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ICSE Class X Prelims 2023 : Geography (Jamnabai Narsee School (JNS), Mumbai)

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Narsee Monjoe Educational Trust's contactus@ins 9 1 22 6915 7575/ 6915 7576 JAMNABAI NARSEE SCHOOL Narsco Monjae Bhavan, Narseo Monjeo Marg. NS.Road No. 7, J V.PD. Scheme, Vile Parle (W). Murmbai 400 049, India JNS www SECOND PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION JANUARY 2023 - GEOGRAPHY (H.C.G. Paper2) Std. 10 Time: 2hrs. Marks: 80 Date:6.01.2023 Answer to this paper should bewritlen on the answersheet providedseparately You will not be allowedto write in the first 15mins This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given Part I at the head of this Paper is the iscompulsory. All questionsfrom PartTare A total offive questions The intended marks for questions This paper To be supplied with conaists this (ii) The Map Work, extract are or of questions printed are pages and Paper: Surney ofIndia Map make wise use to to be attempted from parts of 8 Note: In all time allowved for writing the be attempted Part I1. given a answers. in brackets map. Sheet No. G43S10 of arrows to avoid overcrowding ofthe of Survey of India Nlap [ ]. map. taken out Sheet No. G43S10 must not be ofthe exam hall (iii) The Map given must (iv) All at be fastened sub-sections the end of this question paper to your answer must booklet. of the questions attempted ust be answered in the order. All working including rough used to answer the rest be detached, and afier marking. work should be done of the paper. 1 on the correct same answer serial sheet which is SECTION A (Attempt all questions) Question 1 Study the extract ofthe Survey of India Map sheet No. G43S10 and answer the following questions: a) What is the statement scale of the given map? [2 (b) Why is it known as statement scale? (ii) (a) Calculate the distance between the spotheight.437 and the perennial unlined well in the grid square 7033. (6) Mention (ii) (a)What any two sources is the main (2] of ifrigation in the gridsquare 6231. occupation of people of the region in the map extract? Give a for your answer. [2 (b) Explain the term Fire line in the grid 7130. (iv) (a)What do you mean by 6r written beside Sukli Nadi in (b)Mention reason the grid 6434? (2 the mode of transport in the grid 6727. (v) (a) ldentify the drainage pattern in the grid 7127. (b)What does the term "Causeway' all over 2 the map extract indicate? Question 2 On the outline map of India ) River Indus (ii) Bangalore (ii) Thar Desert (iv) Karakoram Pass (v) Deccan Plateau (vi) Gulf of Khambat mark and label the following: (vii) Mumbai High (viii) A densely populated region in southern India ix) Region with Red soil Standard Meridian of India (IST) 2 [10 Question 3 Choose the correct option: () Why does the Konkan coast receive orographic rainfall? on the windward side of the Eastern Ghats. on the indward side of the Cardamom hills. on the windward side of the Western Ghats on the windwand side of Baba Budan Ilills (a) lt lies (b) It lies (c) lt lies (d) It lies i) Borewells and Dug wells are known as: (a) Catchments (b) Conduits () Recharge facilities (d) Storage facilities iii) The lecal wind which is good for Tea and Jute b t harmful to life and property. (a) Kalbaisakhi (b) Loo (c) Westem Disturbance (d) Monsoon showers (iv) Nerophytic vegetation (a) Chottanagpur is a characteristic feature of b) Khasi Hills (c) Kutch (d) Eastern Hills () The best quality iron ore Magnetite is found in (a) Tamil Nadu and Kanataka (b) Odisha and Jharkhand (c) Chhattisgarh and West Bengal (d) Madhy a Pradesh and Bihar (vi) Ratooning is one of the methods of cultivation of (a) Cotton (b) Sugarcane (c) Rice Wheat (vii) One of the methods of reducing the wasteis: (a) Landfill (6) Sepsegaier Co mp ash^8 (c) Waste Concentration (d) Burning of waste (vii) Which is a crop NOT grown in regur soil? (a) Cotton (b) Tobacco (c) Rice (d) Wheat ix) The authority responsible for the development, maintenance and management of National Highways is called: (a) NHDP (b) BRO (c) Central Govermmeht d ) NHAI (x) Winnowing is the process of (a) separating the grains from the stalk. (b) removing the unwanted husk from the grains. (c) reducing the moisture content of the crop. (d) Polishing of the grain for a glossy texture. PARTII (Attempt any five questions from MQuestion 4 (i) Name the type of climate prevailing (ii) What is the main cause for the over this Part.) India. development of the 'Summer Monsoon'? (ii) (a)Why do the Northern Plains of India (6) Mention any two important features (iv) Give a geographical reason for notfreeze in winter? oflhe rainfall experienced in India. each of the following 13 (a) Mangalore is warmer thaD Kanpur in Deeember (b) Mahabaleswar is cooler than Mumbai even in summer. (c) Kerala has a tropical climate while Punjab has a continental climate. (v) Study the climatic data given below and answer the questions that follow. | Month 2 13 JAN FEB MAR APRMAY JUNJUL AUG SEPT OCT| NOV DEC Temp. 24.5 25.7 27.7 28.4 30.0 C Rainfall 4.3 1.6 1.7 32.5 31.0 30.2 2.42.8 4.6 Cms 8.6 29.8 11.411.8 28.0 25.9 24.7 30.6 35.0 (a) What is the annual range of temperature? (b) Calculate the total annual rainfall experienced by the station. (c) On which coast of India does the station lie? Give a reason for your answer. Question 5 i) (a) Name the transported soil most widely found in India. 2 (b) Why is the regur soil black in colour? (ii) Name the following (a) Soil having self-ploughing quality (b) Soil on which Dry farming is preferred (c) A type of soil which is found where it is formed near its parent rock (d) A sub-1ype of alluvial soil which is not fertile 21 13.9 (i) Give suitable (a) Red soil geographieal reasons for the lollowing requires iigation (b) Alluvial suils vary in textue (c) Shelter belts prevent soil eosin by wind oN (iv) is Ciully ditlerent emsion Irom Sheet erosion'" Name a region in lndia wlhere gully Csion is prevalent Question 6 (i) State two characteristies ot Tropical Decidaous Fore (ii) How is social forestry ditlerent foh agro-torasuy (ii) Give a geographieal reason for cacho the following (a) Littoral forests grow stilt roots. (b) There (c) Sundari tuoes are used for boat nak ing. is a gradual incease in the lorestcover in 21 India in recent times. yEaplain any ghree torest conservation measures iu Jadia. 31 Question7 i)Why is there a need conventional and to one adopt ditlerent modem means of irigation in India? Mention mems of irrigation. one 21 iEnplain the necd to comserve water. Writo any two reasons. 121 (iiGivegeographical reasons for the following: (a)Modem means of iripation are gaining popularity. 13 (bCGroundwater reserves are depleting at a ast rate. (e)Tank inigation is prefered in pevinsular India. (iv)State an advantage and a disadvantage of eanal irrigation. Why is perennial canal preferred to inundation canal as a nieans of irrigation'? Question 8 (i)Which variety of coal is also known as (ii) (a) Name the (b)What brown coal? State one of its largest oflshore oil field in India. is CNG? Mention any one advantage of CNG as a fuel. uses. 121 2 thWhar Is CNG? Mention amy one advuntage uf NG as Tfuet. (11)Why is manganese an important raw material for the Iron and Stecl industry? Name two 13 states where manganese is found? (iv) With reference to the non-conventional sources of energy, answer the following 131 questions. (a) Name two minerals used for generation of nuclear energy. (b) How is biogas beneficial for the farmers, nd houseliolders? (c) State one advantage of wind energy. Question9 (i) What are the problems faced by agri ylture in 12 India? (ii) Explain what is mixed farming? Mentioii any two features of mixed farmin 121 (iii) (a) State any two advantages of transplanting 'method of cultivating rice 131 (b)Name a rabifood crop grown in India. Mention an area of distribution of this crop. (cState tw advantages ofratooning8 (iv) (a)Why is Ginning important in the processing of cotton? 131 (b)Which is the largest tea producing state in India? Which stage in the processing gives tea its reddish brown colour? (c)Name two states where cotton is widely.produced. Question 10 i) What is the difference between (ii) (a) Mention (b)What are any two public sector and private sector industries? byproducts of sugarcane industry. the varieties of silkmanufactured in India? (Any hwo) (21 31 (ii) Give geographical reasons for the following: (a) Sericulture flourishes in Karnataka. (b) Iron and steel industry is (c) Petrochemical industries concentrated in the Chhota are usually located (iv)The electronic industry has made an impact Industry. Give three 121 reasons to justify on near an Nagpur oil refinery. Space Technology the statement. belt. and Software 31 Question 11 12 ()(alState any two advantages of railways. extent (6IMention the geographical corridor of North-South and Fast-West NS-EW) project by the NHAI. Transport is () the hackbone ofa country's economy. Give two reasons to justify 12 this statement. asm ( ) (a) Railways are not common India. NorthFast in (bMumbai is a harbour and a port. transport. (c)Road transport in India is considered more usetulhan rail of (iv)a)What is BRO? State theimrortance BROnourcountry. (b)Write one advantage and one disadvantage of water transport. Question 12 (a) Explain the spread of disease through contaminationdue to impact of waste 12 accumulation. (4ror b)What ) are the advantages of sanitary landfill over open 21 dumping? Cive reasons for the followings should be covered. (a) Vehicles used for transporting waste (b)We shouldavoid using polythene carry bags. (c)Waste segregation is key to waste management. (d)What is biodegradable waste? Name two useful products which can be made from [3] Biodegradable domestic waste ****

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