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ICSE Class X Mid-term 2025 : Chemistry

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fqS ~ I Vlt>YASl-ill.P r\C,\l>F~ IY DATE: 23.9.2024 TIME: 2 Hrs. TERM II EXAMINATION Grade 10 INSTRUCTIONS: SUBJECT: CHEMISTRY MAX MARKS: 80 Answers to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will NOT be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. 2. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. 3. The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answer. 4. Attempt All questions from Section A. Attempt any FOUR questions from Section B 1. SECTION-A [40 Marks] Question 1 For the given assertion and reason statements, choose the correct option : Assertion (A) and Reasoning (R): [S] Codes: 1 Both A and Rare individually true and R is the correct explanation for A. 2 Both A and Rare individually true and R is the incorrect explanation for A. 3 A is true but R is false. 4 A is false but R is true. 1) A: Greater the value of electron affinity, the more oxidising is the element. R: Oxidation is the process of losing electrons from the valence shell of an atom. towards itself in a molecule. a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4 2) A: Covalent compounds exist as gases or liquids only. R: They have weak forces of attraction between the molecules. a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4 3) A:Bauxite cannot be reduced only electrolytically R: Bauxite has a high fusion point . a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4 4) A: Cone sulphuric acid is kept in dark coloured bottles. R: Cone sulphuric acid is hygroscopic in nature. b) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4 Page 1 of 6 S) A: Copper nitrate forms blue ppt on addition of aqueous ammonia : R: The blue ppt is due to formation of Copper hydroxide. a} 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4 B) Choose the correct answer from the options given below; 1. Which of the following compounds contain molecules only: a) formic acid b) malt?se c} washing soda (S) d} Lead sulphate 2. During electrolysis: a} Cation accepts electrons from the positive electrode b) Anions accepts electrons from the negative electrode c} Anion loses electrons to the negative electrode d) Cation donates electron to the positive electrode 3. Rishik took a salt J . He observed a brick red coloured flame when J underwent flame test. The salt J could be: a) Chile saltpetre b) Fluorspar c) Copper pyrite d) Potassium chloride 4. An element of period 3, Q, has half the number of electrons in its valence shell than the penultimate shell. Q could be a) Non-metal --b.) Metalloid c)Metal d) Ion - 5. Nuclear charge in a periodic table: aj increases across period & decreases down the group b) decreases across period & increases down the group c) increases across period & down the group d) decreases across period & down the group B) Write balanced chemical equation and state a relevant observation for eac~ of the following:(8) 1. Combustion of a basic gas. 2. Passing a basic gas over a black basic oxide. 3. At the oxidizing electrode during electrolysis of fused Lead bromide. 4. Adding a strong dibasic acid to Zinc blende. -z.., 11.~0 .. C) Name the following and justify your answer:- (8) 1) The non-metal with highest ionization potential in the Periodic table. 2) A salt not used to prepare ammonia in the laboratory method. 3) The group in the periodic table whose element have a bigger atomic radius compared to the previous group. 4) The method of collection of dry HCI gas in its laboratory preparation. , ( Page 2 of6 1 D) Fill in the blanks~ (5) 1. Covalency of carbon in a molecule of carbon dioxide is- - - 2. Name of the process in which impure Bauxite is converted to alumina is _ _ _ __ 3. Process of heating a concentrated ore in a limited supply of air is called _ _ _ __ 4.An application of electrolysis where the negative electrode gains in mass is_ _ _ __ 5. An element present in Bronze but not in Brass is_ _ _ __ E) X, Y and Z are three crystalline solids which are soluble in water and have a common anion. To help you to identify X, V and z, you are provided with the following experimental observations. Copy and complete the corresponding inferences in (a) to (d). (5) a) A reddish-brown gas is obtained when X, V and Z are separately warmed with cone. sulphuric acid and copper turning added to the mixture. INFERENCE 1: The common anion is the ______ ion. b) When Xis heated, it melts and gives off only one gas which re-lights a glowing splint. INFERENCE 2: The cation in Xis either ______ or _ _ _ _ __ c) The action of heat on V produces a reddish-brown gas and a yellow residue which fuses with the glass of the test tube. INFERENCE 3: The metal ion present in Vis the ______ ion. d) When Z is heated, it leaves no residue. Warming Z with sodium hydroxide solution liberates a gas which turns moist red litmus paper blue. INFERENCE 4: Z contains the _ _ _ _ _ cation. F) 1) State Gay Lussac law. (1+3) 2) 200cc of ethene,C2H4 ,is burnt in air to give CO2 & H20, containing 20% Oxygen. If all measurements are made at constant pressure. Find the composition of the resultant mixture. (Atomic masses : C=l2, 0=16, f:i=l) SECTION B - 40 MARKS Question 2 A) Sanjay was smart enough to use a special apparatus to form HCI from its gaseous form. (4) He did not use a bent glass tube and pass the gas through water as suggested by his colleague Vrishank. Was Sanjay prudent in doing so? a) What could be the reasons for Sanjay to take the special apparatus? b) Draw a schematic diagram of the apparatus he used that explains the purpose of using the apparatus taken. B) i) Show the following conversions from A to D. (4+1+1) A B C D Sodium Zincate f- Zinc oxide Zinc chloride Zinc nitrate Zinc carbonate ii) What characteristic feature of Zinc oxide is shown by conversions A and B respectively? iii) Write the characteristic colour of Zinc oxide with respect to temperature. Page 3 of 6 Question 3 A) Aadya was sure that Ammonia was highly water soluble. Her friend, Chethana wanted Aadya to justify her statement using a relevant experiment. (7) i) What was the experiment done by Aadya? ii) How could Aadya prove another important characteristic feature of Ammonia to Chethana from the experiment performed? iii) List out two uses of Aqueous solution of Ammonia gas in water. iv) Draw the structure of the cation formed when the above solution reacts with cone HCI. State a relevant observation for the same. B) Write balanced chemical equations:- i) Reduction of Haematite ore using a neutral oxide of Carbon. ii) Preparation of a blue Copper salt from a carbonate salt. iii) Bubbling of excess of a colourless suffocating odour gas through slaked lime solution. (3) Question 4 A) Athreya wanted to prepare H2S04 using an ore of iron R, he had. His colleague Daksh (5) guided him in the process but also cautioned him not to pass the final gas obtained as a product through water. He instead suggested an alternative method to obtain the acid. i) Write balanced equations for the formation of two addic gases o_btained. ii) What do you think was the reason for Daksh cautioning Athreya not to pass the final gaseous product obtained through water? iii) What could be the alternative method that Daksh could have suggested? Justify using relevant equations. B) i) Kaashvi wanted to dilute a concentrated solution of sulphuric acid. She said" it doesn't (3) matter if concentrated acid is added to water or vice versa to dilute the acid". Her friend lshika disputed the statement made by Kaashvi. Was lshika justified in saying so? ii) Concentrated sulphuric acid poured over sugar crystals forms a spongy mass.This statement demonstrates which property of the acid? C) Help Nisha distinguish between the following compounds using a chemical reagent. i) Oil HCI and Oil HN03 ii) Calcium nitrate and Lead nitrate. Page 4 of 6 (2) Question S (6) A) Skanda took a neutral liquid X, having a pH of 7, in an electrolyt ic vessel M, and it into s electrode two , containin g molecule s only. He immersed His passed electric current. He did not observe any change in the electrodes. He was puzzled. colleague Akansh suggested adding another liquid Y and then carried out electrolysis. Skanda now found gaseous bubbles at the electrodes. Help Skanda analyze the process. i) Give an example of X. ii) M can also be called as- - iii) What could be Y as suggested by Akansh and what could be the reason for addition of Y as suggested by Akansh. iv) Write a balanced equation for the reaction at the oxidising electrodes. v) What could be the electrode s made up of? 2 B) Different iate between X and x . (2) C) Calculate the percentag e of pure Aluminium in 5 kg of Bauxite of 80% purity. (2) (Atomic masses: Al=27,O=16) Question 6 A) Teshub wanted to prepare a d_ry volatile acid from a non-volat ile acid in the laborator y.(6) He took a round bottom flask with a two holed cork and a delivery tube to collect the acid obtained. His coworker ,Mayon insisted Teshub not to take the apparatus chosen rather gave him another specialized vessel R and a substance G for drying the gas obtained as a product. i) What do you think was the reason for Mayon telling Theshub not to use the apparatu s he had taken? ii) What can you call Ras? iii) Write a balanced equation for the reaction taking place in the above method. iv) What do you think could be the substance G and its significance in the process? v) Name the compoun d formed when the above volatile acid falls on skin accidently . (2) B) Write balanced chemical equations. i) Decompo sition of concentra ted volatile acid when kept in a transpare nt bottle. ii) Pouring a hot concentra ted volatile acid into a test tube containin g a yellow non metal. C) Help lshaan find the percentag e of water of crystallisa tion in hydrated Copper sulphate . (2) (Atomic mass: Cu= 64, 5=32, H=l, O=2 ) Page 5 of 6 Qu est ion 7 A) Arya too k two beakers A & B respectively, wit h a com mo n salt sol utio n in each of the se. He passed ele ctri city in each {5) of these. To his ast oni shm ent he observed the gases evo lve at the oxi dis ing ele ctro de of d bea ker B to be col our ed wh ile the gas evo lve d in A was colourless. He was puzzled. Hel p Arya solve the my ste ry. ' i) Wh at cou ld be the diff ere nce bet we en salt sol utio n in A and B res pec tive ly? ii) Wh at do you thin k was the col our of the gas evo lved at the oxid isin g ele ctro de in B and wri te a tes t for its det ect ion . iii) Na me the spe cta tor ion /sin B? iv) Wr ite a bal anc ed rea ctio n wh en the col our ed gas is pas sed thro ugh excess of an alka line gas. B) He lp Ved arra nge the foll ow ing ele me nts /co mp oun ds based on the ins truc tion s giv in the bra cke t en i) Hal oge ns of the firs t thr ee per iod s (ac cor din g to the dec reasing rea ctiv ity) (3) ii) Min era l acids (ac cor din g to the decreasing tem per atu re at whi ch the y for m a con sta nt boi ling mix ture ). iii) Alk ali me tals acc ord ing to the ir increasing ele ctro pos itiv ity. C) Wr ite bal anc ed equ atio ns for the foll ow ing :i) A bas ic gas fro m a div ale nt (2) nitr ide salt. ii) To sho w the oxi dis ing pro per ty of con cen trat ed sul phu ric acid usin g a tetr ava len t non -me tal. I I I l Page 6 of6

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