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ICSE Class X Prelims 2024 : History and Civics (Euroschool Airoli, Mumbai)

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EuroSchool Discover Yourself HISTORY & CIVICS GRADE: X Prelim II - (2023-24) Max Marks: 80 Time: 2 Hours Answers to this Paper must be written on the answer sheet provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. Attempt al questions from Part I (Compulsory). Atotal of five questions are to be attempted from Part I, twoout of three guestions from Section A and three out of five questions from Section B. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets []. PART I(30 marks) Attempt all questions from this Part Question 1 ()Jagdeep Dhankar has been appointed as the 14 Vice President of India.Which of the following DOES NOTapply to him as a qualification for becoming the Vice President? |1] a. He is a citizen of India b. He must have completed 35 years of age c. He holds an ofice of profit under the Govt. d. He is qualified for clection as a member of the Council of Statc appointed as the Chief Justice of the Supreme is old, years 62 is who Kaur, Harpreet (ii) [1] in the post? she reman Court of India. How manv vears will a. 3 years b. vears C. 8Vears d. 10 vears cases? (1) The Lok Sabha may be adjourned in which of the following a. After the day's business is over. b. For want of Quorum. C. In case of a natural calamity. 1. 2. 3. 4. (a) and (b) (b) and (c) (a) and (c) (a), (b) and (c) (iv)When the joint sittings of the two houses of Parliament are held? [1] a. To elect the President of India b. Toelect the Vice-President of India c. To adopt a constitution amending bill d. To consider and pass billon which two houses disagree (DY) (v) On 9h November 2022 Justice Dhananjaya Yeshwant Chandrachud took oath as the 50h Chief Justice of lndia. [1) DEFINITELY TRUE for Justice Chandrachud? Which among the following would be consultation with other Supreme Court a. He was appointcd by the President in judges for more than 10 years b. He would have been a judge of ahigh court lower court for 20 years C. He would have been an advocate in a judgments delivered d. He would have had the highest number of (vi) Below election of some cases are ofgiven. Identify the incorrect circumstances regarding the Vice-President lndia. aElectoral College consists of ALL the members of Lok Sabha and Rajya b. Electoral College consists of the elected members of Two Sabha. Houses of Parliament -. d Electoral College does not have the elected members Assembly The Election is by secret ballot of State the Legislative (Vin) Which of the following explains the social cause that led to the first Independence struggle of 1857? [1] a. The introduction of new revenue system by the British led to the unemployment lots of people b. The British was interfering with the culture, tradition and customs of India C. The religious sentiments of the Hindu and the Muslim sepoys were hurt d. The Indian soldiers were paid less than the British soldiers (vii) Lala Lajpat Raidied during a protest. Which of the following was the slogan raised [1] during the protest? a. Do or Die b. Simon, Go Back c. Jo Bole So Nihaal d. Inquilab Zindabad justified by the claim that (ix) The Soviet Union's invasion of Afghanistan in 1979 was country and was in need of Soviet the Afghan government was mismanaging the assistance. Catherine A. Fitzpatrick,The Source: The Soviet War in Afghanistan, 1979-1989, History (2013) Oxford Handbook of Modern Russian East India Company annex on the Whichof the following Indian regions did the justification as highlighted in the excerpt? a. Jhansi b. Awadh C. Punjab d. Mysore (x) Below is acartoon about the League of Nations. TERMS O LAea $A Artist: Granger. Source: pixels What is it trying to HIGHLIGHT about the Terms? a. It favored some members over others b. Itshowed the Germany was not the culprit C. lt is the root cause for second world war d. It showed that the terms were imposed on Germany resolution that was passed (xi) At Wardha the Congress Working Committee adopted a [1] at Bombay. Name the resolution. a. Poorna Swaraj Resolution b. Quit India Resolution C. Non Cooperation Resolution d. Swaraj Resolution Gandhian categorize a member of the Forward (xii) What type of nationalist would a [1] Block during the Pre-British time? a. Radical b. Passive C. Regional d. Moderate War. [1] the First and the Second World between factor common (xiii)Choose a colonies Complete independence of Asian b. Italy fought as an axis power c. Methods of warfare d. Defeat of Germany (XIV) How many Council? a. $ non-permancnt members are clccted to theUnitcd Nations Sccurity b. 10 c. 1$ d. 20 (NV) ldentity the system bv which a country by political pressure or by powerful nation establishes its control over another a. Nationalism annexation. b. Imperialism C. Colonialism d. Communalism (xVi) Which of the following is NOT partof the new objectives set by the UN? () 1. Disarmament 2. Decolonisation 3. Disintegration 4. Development Question 2 i) Mr. Anand is an eminent jurist, who is a Canadian citizen. Is he qualified for the post [2] of the Chief Justice of India? Why? Lytton. [2] ii)State any two Repressive Colonial Policies introduced by Lord popularly known as? Why did iii) What was the method used by the Early Nationalists [2] they adopt that method? [2] Bal Gangadhar Tilak. iv) Write any two contributions of (2] League. Muslim the of objectives two v) State any [21 'Imperialism"? term the by understand you (vi)What do [2) NAM. of Architects the (vii)Name Part II (50 marks) SECTION A (20marks) Alempt any two questions from this Section. Question 3 Legislature is the law-making organ of the government. With reference to the Union Legislature, answer the following questions: )Discuss the composition of the Lok Sabha. [3] ii) State any three Legislative Powers of the Parliament. [3) ii) Mention any four ways the Parliament exercises control over the Executive. [4] Question 4 and the Council The President exercises his powers on the advice of the Prime Minister of Ministers. With reference to the Indian executive, answer the following questions: the Council of Ministers. [3] )Explain in brief the three categories of ministers under the Council of ii) Discuss the collective and the individual responsibility of the President of India. iii)Describe the procedure for the Impeachment of Question 5 system for the India has opted forsingle integrated judicial ministers.[3] [4] Union and the states. With reference to this, answer the following questions: Mention any two types of case under the mean? Jurisdiction Appellate does i)What Appellate Jurisdiction of Supreme Court? Record" like the Supreme Court. Explain. ii)The HighCourt is a "Court of Adalats. iii)State the advantagcs of the Lok (3] [3] [4] on SECTION B (30 Marks) Atempt any three duestions from this Section. Question 6 The Indian Rebellion of 1857, also knoWn as the First War of Indian Independence India Company rule. With the tirst major and large-scale rebellion aoainst the East questions: the reference tothe First War of Independence, answer Was following Revolt of 1857. i) Discuss any three social- religious causes for the Revolt of 1857. 1) Explain any three Military causes for the armyintroduced by the British Rule after the in changes four any Mention 111) [3] (3] (4] the Revolt of 1857. It anti-colonial movement in India. the with following in India is connected context, answer the the The rise of nationalism to reference leaderships. With gaverise to various among questions: strong national sentiment a developing Press in [3] Discuss the role of the i) session of the Indian the Indians. the the second Presidentship the Indian National of precursors and under whose Where ii) held? Name any two [31 National Congress were [4) nationalists leaders: Congress. following contributions of the State any two Gokhale Question 7 ii) Krishna a) Gopal b) Lala Lajpat Ra Question 8 )ldentify the cvent from theabove given pieture. Name the person who led the event and state the rcason for the same. (3) i) State anv threc programmesinvolved during the Civil Disobedience Movement. [31 i ) Brietly mention the impact of the Civil Disobedience Movement. [4] Question 9 The First and the Second World Wars were Unique in the History. In this context answer the following questions: i) State three points under the Treaty of Versailles, which affected Germany. [3] i)Why did Hitler invade Poland? (3] i i)Name the two power blocs the world was divided into post Second World War and name the countries that led these respective blocs. [4] Question 10 The specialized agencies of the UN have worked for the social and economic development of developing countries worldwide. At the same time, the world also saw the rise of the non-aligned movement, which brought in awakening in Asia and Africa. In this context, answer the following: i)Mention any three functions of the General Assembly. [3] ii)Give the expanded forms of UNESCO. Mention two contributions of UNESCO in the field of education. [3] ii) What is meant by the term non-Alignment? State any two objectives of the non aligned movement. [4]

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