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ICSE Class X Prelims 2024 : English Paper 2 (English Literature) (Sri Sri Ravishankar Vidya Mandir (SSRVM), Mumbai)

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SRI SRI RAVISHANKAR VIDYA MANDIR, MULUND FIRST PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION (2023- 24) SUBJECT: - LITERATURE Marks: - 80 Time :- 2 Hours STD:- X Date:- 21/11/2023 Answers to this Papor must be wrltten on the papor provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading tho question paper. The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for witing the answers. The paper has four sections. Section Ais compulsory- All questions in Section Amust be answered. You must attempt one question from each of the Sections B, Cand Dand one other question from any section of your choice. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [): SECTION-A Question 1 Read the following questions and choose the most appropriate response from the choices given below (Please do not copy the question -simply write out in correct serial order the appropriate word or phrase.) i. What was the most important reason for the class to hate Margot in 'AlSummer in a Day'? a) her experience of the sun in Ohio. b) her pale snow face and her thinness. c) her parents losing money to return to Earth. d) her refusal to sing with them. i. The example of faithful lovers given by Jessica were a) Dido and Aeneas b) Thisbe and Troilus c) Aeson and Jason d) Pyramus andTiTsbe What special human quality does the poem Nine Gold Medals' not celebrate? a) co-operation. c) empathy. iv. vi. vi. b) rivalry. d) brotherhood. What was the mood in the closing lines of the poem, 'Abou Ben Adhem' ? a) hopeful. c) disappointed. d) reflective. b) joyful. What does the scroll that Bassanio finds in the casket essentially tells him to do? a) marry Portia. c) be loving. d) be content. b) believe in appearances. What was the surprise Jesse was in for at the broad jump trials? a) He was surprised to see a tall German, with blue eyes. b) Luz Long was hitting the pit at 27 feet in the practice leaps. c) He was startled to see a German hitting the pit at almost 26 feet. d) He was surprised that Hitler had kept his star athlete under wraps. What did the people say on seeing the huddled figure of the girl? a) The bitter cold night must have made the girl freeze to death. b) Poor little thing c) She died due to cold and hunger. d) She was evidently trying to warm herself. Page 1 of 4 [16] Vi. Oollowing succession of wvoather changos worooxporionced on Venus as s00n as the sun faded. a) Thunder startlod, wind blew, b) Wind blew, thunder startled, sky darkorned. c) Lightning struck, thunder lightning struck. startled, wind blew. d) Wind blew, lightning struck, thunder startled. Why according to the Duke should Shylock forgive a moiety of his principal? a) Antonio is a b) ShyBock wouldChristian. lose his thousand ducats. c) Antonio would die if threo took the forfoiture of his bond. d) Antonio has sufferedShylock substantial financial losses, of late. mi o he rollowing words best describes the mood of the spectators on the field in the poe "Nine Gold Medals? ()Frustrated (1) Joyful XiL. (ll) Expectant (V) Grateful (a) Only (0) (b) Both (ll) and (l) (c) Which of the following lines contains the Both (Il) and (\V) (d) Only (lu) same literarv device as the one in "The "1go in the rain, and, Patriot a) She's all states, more than needs? and all princes, I. b) I wandered as a cloud. c) Once upon alonely d) The wheat midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and danced to the beat of the distant weary. The daffodils stretch thunder. in a a) as in the milky line way. c) beside the lake. b) along the margin of the bay. d) With reference to 'An Angel in beneath the trees. list the sequence of 1. "Is it good?" Disguise' , events in the correct order: 2. "Supper is asked Mrs. Thompson, seeing with what a keen the food was taken. ready," said Mrs. 3. A light shining Thompson, looking into the roomrelish a little while the through litle on turming towards the chamber windows was the first object that afterwards. house: it was a good attracted Joe's attention 4. Apair of large omen. bright eyes looked up at him from the pleadingly. snowy bed; looked at him (a) 1,2, 3, 4 tenderly, gratefully, (c) 3, 4, 2, 1 (b) 4, 3, 1, 2 Antonio says that trying to reason with(d) 4,3, 2, 1 a) trying to soften a rock Shylock was like that is comparable to the b) telling the ewe not to cry flint-like hearts of Tartars and Turks. c)standing on the beach at the loss of her lamb that had been eaten by the wolf. d) commanding the pine and ordering the waves to wash away the sands. trees to remain quiet when Identify the correct relationship battered by strong winds. statements (1) and (2) from the story The Blue 1.Gujars were junglis, born and between bred in the Bead'. forest. 2.Their forebears lived like this, getting their living from animals. a) 1 is the cause for 2 b) 2 is an example of 1 c) 2 is independent of 1 d) 1is a contradiction of 2 never-ending Xii. XiV. Xvi. Infer the line 'Hath not a Jew eyes?" a) Jews and are Christians equal. b) Jews can observe in detail. everything c) Jews have equally powerful eyes as Christians. d) Christians don't think that Jews are sharp. Page 2 of 4 SECTION- B DRAMA Question 2 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: Antonio It is still her use To let the wretched man outlive his wealth, To view with hollow eye and wrinkled brow An age of poverty--from which lingering penance Of such misery doth she cut me off. Commend me to your honorable wife. ()what did the Duke expect from Shylock at the beginning of this scene in the court of justice? [3] ()Who/ What is referred to as "her" by Antonio in these lines? What does "she" usually do [3) to a wretched man"? () What offer does Bassanio make, after this extract, to save Antonio? How does Portia [31 respond to it? to the has fallen him that he grieve for not to ask Bassanio Why does Antonio (iv) [3) current state for him? Does he accuse Bassanio or acquit him of the guilt? (v)At the end of this scene Antonio is granted life while Shylock loses out on his property. pride and religion. Is this ending justified for Shylock and Antonio? Explain why? [4] Question 3 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: Lorenzo The man that hath no music in himself. Nor is not moved with concord of sweet sounds, Is fit for treasons, stratagems,and spoils; The motions of his spirit are dull as night, And his affections dark as Erebus. Let no such man be trusted. (0) Why is Erebus mentioned in the extract? ( ) How does Lorenzo plan to welcome Portia and Nerissa? What instruction does he give regarding this? (ii) Why is this scene considered different from the earlier Venetian scenes? (iv) Why does Lorenzo refer to the poet Ovid a litte earlier? (v) What is the power of music on a wild and wanton herd? What do you learn from this? [3] [3] [3) (3] [4] SECTION-C Question 4 PROSE- SHORT STORIES Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: Where Sibia was working, wind coming across hundreds of miles of trees cooled her sweating body, and she could look down over the river as if she were a bird. Although she did not dare stop for a moment under her mother's eye, her took her in a swooping flight over the bright water and golden air to the banks where sheimagination had played as a child. () What untoward incident happened when Sibia was Why did Sibia stay back when all the women were onhalfway through the stepping-stones? [3] their way back home? (i) How did Sibia's movement on the [3] reflect stepping-stones her eagerness to help? (iv) "Oh, the two good vessels gone". What (3] does this sentence imply about Sibia? (V) Sibia displays special qualities in her (3) encounter with the crocodile. Name any two and justify the same. (4] Page 3 of 4 Question 5 Read the extract given bolow and answer the quostions that follow: "You're lying, you don't romomber!" crlod the children. But she rememberod and stood quiotly apart from all of thom and watched tho patterning windows. And onco, a month ago, sho had refusod to showor in tho school shower rooms, had clutched hor hands to her oars and over her head, screaming the water mustn't touch her head. Why it is vital for Margot to go back to tho earth? What is seon as a hindranco to this () (3) proposal? What had Margot just said that the other children accuse her of lying? What does it tell about (3) (i) them? (ii) Explain what affect did the rains have on Margot? How is it described? (iv) Which incident emphasizes that Margot is different from the other children? (v) The children hate Margot for several reasons list the big and small reasons for them to do [31 (3) 14] so? SECTION -D: POETRY Question 6 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: He gave out a cry of frustration and anguish His dreams and his efforts dashed in the dirt But as sure as l'm standing here telling the story Now it's a strange one, but here's what occurred (0) 'Now it's a strange one'- What strange thing does the poet tell the readers immediately [3) after the above-mentioned extract? (i) (ii) (iv) (v) What did the banner read? Explain its significance. Who gave out a cry? Why did he cry? What were his dreams? What happened to them? What was his anguish? How did the race end? What does the poem celebrate? What does the world need now? [3 [3 (31 [4] Question 7 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: The waves beside them danced, but they Out-did the sparkling waves in glee: A poet could not but be gay, In such a jocund company: I gazed and gazed but little thought (0) What wealth the show to me had brought Why does the poet compare the dance of the daffodils to that of the waves? (3] ( ) Which waves had the poet in mind? What did he notice about them? (3) (i) How had the poet described the daffodils earlier in the poem? [3 (iv) What 'wealth' has the poet referred to here? When did he realize its worth? With reference to the above extract, state why Wordsworth can be called nature poet. 14 () Page 4 of 4 [3] SRISRI RAVISHANKAR VIDYA MANDIR, MULUND FIRST PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION (2023- 24) sUBJECT:-LANGUAGE STD:- X Marks:- 80 Time :- 2 hours Date : 29/11/2023 Answers tothis Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to wite during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of ths Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. Attempt all five questions. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in[) You are advised to spend not more than 30 minutes in answering Question 1 and 20 minutes in answering Question 2. The question paper consists of2 sheets printed on four sides. Neat presentation is expected. Question 1 (Do not spend more than 30 minutes on this question.) [20] Write a composition (300-350 words) on any one of the following: (0) Write an original short story that begins with the words: He never thought... ( ) A kind action can go a long way. Narrate an incident from your own experience when someone was kind to you at a time when you were feeling very depressed. Give details of the kind action and say how this caused a change in you. (ii) Describe the sights and sounds of your school playground during the break-time. How does this change once the school bell is rung? (v) 'Cinema both entertains and educates the masses.' Express your views either for or against the statement. (v) Study the picture given below. Write a story or a description or an account of what it suggests to you. Your composition may be about the subject of the picture or you may take suggestions from it; however, there must be a clear connection between the picture and your composition. Question 2 (Do not spend more than 20 minutes on this question.) Select any one of the following: [10] (a) You had purchased an electronic product from a store but it started giving problem right from day one. Write a letter to the Manager of the store to complain about the faulty gadget, howit caused a hindrance to your work and ask for an immediate solution. (b) You are being bulled at school. Write a letter to your elder brother who lives in another place telling him about what is happening and how you are feeling. Seek his advice on a solution to the problem. Page 1 of 4 Ayestion 3 aYour schoo is oryanisng Literary Weok Write a notice to inform your schoolmates of the Hem to suggest activities for the weok evert A (b)Write anemail to the Principal of aneighbouring schoolrequesting to send students to p pariou event Question 4 Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow. Every Monday, on his way back from work, Bipin Chowdhury would drop in at New to buy bonk Hehad to buy at least five at a time to last him through the week. He lived alone, wasMarket not a good miuer had few triends and didnt like spending time in idle chat. who called in the evening got through he business quickly and left Those who didntshow signs of Those leaving Bpin Batbu that he was under doctor's orders to have dinner at would be told around eight oclock ty eight-thirty. After dinner he would reet fe half an hour and then tun in with a book. This was a routine which had persisted unbroken for years Today. Bipin Babu had the feeling that someone was observing him from close quarters. He turned round and found himself looking at a round-faced, meek-looking man who nOw broke into a smile. I don't suDDOSe you recognise me. Bipin Babu felt ill at ease. It didn't seem that he had ever encountered this man The face seemed quite unfamiliar. Have we met betore asked Bipin Babu. The man looked greatly surprised. "We met every before? day for a whole weekl for an car to take you to the Hundroo Falls My name is Parimal Ghosh'. 'Ranchi? Now Bipin Babuarranged realised this man was making a mistake Bipin Babu had never been to Ranchi. He smiled and said, Do you know who l am? The man raised his eyebrows and said, Who doesn't know Bipin Chowdhury? Bipin Babu turned towards the bookshelves and said, You are making a mistake. I've never been to Ranchi. The man now laughed aloud. What are you saying, Mr Chowdhury?)You had a fall in and cut your right knee! brOught you IOdineA had foxed up a car for you to go to Netarhat the Hudroo next day, but you couldn't because of the pain in the knee. Can't you recall anything? Someone else you know was also in Ranchi at that time, Dinesh Mukherjee. Youstayed in a bungalow. You said, you didn't like hotel fo0d. I'll tell you more: youMralways carrned a bag with your books in it on your sightseeing trips. Am I right or not? Bipin Babu spoke quietly, his eyes still on the books. 'Which month in Nineteen fifty-eight are you talking about? The man said, 'October'. No, sir, said Bipin Babu. I spent October Nineteen fifty-eight with a friend in Kanpur. You are making a mistake. Good day' But the man didn't go, nor did he stop talking. One evening I had tea with you on the veranda of your bungalow You spoke about your family. You said, you had no children and that you had lost your wife a decade ago. When Bipin Babu had paid for the books and was leaving the shop, the man was still looking at his in utter disbelief. Bipin Babu's car was safely parked in Bertram Street. He told the driver as he got into the car, Just drive by the Ganga, will you, Sitaram. Driving up the Strand Road, Bipin Babu regreted having paid so much attenion to the intruder. He had never been to Ranchi. He had an excellent memory. Unless he was losing his mind! (a) Give the meaning of the following words as used in the passage Choose the correct option i) persisted (line 6) a) endured b) ceased c) submit d) concede ) decade (line 29) a) decennary b) year c) six months d) twenty years Page 2 of 4 [2 s Give the antonym for the following word. Choose the correct option from the passage. )native ) real o)unreal c)intruder d)naive Ib) Answer the following questlons briefly using your own words. How did Bipin Chowdhury find time to read five books? .How did he get rid of visitors who stayed late? i Which sentence tells you that Bipin was uncomfortable? iv Whal strong argument did Bipin Babu give to prove that he was not in Ranchi at that time? 2] (21 [2] [2] V. What does Bipin regret for? indeed in Ranchi? (C) What memonies of the trip does Parimal Ghosh evoke to prove that Bipin Babu was Describe in your own words and answer in not more than 50 words. Question 5 blanks with the correct form of the word (a) In the following passage, fill in each of the numbered order the word or phrase given in brackets. Do not copy the passage, but write in correct serial (4] appropriate to the blank space. Example: (0) is(be) (be) prevalent thousands of years It (0) is not a new practice. The use of wells and canals (1) (use) in (2) ago in the Nile region and also in ancient India. Now modern canal irrigation (4) irigation (develop) extensive systems of several parts of the world. Countries which (3) States of America. Australia (5) (be) Egypt, Sudan, India, Australia and The United Gezira (combine) with canal irrigation. In Sudan, the (use) artesian wells (6) (depend), was made possible years cotton scheme, on which the economy of the country (7) schemes. (be) often linked to dams and hydro-electric ago by irrigation. Modern irrigation (8) [4] (b) Fill in the blanks with appropriate words: 1.He was touched pity when he heard the tale. a good teacher. 2. There is always a demand 3. He was in great need money. with his best friend and refused to talk to him. 4. He fell 5. Her request for transfer was turned discussion? 6. Could we change the topic all. 7. An honest man is always trusted 8. The African continent is ful conflicts. but or so. (c) Join the following sentences to make one complete sentence without using and, Choose the correct option. 1. The book was not cheap. It was not very useful. (a) The book was expensive as well as cheap. (b) The book was neither expensive or useful. (c) The book wasn't useful and cheap. (d) The book was neither cheap nor very useful. 2. The applicant is quite old now. He cannot be offered the job. (a) The quiet old applicant cannot be offered a job. (b) The applicant cannot do this job as he is old. (c) The applicant cannot be offered the job because he is quite old. (d) The old applicant cannot be offered this job. Page 3 of 4 (4] She can do this sum. 3. Reema is very clever. this sum, (a) Reema is cleverer to do easily. (b) Ram can solve this sum very clever. (c) Reema can do the sum as she is sum, the (d) The clever Reema can solve stand it. 4. This music is very noisy. Ican't (a) Icant listen to this music it is noisy (b) Ican't stand this music because it is very noise. (c) Ican't stand this music at all it is noisy. (d) I can't stand this noisy music at all. Make other according to the instructions given after each. (d) Re-write the following sentences do not change the meaning of each sentence. Choose the [8] changes that may be necessary, but correct option. (Begin: A meeting....) 1. The teachers will be holding a meeting tomorrow, i) A meeting is being held by teacher tomorrow. i) A meeting will be held by the teachers tomorrow. ii) Ameeting is being held by teacher tomorrow iv) A meeting is been held tomorrow by teacher. that.) project tomorrow." (Begin: The student said 2. The student said, " think I may complete the complete the project by the next day. i)The student said that she thought she might tomorTOW. ii) The student said that she may complete the the projectthebyproject tomorrow. complete might ii) The student said that she thinks she project tomorrow. iv) The students said that she thinks she might complete the No one....... ) 3.Only my grandfather came to see me. (Begin: i) No one came to see me except my grandfather. ii)No one saw me except my grandfather ii) No one except my grandfather came to see me. iv) Isaw no one except my grandfather (Begin: No sooner...) 4.The thief saw the policeman and ran away. away. i)No sooner the thief see the policeman he ran away. he ran policeman the sees the thief sooner ii)No he ran away. ii)No sooner did the thief see the policeman, than iv) No sooner, the thief seeing the policeman ran away. Unless ) 5. He will succeed if he works regularly. ( use: regularly. works he unless succeed i)He will not i)He will not succeed unless he does not work regularly. ii)He will succeed unless he doesn't work regularly. iv)He will succeed he unless Works regularly. you?) 6.You left the geyser on, didn't you? {End ... did you? did geyser on, the left i)You had ii) Youdidn't leave the geyser on, did you? ii) Youdidn't leave the geyser on, didn't you? iv) You left the gas on did you? Notwithstanding...) 7. He is sorrowful, yet he is hopeful. (Begin: i) Notwithstanding his sorrow, he is hopeful. ii)Notwithstanding his sorrow yet he is hopeful. ii)Notwithstanding his sorrow, he was hopeful iv)Notwithstanding sorrow he was hopeful. held. (Begin: It was too ....) 8)lt was so hot that the P. . period could not be held. be not could period i) It was too hot that P.E. held. ii) It was too hot to P.E. period to be be held. to period P.E. for to hot ii) It was iv) It was too hot for the P.E. period to be held Page 4 of 4

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Additional Info : ICSE Class X Prelims 2024 : English Paper 1 (English Language) (Sri Sri Ravishankar Vidya Mandir (SSRVM), Borivali East, Mumbai)
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