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Class 10 CBSE Pre Board 2018 : Geography (SDA Higher Secondary School, Maninagar, Ahmedabad)

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Sandeep Patankar
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GEOGRAPHY FULL COURSE TEST CHAP.1-2-3-4-5-6 Section A Attempt all the questions 1.Calculate the time when it is 3am on Monday at Delhi(77E) what will be time in Newyork(120 W) 5 marks 2.What will be the time at 90W long. when the time at time at 10E long. is 8 am 3. Explain with a suitable diagram why days and nights are unequal in each hemisphere 5 marks 10 marks 4. Mention on world map following plateaus and mountains 1)Mongolian plateau 2) Iranian plateau 3)East African plateau 4)Brazilian highlands 5)Tibet plateau 6) Labrador 7)Canadian shield 8) Great Dividing range 9) Andes 10) Rocky Mountains 10 marks Section B Attempt any five questions from the following each question is of 10 marks 10x5 = 50 marks. 1. A. State the five evidences for the spherical shape of the earth. 4marks B. Why is earth called a unique planet ? 2marks C. Why time of sunrise and sunset is not same everywhere ? 2marks D. What is the difference between eco system and bio sphere ? 2marks 2. A. Describe how the latitude of a place can be fixed ? 4marks B. What is meant by meridian ? 2marks C. Why does international date line does not follow the 180 deg. and deviate in many places 2marks D. Difference between parallels of latitudes and meridians of longitude ? 2marks 3. A. Explain the effects of earth s revolution ? 4marks B. What is the circle of illumination ? 2marks C. Day and nights are not equal across the world . Give reason 2marks D. Difference between rotation and revolution 2marks 4. A. Mention 2 features each of mantle, core and crust . 4marks B. What is lithosphere ? 2marks C. Why is lithosphere important to human being . Give reason 2marks D. Difference between Sial and Sima 2marks 5. A. Explain the formation of Himalayas 4marks B. What is a mountain ? 2marks C. Hills of Nilgiris are lowered down . Give reason 2marks D. Difference between a plain and plateau 2marks 6. A. Discuss the economic significance of rocks . 4marks B. What is a rock cycle ? 2marks C. Metamorphic rocks are considered good for use as building stone . Give reason 2marks D. Difference Mechanically formed and chemically formed sedimentary rocks 2marks 7. A. Explain the major effect of earth s rotation 4marks B. What is a coriolis effect ? 2marks C. What is an ore ? 2marks D. Difference between December Solstice and June solstice 2marks HISTORY FULL COURSE HIST 1-2-3-4 CIVICS 1-2-3 Section A Short questions 80 MARKS Q.1 Answer in one sentence 10 x 2 =20 marks 1. What is meant by preventive detention ? 2. Name the fundamental right that was deleted by the 44th amenedment act. 3. What is the meaning of right to constitutional remedies ? 4. How many articles and schedules are there in Indian constitution ? 5. Why has the Indian constitution provided for joint electorate in India ? 6. Mention 2 federal features of Indian constitution . 7. What is the significance of the date 26th January ? 8. Mention the basic ideals of Preamble of Indian republic . 9. What is the meaning of the term republic ? 10. Mention 2 points stating the need or importance of preamble. Q.2 Answer in short 5x2=10 marks 1. Give 2 features which throw the light on dress of Indus valley people. 2. Describe briefly a famous image in metal which was discovered in Indus valley civilisation. 3. Mention 2 features of social life of Later vedic period civilisation 4. Mention 4 noble truth in teaching of Gautam Buddha 5. Mention in brief about Sanchi Stupa . Section B History Detailed questions answer any 2 out of 3 3x 10=30 marks 1. With reference to Mauryan administration explain the following :a) Reforms introduced by Chadragupta Maurya and b) Changes brought by Ashoka 2. With reference to the contribution of Jainism describe the following : a) its contribution in social and religious field and b) contribution in cultural field 3. With reference to the Rigvedic and Later vedic civilisation mention a) one similarity and contrast in political life b) one similarity and contrast in social life c) one similarity and contrast in economic life 4. Based on Harrappan civilisation mention about the evidence discovered with regards to following : a) Extent of this civilisation b) commercial relations c) Buildings Civics answer any 1 out of 2 2x 10=20 marks 1. With reference to the Indian constitution mention a)Why is Indian constitution so lengthy What is universal adult franchise c) name 2 unitary features of Indian constitution 2. What is a writ ? Mention different types and Describe any 3 type of writs. b)

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