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ICSE Class X Prelims 2025 : Computer Applications (Queen of Angels Convent Higher Secondary School (QACS), Vadadla, Bharuch)

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Queen of Angels' Convent Higher Secondary School (QACS), Vadadla, Bharuch
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SECONDARy sCuoor QUEEN OF ANGELS'CONVENT HIGHER COMPUTER APPLICATIONS FIRST PRELIMS (2024-25) DATE: 18-12-2024 Maximn Marks: 100 Answers tothis Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper: writing the answers. The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowedjor This paper is divided into two sections. Attenpt all questions from Section A and anyfour questionsfrom Section B. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets|J. SECTION -A|40 MARKS ] (Attempts All questions fromthis Section.) Question 1: Choose the correct answer and write the correct option. 1. Which of the following are reserved words in java? c. Keywords d. Punctuators a. Variables b. Literals 2. Which of the following operators is used to concatenate two or more strings? C. + b. ^ a. d. # 3. Which type of value the toLowerCase() method will return? a. int c. String b. char d. boolean 4. From where the index value of the String object is started ? a. 0 C. 2 b. 1 d. 3 S. Which of the following can be defined as set of values of same data type having single variable name? a. Array c. Methods b. Class d. All of these 6. Which of the following represents the second element of the second row in a multi dimensional array? b. arr[1][0] a. ar[0][0] 7. Consider the following code : c. arr[0|[1] d. arr[1|[1] int arr[]= (1,2,3,4,5}; int a =1; for (int i= 0; i<5; it+) { a =a+i * arrfil; } System.out.println(a); a. 35 b. 50 C. 0 d. 41 8. It is a class method called by the class itself and not by the instance of the class b. pure method a. static method c. impure method d. non static method This paper consists of 4 printed pages. inheritance. 9. When a Class a. Multilevel 10. A a. Hierarchical called Inheritance d. superclasses, itis two inherits b. Single Inheritance inheritance numberofsubscripts. c. Multiple parameters. ofthese formal d. None of number different fromthe ofthese be d. none parameters conditions few c. only under object? these ofan d. None of array has ac. three two-dimensional two b. one 11. Can the number of actual a. yes b. no 12. Which off the following is a component Both a. c. b. Behaviour a. Characteristics 13. A class encapsulates a. instance yariable 14. The a. extract) b. class variable d. Allof these string. single character from C.methods a Method is used to extract C. showChar) b. charAt() 15. Asingle dimensional array b. N-1 a. N and b. these d. none of subscript? will bethe last What elements. containsN c. N -2 d. N+1 code : 16. Give the output of the following String A=56.0"", B="94.0"; double C= Double.parseDouble(A); double D= Double. parseDouble(B); System.out.println((C+D); C. 100.0 b. 150.0 a. 100 d. 150 least accessibility is: 17. The access specifier that gives private a. package b. public c. protected d. given below? 18. What is the output of the Java code String color []={"Blue", "Red", "Violet"}; System.out.println(color[2].length)); c. 3 b. 5 a. 6 d. 2 19. Which of the following is an escape sequence b. lt a. /n c. It character in Java? d. l/n 20. Give the output of the following: int for (x=1; x<=3; x+); System.out.print(x); a. 123 b. 123 4 C. 4 d. 1 Question2: 1. Write Java expression for: la+b| (1) Vaz+b2 9 [2] (i) a = k? +va? What are the final values stored in variable x andy below? [2] double a=-6.35: double b= 14.74: double x = Math.abs(Math.ceil(a); double y = Math.rint(Math.max(a, b); 3. State the values stored in the variables strl and str2 : String sl ="good"; (2] String s2 ="world matters"; String strl = s2.substring(5).replace('t', 'n'); String str2 = sl.concat(str1); This paper consists of 4 printed pages. 2 4. 5. Rewrite the following program operator. statements instead of the Segment using if-else = 80) ?B": String grade =(mark >=90)? ternary C"; A": (mark Write the size of following arrays in number of bytes: char type. (i) Total size of array Ahaving 25 elements of [2] [2] (ii) Total size of array [100] of int type. how maiy umes loop will execute 2 1 O. Give the output of the following code and mention for(int i= 5;i>=1;i--) { if(i%2==1) continue; System.out.println(it" "); } 7. Identify and name the following tokens : (iii) >= (ii) a () private 8. Find correct the error in following segment : [2] (iv) {} [2] int n[] = (2,3,4,5,6); for(int i=0;i<-5 ; i++) System.out.println(n" +i+ " +n[]); the values of the variables are 9. Evaluate the following expressions, if [21 a=2, b=3 and c=9. (i) a-(bt+) *(--c) (ii) a * (t+b) %c [2] 10. Give the output of the following string functions : "ACHIEVEMENT".replace(E, 'A) (i) *dedicate".compareTo(devote") (ii) SECTION B (Answer any four questions from this Section.) BlueJ environment or any (The answers in this section should consist of the programs in either program environment with javaas the base.) so that the logic of the (Each program should be written using variable description/mnemonic codes program is clearly depicted,) Question 3: user. Using Write a program to accept the year of graduation from school as an integer value from the the Binary search technique on the sorted array of integers given below, output the message "Record exists" if the value is located in the array. If not, output the message Record does not exist". (1995, 1998, 2001, 2002, 2005, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2014} Question 4 : Define a class to accept a string, convert it into lowercase and check whether the string isa palindrome or not. A palindrome is a word which reads the same backward as forward. Example: madam. Question 5: Write ajava program to input age of ten peoplein an array. Sort and display themin descending order using the bubble sort technique. Display original and sorted Array. This paper consists of 4 printed pages. 3 Question 6: Write a java program to create an array of size 4x3 and accept number. Calculate and display the sum of each row and product of each column. Question 7: Design a class with Class name: Studentthe following specifications: Member variables: name age mks stream name of student age of student marks obtained stream allocated (Declare the variables using appropriate data types) Member methods: void accept() Accept name, age and marks using methods of Scanner class. voidallocation() -Allocate the stream as per following criteria: mks stream >=300 Science and Computer =200 and <300 Commerce and Computer >=75 and < 200 Arts and Animation <75 Try Again voidprint() Display student name, age, mks and stream allocated. Call all the above methods in main method using an object. Question 8: Define a class to overload the method perform as follows: vojdperform (int r, intc) : Use NESTED FOR LOOP to generate the following format r = 4, c=5 output -12345 12345 1234 5 12345 ch) (int m,int n, char of: to print the quotient of the division of mand n if ch is Q else void perform mand nif ch is R remainder of the division print the This paper consists of 4 printed pages. 4

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