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ICSE Class X Prelims 2025 : History and Civics (Ashoka Universal School (AUS), Chandsi, Nashik)

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Suhas Mandlik
Ashoka Universal School (AUS), Chandsi, Nashik
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ASHOKA GROUP OF SCHOOLS Ashoka Universal School, Arjun Nagar (Nashik) Academic Session 2024-25 Grade X Slip Test-I Sub- History & Civics (HCG Paper-1) Maximum Marks: 80 Time: 2hours --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Answers to this Paper must be written on the answer sheet provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. Attempt all questions from Part I (Compulsory). A total of five questions are to be attempted from Part II, two out of three questions from Section A and three out of five questions from Section B. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ]. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PART I (30 Marks) (Attempt all questions from this Part.) Question 1 Select the correct answers to the questions from the given options. (Do not copy the questions, write the correct answer only). i) Civil Cases : Court of District Judge : : Criminal Cases : (a) Revenue Court (b) Family Court (c) Sessions Court (d) Commissioner s Court ii) During a hung assembly when no party gets the majority, the President appoints the Prime Minister. What power is the President exercising? (a) Legislative (b) Executive (c) Discretionary (d) Judicial iii) The Council of Ministers are collectively responsible to __________ (a) Lok Sabha (b) Rajya Sabha (c) The Prime Minister (d) The President iv) The High Court feels there has been blatant injustice in a case solved by the lower court and transfers the case to itself to check the judgement. Which jurisdiction is it exercising? (a) Original (b) Appellate (c) Advisory (d) Revisory v) An ordinance is called a temporary law. Which of the following statements correctly describes the same? (a) Only the Cabinet can prepare an ordinance. (b) It is issued when the Parliament is not functioning. (c) If the Parliament does not approve it within six weeks it becomes inoperative. (d) Only the President can promulgate an ordinance. 2024-25 / GRADE - X /Slip Test I/ History and Civics Page 1 of 7 vi) Mr. Ranjit was not found eligible for the election as the Vice-President of India even though he had the qualifications of being a citizen of India and not being a member of the Parliament and State Legislature. On what ground do you think was he disqualified? (a) For being above the age of thirty- five. (b) For being qualified as a member of the Council of States. (c) For holding any office of profit under the Centre or the State government. (d) All of the above. vii) Identify the principle of Panchsheel. (a) Mutual non-aggression (b) Regulate armaments (c) Take action against aggressor (d) Recommend admission of members viii) Assertion (A): After the violent incident at Chauri Chaura, Gandhiji withdrew the Non-Cooperation Movement. Reason (R): Gandhiji believed that the objectives of Non Cooperation Movement will prosper by this retreat. (a) (b) (c) (d) (R) contradicts (A) (R) is the reason of (A) (A) is true but (R) is false (A) and (R) are independent of each other. ix) Replace the underlined phrase with the correct option: The objective of the Non-Cooperation Movement was to demobilise public opinion all over the country. (a) to make the movement rare and unique. (b) to provide an international base for Congress. (c) to generate a wedge between Hindu-Muslim unity. (d) to attain self-governance. x) At Wardha, the Congress Working Committee adopted a resolution that was passed in Bombay. Name the resolution. (a) Poorna Swaraj Resolution (b) Quit India Resolution (c) Non-Cooperation Resolution (d) Swaraj Resolution xi) The Lucknow Pact of 1916 is considered significant in the history of India's freedom struggle because: (a) It unified Moderates and Extremists. (b) It unified the Congress and the Muslim League for a common political goal. (c) It built pressure on the British Government and they realised that they need to pacify Indians. (d) All of the above. 2024-25 / GRADE - X /Slip Test I/ History and Civics Page 2 of 7 xii) Arrange the following events of Netaji's life in chronological order. i. Supreme Commander of INA ii. Provisional Government of Free India iii. Formation of Forward Bloc iv. Congress Presidentship (a) i,iii,iv,ii (b) iv.iii.ii,i (c) i,ii,iii,iv (d) iv,iii,i,ii xiii) Which movement is depicted in the below cartoon? (a) Non Aligned Movement (b) Formation of UN xiiv) When was the Muslim League formed? (a) 30th Aug 1939 (b) 3rd May 1939 (c) Cold War (c) 28th Dec 1885 (d) None of the above (d) 30th Dec 1906 xv) A dispute arises between two countries over maritime boundaries, and they decide to refer the matter to the International Court of Justice (ICJ). What is the key condition that must be met for the ICJ to adjudicate the dispute? (a) Both countries must agree to accept the ICJ's jurisdiction. (b) The United Nations Security Council must mandate the ICJ to take up the case. (c) The ICJ can unilaterally decide to take up the case based on international law. (d) Only the country that feels wronged needs to submit the case to the ICJ. 2024-25 / GRADE - X /Slip Test I/ History and Civics Page 3 of 7 xvi) Why did the Cripps Mission of 1942 fail to achieve its objective of securing Indian cooperation during World War II? (a) The British refused to grant immediate independence to India, which was the main demand of Indian leaders. (b) The Cripps Mission did not include the demand for Pakistan, leading to its rejection by the Muslim League. (c) Princely States rejected it because they were not given the right to choose their representatives to the Constitution making body. (d) All of the above. Question 2 1. Explain the term Cabinet. 2. [2] Source: Mention the advantages of such mega settlement drives conducted in various cities, towns and villages mentioned in the above notice of the Supreme Court. [2] 3. State any two objectives of Muslim League. [2] 4. Name the three architects of Non Aligned Movement. [2] 5. When was UN formed? Where is its Head Quarter located? [2] 6. Name the political party founded by Subhas Chandra Bose and when was it formed? [2] 7. Explain the terms: Aggressive Nationalism and Imperialism. [2] 2024-25 / GRADE - X /Slip Test I/ History and Civics Page 4 of 7 PART II SECTION A (20 Marks) (Attempt any two questions from this Section.) Question 3 With reference to the President, explain the following: a) State any three reasons to explain, why the President is elected indirectly? [3] b) Explain the three Emergency Powers of the President. [3] c) State any four Legislative Powers of the President. [4] Question 4 With reference to the Prime Minister & the Council of Ministers, answer the following: a) Read the conversation given below and answer the following questions: Priya: The Prime Minister is like a king, he decides everything in our country. Kiran: Lord Morely described the Prime Minister as primus inter pares (first among equals) and keystone of the cabinet arch . He is the chief executive of the nation and works as head of the Union Government. Balvinder: The Prime Minister has to consider the expectations of the party members and other support of the government. But after all, the Prime Minister has a greater say in policymaking and in choosing the ministers. Source (Edited): In light of the above conversation, answer the following. Do you agree with Priya s or Kiran s statement? Justify your answer with reference to the position of the Prime Minister in our nation. [3] b) State any three Administrative powers of the Cabinet. [3] c) Who appoints the Council of Ministers? [4] Also, mention any three differences between the Cabinet and Council of Ministers. Question 5 With reference to the Indian Judiciary, answer the following: a) With reference to Union Judiciary answer the following questions: [3] (i) What is the qualification required to be a Supreme Court judge? (ii) Name the process by which the Supreme Court judge is removed. (iii) State any two provisions made to make Judiciary independent from the Legislative and Executive. 2024-25 / GRADE - X /Slip Test I/ History and Civics Page 5 of 7 b) Explain the Appellate Jurisdiction of the High Court. [3] c) What is writ? [4] And in the given situations identify/name the writ that will be issued in the given situations: (i) A person is arrested and detained by the police without being informed of the charges against them. Despite repeated requests, the authorities refuse to produce the detainee before a magistrate. (ii) A student qualifies for admission to a government university as per the eligibility criteria but is denied admission arbitrarily. The authorities provide no valid reason for the rejection despite the student fulfilling all the requirements. (iii) A person is appointed to a government post despite not meeting the eligibility criteria laid down by law. SECTION B (30 Marks) (Attempt any three questions from this Section.) Question 6 With reference to the Mass Phase of Indian National Movement, answer the following: a) What were the provisions of the Black Act? [3] b) Explain the causes of the Mass Movement of 1930. [3] c) Explain the impact of the Quit India Movement. [4] Question 7 With reference to the Forward Bloc, INA and Bose, answer the following: a) State any three objectives of INA. [3] b) Mention any three objectives of Forward Bloc. [3] c) State the contributions of Subhas Chandra Bose. [4] Question 8 With reference to WWI, answer the following: a) Name the two hostile groups and its members that fought WWI. [3] b) What was the immediate cause of WWI? [3] c) Mention any four terms of the Treaty of Versailles. [4] 2024-25 / GRADE - X /Slip Test I/ History and Civics Page 6 of 7 Question 9 With reference to the Independence and Partition of India, answer the following: a) State any three clauses of Cabinet Mission. b) Study the picture and answer the following questions: (i) (ii) (iii) [3] Identify the leader shown in the above picture. Mention any three clauses of the plan proposed by him. State any three reasons for the acceptance of his plan. [1] [3] [3] Question 10 With reference to the UN & NAM, answer the following: a) What is the composition of Security Council? [3] b) Mention any three objectives of Non Aligned Movement. [3] c) Read the given excerpt and answer the following questions: The Secretary-General is Chief Administrative Officer of the UN and is also a symbol of the Organization's ideals and an advocate for all the world's peoples, especially the poor and vulnerable. The Secretary-General is appointed for a 5-year, renewable term. The current Secretary-General, and the 9th occupant of the post, is Ant nio Guterres of Portugal, who took office on 1 January 2017. On the 18th of June, 2021, Guterres was re-appointed to a second term, pledging as his priority to continue helping the world chart a course out of the COVID-19 pandemic. Source: (i) (ii) (iii) Who elects the Secretary-General? The term of Secretary-General is 5 years, similarly sate what is the term of ICJ judge? State any two contributions of Jawaharlal Nehru. 2024-25 / GRADE - X /Slip Test I/ History and Civics Page 7 of 7 [1] [1] [2]

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