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Reviews: VAELS International School, Chennai

Pon Vidyashram Gardens, Valmiki Street, Injambakkam, Chennai - 600115, Tamil Nadu, INDIA
100 Students and 5 Class Pages on ResPaper +Join

Following students have rated and reviewed VAELS International School, Chennai

Rinee Roy (rinee) 183 days ago
Aazin (aazin) 2 years ago
Jasswant Ap (jasswant41) 3 years ago
Kimberline Carani (kimmy) 4 years ago
Roshvin (iamgod112) 4 years ago
Veena ramesh (vropal) 5 years ago
Arul Jothi (exam_10) 5 years ago
Hamsini (hamsai111) 5 years ago
Anupama Siva (shwetha2004) 6 years ago
Tejas Satish (tj1234) 6 years ago
"It has a great environment for learning and I would say a good amount of teachers and staff members with great knowledge with their respective fields. It not only academics but also extracurricular activities and other activities that will help a student grow and gain experiences to grow into a respectful and knowledgeable person not only in subjects but also in various aspects of life."
Aana Kakroo (annabeth0308) 6 years ago
Dharsan 77 (kutty1034) 6 years ago
Mohamed Fahim (ontfa) 6 years ago
D.V.Jashwanthi Ashika (prettgal123) 7 years ago
Sriram Nagappan (sriramnagappan) 8 years ago
Daredevil Doberman (dare_dob) 8 years ago

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