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ICSE Class X Prelims 2021 : Computer Applications (Vibgyor High School, Pune (NIBM Road))

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Deep Shah
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V I B G Y O R H I G H Third Preliminary Examination AY 2020-21 COMPUTER APPLICATIONS Grade: X Max. Marks : 100 Date : 25/03/2021 Time Allowed: 2 hours Answers to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. _________________________________________________________________________ This paper is divided into two sections. Attempt all questions from Section A and any four questions from Section B. The intended marks for the questions or parts of questions are given alongside the questions in square brackets [ ]. SECTION A (40 Marks) Attempt all questions Question 1 [10] a. Define the OOP s principle- Abstraction. [2] b. What is Java bytecode? [2] c. Name the keyword that is used to identify the class variables. [2] d. Give the output of the following: [2] (i) System.out.println(Math.round(-200.5) - Math.floor(15.5)); (ii) System.out.println(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(9,2) * -1)); e. Give the output of the following program segment and also mention how many times the loop is executed: inti; for(i = 5; i> 10; i++) System.out.println(i); 1 [2] System.out.println(i * 4); Question 2 [10] a. Write two characteristics of a constructor. [2] b. What will be the output when the following program segment is executed? [2] String a="Bang ", b="Bang Bang"; String h=a.substring(2,5); String k=b.substring(5).toUpperCase (); System.out.println(h); System.out.println(k.compareToIgnoreCase(a)); c. If double x[ ]={4.0,3.5,7,8,9,10}; what is the size of the memory allocated for [2] the array x in bytes? d. What is the value of y after evaluating the expression given below? [2] y += ++y + y-- + --y; when int y = 8. e. Explain the equals() method with one example. Question 3 a. [2] [20] Identify the following code as the example of Autoboxing/Unboxing and Write a line of explanation about the concept identified. Integer num1=17; [2] int num2=num1; b. Convert the following for loop statement to corresponding while loop [2] for(int x=1,j=0;x<=10;x+=2) j + = x; c. What is function overloading? [2] d. What is the output of the following? [2] char c = '1'; short m = 88; System.out.println(c +""+ ' '+(char) m); e. Write the prototype of a function check which takes an object obj of the class Sample as an argument and returnsit. 2 [2] f. Write a Java expression for [2] g. Rewrite the following program segment using if-else statements. [2] System.out.println(marks>=90? A :(marks>=80)? B : C ); h. Differentiate between pure and impure function. [2] i. Define valueOf() method with an example and output. [2] j. Write a java statement to initialize a character array chwith the characters of [2] string MY FIRST PROGRAM . SECTION B (60 Marks) Attempt any four questions The answers in this Section should consist of the Programs in either Blue J environment or any program environment with Java as the base. Each program should be written using Variable descriptions/Mnemonic Codes such that the logic of the program is clearly depicted. Flow-Charts and Algorithms are not required. Question 4 [15] Define a class Employee having the following description: Data members: String pan : to store personal account number String name: to store name double taxincome : to store annual taxable income double tax: to store tax that is calculated Member functions: Employee( ): Parameterized constructor to store pan, name and taxincome voidcal(): Calculate tax of an employee. void display(): Print the details of an employee. The program computes the tax according to the given condition and display the output 3 as per given format. Total Annual Taxable Income Tax Rate Rs.0.0 to Rs 2.5 Lakhs Nil Above Rs.2.5 Lakhs to Rs 5.0 Lakhs 5% of the income exceeding Rs.2.5 Lakhs Above Rs.5.0 Lakhs to Rs 7.5 Lakhs 12,500 + 10% of the income exceeding Rs.5.0 Lakhs Above Rs.7.5 Lakhs to Rs 10.0 Lakhs 37,500 + 15% of the income exceeding Rs.7.5 Lakhs Above Rs.10.0 Lakhs 75,000 + 20% of the income exceeding Rs.10.0 Lakhs Output: Pan Number Name Tax-income *********** ********* ********** Tax ******* Write a main method to call the above functions. Question 5 [15] Write a program to accept 10 integer numbers in an array A[ ]. Find the even numbers in A[ ] array and store in new array B[ ]. Arrange the B[ ] array in descending order using Bubble sort technique. Print the sorted B[ ] array. Question 6 [15] Design a class to overload a function series() as follows: (i) void series(int n,int a) To display the sum of the series given below. S= - + - + . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . upto n terms (ii) void series() To display the following series 0, 6, 24,. . . . . . . . . . . . .,720 Write a main method to call the above functions. Question 7 [15] Write a program to initialize a character array with five vowel letters and an integer array with the position of these vowels in the alphabetical order. Search for a particular 4 vowel input by the user in the character array. If found, display the vowel by converting it to its opposite case along with its position in the alphabetical order, otherwise display Sorry not found! . Vowels: A,E,I,O,U Position of vowels in Alphabetical order: 1,5,9,15,21 Question 8 [15] Write a program to accept a number, check and display whether it is a Trimorphic number or not. A number n is called Trimorphic if its cube ends with n. For instance, 4 is a Trimorphic number because 43 = 64, which ends with 4 Ex: 375 3753 = 52734375 (It is an Trimorphic number) Question 9 [15] Write a menu driven program to generate the below pattern: Choice: 1.Alphabets Choice: 2.Numbers A 1 3 5 7 9 B A 1 3 5 7 C B A 1 3 5 D C B A 1 3 E D C B A 1 **** * 5

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