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ICSE Class X Prelims 2025 : Biology (Childrens Academy, Bachani Nagar, Malad East, Mumbai)

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Children's Academy, Bachani Nagar, Malad East, Mumbai
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Children's Academy Group of Schools o Baohanl Nagar o Ashok Nagar Malad (E) Kandivli (E) NARDARE OUR TOADITION WORK &DISCIPLI Grade: X Date: 18/01/2025 o Thakur Complox o Ghodbundor Road Thano (W) PREPARATORY EXAMINATION 2024-25 Kandlvli(E) Subject: BIOLOGY Marks: 80 Time: 2 hours You will not be allowed to write during the first 1S minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this paper is the tinne allowed for writing the unswers. This paper consists of7 printed pages. Section Ais compulsory. Attempt any four questions from Section B. The intended marks for questions or parts of yuestions are given in brackets 1 : SECTION A (Atempt allquestions from this section) Question 1 Select the correct answers to the questions from the given options. (Do not copy the [15] questions. Write the correct answer only.) () The number of cranial and spinal nerves in a human being are respectively: (b) 32, 21 pairs (a) 31, 12 pairs (c) 12, 31 pairs (d) 31, 21 pairs (ii) Lymph is devoid of (a) RBC (b) WBC (c) Water () Lymphocytes (iii) Hari is fond of watching the fish in an aquarium. So he set up an aquarium in his house. Along with a number of fresh water fish he also placed a clown fish which is a salt water fish. After few hours, the clown fish was found dead and floating on water. This was due to: (a) (c) Endosmosis (b) Exosmosis Osmoregulation (d) Excretion (iv) The synthesis phase in the cellcycle is caled so, because of the synthesis of more: (a) Glucose (b) Proteins (c) RNA (d) DNA Biologv/Grade X/ICSE/ Preparatory Examinatiow/Page I of7 CABN/UA/2024-25 (v) stick into his ear. He ly While plaving with his friends. Peter inserted a hearing sensation due to the rupture of: (vi) (a) Ear drum (b) Pinna (c) Cornea (d) Cochlea Vitreous humour is present between: (a) CoInea and iris (b) lens and retina (c) iris and lens (d) Cormea and lens (vii) The yellow colour of the urine is due to the pigment: (a) bilirubin (b) anthocyanin (d) biliverdin (viii) A plant with green pods and smooth seeds with genotype Ggss wil! give rise to (c) urochrome the following gametes (a) Gg and Ss (b) Gs and ss (c) Gs and gs (d) Gg and gs (ix) The number of chromosomes in a human skin cell is : (x) (a) 22 (b) 23 (c) 44 (d) 46 The ventral root ganglion of the spinal cord contains cell bodies of the (a) motor neuron (b) sensory neuron (d) associated neuron (c) intermediate neuron (xi) Assertion (A): Alleles are found on homologous chromosomes. same Reason (R): A pair of genes controls two alternative expressions of the characteristics (b) A is true and R is false both A and R are false (d) both A and R are true ripen through the release of: (xii) A ripe avocado will cause the other avocados to (b) Ethylene Auxin (a (a) A is false and R is true (d) (c) Abscisic acid (xii) Gigantism and Acromegaly are due to : hormone (a) hyper secretion of growth (b) hyper secretion of thyroxine (c) hypo secretion of growth homone Gibberellins (d) hypo secretion of thyroxine pollutant? (xiv) Which of the following is a radioactive (b) Iodine 131 (a) Iodine 113 Cobalt6 (d) (c) Cobalt 16 CABN U42024-25 7 3 (7) water spinal corddroplet (8) (d) (c) (b) (5) (4) (3) (2) the correct pairs: Column B (1) granakidney depletion Ozone layer plantsap Stroma brain (6) (e) (d) (c) (b) (e) (d) (c) (b) [S] structures: Neutrophil (i) (e) (c) (b) plant in fibres paired of a chromatids of spindle [S] (a)Which (xV) (b) di absorbed is photosynthesis? oxide is of to not applicable is the utilized WaterCarbon is process (d) evolved of' the following di is oxide evolved (c) Carbon Oxygen Question () 2 following: (a) Namethe of cell at which gland which in division. middle each in helps in which the set males layer two in and the the non-sister name whose blood of meninges. formation delicate term disorder secretion the does category not serves clot. to which as a lubricant. the remaining [5] (d) AThe chromosomes cells attached. The are "The the Thegenetic accessory point thinduring structure odd (a) ldentity belong: the Dendron Lymphocytes, following Ovaries FSH (a) State (iii)the spotSeminal Centrosome Pons Pupil Cyton, ADH, Sweat, the Blind Basophil,Uterus, exact column LH,Saliva, Tears, Ureter, vesicles locationPhoton, Insulin Eosinophil, TSH, and Oviduct, Axon, rewrite of ACTH, Column A (a) Match Dark nervesreaction Uriniferous tubule CFCCranial Bleeding (e) (iv) blanks (a) to (e) with the in filling by following paragraph (V) Complete the appropriate words: reabsorption is Concentration of tlhe urine by water secreted by the controlled by_(a) gland. Increased (b)_ lobe of the pituitary urine is called(c). production of formation of urine are the increase that Substances acid crystalize and gets uric which in condition (d).The called deposited in the joints causing (e) SECTION B (Atempt any four questions from this section) Questton 3 (4) () (ii) (ii) (v) [2] State the functions of the aqueous humour. basis of criteria Mention the point of difference between the following on the [2| mentioned in the bracket. (a) (b) (iv) E Define oogenesis. Rods and cones (function) Geotropism and Thigmotropism (explanation/ definition) Write the full forms of the following abbreviations: (a) CNG (b) MTP [2] The figure given below is an important gonad of humans. Study the figure [31 and answer the following questions: (a) Identify the organ iand write its specific location. (b) Explain the function of part numbered 1. 2 Draw a neat labelled diagram of the gamete produced by this organ. Question 4 (a) [] () Differentiate between natality and mortality. (Definition) (ii) Mahesh and his friends went to watch a movie. As soon as they entered the movie theatre, they experienced difficulty in seeing objects for a short while. Slowly, their vision improved. Deseribe in brief the changes that occurred during this process that helped to improve their vision. Dialoov/Grade XVICSE/ Preparatory Exuminatlon/Page 4 of7 (2] CABN/UA/2024-25 (111) Explain any two reasons for population explosion in India. (2) (iv) Give biological reasons for (2) the following: (a) Mature RBC'slack endoplasmic reticulum. (b) lt is necessary to place the plant in the dark before starting an experiment on photosynthesis. () Study the diagram given below and answer the questions that follow: (a) Identify the given (b) (3) A structure. State the significance of part A. (c) Name the fluids found in part B labelled C Question 5 (1 () Define evolution. [1] (i) Differentiate between: [2] (iii) (a) Arteries and Veins (direction of blood flow) (b) Spinal cord and Cerebrum (arrangement of neurons) Given below are two figures showing a phenomenon that was first observed in Manchester. Observe the same and answer the following questions: [2] (a) Identify the s: phenomenon shown in the adjacent image. Give the common name and the scientific name of the insect involved in this phenomenon (iv) State any two harmful effects of noise pollution on human health. Biologv/Grade XICSE/ Preparatory Examination/Page 5 of 7 CABN/UA/2024-25 (21 () Study the diagram given below and answer the questions that follow: (a) (3) ldentify the stage of mitosis show in the diagram and justify. (b) Draw a neat labeled diagram of the stage preceding the one shown in the diagram. Question6 (al () Explain the term reflex action. (i) State Mendel's Law of independent assortment. Using Punnett square give the phenotype of Fl generation, if the cross is between a plant bearing pure axial and terminal position of flowers. [2] (iii) Give biological reasons for the following [2] statements: (a) The cholera patient is often given ORS as immediate treatment. (b) Nerium loses less amount of water during transpiration. (iv) Draw a neat labeled diagram of stomatal apparatus. [2] (v) Study the experimental set up given below and answer the following questions: (a) State the aim of the (b) experiment. How would you confirm [3] X Test tube Gas bubbles the presence of gas labelled as X? (c) Water Give the chemical equation Beaker to represent the process that Branches is studied in the given of Hydrilla experimental set up. Support Question 7 (a) (i) State the exact location of thyroid gland. [1] (ii) Differentiate between implantation and parturition. (ii) Answer the following questions: (a) [2] [2] Since John was running late for office, he skipped his breakfast. Name the hormone that kept his metabolism stable for a few hours. (b) During her first speech in firont of an audience, Geeta's mouth began to dry. Biology/Grade X/TCSE/ Preparatory Exanination/Page 6 of 7 CABN/UA/2024-25 (i ie nictue given bekow depicts a certain phenomenon. Observe the same and SwOr he questions that (4) follows: 12] Name the phenonenon (b) and explain it. List any 2 causeS (G) Tesponsible for (V) this phenomenon. Study the diagram given below and answer the (a) (b) ldentily the given eye defect and mention any questions that follow: (3] One reason for its cause, Draw a neat labelled diagram to show how the detect is rectified, Question 8 (0 () Define blood pressure. (i) Explain any 2 adaptations in leaf to perform photosynthesis (ii) Give the biological terms for the following: (a) [1] (2] The process of exchange of genetic material between two [2] non-sister chromatids. (b) The pernmanent stoppage of menstruation in females. (iv) Differentiate between an artery and a vein with the help ofa neat labelled of diagram their cross sections. (v) Study the diagram given below and answer the questions that follow: (a) Identify the parts (b) labelled as I and 5. Explain the function (c) of' part labelled 4. Name the hormones produced by part 2 numbered 2. 5 ***** ** *** Biology/Grade /ICSE/ Preparatory THE END* ***** ******** Examination/Page 7 of 7 CABN/UA/2024-25 [2] [3]

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