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Exam 2nd Year 2020 : boiler

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Gopinath S J
National Institute of Technology Karnataka (NITK), Surathkal
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boiler exam study guide 1 ht tp s: //b oi le rs i nf o. co m 1.0.433: The pressure at the base of a vertical foot of water is ___ psi. 2.1 times the safety valve setting: When performing a hydrostatic test, the pressure on the boiler should be increased to ___. 3.1 to 2 times the safety valve setting: A boiler steam pressure gauge should have a range of ___. 4.2 : The maximum size of the bottom blowdown line and the surface blowdown line is ___". 5.3: During startup, the boiler vent should remain open until a pressure of approximately ___ psi is on the boiler. 6.6: No. ___ fuel oil must be heated to reach the required temperature for combustion. 7.6: No. ___ fuel oil must be heater in order to be pumped. 8.6: Fuel oil heaters must be used when burning No. ___ fuel oil. 9.8.3: Water weighs approximately ___ lb/gal. 10.15: In order to burn 1 lb of fuel, approximately ___ lb of air are needed. 11.15 psi: A low pressure steam boiler has a maximum allowable working pressure (MAWP) of up to ___. 12.20,000 lb of water/hr: A boiler generating 20,000 lb of steam/hr must be supplied with at least ___. 13.21; 79: Air needed for the combustion of fuel is made up of approximately ___% oxygen and ___% nitrogen. 14.75% to 85% of the line pressure: The automatic nonreturn valve on a boiler being cut in on a line should be opened when the steam pressure on the boiler reaches ___. 15.a boiler explosion: A sudden drop in boiler steam pressure without a corresponding drop in boiler water temperature could result in ___. 16.a continuous flow of steam: Superheater tubes are protected from warping or burning out by ___. 17.a firetube boiler: Because of the large volume of water, the boiler most likely to cause a boiler explosion is ___. 18.a firetube boiler (high or low pressure): Stays and braces are needed to prevent bulging in ___. 19.a hydrostatic test: After a boiler has had major repair work made on its steam or water side or has developed a low water condition, it should be subjected to ___. 20.a large pressure drop: An indication of a dirty fuel oil strainer would be ___ across the strainer. 21.a loss of air for combustion and lower boiler efficiency: If air supplied for combustion mixes with gases of combustion, it could lead to ___. 22.a nonadhering sludge: Chemicals added to the boiler water change the scale-forming salts into ___. 23.a possible furnace explosion: The purpose of a flame failure control is to protect the boiler from ___. 24.a prepurge period: To eliminate the danger of a furnace explosion during startup, the firing sequence must first allow for ___. 25.a secondary means of determining water level in a boiler.: Try cocks are ___. 26.a siphon: The boiler steam-pressure gauge is protected from high temperatures by ___.

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