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Q & A − Chinmaya Vidyalaya, Kunnumpuram, Thiruvanathapuram

Kunnum Puram, Trivandrum / Thiruvananthapuram - 695001, Kerala, INDIA
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Hello everyone. The marks for 5 subjects have already been decided. Now we have maths, after a long break. Hope you have all done your best in the previous 9 exams. Post doubts/good questions here so that all can see them. Let's move forward by helping each other. Let's all ace in the maths exam and put up an emphatic end to the board exams. Again ALL THE BEST!!!!
asked by Sai S Kalyan (ved0_ssk_respaper_pongala) 7 years ago

+ 7 more questions by ved0_ssk_respaper_pongala  


1.His greatest love is travelling(begin : no)
2. "Gentlemen",he adrressed us,"I will not tell you that you must not smoke but that you better not smoke because smoking will not better your healths".(begin:he told us)
3.What I admire most about him is his absolute frankness.(begin:His absolute frankness,more----)
4.Although he added up the points five times,they still would not total to more than ten thousand.(begin:despite)
5.Only a very strong person can swim across the river(begin:None)
6.There are few leaves left on that tree.(Begin:There are hardly)
7.I was shocked at this sudden appearance that I could not speak.(Use:too---to)
8.Few means of entertainment are as enjoyable as the cinema(USE:more enjoyable)
9. Akshay sympathised with me over my sad fate that was some solaice.(Begin:Akshay's)
10. Manju is a fool. she does not trust the people who are loyal to her(begin: It is)
11.The recent years have seen a fall in petrol crisis.(Begin: A fall in---)
12.Order immediately and get a movie ticket free.(Begin:If)
13.For more information,Contact the health  booth.(Begin:If)
14.We left home hoping that the weather would remain sunny.(Begin:our living home----)
15.It is 9 o'clock. I must leave immediately.(JOIN)
16. Mansi was knocked down by a speeding car.(End with:------ mansi)
17.He is kind and generous (Begin : not only)
18.His ignorance made him fall prey to cheats.(Use:ignorant)
19.She bought a pair of trousers and a red top.(End: ----- by her)
20.All the girls were wearing beautiful dresses.(Begin:Each---)
21.Although she was too young,they appointed her.(Begin:Inspite)
22. Prema  is not the cleverest girl in class (Begin: some)
23.There was a lot of furniture in the room.(Begin: the room was)
24.As I  see more of him, I like him less (Begin:the)
25. The decision of the principal surprised us.(Begin: we)
26.Take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves.(Begin:If)
27.Take a piece of copper wire and heat it.(use: passive voice)
28.He accepted the strangers proposal.(Use : the verb form of proposal)
29.I saw him an hour ago.(Begin: It)
30.If you fail to obtain this job,it will  be only be through your carelessness (Use:'failure' instead of 'fail')
31.During plague, they kept away from city.(Begin: while)
32. The Rajputs preferred  death to dishonour.(Begin: The Rajputs  would)
asked by Siva Sankar (sivasankar7) 8 years ago

+ 1 more questions by sivasankar7  

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