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ICSE Class X Sample / Model Paper 2024 : Computer Applications

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Rakesh Sarkar
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ICSE 2024 EXAMINATION 4thMOCK TEST QUESTION PAPER COMPUTER APPLICATIONS Maximum Marks: 100 Time allowed.: Two hours Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. This Paper is divided into two Sections. Attempt all questions from Section A and any four questions from Section B. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets[]. SECTION A (Attempt all questions from this Section.) Question 1 i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) ix) x) xi) xii) xiii) xiv) xv) xvi) xvii) xviii) xix) xx) Choose the correct answer and write the correct option. [20] Which method is preferable to terminate the currently running program in java a)break b) exit() c) Continue d) default() What will be the result of Math.ceil(-4.75) + Math.floor(14.32) a)17.0 b) 18.0 c) 19.0 d) 10.0 Choose the odd one out a) {} b) , c) ; d) () A data type which contains integer as well as fractional part and occupies 32 bits space is a) float b) char c) double d) byte A wrapper class converts: a) int to float b) String to StringBuffer d) float to int d) primitive data type to object. Method that converts a String str to its float type a) float.parseFloat(str) b) Float.parstfloat(str) c) str.parseFloat(); d) Float.parseFloat(str) The ASCII code of Y is a) 87 b) 88 c) 89 d) 90 Which of the following is a logical unary Not operator in java a) ?: b) ! c) && d) || What is the term related to creation of an object a) inheritance b) factory c) instantiation d) initialization When we pass an array to a method, the method receives a) the length of the array b) A reference of the array c) a copy of the array d) Each of the elements of the array What will be the result of x%y , if the value of x=5 and y=-2 a) 1 b) 0 c) 1.0 d) None of the above What makes Java platform independent A) Advanced programming language b) It uses byte codes for execution c) class complication d) All of these Which of the following for loop will not be an infinite loop? a) for (; ;) b) for (a=0;a<1;a--) c) for (a=0; ;a++) d) for(a=-1;a<1;a++) The parseInt() function is a member of ____ wrapper class. a) Integer b) Character c) Boolean d)Class The variable that almost always violate the principle of encapsulation are a) instance variable b) global variable c) local variable d) array variable Automatic conversion of a primitive data type into its corresponding wrapper class object is called a) autoboxing b) unboxing c) explicit type conversion d) implicit type conversion What is the output of the following code String n1= 46 ,n2= 64 ; int total =Integer.parseInt(n2)+Integer.parseInt(n1); System.out.println(total); a)4664 b) 6446 c) 110 d) None of the above How many times the following do-while loop will be executed? int a,I; i=0; a=1; do{ i++;a++;} while(a<=5); System.out.println( i= +i+ a= +a); a) 2 times b) 4 times c) 6 times d) 5 times Name the features of java from the given profession (Teacher , Doctor, Advocate , Police) a)Encapsulation b) inheritance c) Abstraction d) polymorphism The number of bytes occupied by an integer array of size 3x3 a) 72 bytes b) 9 bytes c) 18 bytes d) 36 bytes Question 2 i) Identify the package name from the following keywrds/method:[2] i) InputStreamReader ii) Scanner iii) ceil iv)rint ii) How many bits/bytes are occupied by the following primitive data type? (a) 0.5 (b) A (c) false (d) -0.0 [2] iii) iv) v) vi) System.out.println(d); vii) Find the output of the following code segment [2] int y=55,s=0; while(y>0){ x=y%10; s=s+(x*10); y=y/10; } Explain the statement- Java is compiled and both interpreted language[2] a)What is the length of the string returned by the call Hyderabad .substring(3, Hyderabad .length()) b) JAVA .lastIndexOf( A )+ For school .indexOf o ,7) [2] What will be the output when the following code snippet is compiled and executed? Show the dry run/working? [2] int i=0; boolean t=true; boolean f=false, b,d; b=(t && ((i++)==0)); d=(f && (i==2)>0); System.out.println(b); Name the type of conversion in the following: [2] a)Value 10 and 20.0 stored in int and double variables respedtively and their sum is stored in a float variable f. b)int x=32; value A stored in char ch to the added to variable x. viii) If int arr[]={2,6,9,4,7,10,3,5,11}; what will be values of X and Y? [2] X=arr.length; Y=(arr[2]+arr[4]*arr[6]); ix) Rewrite the syntax in for and do while [2] int i=1,j=2; while(i<=25) { i++; j=j+2; } x) what will be the output of following segment :[2] a) char arr[]={ J , A , V , A } int b=2; System.out.println(arr[b++]); System.out.println(arr[b++]); b) System.out.print(Math.ceil(32.7)+Math.floor(2.9)) SECTION B (Answer any four questions from this Section.) TheanswersinthissectionshouldconsistoftheprogramsineitherBlueJenvironmentorany program environment with java as thebase. Eachprogramshouldbewrittenusingvariabledescription/mnemoniccodessothatthelogicofthe program is clearlydepicted. Flowcharts and algorithms are not required. Question 3 [15] Design a class to overload a function sum() as follows: i) int Sum (int A,int B)- with to integer arguments(A and B) calculate and return sum of all the even umbers in the range of A and B. Sample input : A=4 and B=16 Sample output : sum=4+6+8+10+12+14+16 ii) double sum(double N)- with one double argument (N) calculate and return the product of the following series.Sum=1.0x1.2x1.4x------------xN iii)int sum(int N)- with one integer argument(N) calculate and return after replacing odd digit with zero(0) from number N. Sample input : N=43961 Sample Output : 40060 Question 4: [15] Write a program to assign first 16 Disarium number into 4x4 matrix, and display matrix from. Question -5 Using the switch statement, write a menu driven program to perform following operations a) To find the sum of the following series s=1-4+7-10+ ..-40 b) To print the following pattern 1 11 112 1123 1 1 2 3 n terms Question 6. [15] Write a program to input a sentence where words are separated by a single space and arrange the words in alphabetical order. Example : Enter a string : computer was born to solve problemsOutput : born computer problems solve to was Question 7. [15] BlueDart transport company charges for the parcels of its customers as per the following specifications given below Class name : transport Weight in Kg Charge per Kg Member variables Rs.25 per Kg String name :- to store the name of the customer Upto 10 kgs Next 20 kgs Rs. 20 per Kg int w- to sotre the weight to the parcel in kg Above 30 Kgs Rs. 10 per Kg int charge- to store the charge of the parcel Member function void accept() to accept the name of the customer weight of the parcel from the user(using scanner class) void calculate() to calculate the charge as per the weight of the parcel as per the following criteria A surcharge of 5% is charged on the bill void print()- to print the name of the customer, weight of the parcel, total bill inclusive of surcharge. Name Weight Bill amount ________ _________ _________ Define a class with the above mentioned specifications, create a main method create an object and invoke the member function. Question 8. [15] Write a program to accept a word in Upper Case and display the position each alphabet i.e A as 1, B as 2 .. Y as 25 and Z as 26 Sample input BAG Sample Output : B 2 A 1 G 7

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