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ICSE Class X Prelims 2023 : English Paper 1 (English Language) (Royal Academy, West Medinipur) : Pre-Board

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Satyam Dey
Vidyasagar Shishu Niketan (VSN), West Medinipur
XI-XII Commerce
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Royal Academy 2022-2023 Pre Board Examinations English Language (Paper-1) Class-X (ICSE) Time-2 hours FM-80 ---- 1. Answer to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately. 2. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. 3. The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. 4. 5. Attempt all five questions. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets. [0 Question1. Write a composition (300-350 words) on any one of the following: i) (i) [20] Write an original short story entitled, 'God helps those who help others' 'Online Smart Classes are the future ofeducation Express your views for or against the given statement. (ii) Every year the school holds a fair known as 'The annual school fete. Describe what you see at the fete. Give details of the food, game, decoration, surroundings and other stals put up there. (iv) (v) You are a resident of London in England and the visiting India for the first time to attend a training course. Narrate your experience and what you learnt on reaching there. Study the picture given below. Write a short story or a description or an account of what the picture suggests to you. Your composition maybe about the subject of the picture or it. you may take suggestions from Question 2. Select any one of the following:- [10 Many students from different parts of the country come to Delhi to study. Finding8 affordable accommodations is the main problem faced by them. Landlords charge exorbitant rents and in some cases refuse to rent rooms to them because of their different food habits and culture. The hostel facility provided by educational institutions is too inadequate to meet the demand. Write a letter to the Editor of a local daily drawing attention of the authorities and requesting them to take appropriate action. (ii) You're the elder brother/sister of your cousin, who lives in Mumbai. Write a letter, congratulating him/her on passing the ICSE examinations successfully. Also ask what is his/her next him/her, plan? Question 3. You are the Students' Representative of the School Development Committee. Next week the committee is meeting to prepare a Calendar of Activities for Academic Year 20232024. Write a notice, to be put up on your school notice board, inviting students' suggestions on the subject matter. [5] (ii) Write reply e-mail to Mrs. Sunita Jalan, a business executive of Hotel Victoria to her interest in buying software from your farm. an Group, as a [5] Question 4. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow They pass me everyday, on their way to school- boys and girls from the surrounding villages and the outskirts of the hill station. There are no school buses for these children: they walk. For many of them, it's very long walk to school. Ranbir, who is ten, has to climb the mountain four miles distant and two thousand feet below the town level. He comes in all kinds of weather swearing the same pair of cheap shoes until they have almost fallen from his village, apart. Ranbir is a cheerful soul. He waves me whenever he sees me at my window. Sometimes he brings me cucumbers from his father's field. I pay him for the cucumbers; he uses the money for books or for small things needed at home. Many of the children are like Ranbir - poor, but slightly better off than what their parents were at the same age. They cannot attend the expensive residential and private schools that abound here, but must go to the government-aided schools with only basic facilities. Not many of their parents managed to go to school. They spent their lives working in the fields or delivering milk in the hillstation. The lucky ones got into the army. Perhaps Ranbir will do something different when he grows up. He has yet to see a train, but he sees planes flying "How far can a plane go?", he asks. over the mountains almost every day. "All over the world" Itell him. "Thousands of miles in a day, you can go almost anywhere. lgo round the world one day "he vows. rl buy a plane and go everywhere!" And may be he will. He has determined chin and a defiant look in his eye. Upto a few years ago, very few girls in the hills, or in the villages of India went to school. They helped in the home until they were old enough to be married, which wasn't very old. But there are now just as many girls as there are boys going to school. Bindra is something of an extrovert, a confident fourteen -year-old who chatters away as she huries down the road with her companions. Her father is a forest guard and he knows me quite well: I meet him on my walks through the deodar woods behind Landour. AndI had grown used to seeing Bindra almost every day. When she did not put in an appearance fora week, I asked h e r b r o t h e r if a n y t h i n g w a s w r o n g . " O h , n o t h i n g , " h e s a y s , " s h e is h e l p i n g m y m o t h e r c u t g r a s s . Soon the monsoon will end and the grass will dry up. So, we cut it now and store it for the cows in winter." "And why aren't you cutting grass too?" "Oh, I have a cricket match today " he says, and hurries away to join his team mates. Unlike his sister, he puts up pleasure before work! Cricket, once the game of the elite, has become the game of the masses. On any holiday, in any part of this vast country, groups of boys can be seen making their way to the nearest field, or open patch of land, with bat ball and any other cricketing hear that can cobble together. Watching some of them play I am amazed at the quality of talent, at the finesse with which they bat and bowl. Some of the local teams are as good, if not better than any from the private schools, where there are some better facilities. But the boys from these poor or lower middle class families will never get the exposure that is necessary to bring them to the attention of those who select state or national teams. They will never get near enough to the men of influence and power. They must continue to play for the love of the game, or watch their more fortunate heroes' exploits on television. (i) For each word given below choose the correct meaning as used in the passage from the options provided [3] 1. Defiant- a. Compliant b.Rebellious. c.Cooperative. d.Tractable 2. Elite a. Upper or high class. b. Middle class. c. Proletariat. d. The masses. 3. Exposure a. Chance. (i) b. Covering. c. Opportunity. d. Both (a) and (c) Answer the following questions briefly in your own words (a). In what way are the children better off than their parents? (2) (b). What was Ranbir's ambition? (2) (c). How has the fate of girls changed? (1) (d). In what way was her brother different from Bindra? (2) (e). Why does the author call the heroes the television on 'fortunate'? (2) (ii). In not more than 50 words, relate what difficulties the children face in their daily lives. How does the author feel about it? (8) Question 5 (i). Fill in each of the [4] numbered blanks with correct form of the words given in the brackets. It is not unusual for all sorts of insects to be called bugs. However, in only...1.(give) to a particular group of insects called reality, this name should Hemipetra. These insects have tube-like beaks which they use to ..2.... suck) sap from the plants they..3...(live). Others, prey upon other insects by ..4..(inject) poison into them. These insects are on which brightly.......(.colour) and come in all sizes and shapes. A nymph, or a young bug has no wings and cannot..6.. (fly). Adult bugs, however,....7..(.have) two pairs of wings. When not in use, the hind pair of (lie) folded and hidden behind the front pair. wings....8... (ii). Fill in each blank with an appropriate word a. There b.I flight d. I first saw the Lion's Cricket Club every weekend. was fine, the newly launched phone waited for my but the food g.I somehow made it,.. h. I visited most ..... the plane was not good. friend...5p.m. f. My friend didn't turn up so. in the but he shop... didn't turn MG Road. up. even.adlhi5 p.m. the road unscathed places of tourist interest.. (ii). Join the following sentences to make Choose the correct option:- [4] 1. 14] seventy rooms.. the hotel. play cricket..... The e. I were one despite so much traffic. my stay in Paris. complete sentence without using and, My sister works three jobs in a day. She doesn't earn but or much money. a. My sister works three jobs in a day; nonetheless, she doesn't turn much money. b. My sister works three jobs in a day; however she doesn't earn much money. c. My sister works three jobs in a day; consequently, she doesn't earn much d. My sister works three money. jobs in a day; otherwise, she does not on much money. 2. We went out. The weather was cold. a. We went out despite of the cold weather. b. We went out despite the cold We went out inspite the cold weather. d. We went out as it was a cold weather. 3. He was ill. He attended the meeting. Though he was ill, yet he will attended the meeting. meeting. c. Though he was ill, however, he attended the a. the b. Though he was ill, but he attended meeting. d. Though he was ill,he attended the meeting. 4. She is pretty. She is weather.C. intelligent. a. She is pretty and she is intelligent. nor intelligent. d. She is pretty as well as b. She is pretty or intelligent. c. She is neither pretty intelligent. (iv). Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given after each. Make other changes that option. may be necessary, but donot the correct 1. (8] Passing examinations a. passing the the above. is a goal. Every candidate fifty thousands Kenya Shillings, I would me (Rewrite using:even if) a. Even if I would not go down b. Even if you gave me fifty thousands coal mine a if you gave even thousands Kenya Shillings I would 3. As a. on the bus, soon as 5. The a. the sheep. (Rewrite using: even not go down the coal mine. coal mine, you gave me fifty thousands Kenya Shillings. Kenya Shillings, Iwould go down a coal mine. c.I would not me fifty thousands Kenya Shillings. d. If you gave me fifty bus, mine. the driver started the engine. (Begin: No sooner...) No sooner did he get on the than the driver started the 4. If he apologises. apologises. a definitely go down the coal he got onto the started the engine. d. No a. should aim at it. sentence. Choose if) Every candidate should aim to pass the examination. b. Every candidate should aim to examination. c. Every candidate should aiming to pass the examination. d. None of 2. If you gave go down change the meaning of each apologises, He will be c. sooner he will be pardoned Unless he will sheep ate a bus, the driver started the engine. b. No sooner did he get engine. c. No sooner had he get on the bus than the driver had he get on the bus, the driver started the engine. lot. pardoned. (Use: Unless....) unless he not be apologises. b. He will not be pardoned unless he pardoned, he apologies. d. Unless he will be pardoned, he (Begin: A lot...) A lot was eaten by the sheep. b. A lot is eaten d. A lot is being eaten by the 6. Did Sue draw this sheep. circle? (Begin:Was.. by the sheep. c. A lot had been eaten by circle drew this circle draw by Sue? b.Was this Sue? d. Was this circle drawn by drawn by Sue? a. Was 7. There is no success success. no effort, there is c. Whenever there is c. Was this circle being (Begin: Whenever. without effort. a. Whenever there is by Sue? success. effort, there is success. there is no b. Whenever there is effort, there is never d. Whenever there is effort, SUccess. 8. He said, "I a. He said letter was am writing this letter. that he is writing written by him. a (Begin: writing a letter. being written by him. b. He said that he letter. d. He said that He said that...) a letter was was c. He said that a

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