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PARLE TILAK VIDYALAYA (ICSE) SECOND TERM EXAMINATION ENGLISH LITERATURE Grade: IX Date: 29,11.2023 Marks: 80 Time: 2hrs. Answers to this paper must be written on the ruled sheets. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. Thistime is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. The paper has four sections. Section A is compulsory - Allquestions in Section A must be answered. You must attempt one question from each of the Sections B, C and D and one other question from any Section of your choice. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets []. This paper has SIX printed pages. SECTION A Question 1: Choose the correct answers to the questions from the given options. (Do not copy the question, write the correct answer only.) [16] (a) Name the conspirator who reports to Brutus inspite of being sick. 1 Decius i. Ligarius iii. Cinna iv. Publius (b) What causes Brutus to contemplate joining the conspiracy against Caesar? i. A letter planted by Cassius Calphurnia's nightmare about Caesar's death ii. ii. Concerns about Caesar's ambition and its impact on Rome Cassius' confirmation that he had moved the noblest-minded Romans iv. (c) What is the main reason for Caesar's dismissal to the warnings of the soothsayer in Act 1? He believes that the soothsayer is superstitious. He is preoccupied with his victory and upcoming celebrations. iv. He thinks that the soothsayer's words are based on superstition. He trusts his own invincibility. (d) Assertion (A): Brutus refuses to swear an oath with the conspirators. Reason (R): He fears the consequences of taking a binding oath. Ris the correct explanation of A. Both statements A and R are true. ICSE THIS PAPER CONSITS OF 6 PRINTED PAGES 1 Only statement R is true. Ris not the correct explanation of A. ii. iv. progress (e) How was Decius' visit to Caesar in Act 2, play a erucial part in the i To reveal the conspiracy against Caesar. To flatter Caesar and accompany him to the Senate house. To express his loyalty and admiration for Caesar. ii. ii. iv. () of the play? Calphurnia's warnings. To convince Caesar to attend the Senate despite well-being and displays strength and spouse's their for concern deep a exhibits character Which determination, despite personal struggles? i Portia ii. ii. Brutus iv. Caesar Calphurnia (g) *When went there by an age,since the great flood Which of the following contains the literary device as used in the above given line? i. He was an onion; to understand him, she had topeel back the layers. ii. iii. iv. The floorboards groaned under the weight of each step. She's a good swimme, but she's no Ariel. It was the best of times; it was the worst of times (h) Arrange the following statements made by Cassius with reference to the statement, *Brutus' and 'Caesar'; what should be in that Caesar?" from the drama, 'Julius Caesar in the correct chronological order. A. Conjure with 'em, Brutus will start a spirit as soon as Caesar B. Sound them, it doth become the mouth as well C. Weigh them,it is as heavy D. Write them together,yours is as fair a name i. ii. iii. iv. D, B,C, A A, C, D, B C,B, D, A B, A, C, D (i) The poet's reference to 'a gardener carefully pruned it' in 'A Work of Artifice suggests: i. Asense of empowerment and self-determination. The burden of societal expectations on individual identity. iii. iv. The struggle between natural growth and artificial manipulation. Areflection of the artist's power over nature. (i) Where does Skimbleshanks greet the stationmaster? i ii. ii. iv. ICSE Dumfries Carlisle Crewe Gallowgate THIS PAPER CONSITS OF 6 PRINTED PAGES (k) the poem,"1 What do the lines The little window where the sun/Came peeping in at morn',in Remember, I Remember' reflect about the poet? i. Irritation at the intrusion of sunlight in the morning. i. iii. iv. A desire for a better view from the window in his room. Fond memories and the warmth of the morning sun. The discomfort caused by the morning sun. () What purpose does the use of vivid imagery and sensory details in the beginning of the poem, `A Doctor's Journal Entry for August6,1945" serve? i ii. iii. Create a sense of mystery or suspense. iv. Illustrate the conflict within the narrative. Evoke a specific atmosphere or mood. Establish the character of the protagonist. would be a nuisance to his aunt? (m) What evoked 'one great fear' in Phatik that he When he lost his lesson-book. 1. ii When he was caned by his teacher unmercifully. school. ii. When his cousins jeered and insulted him at shivering. iv. When he had a bad headache with a fit of introducing Hughie Erskine in The Model Millionaire'? while highlighted is element essential (n) What influential connections within high society. Hughie's social circle and contributions to society. Hughie's philanthropic activities and charitable his outward appearance. iii. Hughie's inner struggle and professional failures despite chosen profession. iv. Hughie's ambitions and aspirations to excel in his story, Bonku Babu's Friend'? (o) What does Ang's voice sound like in the i. Like a Flute i. ii. iii. Like a human voice iv. Like a Trumpet Like a Drum story, (p) What does Mr.Bumble ask Mr.Sowerburry about in the i ii. iii. iv. Oliver Asks for More? Oliver Twist Coffins Money The Workhouse gate notice SECTION B DRAMA: JULIUS CAESAR Question 2: Read the extract and answer the questions that follow: Brutus: It is the bright day that brings forth the adder; And that carves wary walking. Crown him? - that; And then, I grant, we put sting in him, That at his will he may do danger with. The abuse of greatness is when it disjoins Remorse from power; (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Explain the above lines. [3] Howwould the crowning of Caesar change his nature? Explain the reference of 'a serpent's egg' he makes in this context. (3) How according to Brutus does an ambitious person behave? (3] [3] How did Brutus interpret the letter which Lucius found near the window, a little later? What reason does Brutus state next for his lack of sleep? Howhas it affected him? Highlight one character trait of Brutus with a suitable justification in this context. Question 3: Read the extract and answer the questions that [4] follow: Calphurnia: Caesar, I never stood on ceremonies, Yet now they fright me. There is one within, Besides the things that we have heard and seen, Recounts most horrid sights seen by the watch. (i) (i) (ii) (iv) (v) What horrid sights did the watchman recount that had left Calphurnia scared? What can be avoided/Whose end is purpos'd by the mighty gods?" What were Calphurnia and[3] Caesar's views about 'end' immediately after this statement? [3] Why did Calphurnia chide Caesar for being 'consumed in confidence? Explain the metaphorical reference made by Caeasr in this context. How did Caesar describe Calphurnia's dream to Decius and her actions that compelled him to [3] stay at home? [3] How did Decius Brutus interpret Calphurnia's dream a little later? What did he hint at that made Caesar change his mind and go to the capitol? [4] SECTION C TREASURE TROVE OF SHORT STORIES Question 4: Read the extract and answer the questions that follow: Come to me, my boy, when you have got ten thousand pounds of your own, and we willsee about it,'he used to say; and Hughie looked very glum on those days, and had to go to Laura for consolation. i) (i) Who had laid down this condition for Hughie and why? What did his father bequeath to him that was useless in fulfilling this condition? (3] What various professions did Hughie undertake to earn money in the past? Was he successful? How do we know of this fact from the story? (ii) [3] "Hughie left blushing a litle at what he had done'. What had Hughie done when he had visited Juestion5: Read the extract and answer the questions that folow: Phatik wiped his face, and sat down on the edge of a sunken barge on the river bank, and began to chew a piece of grass. Aboat came up to the landing, and a middle-aged man, with grey hair and dark moustache, stepped on shore. () (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) [3] Wnat did the middle-aged man enquire about? Describe the behaviour and the manner in which[3] Phatik responded to him? [3] What was Phatik's relation with the middle-aged man? How and why had he come now? What did the middle-aged man suggest about Phatik to his mother? How did the mother and [3] Phatik react to it? Describe the quarrel between Phatik and Makhan that took place a little earlier. fourteen." "In this world of human affairs there is no worse nuisance than a boy at the age of What are the narrator's views about this statement? Give details from the text. [4] SECTION D TREASURE TROVE OF POEMS Question 6: Read the extract and answer the questions that follow: The roof, the walls and, as it seemed, the world Collapsed in timber and debris, dust swirled Around me- in the garden now- and, weird, My drawers and undershirt disappeared. () (i) (iii) (iv) () Describe the morning before the narrator finds himself in the present state as mentioned in the [3] extract. What was he doing and what startled him? that he Inwhat way were the doctor and his wife physically injured? Why did the doctor think [3] would die? What did the doctor and his wife come across as soon as they stumbled out on the street? What [3] did they witness thereafter? Why does the narrator describe the people as 'shadowy forms? What did the people look like and why were some people moving with stretched hands? [3] What thoughts arose when the doctor came across awoman with achild and anaked man? Who did he come across next and in what condition? Explain the symbolism used in the line, 'Silence was common to us all. Question 7: Read the extract and answer the questions that follow: Iremember, I rememnber, The roses, red and white, The violets,and the lily-cups, Those flowers made of light! [(4] (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) ICSE What does those flowers made of light' mean? What does the poet fondly remember about the [31 lilacs and the laburnum? the Explain freedom. of period a childhood as Quote the line from the poem that highlights (3] imagery used in thiscontext. contrast and the What brings fever' to the poet in adulthood? Explain the symbolism (3] highlighted in this context. beginning of the in I remember' Why do you think the poet has used the phrase, 'I remember,harsh (3] realities? present the each stanza? What does he wish toescape from I remember, I poem, the Discuss the theme of Childhood Innocence' portrayed in [4] remember". THIS PAPER CONSITS OF 6 PRINTED PAGES 6