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ICSE Class X Prelims 2025 : Biology (Jamnabai Narsee School (JNS), Mumbai)

12 pages, 58 questions, 57 questions with responses, 59 total responses,    2    0
Ryna Bathija
Marble Arch School, Mumbai
1st to 10th
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Nersee Monjee Educational Trust'a JAMNABAI NARSCC SCHOOL Narsee Monjee Bhavan, Nar soo Monjno Marg. NS Ront No 71 JNS JVPD Schomo, Vile Parte (W), Mumbai 400 049, Indis cOntactus(OJns nc n 491 22 6915 7575 /6916 7576 wwwjns nc In SECOND PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION -JANUARY 2025 BIOLOGY Std. 10 Time: 2 hrs. Marks: 80 Date: 09.01.2025 Answers to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This t me is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this Paper is the tine allowed for writing the answers. Section A is compulsory Attempt any four questions from Section B. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets []. This paper consists of 12 printed pages. SECTION A(40 Marks) Atempt all questions from this Section) Question 1 Choose the c rrect answers to the questions from the given options. (Do not copy the question, write the correct answers only.) (i) A zygote which has Xchromosome inherited from the father will develop into a: (a) boy ) girl (c) X-chromosome does not determine the sex of a child (d) either boy or girl 1 |15] illustratcd in the diagram given bclow. (ii) Which type ofplant movement is Tendlls (a) Hydrotropism (b) Phototropism (c) Geotropism (Y Thigmotropism (i) Assertion (A): When sccds are soaked in water, the sccd coat bursts. Reason (R): Seed coat ruptures because of guttation. ka) (b) (c) (d) A is True and R is False. A is False andR is True. Both A and R are True. Both A and R are False. (iv)Given below are four statements (P-S) regarding the human blood circulatory system. P: Ateries are thick walled and have.a narrow lumen as compared to veins. Q: Angina pectorisis acute chest pain due to insufficient supply of blood to the brain. R: Persons with blood group AB can donate blood to any person with blood group under ABO system. S: Calcium ions play an important role in blood clotting. Which of the following statements aretrue? (a) PandQ (b) Q and R (c) R and S () P and S (v) Removal of proximal convoluted tubule from the nephron willresult in fa) more dilute urine. (b) more concentrated urine (c) no change in urine concentration. (d) no urine formation. 2 of the major blood vesscls that (vi) The ligure shown below represents the human heart with some carry blood towards the heart and away from the heart. The blood vessels are marked as P, Q. R and S. R Which of the blood vessels are likely to have blood with the same percentage of oxygen? (a) PandQ (b) Q and R (c) P and S (a) Q and S (vii)) Assertion (A): Optic nerve is a bundle of nerve fibres of a sensory neuron. Reason (R): Optic nerve arises from eye and ends in the brain. (a) A is True and R is False. (b) A is False andR is True. e) Both A and R are True. (d) Both A and Rare False. (viii) Which of the following best explains the concept of Darwin's theory of natural selection? (a) Only the largest and strongest organisms survive. Dn Organisms that are best adapted totheir environment are more likely to survive and reproduce. (c) Survival is a random process with no relation to adaptation. (d) All organisms have an equal chance of survival regardless of their traits. (ix) NADP is expanded as: (a) Nicotinamide adenosine dinucleotide phosphate (bNicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (c) Nicotinamide adenosine dinucleous phosphate (d) Nicotinamide adenosine dinucleous phosphate 3 (x) A plant is kept ina dark cupboard for 48 hours before conducting an experiment on photosynthesis to ( remove starch from the plant. (b) ensure that starch is not translocated from the leaves. (c) remove chlorophyll from the leaf of the plant. (d) remove starch from the experimental leaf. (xi) Assertion (A): Mitosis is a means of multiplication in the unicellular organisms. Reason (R): Mitosis in the multicellular organisms brings about growth and repair. (a) A is True and R is False. (b) A is False and R is True. e Both A and R are True. (d) Both A and R are False. (xii) Colour of the eye is a hereditary characteristic that may be passed from parents to offsprings. The image given below is Asmi's family tree. Asmi's Family Tree Hai Rita Ali Rina Marge Ram Asmi Joseph Ashma Monica Who among the following is LEAST likely to h ve the same eye colour as Asmi? ta) Ram (b) Hari (c) Rita (d) Monica (xii) Assertion (A): During fertilisation only the head part of the sperm containing the nucleus enters the egg Reason (R): If several sperms h t the egg at the same time, all can enter the egg. (a) A is True and R is False. (b) A is False and R is True. (c) Both A and R are True. (d) Both A and R are False. He arranged (xiv) Pritish wants to find out if temperature affects the rate of transpiration. the experimental set-ups using identical plants in closed rooms as shown below. He measured amount of water collected in the plastic bags after three hours. 25 C Bulb on 30 'C BAulb on 30 "C 25 C Plastlc bag Plasti Plastlc Pastic bag beg bag Waler Water Set-up 1 Sat-up3 Set-up 2 Water Set-up4 out the effect of In whiclh of the set-ups should he compare the amount of water collected to find temperature? (a) Set-up Iand 3 (b) Set-up I and 2 (c) Set-up 2 and 4 ( Set-up 3 and 4 opponent's (xv) Ravi is fond of playing basketball. His concentration is on shooting the ball into the basket as given in the picture. Which part of the brain helps Ravi to coordinate his yoluntary muscles? Cerebellum oj Cercbrum (c) Hypothalamus (d) Medulla oblongata 5 Question2 (i) Name the following: (a) The process of conversion of ADP.6 ATP during photosynthesis. (b) The difference between birth rate and death rate. (c) The process by which the WBCs squeeze through the walls of capillaries into the tissue. () The hormone which regulates sodium and potassium concentrations in plasma. (e) A non-biodegradable pesticide. 5 capsulc. Read the information below the Malpighian a sketch of diagrammatic () Given below is n diagram and fill in the blanks. capsule. Bowman's The Bowman's capsule and the glomerulus together are called the Malpighian capillaries capsule is a thin-walled cup like structure and the glomerulus is a knot-like mass of blood formed by the branching of the arterioles of the renal artery. The blood flows through the glomerulus under high pressure. arteriole is The reason for this high pressure in the glomerulus is that the (a) narrower than the (b) arteriole. This high pressure causes the filtration of the liquid part of the blood from the glomerulus to the renal tubule. This process is called (c) which consists of water, urea, The fluid entering the renal tubule is called (d) salt, ( and other plasma solutes. ( i) Arrange and rewrite the terms in each group in the correct order to be in a logical sequence beginning with the term that is underlined. (a) Artery, Capillaries, Venule, Ven, Arteriole (b) Root hair, Endodermis, Epidermis, Xylem, Cortex (c) Chorion, Amoion, Foetus, Placenta, Amniotic fluid Substomatal space (d) Spongy cells, Upper epidermis, Stoma, Palisade tissue, (e) Karyokinesis, S-phase, Cytokinesis, Gl-phase, G2-phase (iv) Read the explanations given belowand name the structure: Example: The structural and functional unit of the kidney. Answer: Nephron (a) Respiratory openings found on the stems of woody plants. (b) The ear ossicle which is attached to the tympanum. (c) The onset of menstrual cycle in females. (d) The blood vessel that supplies blood from the stomach and intestine to the liver. (e) The part of the chloroplast where the light reaction of photosynthesis takes place. 6 [5| (v) Given below is a scctional vicw of the male reproductive system. Match the structures marked (a) to (e) with their correct functions: Example: ()- S. Passage oftheurine and sperms. Sectional view of Male Reproductive System Functions 1. Pours an alkaline secretion into the semen to neutralize female vagina, 2. Produce secretion which serves as a medium for transportation of sperms. & 3. Stores and provide motility to the sperms. L (e) 4. Produce secretion which serves as a (b lubricant. K Passage of the urine and sperms. 6.Site for sperm production. 63124 SECTIONB (Attempt any four questions fromthisSection) Auestion 3 () If one strand of DNA has the following base sequence, write the nitrogenous base sequence of its complemcntary strand. ATCCTCGAGTAACCG (i) State the main furnction of the pericardial fluid andeustachian tube. |11 21 (iii) Given below are two statements which are incorrect. Rewrite the correct statements by changing the last word only. I2| (a) The outermost layer of meninges is Pia mater. (b) The solvent used to dissolve chlorophyll pigments while testing a leaf for starch is soda lime. (iv) Reva was observing aparticular stage of mitotic cell division under the microscope. She made the following observations. (2] Two sets of daughter chromosomes at the opposite poles. " Nuclear membrane and nucleoli pfesent. " A cleavage furrow in the center. With respect to the above observations made by Reva, answer the following questions. (a) Is it an animal ora plant cel1? fDraw a well labellcd diagram of the cell as observed by hcr under the microscope. 7 osmosis by carrot osmoscopc. Study the same () The figure represents an experiment to demonstrate (3] and answer the tollowing questions. A Carrot (raw) Carrot (boiled) Sugar soluton -Distlled water -Beaker (a) State your observation for set-up A after an hour. (b) Givea reason for your observation in set up Bafter an hour. (c) What would happen in set-up A, if 5% sugar solution was placed inside the cavity of the carrot and 20% sugar solution was kept in the beaker? Ouestion4 (i) Give an example of a vestigial organ in man. (ii) Differentiate between turgor pressure and wall pressure based on the definition. |2| (iii) Expand the abbreviation ABA. Why is it known as astress hormone? (iv)The diagran represents an event occurring inside the nucleus during cell division. [2] (a) ldentify the parts labelled A and B. ) The event shown in the diagram takes place at which stage of the cell cycle? (v)the following fgure shows the action of an endocrine gland where A, Band Crepresent the following. (3| A-A tropie hormone B- An endoerineglnd (-A hormone Study the same and answer the follovwing questions. Anterior Pituitary Gland A B (a) Why is 'A' called a tropic hormone? (b) ldentify the hormone A. (c) Defcctive development of the endocrine glandB causes a disorder in children where they suffer from mental and physical retardation. Name the disorder. uestion 5 (i) Name the gascous compound that leads to the depletion of the ozone layer and creates Ozone holes'. |1| (i) Name the cells of the retina and thejr respective pigments which get activated: (21 (a) in the dark (b) in light. (iii) Complete the following correlations: (a) Widening of hips: Oestrogen :: Deepcning of voice in males : (b) Nose:Olfactory nerve : : Ear: (iv) Explain the statement - The hands automatically show the direction to turn a cycle without thinking. 9 12) tropic movement in plant. (v) The dingram given below shows a conditions. Plant A, Band C were subjected to the following A - Intact plant (uncovered with foil). B-Tip of the stem was covered with foil. left exposed. C- Rest of the plant was covered with foil, but the tip was Lighi Control Direchional A Foil covering tip Foll covering stem below tip Nodine~hgnl gnortk B Dineckonal C (a) ldentify the type of tropic movement shown by Plant A and C. (b) Name the hormone responsible for the above movement. (c) Study the above three conditions and infer the location of the hormone mentioned in (b). Question6 [1| (i) Explain the term- Root pressure. (ii) The figure givcn below rcpresents the pose ofa person who is rcading a book. He suffers from an eye disorder where he cannot see nearby.objects clearly. Study the picture and answer the following questions. (a) ldentify the eye defect shown in the picture. State the condition of the eyeball in this defect. (b) Draw a neat, labelled diagram for the correction of the defect. 10 |2| (i) DiTerentiate between renal cortex nd renal medulla based on the parts of the neplhrons (21 present. |2 (iv) Drawa well labelled diagram ofthe human blood smcar as obscrved under the microscope. 3 flowers (a). (V) ln a homozygous pea plant, axial lowers (A) are dominant over terminal axial Mowcrs is (a)What is the phenotype and genotype of the Fl gencration ifa plant bearing purc crossed with a plant bearing pure terminal flowers? plants are (b) Drawa Punnett square to show the gametes and offsprings, when both the parent heterozygous for axial Nowers. (c) What is the phenotypic and genotypie ratio of the offsprings in the F2 generation? Ahestion 7 () Draw a well labelled diagram of a nucleotide. |1| in (ii) Explain the statement- When an ovum is fertilized, menstrual cycle stops temporarily 12] women. bleeding (iii) Aryan and Revan got a small cut on their hands while playing. Unlike Revan, Aryan's diagnosed him did not stop casily, even after several hours. His parents took him to a doctor, who with a gcnctic disorder that affccts blood clotting. (a) Name the genetic disorder Aryan is suffering from (2| (b) Deficiency of Vitamin K causes a delay in blood clotting. Explain. (iv) Given below is a representation ofa type of pollution. Study the picture and answer the questions. (a) Name the type of pollution shown in thepicture. Name any one man-made source of this pollution. (b) Write any one mcasurc to reduce this pollution. 11 [21 physiological process in a dicot plant. Study the a study to up set esperimental is nn jGiven below same and nnswer the following questions. Cobah Chlorlde Paper UPPER SURFACE LOWER SURFACE (a) Define the physiological process being studied. (b) What would you observe in the experimental set-up after an hour? Give a reason to support your answer. (c) Mention any two adaptations found in plants to overcome the physiological process mentioned in (a) above. guestion 8 (i) What is parthenocarpy? [1| (ii) Give suitable biologicat reasons for the following statement -The birth rate in India is very (2] high. (i) Draw a ncat, labelled diagram ofa human sperm. |2| (x) Give one point of difference between Diabetes mellitus and Diabetes insipidus based on the symptom. |2] (v) Anita was cooking in the kitchen when her hand accidentally touched the handle of ahot pan. Instantly she pulled her hand away without evgn thinking about it. Anita recalled that this response is due to a particular phenomenon involving a part of the central nervous system. (a) ldentify the phenomenon depicted in the above situation. Also name the part of the central nervous system that helped Anita to take a fast decision. (b) Trace the pathway of the nerve impulse involved in Anita's action, starting from sensory receptors in her hand. (c) Give the technical term for the point of ontact between the two nerve cells. 12 [3)

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