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ICSE Class X Prelims 2023 : Geography (Royal Academy, West Medinipur) : Pre-Board

4 pages, 74 questions, 31 questions with responses, 32 total responses,    2    0
Satyam Dey
Vidyasagar Shishu Niketan (VSN), West Medinipur
XI-XII Commerce
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Royal Arademy Pre-Board Examination Class X Subject:Geography Session: 2022 -2023 Full Marks: 80 Time: 2 Hrs. Part I [Attempt all questions from this part] Sx2 10 Question 1. Study the extract of the Survey of India Map Sheet No. G43S/10 and answer the following question A. Give the four figure grid reference ii) Nakhi Talao 1) r near Tarepara Nad1 B. Calculate the area enclosed within the Easting 68 to 71 (in Km) C. Name an important station other than Abu. Give reasons to support your answer D. What is the direction of general slop of the given map extract. Give advance to support your answer. E. i)What do you mean by the green wash in the given map extract? ii) What are the major occupations of the people of given map extract. 10x1 = Question 2. 10] On the outline map of India provided. mark and label the followinga) Western Ghats b) Wular Lake c) Karakoram Pass d) Bengaluru e) An iron production area through g) South-West ) Alluvial soil in north India monsoon Arabian sea f) Mahanadi h) Standard Meridian j) Malabar coastal plain [10x 1= 10] Question 3. Choose the correct answer refers to the atmospheric conditions, which prevails in large area over a long period of time ii) Weather 1) Season B. Rosewood and toon Is an example of plantation crop. ii) Rubber ii) Tropical desert forest iv) Mountain forest iii) Wheat iv) Jute ii) Humus iv) Phosphorous Red soil is rich in i) Potash E. iv) Monsoon examples of which of the following forests? i) Tropical deciduous forest ii) Tropical evergreen forest i) Rice D. are ii) Climate ii) Lime Which of the following type of iron has more than 70% iron content in it? i) Siderite ii) Magnetite i) Haematite iv) Limonite F. Boro is associated with which of the following crops i) Jute i) Wheat G. iv) Rice i11) Cotton Manchester of India iv) Maharashtra ii) Mumbai ii) Gujarat i) Ahmedabad firm HThe Rourkela Steel Plant has been developed with the help of I iv) Indonesia i11) Spain ii) German i) Japan 3Rs means ii) Reduce. Replace, Reproduce iv) Reduce, Reuse, Recycle i) Reduce. Reuse. Replace iii) Recycle, Replenish, Replace J i) Airways transport supplements the other modes of transport. ii) Waterways ii) Roadways iv) Railways Part II [Attempt any FIVE questions from this part] [3+2+2+3] Question 4. a) b) i) Name the type of climate experienced by India. ii) Mention any two factors responsible for it. Give a geographical reason for each of the following: c) i) The North East monsoon bring almost no rain to most parts of India. State two features of retreating monsoon. d) Study the climatic data and answer the following questions: i) Annual range of temperature is higher in Delhi than Mumbai Temp C Rain (cm) Jan Feb MarApr May Jun Jul 0 111.5| .145.3 46.4 45.4 43.3 20.1 3.0 1.0 23.8 25.0 0 27.7 28.3 30.2 30.3 30.4 Aug 30.3 Sep Oct Nov Dec 30.0 25.5 25.5 24.2 i) Calculate the annual range of temperature. ii) What is the total rainfall during the monsoon season? ii)On which coast is the station located? Give a reason for your answer. Question 5. a) b) [2+3+3+2] Differentiate between alluvial and Laterite soil. What is soil conservation? Mention any two measures taken to conserve soil. c) Name the following i) This soil is sticky when wet and eracks when dry. ii) This soil is mainly used for making bricks. d i) This soil is classified into Khadar and bhangar. Give geographical reasons for the following. i) Black soil is a residual soil. ii) Red soils are generally in fertile. Question6. [3+2+3+2] a) Mention any three characteristics of Tropical Evergreen Forests. b) Name the forest which is found in the delta of the river Ganga. Name two trees which are found here. Give geographical reasons for the following i) Xerophytic plants have long roots. ii) Tropical deciduous foreats are commercially most exploited ii) Tropical deciduous forests are commercially most exploited. Write uses of the following trees ii) Sandalwood i) Teak d) (2+3+3+2] Question 7. a) Mention two conditions necessary for the construction of wells. b) Define c) India. State Differentiate between wells and tube wells. d) (ii) Sprinkler irrigation (i) Drip irrigation the importance of irrigation in [3+2+2+3] Question8. b) the advantages of using bio gas? Name the differentiate grades of coal. c) Namethe following: a) What are (i) The leading producer of coal. d) is situated? (ii) On which river Hirakund dam Dam. (i) State any one benefit of Bhakra Nangal (ii) State two disadvantages of nuclear power 2+3+3+2] Question 9. farming. quantity of rice. largest i) Name a state of India that produces conditions necessary for its growth. ii) Mention any two geographical its cultivation? iii) Which is the best method for cultivation is gaining importance in c)i) Mention two reason why sugarcane cultivators of Uttar Pradesh. ii) State one problem of sugarcane (ii) Sett method d) Define the following: (i) Ginning a) b) extensive Differentiate between intensive and the Peninsular India. Question 10. a) b) c) d) textile industries. Mention two problems faced by the cotton for education, entertainment, and research? What is the significance of the electronics industry i) What is sericulture ii) Name the three non-mulberry silk Name the by-products of sugar industry. Question 11. good transport network important for India. b) Name the following: a) How is a i) The terminal stations of East West corridor Corridor. ii) The terminal stations of North-South decline? Why importance of inland water way d) [2+3+3+2] Give reason- i) The Indian railway system is the life line of the country's inland transport. ii) Popularity of airways is increasing. [3+2+3+2] [3+2+3+2] Question 12. a) b) Name a common and cheapest method of disposing waste. What is done in this method? Mention any two steps that should be taken by the municipal authorities for the safe disposal of solid wastes. c) d) What is bio-medical waste? Why is their safe disposal How is vermicomposting different from composting? mandatory?

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