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ICSE Class X Mid-term 2025 : English Paper 1 (English Language)

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' 0 a? VI DYAS HI LP ACADEMY DATE: 25.09.2024 GRADE: X INSTRUCTIONS: TERM EXAMINATION SUBJECT: ENGLISH PAPER I TIME: 2 HOURS MAX MARKS: 80 1. Answers to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately. 2. You will NOT be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. 3. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. 4. Attempt all five questions 5. The intended marks for questions are given in the brackets. 6. The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing this answer. Question: 1 I Write a composition (300-350 words) on any one of the following: (Do not spend more than 30 minutes on this question) [20) i. Write an original story ending with the words: .... the lark flew in the distance. ii. "It is better to opt for Science or Commerce than to explore new age subjects." Give your views either for or against this statement. iii. Describe a situation when you won an extremely difficult event but were soon informed that you have been disqualified. iv. Narrate an experience when you realised how deceptive appearances can be. v.) Study the picture given below. Write a story or a description or an account of what it suggests to you. Your composition may be about the subject of the picture or you may take suggestions from it; however, there must be a clear connection between the picture and your composition. ,. t Page 1 of 8 Question 2: (Do not spend more than 20 minutes on this question) [10] Select any one of the following: i. You were one of the spectators in the colosseum, when the unexpected incident happened between the Count De Lorge and the lady. Write a letter to the Editor of a local newspaper giving your opinion of the incident. ii. You are Brutus. On learning of Portia's death, write a letter to Cassius describing your feelings. [5+5=10) Question 3: ). You are the representative of the English Department which is hosting the Slam Poetry Event in October 2024. Write a notice to be put up in the respective classrooms asking the poetry competition winners to choose their partners for the Slam Poetry event. ii. Write an email to a Professor of English from Reva University to judge the Slam Poetry event. Question 4: Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow: Today I wanted to discourse on the philosophy of brown coffee, but there were other breakfasters, holding their trays, standing behind me inexorably, to secure their coffee and race for a table space. They were too well-mannered to push, but I knew that they were fretting inside; each must have had a dozen things to do after breakfast, and how dare I block their business? Still I was in a communicative mood; I smiled at those behind me and said, "Sorry'. I told the coffee server, "When you have more time, come to me, I'll tell you all about brown coffee". I bore away my tray and sat at a secluded table and began to work my way through cornflakes and milk, marmalade and toast, which were to be my main diet for the next ten months. A man in a sports-jacket came over and asked, "Do you mind?" "Not at all," I said. He set his tray on the table, and said, 'I overheard your remark about coffee. You know of any special trick in making it?" God-given opportunity for me to start off a lecture on coffee and its place in South India which is irreplaceable. In the North they favour tea. Coffee has such a role in our social life, that the darkest condemnation of a family would be a warning uttered at their back, 'Their coffee is awful! At wedding parties it is accepted as the responsibility of the bride's father to produce not only the best coffee but also keep it flowing all day for five hundred Page 2 of 8 l at a tin1e. Coffee is perceived to be associated with hospitality which serves as a lubricant to brew new relationships. The quality of the beverage depends on how rightly the coffee beans are roasted and ground since on this depends the density of the decoction. On addition of fresh warm milk it turns from black to sepia, from which ultimately emerges brown akin to the foaniing edge of a river in flood; how the whole thing depends upon ones feeling for quality and eye colour; and then the ding of sugar, just enough to mitigate the bitterness without producing the sweetness. Coffee niaking is a task of precision at every stage. I could not help mentioning our mother who has maintained our house- reputation for coffee undimmed for half a century. She selects the right quality of seeds almost subjecting every bean to severe scrutiny, roasts them slowl y over the charcoal fire, and knows by the texture and fragrance of the golden sn1oke en1anating from the chinks in the roaster whether the seeds within have turned the right shade; everything has to be right in this business. A daughter-in-l aw who comes into the family will have to go through several weeks of initiation before she may dare to make the family coffee. Three spoons for six persons. Place the powder at the bottom of a stainless -steel vessel and pour boiling water over it then strain it slowly through a piece a cloth.' She is a fanatic and insists on straining coffee only through thin cloth; no power on earth can ever make her change over to a percolator or the more common brass coffee filter. She considers all such contraptions inimical to her coffee ideals. She gleefully boasted once 'I have made over a hundred persons throw away their coffee filters and use the doth for straining. I shall persuade many more before long. Ultimately coffee filters should cease to have a market.' i. For each word given below choose the correct meaning (as used in the passage) from [2] the options given: ;.. mitigate a. manage .l!r. moderate c. mess d. stop l. inimical a. supportive b. addictive t1ostile d. pleasant 3. Which \\10rd in the pas_~ge is opposite of 'begin' a.change b. rew ork ~ cease raga 3of8 (1) L d. produce ii. Answer the following questions in your own words: Can we say that the narrator is a sociable person? Justify. [2] Jt. What parallels can be drawn between the narrator and the ones behind him [2] {. What has the coffee been compared to? [1] \(f. The narrator, at one point uses exaggeration. Analyse. [2] \e. How can you say that the narrator's mother was very old-fashioned and rigid in her ways? [2] iii. In not more than SO words write how the narrator brings out the role of coffee in society and upholding the image of a family [6+2=8] d. I Question 5: / i. Fill in each of the numbered blanks with the correct form of the word given in the bracket. Do not copy the passage but write in correct serial order the word or phrase appropriate to the blank space. [ x8=4] Example 0: was provided A minister in the government whose knowledge of English was very poor ----0-(prov ide) with a secretary =--;-1----- (write) speeches for him." ---2:. __ (Give) me a fifteen-minute speech on the non-aligned movement," -----3---- (order) the minister. The text was prepared to last fifteen minutes. But when the minister proceeded----4------- (mak~) his speech, it took him half an hour to do so. The organisers of the conference ,. ---5--'- 1upset) because their schedule ----~-- (disturb). The minister was upset because his secretary had let him down. He upbraided him: "I ----7--- (ask) for a fifteen minute speech; you gave me a half-hour speech. Why?" he demanded. "Sir, I gave you a fifteen minute speech. But you ----8--- (read) out its carbon copy as well." ~i. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word: [ x16=4] .a:'Do you think she will get her shyness? b: The fog was so dense that one could hardly see,1.c-.1r-rit. C An argument emerged - -= the ruling and the opposition party. o.The gangster's house was raided _ _ stolen goods. i': Ashish was suspicious __.....___ his son. {Ruskin Bond is popular ~-----,r - -- all his Indian readers. ~ If you lay------a small sum every month, it will soon become a tidy amount. ~: The cargo ship is bound -~------ Singaoore. ,.(He has learnt many things ;4___ .-- the experience. -Vrhe soldiers held the fort ------ all attacks. Jilhe CM was .u.~~ an attack from his opposition. Page 4 of 8 , ..t(we fell_, - "'ational despair when Vinesh Poghat was disqualified. ~- Kuna cheetahs set-:.~-- roam free again. ~ t is not always easy. to, take the bull --~- its horn. .,,o: Kennedy walked h_-.... _.;-_ to the Trump camp joining him at a rally. o<Modi skipped the Kazakhstan summit as it clashed ..----~- the Parliament session. /ii. Join the following sentences to make one complete sentence without using and, but [ x 8 = 4] or so. Choose the correct option. Y. fhe pie dough was ready. It was put into the oven. a. Because the pie dough ready it was put into the oven. b. The pie dough was ready when it was being put into the oven. ~ As the pie dough was ready, it was put into the oven. d. Since the dough was put into the oven, it was made ready. , l Brenny played at home. All her friends played outside in the garden. ~renny played at home while all her friends played outside in the garden. b. As Brenny played at home, all her friends played outside in the garden. c. Brenny played at home so all her friends played outside in the garden. d. Brenny played outside in the garden since all her friends played at home . .t India produces many qualified nurses. There is a shortage of nursing staff. a. Though India does have a shortage of nursing staff, she does not produce qualified nurses. b. India produces many qualified nurses even though there is a shortage of nursing staff. ~- Even though India produces many qualified nurses, there is a shortage of nursing staff. d. Though there is a shortage of nursing staff in India, she produces many qualified nurses. ,( Christiano Ronalda launched his channel 'UR Christiano' on You tube. He shattered the world record immediately by touching a million subscribers. a. No sooner had Christiano Ronalda launch his channel 'UR Chriatiano' on You Tube than he shattered the world record by touching a million subscribers b. No sooner did Christiano Ronalda launch his channel 'UR Chriatiano' on You Tube when he shattered the world record by touching a million subscribers c. No sooner did Christiano Ronalda launch his channel 'UR Chriatiano' on You Tube than he was shattering the world record by touching a million subscribers .d'. No sooner did Christiano Ronalda launch his channel 'UR Chriatiano' on You Tube than he shattered the world record by touching a million subscribers. Page 5 of 8 $. We have to embrace the latest technology in film making. We have to accept it as being outdate d . .-a. We have to either embrace the latest technology in film making or have to accept as being outdated. b. We have to embrace the latest technology in film making or have to accept as outdate d. c. We have to embrace the latest technology in film making if we have to accept as being outdate d. d. We have to embrace the latest technology in film making to be ready to accept as being outdate d. 6. You have to use recycled water to flush your toilets. You will be able to save water for your future generations. a. Unless you have to use recycled water to flush your toilets, you will not be able to save water for your future generations. b. Unless you use recycled water to flush your toilets you will be able to save water for your future generations. c. Unless you have to used recycled water to flush your toilets, you cannot save water for your future generations. Ji. Unless you use recycled water to flush your toilets, you will not be able to save water for your future generations. ;/. Neeraj Chopra won a silver medal at the Summer Olympics in Paris. He also won a silver medal at the Lausanne Diamond League. a. Besides winnin g a silver medal at the Summer Olympics in Paris, Neeraj Chopra was winnin g a silver medal at the Lausanne Diamond League also. b. Besides winnin g a silver medal at the Summer Olympics in Paris, Neeraj Chopra also won a silver medal at the Lausanne Diamond League also. e. Besides winnin g a silver medal at the Summer Olympics in Paris, Neeraj Chopra will win a silver medal at the Lausanne Diamond League also. d. Besides having won a silver medal at the Summer Olympics in Paris, Neeraj Chopra won a silver medal at the Lausanne Diamond League also. ~- Listen to some soothin g music. It will make you feel relaxed. a. Listen to some soothin g music to feel relaxed. b. You will feel relaxed with some soothin g music i..e. Listening to some soothin g music will make you feel relaxed d. Listening to music relaxes you. Page 6 of 8 ctions given after each. iv. Rewrite the following sentences according to the instru e the meaning of each Make other changes that may be necessary, but do not chang [1x8=8] sentence. Choose the correct option. always ( . Sreejish said, "It is not that I am completely free from injuries but I have been ignoring most of them ." (Change the speech) he had been /4 Sreejish said that it is not that he was completely free from injuries but always ignoring most of them. from injuries but he has been b. Sreejish says that it was not that he is completely free always ignoring most of them. from injuries but he had been c. Sreejish says that it was not that he was completely free always ignoring most of them. from injuries but he had d. Sreejish said that it was not that he was completely free been always ignoring most of them. are clearly demo nstra ted nitha William's comm itmen t in the challenges of space throu gh her accomplishments. (End: .... space) ion of her comm itmen t in ~un itha Williams accomplishments are a clear demonstrat the challenges of space. ion of her comm itmen t in b. Sunitha Williams accomplishments were a clear demonstrat the challenges of space. her comm itmen t in the c. Sunitha Williams accomplishments was demonstrating challenges of space. clear of her comm itmen t d. Sunitha Williams demonstration of accomplishments were in the challenges of space. to all. (Rewrite as a negative /.onl y Soya is the best form of vegetable protein available sentence) in available to all a. Nothing except soya was the best form of vegetable prote ble to all b. None but soya is the best form of vegetable protein availa to all. c. ~ya is the only best form of vegetable protein available available to all. ~ Nothing but Soya is the best form of vegetable protein JV,Why did she leave so late? (begin: She ought. .. ) a. She ought to have left so late. b. She ought not have left so late. c. She ought to leave so late. /sh e ought not to have left so late. Page 7 of 8 y.sBMP officer requests the citizens not to dump their wastes into the lak~s around. (Rewrite changing the speech) a. BBMP officer said to the citizens, "Please do not dump their wastes into the lakes around." /BBMP officer says to the citizens, "Please do not dump your wastes into the lakes around." c. BBMP officer said to the citizens, "Do not dump your wastes into the lakes around." d. BBMP officer says to the citizens,. "Why do you dump your wastes into the lakes around?" ~ Prithviraj is so versatile that there is no role that he cannot play.( Change to Positive sentence} a. Prithviraj is too versatile to be able to play a role. b. Prithviraj is too versatile that there is no role he cannot play. c. Prithviraj is so versatile to be unable to play any role. /Prithviraj was too versatile to be unable to play any role. Ll-he Rameshwaram cafe is one of the finest restaurants in Bangalore.( Rewrite in Positive degree} a. No other restaurant in Bangalore is as fine as the Rameshwaram cafe. JY.'Very few restaurants in Bangalore are as fine as the Rameshwaram cafe. c. Very few restaurants in Bangalore is as fine as the Rameshwaram cafe. d. Few restaurants in Bangalore is as fine as Rameshwaram cafe. ~ We found out when he died how rich he was. (Begin: It was not .... ) a. It was not until his death we found out how rich he was. b. It was not until his death we found out how he was rich c. It was not until his death that we found out how rich he is. i,.d:lt was not until his death that we found out how rich he was. ~ He is inviting eaeh of his friends. { Begin : Each ... ) a. Each of his friend is invited by him b. Each of his friends has been invited by him. /Each of his friends is being invited by him d. Each of his friends are being invited by him. Page 8 of 8

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