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ICSE Class X Prelims 2025 : Biology (Gopalan National School (GNS), Bangalore)

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Pranshu D
Gopalan National School (GNS), Bangalore
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BIOLOGY- CLASS X Maximum Marks: 80 Time allowed: Two hours the paper provided separately. 15 minutes. You will not be allowed to write during first paper This time is to be spent in reading the question Answers to The time given at this Paper must be written on the head of this Paper is the time Section A is compulsory Attempt The intended marks for questions or any four parts allowed for writing questions from of questions are the answers. Section B. given in brackets [ ). SECTION- A (Attempt all questions from this section.) Question 1. Select the corect answers to the questions from the given options. (Do not copy the question. Write the corect answer only): (i) Lymph has: (b red colour (a) RBCs (d) more proteins and calcium (C)only WBCs (i) The largest detoxifying gland present in our body is: (b) thyroid (a)pituitary (ii) Which of the following than blood (c) liver (d) sweat gland is not reflex action? (a) sneezing (6) knee jerk (c) blinking of eyes due to strong light (d) secretion of sweat and acromegaly are due to (a) hyposecretion of thyroxine (c) hypersecretion of thyroxine (b) hyposecretion of growth homone (iv) Gigantism : (d) hypersecretion of growth homone (v) Sperms mature in the: (b) epididymis (a) testes (c) vas deferens (d) Cowper's glands (vi) The growth of human population is indicated by: b) J-shaped growth curve (d) wave pattern (a) S-shaped growth curve (c) a parabola (vii) Antiserum contains (b) platelets (a) antibodies (vii) Chromosomes arange at (a) prophase c) antigens equatorial plate of spindle division in (C)anaphase (b) metaphase (ix) Removal of anthers from flowers artificially is known as (a) castration (b) emasculation (c) cutting x) The first stable product of photosynthesis is (a) glucose (b) starch c) phosphoglyceric acid (d) ribulose diphosphate (d) WBCs (d) telophase (d) cross-pollination (xi) The blood cell which helps in blood clotting is (a) RBC (b) WBC (c) Platelet (d) Plasma 15 the humans (xi) In osmoregulation (xii) Bowman's is associated with (b) Liver (a) Urinary bladder capsule is a part of (a) Nephron (xiv Astigmatism (c) Kidncy (d) (c) Medulla (d) Lung (c) cylindrical lens (d) (c) ACTH (d) ADH (b) lleat can be Blood corrected by (a) concave lens (Nv) Pituitary gland (a) oxytocin (b) convex lens regulates urine formation through (6) TSH nonc of the above Question 2. ) Name the following: 5 (a) The cell body of a nerve cell. (b) The waxy layer on the epidermis of the leaf meant (c) A non-biodegradable pesticide (d) The physical expression of genes in an individual. (e) Knot-like mass of blood capillaries to reduce inside the Bowman's transpiration. capsule. (i) Arange and reWrite the terms in each group in the correct order so as to be in a logical sequernce Degi with the term that is underlined. 5 (a) Tonsils, Spleen, Thymus gland, Mucous membrane (b) Implantation, parturition, ovulation, gestation, fertilisation (c) Oval window, tympanum, cochlea, auditory canal, ear ossicles (d) Karyokinesis, S-phase, cytokinesis, Gl-phase. G2-phase (e) Renal vein, renal artery, afferent arteriole, efferent arteriole, glomerulus (ii) Match the items given in Column I with the most appropriate ones in Column II and rewrite the correct matching 51 pairs. Column I Column II (1) Testis (a) Kidney (2) Poliomyelitis (b) Water vapour (3) Transpiration (c) Prostate gland (4) Clotting of blood (d) Iron (5) Uriniferous tubule (e) Gonads (1) Green plants (g) Water droplet (h) Caleium (iv) Choose the odd one out from the following terms and name the eategory to which the others belong: (a) Acid rain, Dust, Pollens, Fog. (b) Saliva, bile, sweat, Pancreatic juice (c) Cretinism, Myxedema, Simple goitre, Acromegaly (d) Sneezing, coughing, blinking, typing. (e) Semicircular canals, Cochlea, tympanum, utriculus. 51 5 (V) State the exact location of the following (c) (a) Chloroplast (b) Incus (d) Guard cells (e) Pulmonary Corpus callosum semilunar valve. SECTION - B (Attempt any four questions from this Section.) Question 3. () Define transpiration. i) What is the significance of amoniotic fluid? (21 (ii) What is the function of ear ossicles? 21 (iv) Differentiate between diftusion and osmosis. (v) The diagram below shows two test-tubes A and B. Test-tube A contains a green water plant. Test-tube B contains both a green water plant and a snail. Both Test-tubes are kept in sunlight. Answer the questions that follow: 13 Bubbles of oxygen Green water plant Snail (a) Name the physiological process that releases the bubbles (b) What is the purpose of keeping a snail in test-tube 'B ? (c) Give an example of a water plant that can of oxygen. be used in the above experiment. Question 4. ) Expand FSH. (i) State any two functions of the amniotic fluid. (i) Why is it necessary to have fluids in and around many organs? (iv) What are the excretory products in humans? (v) The diagram below represents the human heart in one of answerthe questions that follow: phase its functions. Study the diagram carefully [2] [21 21 and 131 2 4 phase. h) Which part of the heart is contracting in this phasc? (a) Name the What type ofblood flows through 2'? Question 5. ) Explain [1 Natality. the term 12 cDifferentiate betivecn turgor pressure and wall pressure. (2 (2 (ii tia A person after consuming alcohol walks clumsily. State the main function of chordac tendinae nea aagram ot the human sperm as (v) Draw a &) seen parts. under high magnification and label the following (1) Acrosome (2) Mitochondria Question 6. 1 () Detine- tropism. 2 a) Carbon monoxide is highly dangerous when inhaled. Explain. (v) () Give the thigmotropism and hydrotropism. dihybrid phenotypic ratio and the phenotype of the offspring of F, generation [2 it) Give one example of each F (RrYy) generation are when two plants or the [21 crossed. diagram given below is aii experiment conducted the diagrams and then answer the following questions The to study a factor necessary for Photosynthesis. Observe 131 After the Experiment Before the Experiment A A Green Portion White Portion (a) What experiment? performed on the leaf and the is the aim of the (b) Name the test (c) What solution used for test. the experiment? type of leaf was used for Question 7. 1 ) What is semen? (i) Two advantages of a small family. (11) Differentiate between genotype and phenotype. Mitosis and Meiosis. (iv) Mention two points of difference between () The diagram shows a A basic unit of the brain. [21 (21 131 section of the human brain. Answer the questions that follow and B. (a) Name the parts labelled A Give the main function of part C. (6) (c) Name the 21 B Question 8. 1 12 ) Define Mutation. (i) Give a brief of stress hormmone of plants. (ii) Twins may or may not be identical. iv) Differentiate between myopia and hypermetropia. - (v) The diagram given tionsthat follow: below represents two reproductive cells A and B. reproductive cells A and B. these b)Where in the female reproductive system do (a) Identify (c) (21 (21 the Name the main hormone secreted by the (2). cells unite? Study the same and then answer the ques- 131

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