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ICSE Notes 2018 : History and Civics

30 pages, 11 questions, 4 questions with responses, 7 total responses,    1    0
Sohan Sonu
Sri Sai Public School, Hyderabad
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1. Revolt of 1857 I. Causes for the revolt. a) Political cause. 1. Doctrine of lapse: It was introduced by Lord Dalhousie. According to the Doctrine, if a king dies without a natural heir to the throne. His property would be annexed by the British after the death of king. The adopted son cannot inherit the kingdom. Following the Doctrine, the british annexed Satara, Jhansi and Udaipur etc,. 2. In 1849, Lord dalhousie announced that the successors of Bahadur Shah zafar could not be allowed to use Red Fort as their palace. 3. In 1856, Lord Canning announced that the successors of Bahadur Shah Zafar would not be allowed to use Imperial titles. 4. In 1856, the British annexed Awadh on the false pretext of mismanagement. As a result the soldiers lost their means of livelihood. 5. Nana Saheb revolted against the British as he was not recognised as the adopted son of Baji Rao II and was refused the pension. b) Socio religious causes. 1. In 1856, Lord Canning passed General Enlistment Act. According to the act, the Indian soldiers would be sent overseas on duty. This was resented by the Indian as it was considered as a taboo to cross the sea. 2. The abolition of Sati and the introduction of widow remarriage act were not welcomed by the masses. 3. The introduction of railways and telegraph lines was misunderstood by the people. They believe that the telegraph lines were erected to hang the people who were against the british relu. The higher and lower classes were made to sit side by side in the railway compartments. Indians believed that it was introduces to defy their religious belief. 4. With the introduction of western education, the Pandits and Maulvis lost their importance and lost their livelihood. 5. The British passed the law of inheritance act. According to this act, a convert from the Hinduism to Christianity only can inherit the property. c) Economic causes. 1. India was made as British colony mainly for raw materials. The Indian farmers were forced to sell the raw materials at a cheap rate to the British. The finished goods were sold in India at a high rate as a result the Indian cottage industries couldn't compete with British goods. 2. The cottage industries were shut down in India due to the inadequate supply of raw material and royal patronage. 3. The British didn t take any measures for the development of the country. As a result there was a large scale unemployment in the country. 4. The British didn t take any welfare measures when different parts of the county were hit by the famines. d) 1. 2. 3. Military causes. First point of Socio religious cause. The Indians were not given high positions in the army. The number of Indian soldiers was more than the British, this gave them the confidence that they could defeat the British. 4. The Indian soldiers were paid very low salaries than the British counter parts. 5. The poor performance of the British troops gave the confidence to the Indians that they can defeat the British. e) Immediate causes. The introduction of the greast cartridges was the immediate cause for the revolt. There was a rumor that the cartridges were greased with the fat of cows and pigs. The Indians thought that it was a deliberate attempt to defy Hindu and Muslim religions. II. Causes for the failure of the revolt. 1. Lack of planning, organisation and leadership qualities. 2. There was no common cause for the revolt. 3. The Indian soldiers were no match to the British soldiers like Huge Rose, Havelock, Campbell. 4. The British controlled the superior resources in the terms of money men and material. 5. Some of India's rulers like Nawab of Hyderabad, Raja of Jodhpur and some Rajput rulers supported the British. III. Results of the revolt. a) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. IV. Administrative changes The rule by the East India company came to an end. The post of the governor general was abolished The post of vice roy was created and he would act as the representative of the British Queen. The post of secretary of state was crete and he would act as the representative of British Parliament. The secretary of state would be assisted by Indian council comprising of 15 members. Board of control and the court of Directories were abolished. Appointments to the civil service were to be made by open competition Queen Victoria's Proclamation . a) Assurance given to people. 1. 2. 3. 4. She promised that she would give promotions to the Indians. The Indians would be treated at par with the British. She would follow the policy of non intervention in the socio religious matters. All the Indians would be granted a general pardon except those who were found guilty of killing the English. 5. All the appointments would be strictly on the basis of education, ability and integrity. b) 1. 2. 3. Assurance given to princely states. She would not interfere in the affairs of princely states. All the treaties signed would be honoured The British would not annexed the Indian states. V. End of Mughal rule. During the revolt Bahadur Shah Zafar along with his two sons was captured. The British killed the two sons. After the death of Bahadur Shah Zafar, the Mughal Dynasty came to an end. VI. End of peshwa ship. During the revolt, Nana Saheb fled to Nepal and thus Peshwa s ship came to an end. VII. Policy of divide and rule. After the revolt, the British started the policy of divide and rule in order to break the unity between Hindus and Muslims. In the beginning, they were partial towards Hindus as they believed that the revolt was started by the Muslims. VIII. Rise of nationalism. Though the revolt failed, it made foundation to the National struggle in India. The sacrifices made by the revolutionaries like Jhansi Laxmi Bai, Nana Saheb and Mangal Pandey served as a source of inspiration to the future freedom. IX. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. X. Re-organization of the army. The numerical strength of the British was increased. The important artillery was placed with the British soldiers. The Indian soldiers were divided on the basis of caste and religion. The British soldiers were placed in key positions. The local newspapers and generals was placed away from the Indian soldiers. Indian soldiers belonging different caste and creed were mixed up in a manner that no sentiment of unity could arise among them. Conclusion. The British historians hailed the revolt as Sepoy mutiny as they believed that the revolt was started by the Indians soldiers who were not happy with the British rule. The Indian historians hailed it as first war of independence as it laid foundation to the national struggle in India. The sacrifices made by the revolutionaries like Jhansi Laxmi Bai, Nana Saheb and Mangal Pandey served as a source of inspirations to the future freedom fighters. 2. Rise of Nationalism I. a) 1. 2. 3. In the beginning of 19th century Nationalism of National awakening took place in India. The word Nationalism means patriotic feelings or love towards one's country. Several factors were responsible for the rise of nationalistic, they are Western Education. With the introduction of Western Education English became the medium of communication. So, for the first time, people felt that they belong to one nation. Indians were exposed to the ideals of French Revolution like liberty, equality and fraternity. It gave new direction to Indian political thinking. 4. b) 1. 2. 3. c) 1. 2. 3. d) 1. 2. 3. e) 1. 2. 3. f) 1. 2. 3. 4. g) 1. 2. 3. 4. h) 1. 2. 3. 4. i) Educated Indians learnt about democracy and Nationalism. Vernacular press act. It was passed by Lord Lytton in 1878. The act prohibits the vernacular paper to publish any material that might cause a feeling of dissatisfaction against the British Government. The English news paper were exempted from this act. Arms act. It was passed by Lord Lytton in 1879. The act states that Indians can carry arms with license. However, this was not applicable to the British. Ilbert controversy act. In 1883, Lord Ripon asked Ilbert to draft a bill to remove the judicial discrimination between Indian judges and British judges. However the bill could not be passed in the British Parliament and was modified to accommodate the interest of the British magistrate. This discrimination made the Indians to turn against the British. Socio-religious reforms. The socio-religious reform movements also contributed to the concept of nationalistic. It was Swamy Saraswati who raised the slogan India is for Indians . The reform movements condemned untouchability and caste systems. This brought unity among the people. Re-discovery of India s past. Indians felt that they cannot rule for themselves and lost their self confidence. During 19th Century a number of Indian Vedic books were translated into English. The rediscovery of India s past helped Indians to gain confidence and self respect. They understood that they can rule for themselves and do not require any help from the foreigners. Role of press. Some of the prominent newspapers of the 19th Century were the Hindu, Kesari, Marathi, Bengali and Times of India. It was through press the people could exchange their ideas and organize political movements. The press and Indians aware of what was happening in the world. Through the article of the leaders, the Indians were inspired to take part in freedom struggle. Development of means of transport and communication. British introduce the transport and communication system to improve their trade and for their administrative convenience. First railway line was laid between Bombay and Thane in 1853. The network of transport and communication helped Indians to travel from one place to another. This brought unity among them. The means of communication enabled Indians to interact with one another and discuss their problems. Economic exploitation. 1. The farmers were asked to pay huge land revenue and other taxes. This forced them to become the victims of the money lenders who charged high rate of interest. 2. Artisans and craftsmen lost their livelihood due to loss of royal patronage. 3. The workers were paid low wages and the chances of promotion were very weak. 4. The middle class comprising of educated Indians like daughters, teachers, lawyers were unhappy because the British did not like any measures to develop the country. j) Common administrative unit/uniform code of law. During the British rule the whole of the country along with the princely states followed an uniform code of law. The whole of country was under the British rule under directly or indirectly so functioned as a single administrative unit. This brought about unity which inturn help to develop nationalistic feelings. II. Four runners of INC. Year Name of organization Founder 1866 East India Organization Dadabhai Naroji To place the true affairs of India in front of the British 1876 Indian organisation Surendra Nath Banerjee To fight against the racial discrimination Repeal of Vernacular Press Act and arms act to create strong public opinion 1883 Indian National Conference Surendra Nath Banerjee All India political party 1885 Indian National Congress AO Hume III. a) 1. 2. 3. Contribution of Socio-religious reformers. Raja Ram Mohan Roy. He started brahmo Samaj. He was against sati pratha and child marriages. He condemned caste system. Objectives To promote friendly relation between National Dastak political workers from different parts of the party To develop and consolidate the feelings of national unity and irrespective To formulate popular demand and present them before the government To train and organise the public opinion in the country 4. b) 1. c) 1. d) 1. 2. 3. 4. He was against idol worship Swami Vivekananda. He started Rama Krishna mission. Swami Dayanand Saraswati. He started Arya Samaj. Jyothi Bai Phule. He encouraged education of girls. He founded Satya Shodhak Samaj. He started schools for weaker session. He dug wells and constructed reservoirs to provide water to the oppressed class or weaker section. 3. Rise of Moderates I. Phases of Congress. 1. Moderate phase(1885-1905). 2. Assertive period(1905-1919). 3. Gandhian Era(1919-1947). II. Important moderate leaders. 1. Surendranath Banerjee. 2. Dadabhai Naoroji. 3. Gopal Krishna Gokhale. III. Reasons for calling them moderates. 1. They believed in the fair play and honesty of the British. 2. They followed constitutional methods. 3. They wanted legitimate share in the administration(self government). 4. They considered British rule as a boon to the country. IV. Reasons why they believed in the British. 1. They considered British rule as a boon to the country. 2. It was due to the British efforts the Indian society is free from social evils. 3. They thought that the British would train the Indians according to the western ideas. 4. They were exposed to the western ideas like democracy and nationalism. V. Demands. a) Constitutional demands. 1. Abolition of Indian council. 2. Expansion of legislative council and legislative assembly. 3. Self government within British rule in dominion status. 4. Increase the representation of Indians in Viceroy's executive council. b) 1. 2. 3. 4. c) 1. 2. 3. 4. d) 1. 2. 3. 4. VI. 1. 2. 3. 4. VII. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. VIII. 1. 2. 3. 4. IX. a) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. b) Economic demands. Reduction of land revenue. Abolition of salt tax. Reduce in the expenditure of British army. Demand for development of banking, irrigation and medical health. Administrative demands. Dominion status. Simultaneous civil service examination. Separation of executive and judice. Repeal of arms act and license act. Civil rights. Right to freedom of speech and expression. Right to assemble. Freedom of press. Freedom to form association. Methods. They organized meeting to create political awakening. They made use of press to criticise British policies. They sent delegation to london. They made use of 3P- Pedition, Pray, Protest. Achievements. They created political awakening among people. They popularized the ideas of liberty, equality and fraternity. They exposed the true nature of British. It was due to their efforts simultaneous civil service examination were held in India and England. Welby committee was appointed to probe into the British expenditure in India. Criticism. Their method were inadequate. Their method were described as beggerly methods. They fail to draw the attention of common people. They fail to understand that British and Indian interest clashed with each other. Contribution of important leaders. Dadabhai Naoroji(unofficial ambassador to England/Grand old man of India). In 1866, he started East India association in England to place the true affairs of India before the British. As a member of British Parliament, he brought to the notice of British, the important problems related to India. It was due to his efforts, the British decided to hold simultaneous civil service examination in India and England. He asserted the split in Congress in 1906 by becoming the President of Indian National Congress. In his book, poverty and unBritish rule in India, he explained how the wealth of India was being drained to England. He edited the Rast Goftar. Gopal Krishna Gokhale(Companion of British Indian empire). 1. In 1905, Gokhale started servants of Indian society to train the youth for the service of India. 2. He was known as the political guru of Gandhiji as it was he who requested Gandhiji to come back to India and take part in India s struggle of independence. 3. It was due to his efforts, there was reduction in salt tax and abolition of duty on cotton goods 4. As a member of Imperial legislative Council, he tried to introduce a bill to make primary education compulsory. c) Surendranath Banerjee. 1. In 1876, he started Indian Association to educate the people and to create strong public opinion. 2. In 1883, he started the first all India political party i.e., Indian National Conference. 4. Rise of Assertives I. II. Period: 1905-1919 Important Assertive leaders. 1. Lala Lajpat Rai. 2. Bipin Chandra Pal. 3. Bal Gangadhar Tilak. III. Reasons for being called Aggressive. 1. They encouraged radical methods in politics such as Boycott of British goods, government services, non-cooperation method etc,. 2. They condemned British rule in India and held them responsible for the down of India s economy. 3. Their demands were radical in nature i.e., they demanded for poorna swaraj or complete independence. IV. Causes for the rise of Radical nationalist. a) Partition of Bengal. 1. Lord Curzon partitioned Bengal in 1905 on the grounds of administrative convenience. 2. The real intention of the partition was to split the unity between muslims and hindus and to weaken the nationalistic spirit. 3. There was a difference of opinion between the two factions of Congress over the methods of agitation. b) Repressive policies of Lord Curzon. 1. Lord Curzon passed number of acts to curb the activities of the nationalistic leaders. He passed the Calcutta Act by which he increased the number of english men in the cooperation. 2. He passed Indian Universities Act to control the activities of the students as he felt that the universities were the centres of Nationalism. 3. The sedition act and official secrets act curtail the liberties of all the sections of the society. c) International event. Indians believed that the British forces cannot be defeated but in 1905 Japan defeated Russia and Ethiopia defeated Italy. These two events created confidence among the Indians. These paved way for the rise of radical nationalist. d) Failure of moderates. Moderates had complete faith on the British and followed constitutional methods to achieve their goal. However there demands were not full filled by the British. This gave rise to assertive nationalism. e) Draughts and famines. 1. Droughts led to country wide famines in the 19th century. 2. People died due to starvation and diseases. 3. Instead of taking relief work, the British celebrated the silver jubilee of queen victoria's accession to the throne. f) Ill Treatment of Indians. The Indians especially in South Africa became the targets of racial discrimination policy followed by British. They were paid very low wages and were asked to carry identity cards. This led to the rise of assertive nationalist. V. AIM. To attain poorna swaraj or complete independence. VI. Method. 1. Swadeshi and boycott movement. 2. National education to train Indian youth for the service of India. 3. Revivalism. 4. Self-sacrifice. 5. Mass involvement of Indians in the national movement. VII. Achievement. 1. It instill self confidence and self reliance. 2. It led to the revival of cottage industries. 3. It made the national movement a mass movement. 4. They made the people brave and patriotic. 5. Many educational institutions were set up. 6. It was due to their efforts partitions of Bengal was annulled in 1911. VIII. Comparison between Moderates and Assertive Nationalist Moderate IX. Assertives Aims They wanted dominion status i.e., They wanted complete independence. self government within the British Empire. Attitude toward British They were loyal towards British. They had faith in British service of justice and fair play. Methods 1. They used constitutional methods. 2. They drew inspiration from western culture. 3. Moderates did not touch the common masses. 4. They locked the spirit of self sacrifice. Contribution of Assertive leaders. a) Bal Gangadhar Tilak. They believed in breaking British rule in India. They held British responsible for the backwardness of country. 1. They used aggressive method. 2. They drew inspiration from India s past. 3. They derived the strength from the masses. 4. They laid emphasis on self reliance and self sacrifice. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. b) 1. 2. 3. 4. c) 1. 2. 3. He started Akbara and Lathi clubs to impart physical train to the Indian youth. He edited Maratha and Kesari to express his political ideas. He started Shiva and Ganesh festivals to patriotic feelings in the people. He was popularly know as fore runner of Gandhiji. He started home rule movement along with Annie Besant in 1916. It was due to his efforts the Congress and Muslim League signed Lucknow Pact in 1916. Bipin Chandra Pal. He edited new India to express his nationalistic ideas. He propagated the use of Swadeshi and Boycott. He was in favor of national education. He demanded for the repeal of arms act. Lala Lajpat Rai. He edited A call to young India , England debt to India. He started servants of people of society for the downtrodden. He went to USA and joint\ed Ghadar party and was able to win the support of many people for the cause of India s struggle for independence. 4. He protested against Simon Commission in 1927. 5. Partition of Bengal I. Announcement about the partition. On october 16th 1905, Lord Curzon partitioned Bengal into two provinces as it was two large to be efficiently administered by a single man. They were, 1. Bengal which comprised of West Bengal proper: Bihar and Odisha. 2. Easter Bengal which included Eastern Bengal and parts of Assam. II. Motives behind the partition. 1. To strike at the roots of Bengali nationalism. 2. To split the unity between Hindus and Muslims. 3. To demonstrate the strength of the British rule. III. Anti-partition movement. People started a strong movement against the partition known as Anti-partition movement. 1. The day was observed as a day of mourning. 2. People walked bare footed along the banks of the river ganges and had a sacred bath in the ganges. 3. The streets of Calcutta were full of cries of Bande Mataram. 4. Rabindranath Tagore composed Amar Sonar Bangla for the occasion. 5. 16th october was observed as Raksha-Bandhan day to signify the unity between Hindus and Muslims. 6. Anand Mohan Bose has laid the foundation of a federation hall which was the symbol of the unity of Bengal. IV. Impact of Anti-partition movement. 1. It accelerate the national movement by spreading it among the common masses. 2. The ideas of Swadeshi and Boycott were born from their feelings. 3. The people of Bengal lost their complete faith in the fair play and justice of the British. 4. It added strength to the national movement. V. Swadeshi and Boycott movement. a) AIM. 1. To revive the cottage industry. 2. To achieve self-reliance. 3. To improve the India economy. b) Programme. 1. Boycott of foreign goods and services. 2. Rejection of English speech. 3. Boycott of school and colleges, courts and legislative councils. 4. Social boycott of those Indians who purchased foreign goods. c) Spread. 1. The movement gained momentum within a short period of time. 2. People from different sections took an active part in the spread of the movement. 3. People took an oath in Kali temple that they would not use foreign goods. 4. Students refused to write the exam on foreign papers. 5. Washer women refused to wash foreign clothes. 6. Shops selling foreign goods were set to fire. 7. Women contributed their jewellery for the spread of movement. 8. Newspaper and journals carried the reports on the topic and helped in making the movement a success. d) Repressive measure of British. 1. All the important leaders of the movement were arrested. 2. Grant-in-aid was discontinued to those schools and colleges which supported the movement. 3. All the newspapers which supported the movement were banned. 4. The cry of Vande Mataram was forbidden in the streets of Bengal. 5. The government passed a number of acts such as the criminal amendment act prevention of meeting etc., to suppress the movement.*** VI. Reasons for the partial failure of the Swadeshi and Boycott movement. 1. The split in Hindus and Muslims. 2. Difference of opinion between moderates and aggressive nationalist over the methods of agitation. 3. The common man didn t take part in the movement as he didn t understand the significance of the movement. 4. All the important leaders were arrested or due repressive measures taken by the British. VII. Impact of the movement\ results of the movement/ significance. a) Stimulus to the national movement. 1. The movement attracted a large section of the society for the first time. 2. Participation of the women as well as students was a remarkable achievement. 3. A number of landlords who were loyal to the British joined the movements. b) Stimulus to industries. 1. A number of cottage industries and enterprise was set up. 2. Many textile mills, soap factory and match factory was set up. 3. TISCO was set up at Jamshedpur and all the shares were given to Indians only. 4. Acharya P.C. roy started Bengal chemical factory. 5. A large number of Zamindari started banking and insurance company. c) Stimulate to culture. 1. A number of patriotic songs were composed. 2. Political journalism produce some classical article on freedom and liberty. 3. Bankim Chandra Chatterjee composed Bande Mataram. 4. A number of journal and newspaper was started to foster the spirit of nationalism and patriotism. d) Stimulus to national education. Satish Chandra Mukherjee the editor of Dawn created a scheme of national education. This school imparted literary technical and physical education to Indians. So, a number of schools were established. e) Split in congress. 1. One negative impact of the movement was split in the congress. 2. There was dispute between moderates and aggressive nationalist over the method of agitation. 3. This clash resulted in the split in the congress at the Surat Session in 1907. f) Rise of revolutionary group. 1. In order to suppress the movement the government followed a number of repressive policies. 2. Their repressive policies not only angered the youth but it also generated patriotic feeling among them. 3. As a result a number of revolutionary group began to operate in the different parts of the country. 6. Muslim League I. Factors promoting the formation of league. a) Loss of sovereignty by muslim rulers. The British established their rule in the country by defeating the mughal rulers. Therefore, the muslims became the bitter enemies of the British under the policy of divide and rule the British favoured Hindus. However, after 1870, they changed their attitude to weaken the national unity. This attitude thus widened the gap between Hindu and Muslims. b) Backwardness of muslims in education and commerce. Most of the muslims remained backward in social and cultural fields. This was because they were proud of their culture and religion. As a muslim lagged behind the hindus in all spheres. The British officers could incite the muslims against the Hindus.. c) Roll of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan. He was a famous muslim reformer. He opposed INC and appealed to the muslim not to join it. In 1893, he started MAO college at Aligarh to impart education to the muslims as he realised that muslims remained backward mainly due to lack of education. He started Indian Patriotic association to oppose congress. d) Teaching of history. The British historians divided Indian history into Hindu and Muslim period. The historians presented facts and their interpretation in such a way so as to create communal feelings among the Indians. By generalizing the evil policies of one ruler against the other, the historians tried to spread hatred in Indian communities. e) Economic backwardness of India. In the absence of industrialization there was unemployment problems in the country. This tempted ask for the jobs on the basis of religion. This in turn led to communal feelings in the country. f) British policy of divide and rule. After the revolt of 1857, the British saw imminent danger to the British empire in India. In order to check the growth of nationalistic feelings among all communities, they followed the policy of divide and rule. Lord Curzon tried to play one community against another, when he partitioned Bengal. g) Hindi-Urdu controversy. In the united province urdu was the court official language and all the petitions were submitted in urdu. The hindus protested against this practise. The government therefore instructed that the entire petitions can be submitted either in Hindi or Urdu. this event strained the relations between the two communities. h) Partition of Bengal. Lord Curzon partitioned Bengal on 16th October 1905 in order to split the unity between hindus and muslims and to weaken the nationalistic spirit. Bengal was partitioned in such a way that one part was dominated by the hindus and the other by muslims. The congress protested against this by following Swadeshi and Boycott movement. However, many Muslim leaders supported the partition as they felt that new province would become a centre of their political activities in India. i) Agha Khan s deputation. The British announced that they would bring radical changes in the administrative setup of India. So, some selections of the muslim decide to meet the vice-roy and put formed their demands. As this delegation was headed by Agha Khan, it came to be known as Agha Khan s deputation. They submitted the following demand to the vice-roy. 1. Separate electoral constituencies for the muslims. 2. Representation of muslims in the council on basis of political importance. 3. Grant-in-aid for muslim universities. j) Role of radical nationalist/religious tinge. In assertive nationalist in their effort to glorify India s glorious part, presented only one sided picture of India s composite culture. They provided Shivaji but was silent on Akbar and Sher Shah Suri. tilak organised Shivaji and Ganesh festivals due to this many muslims remained aloof and turned against the national movement. k) Vice Roy s response to the demands. The vice-roy gave a positive reply to the delegation and promised that separate electorate would become a part of the Minto Morley Reforms. l) The impact of the delegation on the national movement. It sowed the seeds of communication in the country and created a gulf between the two communities. II. Formation of muslim league. The success of the muslim delegation motivated the muslim to start a separate political organization. The leaders met at Dhaka under the leadership of Nawab salimullah Khan and does the muslim league officially came into existence in december 1906. The first regular session of the muslim league was held at Amritsar in 1908, under the leadership of Syed Ali Imam. III. Aims and the objectives of the league. 1. To remain loyal to the British. 2. To protect the interest of muslims of India. 3. To promote friendly relations with the other communities. IV. Impact of the formation of muslim league on the national movement. 1. Leaders like Maulana Moham Ali, Hakim Ajmal Khan and Mazhar-Ul-Haq started the Ahrar movement and asked the muslims to join the congress. 2. There was a separate electorate in the Minto-Morley reforms. 3. The two nation theory of Jinnah ultimately led to the division of India. 7. Lucknow Pact I. Lucknow pact. a) Meaning. It is joint scheme of reforms put forward by muslim league and Indian National Congress in 1916 demanding for self government. b) Causes. 1. Annexation and abolition of Caliph Post in Turkey by British. 2. The Partition of Bengal annulled by British in 1911 which angered Muslims in India. 3. The muslim league changed its attitude and demanded self government for the first time. 4. Mrs. Annie Besant and Tilak acted as mediators between muslim league and Indian National Congress. 5. Ali brothers namely Shaukat Ali and Mohammad Ali brought unity between the two party. c) terms/clauses/provision of the pact. 1. It demanded for self-government within British rule. 2. Expansion of Provincial Legislature and Imperial Legislature. 3. The imperial legislature must consists of 150 members of which /45th must be elected and 1/5th must be nominated. 4. 1/3rd of the seats must be reserved for muslims. 5. Rights of minorities must be protected. 6. Separate electorate for Hindu and Muslims. 7. Two under secretary ports must be created and abolish Indian Council. 8. Communal verb. d) Significance of the pact. 1. It brought unity between hindu and muslim unity. 2. It brought unity between assertive and moderate. 3. The unity became a threat to the British government and force them to come out with government of India act 1919/Montague Chelmsford reforms 1919. e) 1. 2. 3. drawbacks/criticism/limitations. The pact didn t involve the common masses. By asking separate electorate, congress lost its secular character. There was more sacrifice on the part of congress by granting one third of the seats to the muslims in the legislature. 4. It was a temporary compromise between muslim league and Indian National Congress. II. Home rule movement. a) Causes. 1. The prices rose up due to the World War I, so people wanted reforms in the administration. 2. Congress remained passive. People thought that the government will not bring changes without any pressure. 3. Indians thought that British had no moral rights to deny India s demand for self government. b) Objectives and programmes. The main objective was to attain self government within British rule. The leaders decided to follow constitutional methods in order not to harass the British who were busy with the war. The leaders travelled to different path, organised meetings and criticized the government for neglecting industries and education. They attracted masses by writing articles in newspaper. c) Impact 1. It brought unity between hindu and muslim unity. 2. It brought unity between assertive and moderate. 3. The unity became a threat to the British government and force them to come out with government of India act 1919/Montague Chelmsford reforms 1919. 4. National movement in India strengthened. d) Role of Mrs. Annie Besant. 1. She was one of the founder of the home rule movement in India. 2. She propagated her ideas through articles in newspaper like new India. 3. She organised branches of home rule league in Madras and other parts of India. 4. She trained the youth in politics. e) Role of Tilak. 1. He was one of the founder of home rule movement in India. 2. He raised the slogan Swaraj is my birthright and I shall have it . 3. He started home rule league in Pune Poona. 4. He inspired people by writing the articles in his newspaper, Maratha and Kesari . III. August declaration 1. Lord Montague announced that India would be granted with self government in stages in 1917. 2. The government of India act 1919 introduced Diarchy/dual government. The subjects were distributed between British and Indians as reserved subjects and transferred subjects. All the important subjects were taken by British and welfare subjects were granted Indians. 3. The Indians were disappointed with the act and started protest against the act. 8. Gandhian Era I. His methods/traits/weapons/characteristics. a) Mass movements: Before Gandhiji the movement was confined to educated Indians. He believed that if all the Indians take part in the movement there would be some effect on the British. Hence, he laid stress on mass movements. b) Satyagraha: 1. The words satya means truth and agraha means force. Satyagraha is a weapon of strongest. 2. A satyagraha refuses to submit himself to what is wrong. But even while resisting evil it would not involve hatred towards the evil doer. c) Swadeshi: He stated ir for the economic and social upliftment of the people. The British came to benefit from trade and if it is not beneficial they would leave India. Hence, he laid stress on chakra. d) Value based politics: He used human courage, patience and sufferings as vehicles to achieve higher goals in life. For this he won international sympathy. e) Concern for the poor: 1. In 1917, he fought for the rights of the indigo farmers(champaran satyagraha). 2. In 1918, he fought to improve the working conditions of mill workers (Ahmedabad mill workers strike) 3. In 1918 due to his efforts the land revenue charges was reduced (khola satyagraha). II. Khilafat movement. This movement was started by Muhammad Ali and Shaukat Ali in protest against the abolition of Caliph post in Turkey. They appealed to the masses not to co-operate with the British. Gandhiji felt that it was a right opportunity to join hands with Muslims and have extended the help to the movement. The British arrested the two leaders. However, the movement was suspended as Turkey was annexed by Kamal Pasha who declared Turkey as a secular state. III. Non-cooperation movement (1920 at Nagpur session). a) Events leading to the non-cooperation movement. 1. Government of Act 1919 ro Montague Chelmsford Reforms. Under the Government of Act, the British introduced Diarchy. The central provincial government had power over the reserved subjects like finance, external affairs ,etc. The province governments were given power to control transferred subjects like health, agriculture, etc. The Indians found the reforms of Government of Act 1919 has an inadequate and unsatisfactory. This lead to large scale agitation. 2. Rowlatt Act. To stop large scale agitation, the government passed Rowlatt Act. This act gave the government power to arrest any person without a trial, search any place without search warrant and imprison any one without trial. 3. Jallianwala Bagh incident. Gandhiji appealed to repeal the Rowlatt Act. However, the government refused. Gandhiji therefore asked the people to observe peaceful hartals. The movement turned violent in Amritsar where the British property was destroyed. So General O Dwyer, the general of Punjab declared that no public meetings must be held, unaware of it, on April 13th, 1919 the people assembled at at Bagh named Jallianwala. General O Dwyer went with his troops, closed the only exit and gave shoot at orders without giving a warning in which thousand innocent people were killed. b) Meaning and objective of the movement. It means people will protest without co-operating with the doer. The objectives of tit were 1. Repeal of Rowlatt Act. 2. Restoring the caliph post. 3. Swaraj. c) Program. 1. Surrender the titles. 2. Boycott of school and colleges. 3. Boycott of British goods and services. 4. Boycott of courts by lawyers. 5. Boycott of legislative councils. d) Progress. 1. Gandhiji returned the titles he had been awarded with. 2. Hundred of lawyers gave up their jobs. 3. Thousand of students left the school and colleges. 4. Shops selling foreign goods were set to fire. e) Positive aspects. 1. A number of educational institutions like Kashi, Vidya Peeth, Gujrathi Vidya Peeth were set up. 2. Chakra appeared in every house. f) Movement suspended. 1. In 1922, at Chauri Chaura in Gorakhpur district of UP, and angry mob burnt a police station and killed 22 policemen. 2. Gandhiji believed that violence would breed to violence and hence suspend the movement. g) Importance. 1. National movement became a mass movement. 2. Brought unity between Hindus and Muslims. 3. Led to revival of cottage industry. 4. Instilled confidence in the Indians. 5. Fostered many reforms. IV. Civil disobedience movement. a) Events leading to Civil Disobedience. 1. Simon Commission. (1927). In 1927, the British Government appointed Simon Commission to submit a report on the working of Government of India Act 1919. The commission didn t contain a single Indian. This hurt the sentiments of Indians, so they decided to boycott it. Further, the recommendations of this commission were not acceptable to the leaders. The main recommendations were: 1. Diarchy was abolished. 2. Provincial legislative councils must be expanded. 3. High Court must be under the government. 2. Nehru report (1928). The British government challenged the Indians to draft a constitution acceptable to all political parties in the country. All the parties met under the leadership of Dr.Ansari in Bombay. The leaders appointed a subcommittee under the leadership of Motilal Nehru which prepared Nehru s report. However in the last minute Jinnah refused to accept the report. 3. Resolution for poorna swaraj (Lahore session). The congress leaders under the leadership of Jawaharlal Nehru passed a resolution in the Lahore session demanding Poorna Swaraj. At Calcutta they took an oath that they would fight for the independence of the country and celebrated 26th January 1930, as first independence day. b) Programs of the movement. 1. Non-payment of the taxes. 2. Non-violent satyagraha. 3. Boycott of schools and colleges and to break salt laws. c) Progress. 1. On 12th March Gandhiji started the movement with his famous Dandi March. 2. He broke salt laws while making salt from the beach. 3. It was a signal for the whole country to start the movement. 4. People refused to pay taxes. 5. The movement was organised by Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan in the North Frontier Province. He stated that Khudai Khidmatgars (servants of God) and the volunteers to wear red shirts. d) Gandhi-Irwin pact. British realised that they cannot suppress movement. So, Tej Bahadur Sapru and Shastri acted as mediators between Gandhiji and Vice Roy Lord Irwin. Gandhi promised that he would suspend the Civil Disobedience Movement and attend the second round table conference, while Lord Irwin promised that they would allow Indians to manufacture salt free of cost and release all the prisoners except those who were found guilty of killing the British Officers. e) Second round table conference(1931). Mahatma Gandhi was the sole representative of the country. 1. He demanded for complete independence 2. The conference was a failure as none of the other representatives of India agreed with Gandhi's demand 3. Gandhiji was upset so he returned back to India and re-launched civil-disobedience movement. f) Renewal of civil disobedience movement. The second round table conference was a failure, disappointed Gandhiji launched the movement again on 1st January 1932, within no time the movement gained the momentum. The British passed the communal award which provided for separate electorate for Hindus, Muslims and Harijans. Gandhiji protested against and began to fast unto death. So, the British replaced it with poona pact. The pact provide reservation of seats for the Harijans. g) Withdrawal of civil disobedience movement. In 1934, Gandhiji suspended the movement due to brutal depression of satyagrahis and the satyagrahis and the atrocities against the Harijans by the upper sections of the Indians. h) Importance. 1. It made the national movement a mass movement. 2. It made the people realise the importance of the non-violent methods. 3. It created potential awakening among the people. 4. It exposed the true nature of the British. 5. It forced the government to come with the Government of India Act 1934. 9. Quit India Movement I. a) 1. 2. Resignation of Congress leaders: Reasons: In 1939, World War II broke out. The British Government of India announced that the Indians would be a part of the World War without consulting the Indian leaders. This hurt the self-respect of Indians. So, they resigned from their ministries. b) Impact of the Resignation: 1. The Vice-Roy was happy as congress controlled many territories. 2. The congress lost the good-will of the British and the Muslim League won the good-will. II. August offer: August offer was made by Linlithgow in August 1940, but the provisions of the offer were not accepted by congress and the league. III. In March 1940, Muslim League under the leadership of Jinnah passed a resolution demanding for the creation of Pakistan. IV. Causes of Quit India Movement a) Reason for sending cripp s mission: 1. The failure of August offer and the Japanese threat to India forced the British to break the political dead-law in India. In order to pacify the Indians, so that they would not join or help the Japanese, they sent Sir Stafford Cripps to India. 2. Gandhiji called for individual satyagraha in protest against the British Government. b) 1. 2. 3. 4. Provisions/ causes/ terms of mission: Indians would be granted with Dominion status after the war. A Constituent Assembly would be setup to draft the constitution of India after the war. India would a federation of British provinces and princely states. If the provinces would not like to join the federation, they can have their own constitution. 5. Viceroy would have a hold over the defence of country. c) Reaction of congress: The congress rejected the offer on the following grounds:1. The mission did not promise the independence to the country. 2. The plan involved the partition of country. 3. The right of the sikhs, the Anglo-Indians and the minorities were not affected. 4. The vice-roy still had hold over the defence of the country. d) Muslim League s reaction: It refused to accept the plan as their was no provision for the creation of Pakistan. V. Quit India Resolution (8th August, 1942 Bombay Session- The last mass uprising British) a) AIM 1. Immediate liberation of India. b) 1. 2. 3. Reason for launching the movement: Failure of Cripps mission to satisfy Indians. To protect the country from the invasions of Japan. The communal problems can be solved only if the Britishers quit the country as they are responsible for lift between two parties. c) Progress of movement: On 9th August, congress was declared as illegal party and Gandhiji was arrested. There were demonstrations in different parts of country. People attacked the symbols of British authority. At many places the government lost life. d) Repressive measures of British: 1. The press was banned. 2. Thousands of people was arrested and put to torture. e) 1. 2. 3. 4. Impact of movement: The movement became a mass movement and spread to different parts of country. It made the British to realise their days in India are numbered. It demonstrated the depth of nationalistic feeling of Indians. It was a last mass uprisings against the British. 10. Forward bloc and INA I. II. Differences between Gandhi and Bose: 1. Gandhi favoured the idea of small-scale industry to make the villages self-sufficient while base favoured the idea of the large-scale industrialization. 2. Gandhi believed in nonviolence while Bose believed on violent methods. 3. Gandhiji believed in democracy while Bose believed in socialism Rift with Gandhiji Bose served as President of Congress in 1938. He wanted to contest for the presidential elections of 1939. Gandhiji opposed it and nominated Pattabhi Sitaramayya as his opponent. However, Bose won the elections. Gandhiji felt Sitaramayya s defeat and resigned from Congress. The senior congress members requested Bose to constitute the working committee of Congress as per Gandhi's wishes. Bose could not continue as the nominal head and hence resigned from Congress. He started his own party forward Block on 3rd May, 1939. It s main objectives were:1. Immediate liberation. 2. To reastablish India on socialistic lines. 3. Abolish fo Zamindari system. 4. To rally radical members from Congress. III. Events leading to the formation of Indian National Army/Azad Hind(1st September, 1942) a) Indian Independence league: Japan conquered Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia. India leavin in this territories organised themselves in two associations. This led to the formations of India Independence league under the leadership of Rash Behari Bose. a number of Indians to captain Mohan Singh and it led to the formation of INA. b) 1. 2. 3. The following decisions were taken in the conferences: To expand and strengthen Indian Independence league. To form INA To hold a conference at Bangkok. c) Bangkok conference: 1. Decided to invite Bose to head INA. 2. To make Rash Behari Bose as the head of the council of action of Indian. 3. Appoint captain Mohan Singh as the commander chief of INA. d) 1. 2. 3. 4. Objectives of INA To begin and armed struggle against British India. Total mobilization of the forces against British. To form Provisional Government of India. The main motto is unity, sacrifice and faith. e) Achievements of INA: In 1943, Bose took up the leadership of INA. He set up Provincial Government of free India on October 21st, 1948.This government declared war against the British. It was recognised by Germany, Italy and Japan Bose gave the calls Delhi Chalo and total mobilization . INA captured Andaman and Nicobar Islands and name them as Shahid and Swaraj. It marched up to Kohima and wanted to capture Imphal. However due to heavy rain they could not proceed meanwhile, Japan was bombed by USA as a result, it was surrender itself in World War II after Japan withdraw support any was defeat in the hands of British. f) Impact of INA It setup inspiring example of Patriotism. The heroic deeds of the soldier led to political consciousness. The British realised that they can no longer rely on Indian forces to continue their rule in India. 11. Partition of India I. Cabinet mission plan a) Reason for sending it: In order to facilitate the transfer of powers three cabinet ranking ministers namely 1. Sir Stafford Cripps 2. Pathe Laurence 3. AV Alexander were sent to India. b) 1. 2. 3. 4. Causes for sending it USA And Russia were in favour of India's demand for freedom. The economy of British were shattered and it would take years rehabilitate. The labour party which came to power supported the Congress demand for independence They were strikes demonstrating deep feelings of people against the British during the trial of INA soldier's. 5. communal passion is high after winter elections in 1946. c) 1. 2. 3. Proposal India would be a federation of British provinces and princely states. The Federal Government would deal with defence, foreign affairs and communication. British provinces would be divided into 3 groups namely: Group A: United Province, Bihar, Orissa, Madras and Bombay. Group B: Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan and NWFP Group C: Bengal and Assam 4. A constituent assembly would be set up to draft the constitution of India. 5. An interlinked government would be set up comprising of 14 members. 6. A treaty would be signed between constituent assembly and the British regarding the transfer of powers . d) Reasons for rejection of demand for Pakistan. 1. It would not solve the problem of communal minorities as Hindus are more in the areas demanded by them. 2. A small Pakistan is not viable as it would be separated by the Indian territory. 3. It would involve dislocation of communication method. 4. I would involve division of armed forces along communal lines. e) Reaction of cabinet mission plan by congress . The party accepted the long term plan but rejected the proposal for an inter linked government due to difference with the league. It accepted the framing of the constitution with the hoe of getting united India. f) League s reaction It accepted the whole plan as it demand for the formation of pakistan was fulfilled through Group B. Later it passed the resolution rejecting the proposal as it won very few seats in the constituent assembly elections. Later it again accepted the whole plan with the fear that the power may be transferred to the congress. g) Reaction of Sikh and scheduled caste. The sikhs rejected the plan as they were put at the mercy of muslims. The scheduled caste rejected the plan as only one seat reserved for them. II. Mountbatten plan 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The country would be divided into two dominions. British would leave India by 15th August, 1947. Bengal and Punjab would be divided. The princely states would be given an option to join India or remain independent. The existing constituent assembly would draft the constitution for India and Pakistan would have another one. 6. The opinion of the people would be taken in NWFP and Assam whether they would join India or Pakistan. III. Indian Independence League ( 1st July, 1947) a) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. The country would be divided into two dominions. A Governor General would be appointed for each dominion. The Constituent Assemblies would serve as Central Legislature. All the treaties signed between the princely states and the British would lapse. The post of viceroy would be abolished. The post of secretary of state would be abolished. The assets would be shared between the dominions. b) 1. Reaction Congress : Extension of British rule was harmful. A smaller united India was better than a better dis-organised country. To prevent large scale communal violence. To put an end to the unparliamentary procedure like separate electorate. 2. Muslim league: It accepted the plan as a plan propose for the creation of Pakistan.

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