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ICSE Class X Prelims 2024 : History and Civics (Hiranandani Foundation School (HFS), Thane)

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HIRANANDANI FOUNDATION SCH00L, THANE Second Preliminary Assessment, January 2024 SUBJECT: HISTORY & CIVICS STD: X TIME: 2 HOURS MAX. MARKS:80 DATE:12.01.2024 Note: Answers to this paper must be written on the paper provided You will not be allowed to write in the first 15 mimutes, This time is separately. to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. The intended marks for questions or paris of questions are given in brackets [. Attempt all questions from Part I (Compulsory). Atotal offive questions are to be attemptedfrom Part IL, two out of three questions fromSection Aand three out of five questions from Section B. Part-1 30 marks] [Attempt all questions] Question l. Choose the correct answers to the questions from the given options: (Do not copy the question. Write the corect answers only.) (1) The interval between the two sessions of the Parliament should not be more than (a) two months (b) three months (c) six months (d) one year (i ))The Speaker of the Lok Sabha is elected from a. members of the newly elected Rajya Sabha b.Members of the newly elected Lok Sabha c. Members of both the combined houses d. He is nominated by the President. (ii))If the Lok Sabha is dissolved before or after the declaration of National Emergency, the Rajya Sabha becomes the a. de jure Parliament b. Sino sure Parliament c. de facto Parliament d. Both de jure and de facto (iv) When can the Parliament vote on issues in the State List? a. During the proclamation of emergency in a State b. When a state is preparing for elections c. When the state legislature is dissolved d. none of the above (1) The --- is the body of people's representatives who have supreme power of governance in a democratic country. Electoral College Electorate Parliament .Cabinet 1 [16 x 1| (v))Prorogation mens &termination of the session of the Parliament h joint sitting of the houses C. rule for the termination of the Speaker of the Lok Sabha d. rule for the termination of the Chaiman of the Rajya Sabha Ng s study ing about all key appointments that are made on the name of the President on he adiice of the Prime Minister and his Cabinet. Which among the following is not appointed by he President? a Chief Justice b. Attomey General c Govemors d. Vice Chancellors of the Universities (u)The Sultan was regarded the Caliph' or the eligious head pBaces were situated within this empire. Which country of the Muslims. Most of the sacred corectly describes the above statement? a Afghanistan b. Turkey c. Iran d. Persia (x) Which of the following is true with India Movement? respect to the reasons for the launching of the Quit a The failure of the Cipps b. Invasion of Japan over Mission India c Both a and b d. None of the above (x) Which of the following methods was not adopted by the Assertive aRevival of India's lost glory b. Swadeshi and Boycott Nationalists. c. Policy of cooperation d. sacrifice (xi) Which of the following factors were a. Failure of the Simnon Commission b. Partition of Bengal responsible for the launch of the Civil Disobedience Act. c. Point a and b d None of the above (xii) Which event was responsible for the withdrawal of the Non- Co-operation Movement. a Chauri Chaura outrage b. Dandi March c. The Black Act d Morley Reforms (xiii)There was complete political instability in Italy and between 1919 and 1922 and govemments were formed. -coalition a.5 b. 6 c. 3 d. 7 (xiv) The German armies completed the conquest of Poland in less than 2 -weeksso as to a.3 ensure that no aid b.6 reached Poland. C. 2 d. 4 (xv) The objectives for which the United Nations was established are UN Charter. enshrined in the----of the a. Preamble b. Schedule c. Constitution d. Act (XVI) The UNESCO promotes basic oceanography. research in fields like mathematics, physics and a. History b. Geography c. Geology d. Orthodontics Question 2. () What is meant by the term Quorum? (ii) How does the Supreme Court exercise its power of Judicial Review? (i) Under what condition cana non-member of Parliament be made a minister? (iv) Name any two publications by Dadabhai Naoroji. (v) Mention any two objectives of the Forward Bloc. (vi) Give two reasons for Germany's dissatisfaction with the Treaty of Versailles. (vii) Name any two founding fathers of NAM. 2j 21 Part - I Section A(Civics) Question 3. Atempt any two questions from this Section. With reference to the composition of the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha answer the following questions: (a) What is the maximum strength for the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha fixed by the Constitution? By whom and on whose advice can the Lok Sabha be dissolved? (b) State any four qualifications needed to contest for the Lok Sabha seat. (c) Mention the Exclusive powers of the Rajya Sabha? Question 4. The head of the Council of Ministers in the country is the Prinme Minister. He is also the real Executive head of the government. In this context. explain the following: (a) How is the Prime Minister elected? (b) Discuss the relationship between the Prime Minister and the Cabinet. (c) Distinguish between Individual and Collective responsibility. 3 Question 5. supreme court at its top followed by several India hasa single integrated system of Courtswith the High Courts in the states. In this context, answer the following: (a) How does High Court act as a custodian of Fundamental Rights? of (b) Discuss the procedure of appointment and removal of Judges with regards to independence Judiciary from the Legislative and the Executive. (31 (3) (c) Mention any four advantages of Lok Adalat. Part- II Section B (History) Attempt any three guestions fromthis section Question 6. The Indian Nationalists described the Great Uprising of 1857 as The First War of Independence. In this context, answer the following questions: (a) What were the consequences of the Doctrine of Lapse when it was implemented on Jhansi? [3] (b) How did Britain's foreign policy towards India change after the Revolt of 1857? [3) (c) Define Drain of Wealth. Discuss the methods used by the Britishers to drain the wealth out of India. (4| Question 7. The establishment of the Indian National Congress was a significant event in the development of the National Movement in India. In this context answer the following questions: (a) When and where did the First Session of Congress take place? Who presided over this session? (b) Mention the method popularly utilized by the Early Nationalists to protest against the British. How did they influence the British Government and public? (c) Distinguish between the Early Nationalists and Assertive Nationalists. 3] [3| [4| Question 8. In 1914 a war began in Europe which soon engulfed the entire world. In this context, answer the following questions: (a) What is meant by the term Imperialisni? Name the signatory countries of the Triple Entente. (b) How didthe assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand of the Austro-Hungarian empire serve as (3| an immediate cause of the First World War? (c) How was the First World War responsible for the growth of Fascism in Italy? Question 9. Study the picture given below and answer the questions that follow: (a) ldentify the Organisation associated wih this emblem. 4 4| (b) Mention any two objectives for the (c) Which is the main of this (d) How does the deliberative Organ of this State two of its functions, Security the Security Council. Council exercise its veto power??Mention anyany two powers and function of establishment Organisation?Organisation. Question 10. (21 (31 [4] During the bipolar era of the Cold War, when most Nations a few Superpowers, nations chose to pursuc a different path. Inaligned themselves with either of the two this context answer the (a) What were the main objectives of this following questionS: (b) What role did Organisation? (3| India play in spreading the of message (c) What is [3] Panchsheel? Mention any three Principles of NAM? Panchsheel. [4] ** &******

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