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ICSE Class X Notes 2021 : Chemistry (HVB Academy, Mumbai) : Cnms school worksheets for chemistry..... Highly important from board point of view......

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Shri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandal s C.N.M. School & N.D. Parekh Pre-Primary School CLASS X MUST KNOW QUESTIONS 2019 -20 CHEMISTRY Question 1 Define the following: 1. Ionisation Potential 2. Lone pair of electron 3. Atomicity 4. Mole 5. Vapour density 6. Electrolysis 7. Isomerism 8. Electronegativity 9. Electron affinity 10. Catenation 11. State Gay Lussac s law 12. State Avogardo s law Question 2 A) Distinguish between the following: 1. Electronegativity and electron affinity 2. Covalent and co-ordinate bond 3. Metals and non metals ( on the basis of malleability, dissociation and nature of oxides) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chemistry Questions Page 1 of 15 B) Give reasons for the following: 1. Solid sodium chloride does not conduct electricity whereas aqueous sodium chloride conducts electricity. 2. Ammonia and hydrogen chloride dissolves in water whereas Carbon tetrachloride is not. 3. Lead monoxide is not used in the lab preparation of lead sulphate. 4. Silver nitrate is not used as an electrolyte for the electroplating with silver. 5. The article to be electroplated is made the cathode. 6. Ammonia is used as a refrigerant in industries. 7. Why is vanadium pentaoxide preferred as a catalyst during contact process? 8. Sulphur trixode is not dissolved in water during contact process. 9. Conc. Sulphuric acid is diluted by adding water to the conc. Acid and not vice versa. 10. Glacial acetic acid is called so. Question 3 Write balanced equations for the following: 1. Zinc + sodium hydroxide 2. Aluminium + sodium hydroxide + water 3. Write equations for showing amphoteric nature of Zinc oxide 4. Ferrous sulphide and hydrochloric acid 5. Magnesium bicarbonate and hydrochloric acid 6. Copper oxide and nitric acid 7. Sodium sulphite with hydrochloric acid 8. Copper and con. Nitric acid 9. Sulphur and conc. Nitric acid 10. Catalytic oxidation of ammonia ( mention the industrial use of this reaction) 11. Burning of ammonia in oxygen. 12. Ammonia with excess of chlorine. 13. Equations to demonstrate the following properties of sulphuric acid non volatile, dilute acid, dehydrating agent, oxidizing agent. 14. Sodium ethanoate to methane 15. Oxidation of methane using molyebdenum oxide 16. Oxidation of ethane using copper tubes. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chemistry Questions Page 2 of 15 17. Bromoethane to ethane 18. Ethyne from dibromoethane 19. Ethyne to ethane 20. Hydration of ethene 21. Hydrolysis of ethyl chloride 22. Esterification of ethanol 23. Hydrolysis of calcium carbide 24. Acetic acid with alkali Question 4 Complete the following table: Sr. Alkane 1 Gen formula 2 Type of bonds 3 Saturated/ Alkene Alkyne Unsaturated 4 Structural formula of simplest hydrocarbon 5 Type of reaction with bromine 6 One general use -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chemistry Questions Page 3 of 15 Principal metal __(i)____ Alloy Cu __(iii)__ Duralumin Bronze Pb FUSE METAL (solder) Stainless steel Fe Composi tion 95% Al 4% Cu 0.5 % Mg 0.5 % Mn 60 70 % Cu 40 30 % Zn 80 % Cu 18 % Sn 2 % Zn 50% Pb 50% __(v)__ Prop. Uses light,strong corrosion res. __(ii)____, buses easy to cast malleable,yellow hard, easy to cast decorative articles screws & handles __(iv)____ low m.p. , high tensile strength welding , fuse 73% Fe 18% Cr 8% Ni 1% C resists corrosion, hard resistant to acids, alkalis __(vi)__ Surgical instruments Question 5 A) Classify the following on the basis of constituent particles: (Ammonium hydroxide, acetic acid, glucose, ethanol, potassium hydroxide, nitric acid, carbonic acid, phosphoric acid) IONS ONLY MOLECULES ONLY IONS AND MOLECULES -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chemistry Questions Page 4 of 15 B) Complete the following table: Sr. Electrolytic cell 1 Molten Electrolyte Dissociation of electrolyte Material cathode of Material of anode Reaction and product at cathode Reaction and product at anode lead bromide 2 Acidified water 3 Aq. copper Copper Copper sulphate 4 Electroplating on a nail with nickel 5 Electroplating of a spoon with silver 6 Electrorefining with copper Question 6 A) For each substance listed below, explain its significance in the extraction of aluminium: (i) Bauxite (ii) Sodium hydroxide (iii) Cryolite (iv) Graphite. B) Relating to the extraction of aluminium by electrolysis: (i) Give the equation for the reaction which takes place at the cathode. periodically. (ii) Write an equation for the reaction which takes place at the anode during the extraction of aluminium by the electrolytic process. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chemistry Questions Page 5 of 15 (iii) Explain why it is necessary to renew the anode. (C) Aluminium is extracted from its chief ore, bauxite. (i) Write three balanced equations for the purification of bauxite by Hall s process. (ii) Name the chemical used for dissolving Al2O3. In which state of subdivision is the chemical used. (iii) Mention one reason for the use of aluminium in thermite welding. D) Choose the method of concentration and principle involved for the following ores: Heamatite, Zinc blende, bauxite, magnetite Question 7 (A) Choose the appropriate term from the given options A to J, for the description given in (1) to (10) : A. Alkali B. Salt C. Normal salt D. Deliquescence E. Efflorescence F. Acid G. Basicity H. Water of crystallization I. Basic salt J. Acidic salt 1) It is a chemical compound which when dissolved in water yields hydronium ions as the only positively charged ions. 2) It is a compound which in aqueous solution gives hydroxyl ion as the only negative ions. 3) It is a compound which when dissolved in water yields a positive ion other than hydronium ion and a negative ion other than hydroxyl ion. 4) It is a salt which does not contain any ionizable or replaceable hydrogen atom in its molecule. 5) It is a salt which is formed when only a part of the ionizable or replaceable hydrogen atom in a molecule of the acid is replaced by the metal or ammonium ion. 6) It is a salt formed by partial replacement of oxide or hydroxide ions in a base by other negative ions. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chemistry Questions Page 6 of 15 7) It is the phenomenon in which a hygroscopic solid when exposed to the atmosphere absorbs water from the atmospheric air to such an extent that it ultimately forms a concentrated solution of the solid. 8) It is the phenomenon in which a crystalline hydrate, when exposed to atmosphere, loses its water of crystallization and forms an amorphous powder. 9) It is the definite number of water molecules that enter a loose chemical combination with the salt on crystallization from its saturated solution. 10) It is the number of hydrogen ion produced by the ionization of one molecule of the acid in its aqueous solution. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chemistry Questions Page 7 of 15 LABORATORY PREPARATION OF SALTS SOLUBILITY CHART Sr. Compounds 1 Sodium, potassium, ammonium, nitrates 2 Chlorides SOLUBLE All soluble INSOLUBLE Most soluble 3 Sulphates Most soluble 4 Carbonates, bicarbonates, sulphites, bisulphites, oxides, hydroxides Only sodium, potassium and ammonium salts soluble Except lead and silver chlorides are insoluble in water Except lead, calcium, barium, aluminium and silver sulphates are insoluble in water Most insoluble Preparation of Soluble salts METAL + ACID (Simple Displacement) DIRECT COMBINATION (Iron + chlorine = Ferric chloride) (For Mg, Al, Zn, Fe salts) NEUTRALISATION (Titration for sodium, potassium and ammonium salts) DECOMPOSITION WITH ACID (Conversion of insoluble Carbonates, sulphites and sulphides to soluble salts.) Preparation of Insoluble salts DIRECT COMBINATION (Preparation of sulphides) DIRECT PRECIPITATION (Soluble compound 1 + soluble compound 2 = product obtained contains one insoluble compound) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chemistry Questions Page 8 of 15 (b) How would you obtain the relevant product starting from each of the following reactants in not more than two steps? (i) Lead carbonate from lead oxide (ii) Calcium carbonate from calcium sulphate (iii) Copper sulphate from copper oxide (iv) Zinc chloride from zinc (v) Ammonium chloride using titration. (c) The diagram given below shows the set up to obtain crystals of anhydrous ferric chloride. Answer the following questions pertaining to the preparation. A and C are concentrated acids. A is the source of chlorine and C is a drying agent. B is a black compound ( also used as a catalyst in the laboratory preparation of oxygen) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) Write the names of A and C. What is the use of water in the above arrangement? What is the name of B? State the purpose of B. Write the equation for the reaction between iron and chlorine What is the purpose of the anhydrous calcium chloride? Why is ferric chloride to be stored in a closed container? Write the equation for the reaction which produces Iron (II) chloride from Iron. (D) Classify the following salts as Acidic salt, basic salt and normal salt. Cu(OH ) NO3, AgCl, CuSO4 , NaHPO4 , Pb(OH )Cl -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chemistry Questions Page 9 of 15 (E) Arrange the following ions in the increasing ease of reduction and state with reason will get discharged first at cathode. Ca 2 , which of them Ag , Cu 2 , Na , Pb 2 Question 8. a) Draw the electron dot diagram of the following compounds (i) Sodium chloride (ii) Magnesium chloride (iii) Calcium oxide (iv) Hydrogen (v) Chlorine (vi) Nitrogen (vii) Ammonia (viii) Carbon tetrachloride (ix) Methane (x) Hydronium ion (xi) Ammonium ion b) Draw the structural formula of the following : (xii) 4 - methyl-2-pentyne (xiii) 2 - methyl propan-2-ol (xiv) 2 - pentanone (xv) 3, 3 - dimethyl butanal (xvi) but-2- ene (xv) 2-chloro butanoic acid (xvi) Diethyl ether Q.9. Name the following (IUPAC names) i) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chemistry Questions Page 10 of 15 ii) iii) iv) v) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ANALYTICAL AND PRACTICAL CHEMISTRY Write a chemical test to distinguish between the following compounds. Eg 1. calcium chloride solution & calcium nitrate solution Answer: Reagent used Silver nitrate solution Calcium chloride solution White ppt Calcium nitrate solution No ppt OR Brown ring test ( ferrous sulphate solution, conc. Sulphuric acid) No brown ring Brown ring -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chemistry Questions Page 11 of 15 Eg 2. calcium chloride & calcium nitrate Answer: Reagent used Add conc. H2SO4 Heat gently Calcium chloride Pungent gas which gives dense white fumes with glass rod dipped in ammonium hydroxide is evolved Calcium nitrate Gas evolved does not give dense white fumes with glass rod dipped in ammonium hydroxide OR Add conc. H2SO4 + Copper powder. Heat gently Colourless gas evolved. Reddish Brown gas is evolved. Eg 3. Zinc sulphate and copper sulphate Answer: Reagent used Add water to the salt to make an aqueous solution. Zinc sulphate Copper sulphate Add sodium hydroxide solution White ppt soluble in excess of sodium hydroxide solution No white ppt obtained. OR Add water to the salt to make an aqueous solution. Add ammonium hydroxide No Blue ppt obtained Blue ppt soluble in excess of ammonium hydroxide giving an inky blue solution. Q . 10. Write a chemical test to distinguish between the following compounds: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Lead nitrate and calcium nitrate Copper carbonate and copper nitrate Ferrous chloride and Ferric chloride Ammonium sulphate and sodium sulphate Calcium sulphite and calcium sulphide Magnesium chloride and magnesium nitrate Ammonium chloride solution and ammonium carbonate -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chemistry Questions Page 12 of 15 8. Zinc sulphate solution and zinc nitrate solution 9. Copper sulphate solution and Ferrous sulphate solution 10. Sodium chloride and potassium chloride ( Hint: Flame test) Q11: PREPARATION OF INORGANIC COMPOUNDS: 1) Manufacture of sulphuric acid: Compound Name of process Reactants Temperature Catalyst Sulphuric acid Write the reactions of the above process: 1) Burning of Iron pyrites to form SO2 . 2) Conversion of SO2 to SO3 . 3) Conversion of SO3 to Oleum . 4) Conversion of Oleum to Sulphuric acid . 2) A Sulphur Sulphuric acid B Sulphur dioxide D C Sulphur trioxide i) Name the catalyst which helps in the conversion of sulphur dioxide to sulphur trioxide in step C. ii) In the above process, sulphur trioxide is not converted to sulphuric acid by reacting it with water. Instead a two steps procedure is used. Write the equations for the two steps involved in D. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chemistry Questions Page 13 of 15 2) Manufacture of Ammonia: The table below shows the manufacture of Ammonia on a large scale, complete by filling appropriate data:Compound Process Reactants Temperature Pressure Catalyst & promoter Ammonia 3) Laboratory method : The table below shows the laboratory preparation of Ammonia using ammonium chloride, complete by filling appropriate data: Reactants Method of collection of gas Drying agent used Ammonium chloride + B Write balance equation for the preparation of gas. 4) The table below shows the laboratory preparation of Ammonia using Ammonium Nitride, complete by filling appropriate data: Reactants Method of collection of gas Drying agent used Aluminium Nitride+ A Write balance equation for the preparation of gas. 4) Laboratory method preparation of hydrogen chloride gas Reactants Temperature Method of collection of gas Drying agent used Write balance equation for the preparation of gas. Q: Calcium oxide and phosphorus pentoxide are good drying agents but they are not employed to dry hydrogen chloride gas. Give reason 5) Laboratory method preparation of Nitric Acid Reactants Why is temperature Product obtained is maintained below yellow in colour. Why? 0 200 C Why all glass apparatus is used? Write balance equation for the preparation of gas by laboratory method. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chemistry Questions Page 14 of 15 Q1: Name the process used for the manufacture of nitric acid and raw materials required for it. Q2: Give the source of ammonia gas used in the manufacture. Ans (Haber s process) Q3: ___________________ of ammonia is the key reaction of Ostwald Process. Ans. (catalytic oxidation) Q4.Name the catalyst used in the process. PREPARATION OF ORGANIC COMPOUNDS: Preparation of compound 1 Methane Method By Decarboxylation 2 Ethane Using an alkyl halide 3 Ethene(ethylene) By Dehydration 4 Ethyne (acetylene) By dehydrohalogenation 5 Ethanol (ethyl alcohol) By hydration Balanced equations -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chemistry Questions Page 15 of 15

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