them (1) of their citizenship and rights in Nazi Germany? (4 Jews (b) Christians (c) Communists (d) Aryans 5. In the questions given below, there are two Statements marked as Assertion (A) and(1) Reason (R). Read the Statements and Choose the correct option: Assertion (A): From Gujarat to Arunachal Pradesh there is atime lag of two hours. Reason (R): Hence, time along the Standard Meridian of India passing through Mirzapur is taken as the standard time for the whole country. Options are: (a Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A). (b) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A). (c) (A) is correct but (R) is wrong. (d) (A) is wrong but (R) is correct. 6. Which river flows through a rift valley before entering the Arabian Sea? (a) Ganga (b) Brahmaputra 7. (cXarmada (1) (d) Godavari Whi h of the following is a component of upper air circulation? (North-easterlies (b) Jetstream (c) South-west monsoon y (d) Kal Baisakhi x VVP/Final Examination QP/Jan/2024-25/2 of 9 (1) 8 Rajasthan is sparsely () It is well watered populated bccause (i) It has rainfall above 150cm (ii) It has a hot and dry climate (iv) It has no perennial river (v) It receives scanty rainfallof less than 50 cm. (a) (i) and (ii) (b) (), (ii) and (ii) V (c) (i),(ii)and (iv) es (ii),(v) and (v) 9. interests. In any society, people are bound to have differences of fopinions and Which is (1) a better way of dealing with these conflicts? (a) By brutal power exercised by the government (b) By allowing one group to dictate terms to others (erBy providing equalopportunities to all (d)By opting for a strong leader who should have all the powers. (1) 10 River Basin Area Tapi Basin Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat and Maharashtra. Kaveri Basin (a) Rajasthan, Gujarat, Maharashtra (byKarnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu (c) Maharashtra, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh y (d) Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, and Odisha 11. Assertion (A) and (1) there are two Statements marked as In the questions given below, Choose the correct option: Reason (R). Read the Statements and state not have the name of the head of Assertion(A): The democratic constitution does democratic countries. Reason(R): Leaders keep changing in Options are: correct explanation of (A). (a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R)is the correct explanation of (A). (bt Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the (c) (A) is correct but (R) is wrong. (d)(A) is wrong but (R) is correct. VVP/FinalExamination QP/Jan/2024-25/3 of 9 that the world to Cxposcd Which body US laws? in ways that prisonerss at violatcd the (a) Unitcd Nations Court of Justice (b) International (e Amncsty Intermational Court of USA (d)Suprcme 13. Guantanamo Bay torturcd | (1) being werc Study thc given |() answer the picture carcfullyand following qucstion: AREA OrULATON Ret of the world, 976 8235 Reet of the wordd, Indla, 24% India, 17.5% Fig. India's Share of What is India's share of the World's Area and Population World's Area and Population? ()2.4% and 17.5% (b) 17.5% and 2.4% (c) 2.4% and 97.5% (d) 97.6% and 82.5% 14. economic activities Based on the picture, classify the Primary, secondary and tertiary activiies (b) Secondary, tertiary and primary activities (c) Tertiary,primary and secondary activities (d) Market and Non-market activities VVP/Final Examination QP/Jan/2024-25/4 of 9 (1) 15. Tejpal Singh works as a peasant in thc villagc. His incomc from agricultural production () is very low. This is not enough to sustain his family of six including his wife and four children. His wife Savitha is unemploved and wishcs to work to carn extra income. Recently, a new scheme has been launched in the village. Under this scheme. 1/3rd of the proposed jobs have becen rescrved for women. This scheme helped Savitha to get a job in the village. Name the sclheme that helped Savithaget the job. (a) Antyodaya Anna Yojana (6 Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (c) Swarmajayanthi Rozgar Yojana (d) Pradhan Mantri Gramodaya Yojana 16. (1) Arrange the following in chronological order: 1. Nomination papers are filed by candidates II. Polling and counting of votes. II.Election campaign is cartied out. IV. The voter's list is prepared. V. Election Voter Identity cards are issued. VI. Declaration of result. Options: (a) II,I,IV,V,l,VI IV.VIII,VIY (c) V,IV,I,II,VI,I (d) IV, V,I,II,II,VI 17. (1) Match the correct Columns: Column II Column I (a) Minimum Support Price (i) Pre-announced price (b) Public Distribution System (ii) Ration shops (c) The National Food Security Act (iii)2013 (d) Revamped Public Distribution (iv) 1992 Options a a-i, b-ii, c-ii, d-iv (b) a-i, b-i, c-iii, d-iv X (c) a-i, b-iv, c-ii, d-iii (d) a-iii, b-iv, c-ii, d-i Y VVP/FinalExamination QP/Jan/2024-25/5 of9 18 the rivcr? the lowcr course of to rclatcd is features Which one of the following (0) (b) Mcander sOx-bow Lake (d) Gorge (a) Dclta which the news collape Selcct the corrcct option to beloV. is telatcd from thc givcn () kollhm N a Sfrem g r .Grjrat. NHIC port CR (a) Amnesty International (b)India Government (c) UNO (NationalHuman Rights Commission 20 fear potential measures that can be taken to Which of the following options represent proletarianisation in Germany in the year 1932? per cent (a) Industrialproduction was reduced to 40 (1) of the 1929 level. unprecedented 6 million. oThe number of unemployed touched an (c) Big businesses made huge profits. sharp fall in agricultural prices. (d) The large mass of peasantry was affected by a SECTION B (2x4-8) II. Answer the following in two to three sentences: 21 rainfall. Give a reason- The Tamil Nadu coast receives winter (2) 22 Who was Robespierre? Why do we call his rule a reign of terror? (2) 23 24 Indiais a secular state'. Justify by giving two examples. Differentiate betveen disguised unemployment and seasonal unemployment. VVP/Final Examination QP/Jan/2024-25/6 of 9 (2) (2) SECTION C (3x5=15) III. 25. 26. Answer the following in60 to 80 words: (3) the Indus River systeim. | Describe any three features of (3) Explain. of decision-)aking.' quality the improves Democracy 27. reduce poverty in nal. Discussany three measures to 28 humiliating'. The Treaty of Versailles was harsh and the treaty. Years ago, writing in his magazine wanted the Constitution to do: (3) threeterms of giving by Justify (3) he out what spelt had 1931, he Young India in (3) above statement: Answer the following questions from the (a)What was Gandhiji's dream for India? India. (b) What did Gandhiji want for Indian women?wanted to keep away his dream c) Mention two evils from which Gandhiji SECTION-D 4X3=12 TVCase-Based Question: river systems, interplay of the three majortributaries, the by This formed been plar has their 30. The noreTn Indus, the Ganga and the Brahmaputra along with at a vast basin lying th in alluvium namely the of deposition spreads soil. The plain is fomed of alluvial over millions of years formed this fertile plain. It 320 km to Himalayas 240 and foothills of the being about 2400 km long plain The km. sq. lakh over an area of 7 broad, is adensely populated 31 physiographic division. Plain fertile? (a)Why is the soil in the Northern fornationof the Northern Plain? the in role important an (b)Which rivers play divisions of India. (c)Name the major physiographic providing security for the citizens and ensuring for responsible The government is taxes and spends the money thus collects It all. to health and formulates and facilities for education It and development programmes. raised on administration, defence Some people have to make decisions on how to go implements severalwelfare schemes. arise on implement these decisions. If disputes to have Others activities. about these VVP/Final Examination QP/Jan/2024-25/7 of9 (1) (2) (1) someone thereshould be what to determine It is these decisions or in their implementation. for doing what. esponsible positions is right and what is wrong. Everyone must know who is in key ifthe persons cven plnce also important that thesc activities keep taking change. (|) (2) () (a) Name the three organs of the Government. permanentexecutive. Anytwo, (b) Distinguish between political executive andI (C) List any two functions of the Prime Minister. 32. ratherthan considercd aliability turned bcen For many decades in India, a large Populationhas forthe cconomy. Itcan be by spending an asset. But a large population nced not be a burden (for cxample, capital workers agricultural human in investment by into a productive asset and industrial of of resources on cducation and health for all., training rescarch and so on. In the casc represented in the use of modern technology, useful scientific number of people to work India, statistically, the unemployment rate is low. Alarge They appear adequate for with lov income and productivity are counted as employed. income, it is not and potential their of terms in year but throughout the them. human capital"? (a) What do you understand by the terms human resource" and formation? (b) How does education play as an important input for human capital (c) What is the aim of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan? SECTION-E V. Long Answer Type Question: 33 of food security. (a) What do you mean by food security? Explain the maior dimensions stock created by the (b) What do you mean by buffer stock? Why is the buffer () (2) (1) (5x4=20) (3) (2) governmnent? 34 (a) What are rights? Why are they essential in a democracy? (2) (3) Explain the elements which are responsible for population growth. What are the (5) (b) How were prisoners tortured by the US Army in Guantanamo Bay prison? 35 significant features of National Population Policy 2000? OR Define the burst of monsoon. Give an account of the climatic conditions and characteristics of the cold weather season in India. 36 (a)Describe any three inherent defects in the Weimar Constitution that made it vulnerable to dictatorship. (b)The Great Economic Depression'had a long-lasting impact on the German Economy. Justify the statement by giving two valid points. VVP/Final Examination QP/Jan/2024-25/8 of 9 (3) (2) (1x5=5) SECTION-F VI. Map Skill Based Question: (2) thefollowing: 37 a. On the given outline map of France, locate & label 1. Nantes (3) 2. Marseilles the following: 37 b. On the given outline Political map of India mark high-densityof a.Zaskar range b. Manas National Park c.States wiith population VVP/Final Examination QP/Jan/2024-25/9 of 9

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