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ICSE Class X Prelims 2024 : English Paper 2 (English Literature) (Hutchings High School & Junior College, Pune)

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Shlok Nagarkar
Hutchings High School & Junior College, Pune
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HUTCHINGS HIGH SCHOOL AND JUNIOR COLLEGE PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION 2023-24 LITERATURE IN ENGLISH ANSWER KEY CLASS X DURATION: 2 HOURS MAX MARKS: 80 Total number of printed sides: 5 Answer to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. Attempt five questions in all. You must attempt at least one question from each of the Sections B, C and D and one question from any of the three sections. SECTION A (Attempt all questions from this Section) Question 1: Read the following questions and choose the most appropriate response from the choices given below (Please do not copy the question simply write out in correct serial order the appropriate word or phrase) [16] (i) Which word will rightly describe Shylock s speech Hath not a Jew eyes?..... (a) dispassionate (b) impassioned (c) curt (d) verbose (ii) What reason did Antonio give for facing Shylock s hatred? (a) Antonio was a Christian. (b) Antonio prevented Shylock from making half a million. (c) Antonio saved many men from facing Shylock s penalties. (d) Antonio rebuked Shylock for practising usury. (iii) Shylock: Is it nominated in the bond? What did Shylock want to know by asking this question. (a) Whether he has to arrange for a surgeon. (b) Whether he has to cut a pound of flesh close to Antonio s heart. 1 (c) Whether he can cut a pound of flesh without shedding a drop of blood. (d) Whether he has to cut just a pound of flesh. (iv) What did Antonio ask Bassanio to consider before giving the ring to the lawyer? (a) Portia s commandment and Antonio s love. (b) Portia s commandment. (c) The lawyer s deservings and Antonio s love. (d) The Duke s decision to call the lawyer. (v) Who was able to draw trees, stones and floods by the sweet power of music? (a) Ovid (b) Orpheus (c) Nestor (d) Medea P.T.O (vi) Fair ladies, you drop manna in the way of starved people. How has the word manna been interpreted by Lorenzo? (a) Heavenly food dropped upon the Hebrews. (b) Antonio saved from the clutches of Shylock. (c) Inheritance of a special deed of gift. (d) Shylock stripped of his pride. (vii) Which of the following statements is NOT true of the meal prepared by Mrs. Thompson for Maggie? (a) Mrs. Thompson toasted a slice of bread. (b) She softened the bread with milk. (c) She applied rancid butter on the toasted slice of bread. (d) She added a cup of tea to this meal. (viii) How did the grandmother appear to the little match girl when the matches flared up? (a) beautiful and lovely (b) warm and beautiful (c) heavenly and stately (d) beautiful and stately (ix) Choose the options that lists the sequence of events in the correct order. 1. The Gujar woman recoiled from the crocodile. 2 2. She screamed and dropped both brass pots. 3. She was within a yard of the crocodile. 4. Up out of the water heaved the great reptile. (a) 4,3,2,1 (b) 2,3,1,4 (c) 3,4,2,1 (d) 3,1,4,2 (x) Select the option that shows the correct relationship between statement (1) and (2) from My Greatest Olympic Prize 1. I was startled to see a tall boy hitting the pit at almost 26 feet on his practice leaps. He turned out a German, Luz Long whose name was kept under wraps by Hitler. 2. I guessed that if Long won, it would add some new support to the Nazis Aryan superiority theory. (a) 1 is an example of 2 (b) 1 is a cause of 2 (c) 1 is independent of 2 (d) 1 is a contradiction of 2 (xi) She is still in the closet where we locked her. / Margot . Which of the following word best describes the children s frame temperament of mind at this point of time? (a) contemplative (b) indifferent (c) shamefaced (d) distracted (xii) Fat worms waiting on a dawn bright lawn most aptly indicates: (a) the free bird s liking of worms (b) the free bird s sense of ownership (c) the free bird s domination of the caged bird. (d) the free bird s opportunities at hand. (xiii) The expression, I gazed and gazed from the poem, Daffodils conveys: (a) complacency (b) mirth (c) surprise (d) enchantment 3 (xiv) How did the youngest athlete in the poem Nine gold medals feel after he fell on his knees. 1. disgruntled 2. embarrassed 3. passive 4. troubled (a) 1 and 2 (b) 2 and 3 (c) 3 and 4 (d) 1 and 4 (xv) How will you describe the ending of the poem The Patriot (a) ambitious (b) optimistic (c) disillusioned (d) pessimistic (xvi) Which of the following lines contain the same literary device as the one in Leigh Hunts poem Abou Ben Adhem , Abu spoke more low. (a) In the pale moonlight, the frail sail unfurls. (b) My mistress eyes are nothing like the sun. (c) Hope is the thing with feathers / That perches in the soul. (d) Life is real! Life is earnest. SECTION B (Answer one or more questions from this section.) DRAMA (The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare) Question 2: Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: You hear the learn d Bellario, what he writes: And here, I take it, is the doctor come. (i) Where is this scene set? Who is the speaker? Who is 'learn d Bellario ? Who is the doctor? Why is the doctor there? Ans- A Court of Justice, Venice Duke A Doctor of Law who lives in Padua, Portia s cousin Doctor- Portia disguised as Balthazar 4 [3] To resolve the conflict between Antonio, the merchant and Shylock the Jew and save Antonio. (ii) What was the request made by the speaker to learn d Bellario ? What reason had Bellario given for not being able to keep the speaker s request? What solution did he give? [3] Ans- Request- To determine the case between Antonio, the merchant and Shylock the Jew Reason- He being sick Solution- A young doctor from Rome who was visiting him would go to Venice on his behalf. (iii) Bellario had written that he had taken some measures to prepare the doctor to deal with the case. What were they? [3] Ans- 1. Acquainted him with the case 2. Turned over many books together 3. Furnished him with his opinion (iv) What was the conflict that the speaker was unable to resolve? Who were involved in it? [3] Ans- The conflict was related to the bond signed between Antonio and Shylock which stated that if Antonio was unable to return the 3000 ducats on an estimated date and time Shylock had the right to take a pound of Antonio s flesh. Antonio the merchant and Shylock the Jew. (v) The doctor was highly praised at the end. What maybe the reason? What was the doctor offered for the job well done? Did the doctor accept the offer? What was the doctor s reply? If you would have been in the doctor s place, what would have been your reply? [4] Ans- Reason- intelligence and wisdom with the help of which he was able to save Antonio. 3000 ducats No, didn t accept the offer Well satisfied with a job well done, never interested in money Opinion based with plausible justification Question 3: Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: Sweet Portia, / If you did know to whom I gave the ring,/ If you did know for whom I gave the ring,/ And would conceive for what I gave the ring,/ And how unwillingly I left the ring,/ When naught would be accepted but the ring, / You would abate the strength of your displeasure (i) How is the tone of Bassanio in the above extract? What made him adopt such a tone? What was the importance of the ring in the 5 relationship between Portia and Bassanio? Name the other couple for whom the ring created such a trouble? [3] Ans- Tone- pleading Loss of ring given by Portia, Portia s anger Importance of the ring- Symbol of their love, Bassanio had promised not to part with it. Nerissa and Gratiano (ii) Whom and for whom had Bassanio given the ring? For what had he given the ring? [3] Whom- Balthazar, the doctor of law For whom- Antonio For what- The doctor had saved his dear friend The doctor had insisted on the ring (iii) What were the three reasons stated by Portia that would have prevented Bassanio from parting with the ring? [3] Ans- 1. Virtue of the ring 2. Worthiness of the ring 3. Your own honour in protecting it (iv) Who resolved the issue between Bassanio and Portia in the end? How? [3] Ans- Antonio How-Antonio trying to make Portia believe that how Bassanio was in a dilemma when the doctor asked for the ring and how he would have been dead had it not been for the doctor. Antonio pledges himself at the risk of forfeiting his soul, assures that Bassanio will never break Portia s faith and trust deliberately (v) If you are asked to play the character of Portia in this scene, how will you do it? Give two relevant reasons. [4] Ans- Opinion based with justifications SECTION C (Answer one or more questions from this section.) PROSE- SHORT STORIES (Treasure Trove- A Collection of ICSE Poems and Short Stories) Question 4: Read the extract and answer the questions that follow: An angry athlete is an athlete who will make mistakes, as any coach will tell you. I was no exception. On the first of my three qualifying jumps, I leaped from several inches beyond the take-off board for a foul. 6 (i) Who is I ? Where is I now? Why? In what way was I no exception to the above truth? [3] Ans- Jesse Owens, Berlin, To take part in the 1936 Summer Olympics He fouled in 2 of his qualifying jumps perturbed by the Hitler s Aryan Supremacy theory (ii) What kind of desire/desires did I have before coming to the place where the story has been set? Which country did I belong to? [3] Ans- Winning 2-3 gold medals, particularly the long jump because of the world record that he had set. USA (iii) Why is I angry? How does I show his disappointment? Who approached I at this point? How was the approach? [3] Ans- Luz Long being kept under the wraps, Hitler s hopes of winning the gold in running broad jump along with Luz Long and that would give an impetus to the Aryan Supremacy theory Kicking the dust in frustration Luz Long- friendly and assuring approach. His comforting words helped to destress Owens. (iv) What kind of relationship did I establish with the person? [3] Ans- True Friendship which transcended race, competition. 24 carat gold friendship . Owens being his strong contender did not deter Long from giving a valuable advice to Owens which eventually helped him to qualify. (v) Comment on the theme of the story. [4] Answer- True Sportsmanship The essential thing in life is not conquering but fighting well. Question 5 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: From deep water came the crocodile./ Out of black water, curved with whirlpools, and into the frill of gold shallows by the stepping-stones. (i) How has the author, Norah Burke, introduced the crocodile to the readers? [3] Ans- Twice the length of a tall man, mugger crocodile, blackish brown above, yellowy white under, antediluvian saurian, prehistoric juggernaut, formidable, ferocious, powerful tail 7 (ii) Where would the village women go after cutting the paper grass? Who was the grass given to and why? Name two stalls that Sibia was attracted to at the market. [3] Ans- The women would take the grass when they would have enough of it down by bullock cart to the railhead . The grass was given to the agent who would arrange for its dispatch to the paper mills. The sweetmeat stall and the cloth stall (iii) Sibia, in all her life from birth to death, was marked for work. Describing Sibia as she came out of the hut, mention the work she was marked to do. Ans- A thin starveling girl, dressed in an earth coloured rag, eating the last of her meal, chupatti with green chili and rancid butter - Husked corn, gathered sticks--------[3] (iv) Sibia was a courageous girl, very alert and having a great sense of duty. Provide instances from the story The Blue Bead to prove this. Courage--- When she fought the formidable crocodile dauntlessly. Alert----- She was quick to observe the crocodile attacking the Gujar woman and prompt to take the decision to save the woman. Sense of duty-------- Arduous climb of the cliff with determination Saving the Gujar woman, taking her home to to the Gujar encampment. After the fight she remembers to go back to the place where she had kept her grass. sickle, fork. [3] (v) Describing the strange object found near the crocodile, justify why is the story named after it. Ans- muted colour, white blue bead, pierced ready for use The Blue Bead brings out Sibia s ecstasy, the sight of colourful beads piled up in the bazaar, her desire to garland herself with many necklaces , her wait to complete the necklace that she is making as the only needle that her family possessed has snapped. All of this enhances her desire to wear a necklace made of beads. So her heart goes up in flames when she finds the bead. The precious discovery diminishes the importance of the encounter. She is not even thinking about it. The blue bead which is just a piece of glass becomes a gem for her . It will help her in completing her necklace. The finding of the Blue Bead proves 8 that happiness lies in the simple things of life. [4] SECTION D (Answer one or more questions from this Section) POETRY (Treasure Trove A Collection of ICSE Poems and Short Stories) Question 6 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: There s nobody on the house-tops now---/Just a palsied few at the windows set;/ For the best of the sight is, all allow,/ At the Shambles Gate------ or, better yet,/ By the very scaffold s foot, I trow. (i) Who is the speaker? Where is he being taken? Why? [3] Ans- Speaker- The Patriot Shambles Gate to the scaffold s foot The public perception of his committing misdeeds over the year. (ii) Describe the scene when he had walked down the same street a year ago. [3] Ans- Showered with roses and myrtle, house tops filled with cheering people, church spires decorated with flaming flags, celebratory mood (iii) How is the tone of the speaker? [3] Ans- Tone despair, disappointment, ironical (iv) What does it tell us about the people? [3] Ans- Fickle mindedness of the people, public memory and adulation is short lived, (v) What is the central message of the poem? Does the poem end on a note of hope or despair? Give one reason for your answer. [4] Ans- Public memory and adulation is short lived. People are gullible in nature. One misdeed is strong enough to spoil the image of a man, life is full of turns and twists Rise and fall from glory Ends on a note of optimism- feels safe in the company of God and feels that God will impart justice to him Question 7 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: 9 He gave out a cry of frustration and anguish. His dreams and his efforts dashed in the dirt. But as sure as I am standing here telling the story. Now it s a strange one, but here s what occurred. (i) Who is He ? Who is I ? Where is I ? Why? Why did He give out a cry of frustration and anguish? [3] Ans- He- the youngest athlete I- Narrator, one of the spectators Special Olympics His dreams and efforts dashed to the ground. (ii) What is the story that I is telling? What made I tell the story with surety? [3] Ans- Strange story- 8 athletes stopped in their tracks, turned around, lifted the young lad to his feet, joined hands and walked to the finishing line He was a witness to the story (iii) Why did I use the word strange to describe the story? [3] Ans- An occurrence which was never witnessed before. Rose above the feeling of competition and displayed the nobler virtue of empathy, true sportsmanship. (iv) Who were the characters of the story? What was special about them? What special quality of theirs does the poem celebrate? [3] Ans- Characters- 9 athletes, They were Specially abled or differently abled. Care and Compassion, empathy (v) Is the title of the poem appropriate? Give a reason. If you were asked to give an alternate title, what would you have given? Give one reason. [4] Ans- Yes- Each one was a winner who displayed true sportsmanship. Nine Winners Special Athletes Special Olympics 10 11

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