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ISC Class XII Sample / Model Paper 2023 : Commerce

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Dk Saraff
St. Helen's School, Howrah
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Revision 1 MCQs Subject Commerce Marks 60 Time 90 mins This question paper is divided into four groups. Every question contains 1 mark each. Group A (Choose the correct option) 1. a. Aryan the chief analyst, analysed the upcoming threat due to change in international relationship. He introduced self sufficiency in raw material. Which feature of business environment is referred to here? i. Coping with change ii. Dynamic iii. Uncertainty iv. Complexity b. The objectives of a company guides it in which of the following? i. Priorities ii. Strategy and product development process iii. Product market scope iv. All of the above c. Which of the following is an internal factor of business environment? i. Customer ii. Supplier iii. Power structure iv. Financiers d. Which of the following are example of publics? i. Co- workers ii. NGO s iii. Commercial establishments iv. Manufacturers e. Which of the following is a component economic environment? i. Work ethics ii. Communication iii. Research iv. Foreign policy f. Which of the following is an inherent capability of a company? i. Strength ii. Weakness iii. Opportunity iv. Threats g. PK is a sole proprietor. He needs funds. Which of the sources can he use? I Issue debentures Ii Bank loan Iii Loan from a partner Iv government grant h. Which among the following is a permanent working capital? a. Initial b. Seasonal c. variable d. special i. Who invented PODSCORB ? 1. Henry Fayol 2. Taylor 3. Luther Gullick 4. Andrew Jane j. Which of the following are hybrid securities? a. Equity shares b. Preference shares c. Debentures d. Public deposits k. What are the advantages of issuing equity shares to companies? a. Enjoys voting rights b. No charge on assets c. Pre-emptive rights d. No tax on dividends l. Which of the following is a type of debenture as well as preference share? a. Bearer b. Convertible c. Cumulative d. Simple m. Which of the following shares are issued free of cost? a. Bonus shares b. Sweat equity c. ESOP d. Right n. Which of the following is self financing? a. ICDs b. Factoring c. Retained earing d. Trade credit o. Which of the following is short term financing? a. b. c. d. Public deposit Loans from financial institution Installment credit Loans from commercial banks p. What is the maximum limit for RTGS? i. Rs 2,00,000 ii. No Limit iii. Rs 49,999 iv. Rs 1 Cr q. Management is i. What it does ii. Increases productivity iii. Releases human energy iv. None of the above r. Which of the following is a character of management? i. Prosperity ii. Goal oriented iii. Survival iv. Minimisation of cost s. Which of the following is nature of principle of management? i. Flexibility ii. Profitability iii. Growth iv. Social process t. Why are the principles of management required in todays era? i. Contingent ii. Minimisation of cost iii. Science not a rule of thumb iv. To clarify Group B (Fill in the blanks) 2. a. Business environment is a set of _____________ external to an organisation b. Early warning signal analyses the ___________ in the business environment. c. Direct competition refers to ______________ d. Indian companies are facing competition from domestic and MNCs due to _______________ e. DOINKIS stands for ____________ f. Technological environment exercises a significant influence on ____________ g. ___________ is an unfavourable condition in company s external environment. h. Business finance includes _____________ i. Business planning is the process of __________ the financial requirements. j. Cyclical fluctuation effects the requirement of ____________ k. ___________ capital does not change its form. l. PODSCORB stands for _________________________ m. Sweat equity shares are issued to _______________ n. SIDBI stands for _______________ o. SFCs stand for _____________ p. NIDC stands for ______________ q. NSIC stands for _________________ r. UTI stands for _____________________ s. Public deposits are made with ________________ t. Cash credit is a ___________ account u. Instalment credit is buying ____________ on credit v. _________ % of the book debts are pledged in factoring. w. The interest rate is _______ in ICDs. x. RTGS stands for ___________ y. NEFT stands for _______________ z. E-banking means carrying out banking over ___________ aa. PIN stands for ___________ bb. EFTs stands for ________________ cc.Money can be withdrawn from ATM s using ____________ dd. Under _______ system the telephone is linked with the computer. ee. Bank draft money has to be deposited ________ ff. A ________ cannot bounce gg. Managers have become powerful because _____________ hh. Harmony not discord is the principal given by ___________ Group C (State which is True or False) 3. a. Legal environment is a specific force. b. Wholesalers are marketing intermediaries in the business environment. c. Indirect competition comes from firm vying for discretionary income. d. Opportunity is a favourable condition in the company s external environment. Group D (Assertion and Reasoning) 4. a. Assertion- Technological environment relates to the level of science and technology in a country. Reason Technological environment is a specific force. i. Both Assertion and reasons are correct. Reason is the correct explanation to the assertions. ii. Both Assertion and reasons are correct. But Reason is not the correct explanation to the assertions. iii. Assertion is true but reason is false. iv. Assertion is false but reason is true. b. Assertion - Commercial banks provide mostly only short term and medium term loans. Reason - Most of the deposits of bank are short term i. Both Assertion and reasons are correct. Reason is the correct explanation to the assertions. ii. iii. iv. Both Assertion and reasons are correct. But Reason is not the correct explanation to the assertions. Assertion is true but reason is false. Assertion is false but reason is true.

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