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ICSE Class X Prelims 2025 : English Paper 2 (English Literature) (Ryan International School (RIS) ICSE, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai)

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RYANGROUP OFSCHOOLS ACADEMIC YEAR 2024-25 8 ICSE, FIRST PRE-BOARD EXAMINATION X ENGLISH II STD: SUB: RYAN MARKS: 80 DURATION: 2HRS General Instructions: 1. The paper has four sections. ) Section Ais compulsory - Allquestions in SectionA must be answered. one the Sections B, C and D and of each from question one attempt must You 3. yourchoice. other questionfrom any Section of questions are given in brackets [ 1. 4. The intended marks for questions or parIS of SECTION A Attempt all questions from this section Q1. Cho0se the correct answers to the questions from the given options. |16] (Do not copy the question, write the correct answers only) 1. What does Octavjus sayabout the possibility of peace? a. He saysthere is no chance b. He says it depends on the conspirators c. He says it is a possibility d. He says it is up to the Roman people 2. Why does Brutus want his soldiers to hold uptheir heads? a. They are about to win the battle b. He wants them to be brave c. He wants them to be proud of their heritage d. He wants them to be strong 3. Who does Brutus say is the only man who has been true to him in bis lifo? a. Clitus c. Dardanius b. Volumnius d. Strato -2 1CSE STD: X 4. Why does Cassius fear that their plans may be a. Popilius Lena wished them good luck discovered? ENGLISH b. Caesar has not changed his expression c. Trebonius has drawn Mark Antony away d. Publius Cimber is making a request to Caesar for mine honour and 5. Who is the person who is speaking the line "Believe me have respect to mine honour that you may believe."? a. Antony b. Brutus c. Octavius d. Cassius 6. What does Antony suggest is the best way to deal with the "open perils mentioned in Act IV, Scene I? a. To make an alliance with Brutus and Cassius b. Tomake an alliance with Lepidus c. To make an alliance with each other d. To not make any alliances and keep matterS secret 7. Which of the given options contains the figure of speech that appears in the following line from Robert Brown's poem 'A Considerable Speck' 66 ..Onany but a paper sheet so white..." a. Silver and blue as the mountain mist. b. He names the sky his own. c. The fir trees are dark and high. d. Song and mother-croon of birds. 8. Which of the following is NOT the theme of the poem The Glove and the Lions? a. Vanity b. Pride c. Chivalry d. Cruelty 9 What docs the phrase "panic rout imply in the poem The Power of Music? STD: X ICSE a. Solemn parade b. Unhappy occasion ENGLISH II -3 c. Celcbration d. Chaotic situation the 10. What does the phrase "dark abyss" in poem Haunted House symbolisc? a. Lifeexperiences. b. Challenges in life. c. A deep pit. d. Despair and depression 11. Select the option that shows thecorrect relationship between statements () Fall'. and (II) from Maya Angelou'spoem, When Great Trees creatures. Statement I: The falling ofa great tree shocksboth big and small Statement II: The death ofagreat person maddens their loved ones. a. Statement I is true, Statement II is false. b. Statement Iis false, and Statement II is true. c. Statement I is an analogy for Statement II. d. Statement Iis the reason for Statement II. when the old woman enters 12. Why does Martin feel particularly vulnerable the elevator? grandmother a. She reminds him of his frail and domineering phobias b. He believes she is directly connected to his claustrophobia c. The confined spaceof the elevator intensifies his physical representation of d. Her silence and imposing presence makes her a his worst fears. suggest about the 13. What does the empty, dark streets in The Pedestrian' society's view of human connection and interaction? curfews that limit social interaction. a. Ihe streets are empty due to strict indoors. b. People fear crime and danger, causing them to stay virtual preferring disconnected, and isolated become c. Society has entertainment over real-life interaction. ICSE STD: X -4 ENGLISH II d. People are so focused on their careers that they have no time for evening walks. 14.Choose the option that lists the scqucnce of events from Stephen Leacock's story With the Photographer' in the correct order. 1. The photographer hurriedly backs away from themachine and, with aserious expression. comments that there is something wrong with the narrator's face. 2. He crawls under thecloth draped over the machine and waits for some time. 3. The narrator thinks that the photographer is praying. 4. The photographer calls the narrator into the inner room and rolls a machine into the middle of the room. a. 1,2,3, 4 c. 4, 2,3, 1 b. 2,3, 4, 1 d. 4, 3, 1, 2 15. What is the significance of Adjoa's legs in the story? a. They symbolise her physical limitations and how she overcomes them b. They represent the cultural expectations placed on women's bodies c. They are a metaphor for her inner strength and determination d. They reflect the disconnect between her and her peers 16. How does Daudet use the school setting to highlight the theme of loss and regret? a. The school'squiet atmosphere contrasts with Franz's lively thoughts. b.The finality of the class emphasizes the regret for missed opportunities to learn French. c. The disorganised nature of the classroom mirrors the confusion in Franz's mind. d. The school becomes a symbolof France's declining power in the region. SECTION B (ANSWER ONE OR MORE QUESTIONS FROM THIS SECTION) DRAMA (JULIUSCAESAR BY WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE) STD: X ICSE -5 ENGLISH I Q 2. Read the extract given below and answer the questions thatfollow: Messala: Is not that he? Titinius: No, this was he, Messala, But Cassius is no more.-O setting Sun, As in thy red rays thou dost sink to night, Soin his red blood Cassius' day is set, The sun of Rome is set! Our day is gone; Clouds, dews, and dangers come; our deeds are done! Mistrust of my success hath done this deed. 1. Where does this scene take place? What is the nature of the relationship that Titinius and Cassius shared? [3] 2. Give two words that would best describe Titinius' mood in the given extract. Justify your choice of words. (3] 3. Earlier in Act V,Cassius shares some facts about himself with Messala what are these facts? 4. Howdid Cassius die? What were his dying words? [3] [3] 5.What does the phrase, 'this deed' in the last line of the extract refer to? Explain in your own words what Titinius means by, 'Mistrust of my success hath done this deed'. Q3. Read the extract below and answer the questions that follow: Antony: ..... Ispeak not to disprove what Brutus spoke, But here lamtospeak whatl doknow, Youall did love him once- not withoutcause: Whatcause withholds you, then, to mourn for him? [4] STD:X ENGLISHII -6 ICSE 1.Where is he now? With whose permission has he person promised Antony? come there? What has that [3] does Antony address 2. How has the mob behaved after hearing Brutus? How [3] the mob? What reason does he give for coming here? How does Antony 3. What nain allegation has Brutus brought against Caesar? refute that allegation? Give three examples. (3] 4. Which sentence does Antonyrepeat afew times? What is its (3] significance? Antony cries for 5. While chiding the mob for not mourning for Caesar, people judgement. What does he have to say about it? What opinion do the between the form about Antony? What is the main structural difference [4] speeches of Brutus and Antony? SECTION C (ANSWER ONE OR MORE QUESTIONS FROM THIS SECTION) PROSE - SHORT STORIES (Treasure Chest- A collection of 1CSE Short Stories and Poems ) Q4. Read the following extract from Alphonse Dudet's short story The Last Lesson' and answer the questions that follow: "Iwon't scold you, little Franz; you must feel bad enough. See how it is! Every day we have said to ourselves: 'Bah! I've plenty of time. I'l learn it tomorrow. And now vou see where we've come out. Ah, that 's the great Irouble with Alsace; she puts off learning till tomorrow. Now those fellows out there will have the right to say to vou: "How is it; you pretend to be Frenchmnen and yet you can neither speak nor write your own language? 1. What has Franz done for which M. Hamel said that he would not scold him? Why? [3) 2. Towhom isM. Hamel referring to by using the pronoun 'We'? What is Suggested by it? (3] 3. What have they said every day to themselves? What are its consequences? STD: X ICSE ENGLISH II -7 [3] extract? What will they say to them? this in to referred fellows' the 4. Who are [3] to support your answer. reasons Give so? saying in right Are they [4] indicated in thisextract. 5.Explain briefly the theme William Sleator's short story The from extract the Read Q5. follow: Elevator' and answer the questions that fell. His The stairs were dark and he stairs. the down running Martin started disappointed and angry hospital, the to way the on silent father was could not use the stairs now. He fool. a and crowd a being for that lady had smiled? Did she know what with him Was that why would happen? [3] stairs? How did he fall? 1. Why did Martin start running down the hospital? How had he were Martin's father's feelings on the way to the 2. What to reach his house on the reached earlier when Martin took the stairs [3] seventeenth floor? stairs? How do you think Martin 3. Why would Martin not be able to use the [3] condition? would have been affected by this and knew what was going to 4. Whydid Martin think that fat lady had smiled [3] happen to him? rise to Martin's thoughts about the fat 5. Explain briefly what could have given (4] lady. SECTION D (ANSWERONE OR MORE QUESTIONS FROM THIS SECTION) POETRY Stories and Poems) (Treasure Chest-Acollection of 1CSE Short Sukumar Ray's The Power of 6. Read theextract below from Q follow : Music' andanswer the questions that STD: X ICSE -8 ENGLISH II When summer comes, wehear the hums Bhisma Lochan Sharma. You catch his strain on hill and plain fom Delhi down to Burma He sings as though he 's staked his life, he sings as though he 's hell-bent: The people, dazed, retire amazed although they know it 's well-meant. [3] singing? 1. Who is Bhisma Lochan Sharma? How is his can be heard 'on hill and plain strain' 'his that say speaker the does 2. Why [3] from Delhi down to Burma'? 3. What does the speaker say about Bhisma Lochan's continuous singing?[31 Bhisma Lochan's singing, what him? [3] do they think about him? What does it suggest about of speech used to 5. Explain briefly the genre of this poem. State the figure [4] attain the characteristics of this genre. 4. Although the people get confused on hearing Longfellow's Haunted 07. Read the excerpt below from H.W. Houses and answer the questions that follow : We have no title-deeds to house or lands; Owners and occupants ofearlier dates From gravesforgotten stretch their dusty hands, And hold in mortmain still their oldestates. 1. What conception of ghosts is given earlier in the context? 2. Where can we 'meet' the departed spirits? 3. Whodoes not have title-deeds to their 'house or lands? 4. What do the departed spirits claim from their graves? 5. Explain the phrase 'hold in mortmain'. [3] [3] [3] [31 [4]

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