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ICSE Class X Prelims 2023 : Biology (Delhi Public School (DPS) Megacity, Kolkata)

6 pages, 77 questions, 61 questions with responses, 64 total responses,    2    0
Madhuchhanda Mandal Biswas
Delhi Public School (DPS) Megacity, Kolkata
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Dlhi Puble Sehoot Megacity. Rolkata Pre-Boards Examination 2022-23 Subject: Biology Class: X Duration: 2 hours Maximum Marks: 80 Ansuwers to the questions must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the Question paper. The time at the head of the paper is the time allotted for writing the answers. Section A is compulsory. Attempt any four questions from Sectlon B. are given in brackets | | The intended marks for questions SECTION-A (40 marks) [Answer all the questions from this section Question 1 Select the correct answers to the questions from the given options. [Only write the correct question number and the corresponding alphabet to the answer [lx15-15] (4) On which day of the menstrual cycle does ovulation take place (a) 2nd day 4c) 14th day (b) 4th day (d) 28th day (4i) Which of the following is secreted by anterior lobe of pituitary gland? a) Somatotropin (c) Vasopressin (b) Ptyalin (d) Insulin (1ti) The main component of white matter of brain and spinal cord is: (b) Axon (a) Cyton (c) Schwann cell (d) Dendrite (iv) The fuid present in the anterior part of the eye infront of the lens: (a) Aqueous humour (b) Ciliary body (c) Vitreous humour (d) Cornea (v) In Mendelian cross, F1 generation is formed by: (a) Self pollination (b) Cross pollination (d) None of the above (c) Hybridization (vi) When water is lost in the form of droplets from the end of veins it is called: (a Transpiration (c) Evaporation (b) Condensation (d) Guttation 1 (vii) The surgical (a) Tubectomy (c) Vasectomy method of contraception (vili) Which of the (a) Glass (c) Cow dung done in females is: (b) Mastectomy (d) following is a None of the above biodegradable waste: (b) Plastic bags (d) Metallic cans i T h epart of the female reproductive system where implantation takes place: (a) Vagina (b) Uterus (c) Oviduct (d) Cervix (x)Theeye defect in which the image is formed behind retina and corrected by convex lens is: la) Hyperopia (c) Presbyopia (xi) A gland having exocrine (a) Liver (c) Ovary (b) Myopia (d) Astigmatism as well as endocrine function? (b)Testes (d)Pancreas (zii) The structure present at the top of the head of human sperm is (a)Chromosome (c) Acrosome (b) Lysosome (d) Ribosome (xiii) The molecule which splits during the light reaction of photosynthesis is: (a)Water (c) Oxygen (b) CO2 id) Chlorophyll (xiv) The bending of a plant part towards earth's gravity can be termed as: (a) Positive geotropism (c) Thigmotropism (b) Negative hydrotropism (d) Positive phototropism (xv) The act of expelling the full term foetus from mothers uterus: (a) Gestation (b) Parturition (cimplantation (d) Ovulation Question 2 (a) Name the following: i) The part of the brain involved in coordination of muscular activity. i) A condition of human eye in which the lens turn opaque. ii) The part of inner ear responsible for dynamic balance of the body. iv) Tonicity of the cell whose relative concentration of water molecules and the solute molecules on either side of the cell membrane is same. v The hormone that stimulates Adrenal cortex. (b) Stete the exact location of the following structures: ii) Mitral valve. i) Loop of Henle. ii) Interstitial cells. I5 iv) Corpus callosum. v}Thyroid gland. .2 (C Match the items in column I with the most appropriate ones in matching column u and pairs. Column I 5 i) Statistical Column II of human study i) Soil pollutant population 1.DDT rewrite the correct ii) Fraternal twins iv) Auxin 2. Thymine 3. Demography v Adenine (d) Arrange each set and rewrite 4. Cytosine 5. Dizygotic 6. Apical dominance 7. Growth by cell division the terms in the correct order to sequence, starting from the i) Bowmans word: capsule, DCT, PCT,underlined Loop of Henle. ii) Lungs, Left ventricle, ii) Platelets, thrombin, pulmonary vein, Left auricle. iv) Testes, vas deferens, thromboplastin, fibrinogen. v) Aqueous humour, Urethra, epididymis. Optic nerve, Retina, Lens. (e) Choose the odd term from the following set of four terms and the category to which the three belong: remaining i) Auxin, Cytokinin, Oxytocin, Ethylene. i) Sewage, X-rays, Oil spills, ii) Malleus, Incus, Cochlea, Detergents. Stapes. iv) Sneezing, Coughing, v FSH, TSH, ADH, GH. Applying breaks, (40marks) [Answer any four Section-B questions from this Knee make loglcal 5 in each case 5 give jerk. sectlon] Question 3 Study the diagram and answer the questions that follow: N 3 Which parts of heart are in the diastolic phase? Give reason in support oyour (2) answer. what causes the heart sounds LUBB' and DUP with respect to cardiac phaser (2) lii) Name the blood vessel that carries blood to the heart (1) muscies iv) Draw and label the cross-section of an artery (2) v What is the significance of Hepatic portal vein. vi.) Give two reasons for a sharp rise in World human population. Question 4 (a The diagram shown below is the L.S of testie of man. Study it carefully and answer the questions that follow: C e ) In which part of the testis are the sperms produced? State the function of parts labelled a and d. i) Draw a neat,labelled diagram of a human i sperm. (1) (2) (2) (b) Give reasons for the following: i Some women have facial hair like beard and moustache. i) There is frequent urination in winter than in summer. iii) Insulin is not administered orally. iv) Why do we feel blinded once entering into a brightly lit area from a dark rom v) Why does our heart beat faster under stressful condition? (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) Question5 (a) Study the following diagram and (b) answer the following (e) - 4 i) Name the above structure. ii) Why js thinner than tB iii) What is selective reabsorption in urine formation. Explain briefly. iv) Draw a labelled diagram to show how myopia can be rectified. v Define pollution. (1) (1) (2) (2) (1) (3) vi) Differentiate between 1. Mortality and Natality (Definition) 2. Seminal vesicle and Prostate gland 3. Spinal nerves and Cranial nerves. (Function) (Number) Question 6 i Draw a well labelled diagram of membranous labyrinth found in the human inner ear. ii) Based (2) the structure of human ear, answer the following: 1. Sensory cells present in cochlea that helps in hearing. 2. Fluid present in the median canal of cochlea. 3. Tube which connects middle ear with throat. ii) Mention any two objectives of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. iv) State two harmful effects of Acid rain. v Differentiate between Acromegaly and Cretinism (symptoms) on (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (1) Question7 a) Study the following diagram and answer the questions that follow: iIdentify the above stage ii) Mention the function of 1 and 4. iii) Is it animal or plant cell? Support your answer with reasons. (1) (2) (2) b) Answer the following: i)State Mendel's Law of Independent Assortment. ii) What is the unique feature observed in the metaphase stage of mitosis in animal cell. i) Explain any two sources of air pollution. iv) What is the aim of Euro Bharat Vehicular standard in India vExpand ACTH (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) Question 8 a) Study the following diagram and answer the following: )Mention the function of structures1 and and 2 in the above diagram. (2) from mature i) Which structure is produced after rupturing of the ovum Grafian follicle? Also name the hormone that is released from that structure. (2) i) State any one function of amniotic fuid. (1) b) Complete the given table by fAlling in 1 to 5: [Don't draw the table] Hormone produced HYPER/HYPOSECRETION Gland i i Beta cell Pancreas of 1 Controls metabolism i) Adrenal cortex Cortisone Hypo-secretion 2 basal Hypersecretion 4 Hypo-secretion -5 i ---X----- Q a 6

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