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Reviews: VIT University, Vellore

Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT) University, Vellore Campus, Vellore - 632 014, Tamilnadu, Tamil Nadu, INDIA
179 Students and 1 Class Page on ResPaper +Join

Following students have rated and reviewed VIT University, Vellore

K Palanisamy (kps79) 2 years ago
"very good ambient"
karishnu 6 years ago
Aarif “RF” Mohammad (aarif5390) 6 years ago
Odeti Mukesh 13MMT1034 (mukeshmk0891) 7 years ago
Aayush Goyal (aayush1003) 7 years ago
Sukanya Gayan (sgayan) 8 years ago

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