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ICSE Class X Prelims 2024 : History and Civics (St. Francis School (SFS), Borivali, Mumbai)

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Al Sub: HISTORY Cla: X POINSUR, BORIVALI(W), MUMBAI Marks: 80 ST. FRANCISSCHOOL, MT. 1" ASSESSMENT 2023-24 Date: 13/09/2023. & CIVICS 10 Time: 02hrs and must be attempted. & Allquestions from Part Iand Part llare compulsory keywords. underline Write answers in point form and manner. Ensure that your content is presented in a neat and legible on a new side. The answer to every main question shouldbegin PART I(30 Marks) Attempt all Questions from this part Questio 1 [16] Choose the correct option: (i)Which of these statements regarding the Speaker is false? (a) Elected for a term of five years. (b)Elected when the newly elected house meets for the first time. (c) Elected from among the members of the Lower House. id) The members of both Houses vote to choose the Speaker. vill be clected (ii) Raman has just become a member of the Upper House of Parliament. He so for a period of (a) Two years (b) Three years (c) Five years (d) Six years Parliament? (iii) Which of these denote the correet composition of the Upper House of (a) 232 clected +2 nominated (b)238 elected + 12 nominated (c) 238 clected + 2 nominated (d)250 elected + 12nominated a subject on (iv) In case of a conflict between the Centre and the State with reference to the Concurrent list: (a)Each follow their own law (b) The President is empowered to decide (c) The Union Law will prevail (d) The State Law will prevail (v) Given below are the details ofa few Indian citizens: W An MP who is also Chairperson ofthe State Film Development Council X ATwenty-five year old law-abiding citizen Y Acitizen qualified for election as a Lower House mnember and has completed thirty-five years of age Z An Entrepreneur reccntly declared as bankrupt Seleet the person who fulfis the eligibility criteria to become the President of lndia: (a) W (b) X (o) Y (d) Z A1 Std 10 History &Civics 2023 -24 Page 1 of 4 (i) by the state government must cal! for of the State Aprolonged form of violence and civil war that is unmanageable indicates a State this case the Governor (a) National Emergency (b) Financial Emergency (c) President's Rule (d) General Emergency (vii) Which of the following reform moyements was started by Jyotibha Phule? (a) Satya Shodhak Samaj (b) Ramakrishna Mission (c) Brahmo Samaj (d) Arya Samaj (vii) The President of the Second Session of the Indian National Congress was (a) DadabhaiNaoroji (b)W.C.Bonnerjee (c) Nawab Salimullah (d) Rabindranath Tagore (ix)On hearing the news of his death, he said To whom shall I go for advice now in moments of difficulty? And when the time comes to seek help from the whole of Maharashtra to whom shall Iturn?" .This person was referred to as the forerunner of Gandhi (a) Madan Mohan Malviya (b) Gopal Krishna Gokhale (c) Jawaharlal Nehru (d) Bal Gangadhar Tilak (x) Doctrine of Lapse' was the annexation policy of British East India Company that played a key role in 1857 revolt. It was introduced by (a) Lord Wellesley (b) Lord Canning (c) Lord Lytton (d) Lord Dalhousie (xi) The *AlI-India Muslim League" was set up on December 30, 1906 under the Presidentship of (a) Aga Khan (b) M.A Jinnah (c) Nawab Salimullah (d) Abul Kalam Azad (xii) B NDIA'SPEACE ASSURED BY COMPROMISE Viceroy and GaudJi Rench Ayreeinent on S1xjor Points in Duj1t CIVIL DISOBEDIJ.NCE T0 CEAKE T ONCE Which of the following is aConsequence of the above newspaper article? (a) The Poona Pact (b) The Lucknow Pact (c) The Gandhi-Irwin Pact (d) The Liaquat-Nehru Pact A1 Std 10 History& Civics 2023-24 Page 2 of 4 (xiil) The All-india Congress Committee passed a resolution in 1942 during the World War Il asking for an end to British rule in India. Thereafter the Movement is launched (a) The NonCooperation Movement (b)The CivilDisobedicnce Movement (c) The Quit India Movement (d)The Khilafat Movement (xiv)Formation of the (Congreee: :Formation of the Mnsiim League 1906 (a) 1884 (b) 1885 (c) 1886 (d) 1888 (1)The motto of the INA was (a) 'Unity. Faith and Surender (b)Unity. Faith and Sacrificc' (c) "Unity. Hope and Sacrifice' (d) Unity, Faith and Self-Suficiencv" (vi)Which of the follow ing was not a proposalof the Mountbatten Plan? (a)Division of the country into two Dominions i.c. India and Pakistan (b) Division of the British provinccs into three groups (c) An Act for the Transfer of Power by the British (d) ABoundary Commission wouldsettle boundaries of the two dominions Question 2 (a) Write any two rcasons for the Indirect Election of the President of India. (b) Who presides over the mcctings of the Upper House of the Parliament? In this capacity, list any one of his/her presiding functions. (c) Mention any two contributions of Subhash Chandra Bose. (d) List two implications of the Rowlau Act. (e) Namc the two leaders of the Khilafat Movement. (f) What was the General Service Enlistment Act? (g) Mention any two contributions of Bipin Chandra Pal to the National Movement. |2 PART II (50 Marks) SECTION A CIVICS Question 3 The Parliament is the suprene legislative body of the lndian Republie and is an inportant body following: in a democratic country like ours. With reference to this, answer the more powertul than is Parlhament of House LOwer how the (a) Write three reasons to justify |3| the Upper itouse. Parliamcit. Hhe of functions legislative 3) (b) State any three (c) Who presides over the 1ower House of Pariianent? Wie any three disciplinary tunctions of this presiding oflicer. |4] A1 Std 10History &Civics 2023-24 Page 3 of 4 S1 (Any do after by picture. (4] [3] [3] conscquence. by as at them? a Gandhiji? three Gandhiji the points) police launched in 1922 fired Movement 1930 that in demonstrators part was the Movement. given of suspended the were that suspended the did the of the movement Memorial this infuriated Impact the the (iii) (ii) (i) What Programmes Name Identify (c) (b) ListState (a) The (c) (b) (a) ofTheQuestion 5 (b) (a)With Question6 1857.With What Mention Write culmination history While DraWpublicMention reference TheQuestion commander-in-chief In (c) (b) (a) nominal this current ExplainName whenWhose reference |4] [3] (3| [4] 3] (3] [4] [3] |3] context, head t h e any was approval any the President, a educating opinion, of comparative of body President any the any four reference answer t h e three t h e to to of three Subsidiary three t h e Consequences Indian the does that executive, discontent of Whichpeople Executive Droupadi can t h e t h e elects first socio-religious picture contributions to the study proclaim followingIndian this, National t w o three in President Alliance? the the against between modern phases, powers given answer President Murmu methods Armed first of a questions: Movement t h e of Gencral necd below, causes of citizen thepolitics, answer Bal Great Who the the t h e is did British SECTION B to ofForces. Early following Gangadhar t h e introduced HISTORY answer PresidentIndia. proclaim Revolt that Emergency. the of arousing can 15th t h e NationalistsEarly t h e led rule Write following: be the to of country, and questions: an of broadly this Nationalists t h e came 1857. national Tilak. following emergency? India. its current risepolicy composition. with afd as of divided consciousness well the the of the President. questions: rely annexation? Assertive revolt. as State Great on? into the Elaborate. the three Revolt She Nationalists. and circumstances is creating phases. fhe WithQuestion 7 (c) 4

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