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ICSE Class X Sample / Model Paper 2025 : Computer Applications

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Sounak Sadhukhan
Bishop Morrow School (BMS), Krishnanagar, Nadia
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COMPUTER APPLICATIONS General Test ______________________________________________________________________________ This paper is of 100 marks. The answers to this paper shall be written on the sheet provided separately Not following instructions written on the question paper shall result in deduction of marks. All essential working needs to be shown on the answer sheet, any deduction in the showing of marking shall be prosecuted by deductions in marks. You will not be allowed to write during the first fifteen minutes, this time is to be spent reading the question paper. The time given at the head of the paper is for writing the answers. ____________________________________________________________________________ Section A is compulsory. You shall attempt any two questions from Section B. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ]. ______________________________________________________________________________ Section A (Attempt all questions) Question 1- Choose the correct option i) Which of the following are valid identifier names? 1. break 2. 9num$ 3. num123 4. cust_name a) b) c) d) 1 and 2 only 3 and 4 only All of the above None of the above ii) What will be the output of the following code? int n=9; if(n<10) System.out.println(n++); if(n>10 && n<20) System.out.println(n++); else n+=10; System.out.println(n); a) 10 20 [20] b) 9 19 c) 10 11 d) 9 20 iii) State the function of a default constructor. a) Creates an object b) Constructs an input method c) Passes argument to the method d) Initializes instance variables to their default values. iv) Consider the following class: class Test { public static void swap(int i, int j) { int temp=i; i = j; j = temp; } public static void main(String[] args) { int i=10,j=20; swap(i, j); System.out.println("i = " + i + ", j = " + j); }} a) b) c) d) i= 20, j=10 i=10, j=20 i=10, j=10 i=20, j=20 v) The method of Scanner class used to accept a double value is: a) nextInt() b) nextDouble() c) next() d) nextInteger() vi) A class encapsulate Data Members that contains the information necessary to represent the class and Member methods that perform operations on the data member. What does a class encapsulate? a) b) c) d) Information and operation Data members and Member methods Data members and information Member methods and operation vii) Refer to the image given below. Which feature of Java does this image depict? a) Encapsulation b) Inheritance c) Abstraction d) Polymorphism viii) Which of the following is the wrapper class for the data type char? a) String b) Char c) Character d) Float ix) The method compareTo() returns __________ when two strings are equal and in lowercase a) True b) 0 c) 1 d) false x) Legal subscripts in Java, for an array having N elements is: a) N b) N+1 c) N^2 d) N-1 xi) The words having special meanings are: a) Identifiers b) Keywords c) Void d) Null xii) Refer to the code given below: for (Inti= 1; 1<=3;1++) { for(lnt J=l;J<=2;J++) System .out.prlntln(t J); } How many inner loops will be executed? a) 4 b) 2 c) 6 d) 3 xiii) What type of value is returned by Math.sqrt( )? a) int b) float c) double d) All of the above xiv) The selection statement t:1at tests only for equality is a) if b) switch c) while d) for xv) Assertion(A): In java statements written in lower case letter or upper case letter are treated the same. Reason (R): Java is a case sensitive language. a) b) c) d) Both A and R are true and A is the correct explanation of R. Both A and R are true and A is not the correct explanation of R A is true but R is false A is false but R is true. xvi) The output of the function "COMPOSITION".substring(3, 6): a) POSI b) POS c) MPO d) MPOS xvii) The code obtained after compilation is known as a) source code b) object code c) machine chode d) java byte code xviii) The number of bits occupied by the value a are: a) 1 bits b) 2 bits c) 4 bits d) 16 bits xix) Missing a semicolon in a statement is what type of error? a) Logical b) Syntax c) Runtime d) No error xx) int x = (int) 32.8; is an example of __________ typecasting a) implicit b) automatic c) explicit d) coercion Question 2a) A class is a factory of objects Justify the statement giving reason. [2] b) Differentiate between: Boolean Literal and Character Literal. [2] c) Evaluate the expression when x=4. x * = - - x + x++ + x [2] d) Write the value of n after execution: char ch ='d'; int n = ch + 5; [2] e) Give the output of the following program segment. int n = 4279; int d; while(n>0) {d=n%10; System.out.println(d); n=n/100; } [2] f) Give the output of the following String class methods: 1. "COMMENCEMENT" . lastIndexOf('M') 2. "devote" . compareTo("DEVOTE") [2] g) Sam executes the following program segment and the answer displayed is zero irrespective of any non zero values are given. Name the error. How can the program be modified to get the correct answer? [2] void triangle(double b, double h) { double a; a = * b * h; System.out.println( Area= +a); } h) Rewrite the following code using the if-else statement: int m= 400; double ch = (m>300) ? (m / 10.0) * 2: (m / 20.0) - 2 [2] i) Write a Java Expression for the following: z= 5 +2 + j) Give the output of the following code: int a=10,b=16,c; c= a>b? ++a : b--; System.out.println(a+ +b+ +c); System.out.println(a%2==0); Section B (Answer any four questions from this Section.) The answers in this section should consist of the programs in either BlueJ environment or any program environment with java as the base. Each program should be written using variable description / mnemonic codes so that the logic of the program is clearly depicted. Flowcharts and algorithms are not required. Question 3Design a class Number to write and overload method processNum( ) as follows: [15] 1. boolean processNum(int abun) - method accepts an integer argument abun and checks if abun is an Abundant number or not. The function returns true if the number is Abundant else it returns false. The result is printed in the caller method main(). Note: A number is said to be an Abundant number when sum of it s factors (excluding the number itself) is greater than the number. Example: Factors of number 12 are = 1,2,3,4,6 Sum of factors is 1+2+3+4+6 =16 12 is an Abundant number 2. int processNum (int a, int b) method accepts two integer numbers as arguments finds and returns HCF (highest common factor) of these two numbers. Note: HCF of two numbers is the biggest number that can divide both the numbers. Question 4- [15] Write a program to accept the name of ten cities in a single dimension string array and their STD (Subscribers Trunk Dialing) codes in a single dimension integer array. Search for a name of a city input by the user in the list. If found, display Operation Successful and print the name of the city along its S.T.D code, or else display Operation Unsuccessful and print No data found . Question 5- [15] Define a class to accept values in integer array of size 10. Sort them in an ascending order using selection sort technique. Display the sorted array. Question 6- [15] Define a class Linear to declare an array to accept 20 names in Names[ ], also declare an array Aadhar[ ] to accept and store respective Aadhar card numbers in it. Now accept an Aadhar number AadharNum and search it in the given array using linear search technique. If found display the name that is paired with the Aadhar number. If not found display Record does not exist Question 7- [15] Write a program to input and store the weight of ten people. Sort and display them in an ascending order using the Selection Sort Technique. Question 8Define a class to accept a string and convert it into uppercase. Count and display the number of vowels in it. Input: robotics Output: ROBOTICS No. of vowels- 3

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