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ICSE Class 8 Mid-term 2024 : Biology : Term end exam

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Rupam Banik
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Hal Final Examination - 2024 Class VIll Full Marks:80 Biology Time:2 Hours Section A (All Questions are compulsory) I. Choose the corect answers to the question from the given options: [15] 1. Where is the Adrenal gland located? b) Below the abdomen a) In the neck region d) Above the liver c) Above the kidneys 2. The hormone which is an lodine containing protein a) Adrenaline b) Insulin c).Thyroxine d) Glucagon 3. Which valve prevents the back flow of blood from the left ventricle to the left auricle. b) Pulmonay valve a) Aortic valve c) Tricuspid valve d) Bicuspid valve 4. Which one of the following is not a psychotropic drug d) Penicilin a) Morphine b) Cocaine c) Heroin Which one of the following stimulates the breakdown of glycogen in the liver into glucose a) Insulin b) Adrenaline c) Glucagon d) Thyroxine 6. The condition in which the heart stops pumping blood a) Cardiac arrest b) Heart Attack c) Palpitation d) Hypertension 7. Which one of these is a noncommunicable disease? a) Cholera b) Diabetes c) Chicken Pox d) Typhoid 8. The part of the brain that controls the beating of the heart: a) Cerebellum b) Cerebrum c) Medulla Oblongata d) Pons 9. Dengue is caused by a a) Protozoan b) Virus c) Worm d) Fungus 10.Which one of the following is an indigenous breed of dairy cows? c) Sahiwal d) Dangi 11. Which one of the following endocrine glands produces its hormone in large quantities as a result of emotional stimulation? a) Thyroid b) lslets of Langerhans c) Adrenal Medulla d) Adrenal Cortex 12. Balance of body is controlled by a) Spinal cord b) Cerebelum c) Cerebrum d) Medulla a) Jersey b) Frieswal -4 X. 1) Why is physical exercise and rest good for health? (21 2) Write four ways in which to keep the heart healthy. 3) Consumption of tobacCo and alcohol negatively affects one's health.' Elucidate. 4) Mention the main functions of the spinal cord. (3 points) XI. 1) Explain: a) Universal Donor b) Universal Recipient 2) What is Sericulture? Mention the four varieties of silk. (3] 2 [21 3) What is vaccin tion? What are the diferent ways of preparing vaccines? (3] 4) Study the diagram and answer the questions given below. 3 a) Label the parts 1,2,3,5. b) Which type of blood is caried by blood vessel 2? tttttkktk *ttttktttrtt*tttttt 21 -3 VI, Differentiate between the following on the basis of the point mentioned in the braket: (5 1. Simulus and Response. (Definition) 2. Motor Nerve and Sensory Nerve. [Function] 3. Communicable disease and Non Communicable Disease. Deinitionl 4.Artery and Vein. [Structure] 5. Bicuspid Valve and Tricuspid Valve. [Location) Sectlon B (Answer ANY Four Questions) VI. 1) Why is an alcoholic unable to COordinate his muscular movements property? 2) How can we control spreading of diseases by mosquitoes and flies? 2 3) An old man is advised by his doctor to take less sugar in his diet. Name the disease from which this man is suffering. Mention the homone whose imbalance causes this disease. Which endocrine gland secretes thie hormone? 4) What is meant by puberty? Which is the approximate age at which puberty starts for boys and girs? Mention two changes seen in them. VIl. 1) Compare Aquaculture and Pisciculture. 2) What are the three kinds of neurons? Explain. 3) What is neurotransmitter? Give example. 4) What are the different breeds of cows? Give examples for each. 31 2 3 3 IX. 1) Wite the full form of a) HIV b) FSH 2) Why is public hygiene as important as personal hygiene? 3) Why is adrenaline called the emergency hormone? Explain with an example. (3 4) During surgical operations or during accidents, the patient may be given blood from outside to save his life. What is the technical name of this process? Briefly explain the precautions to D (3 observed and taken in this process. 2 13. The idea of vaccination was conceived by a) Charles Darwin b) Alexander Fleming c) lsaac Newton d) Edward Jenner 14.In case of minor bums, what is the Correct first aid pro edure? b) Run cool water over the burn. a) Apply ice directly to the burn. c) Apply butter on the bum. d) Cover the burn with a tight bandage. 15. The homone responsible for fight or flight response is b) Cortisol a) Thyroxine c) Adrenaline d) Insulin (5] IIName the following: 1.AKashmirigoat which gives expensive wool. 2. Adisease in which eyes, the skin and the urine turn yellow. 3. Amind - body practice that combines physical poses, controlled breathing. 4. Homone secreting cells of Pancreas. 5. The mosquito that spreads Dengue. 5] III Fillin the blanks: 1. The spinal cord is an extension of the of the brain. 2. Animal food is rich in identified the different types of blood groups in humans. 3. In 1970, 4. The disease Pertussis is popularly called is the vaccine for preventing tuberculosis. 5 IV Match the columns: Column A i)Pulmonary Artery ) Growth Hormone i ) Dengue iv) Pulmonary vein v) Malaria Column B a) Aedes aegypti b) Deoxygenated blood c) Plasmodium d) Pituitary Gland e) Oxygenated blood. VChoose the odd one out and write the category to which the others belong: 5) 1. Dengue, Malaria, Chikungunya, AlDS Murrah, Mehsana, Surti, Sahiwal 3. Nodes of Ranvier, Dendrites, Cell body. Receptor 4. Aorta, Coronary Artery, Pulmonary vein, Pulmonary Artery 5. Yoga, drugs, meditation, sports

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