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ICSE Prelims 2016 : Computer Applications (Father Leblond School, Darjeeling)

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Koustav Rudra Chakraborty
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PRE-BOARD EXAMINATION II 2016-17 COMPUTER APPLICATIONS (Theory) (Two hours) Answer to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. This time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ This paper is divided into 2 sections. Attempt all the questions from section A and any 4 questions from section B The intended marks for questions or parts of the questions are given in brackets [ ]. __________________________________________________________________________ SECTION A (40 Marks) Attempt all the questions Question 1. (a) What is polymorphism? (b) Write a function to round off any fractional number? Give an examples. (c) What is an infinite loop? How does it differs from fall through statement? (d) What will be the result of following if m = 13, n = 1, p (i) p = 4 + ++m*4 n++ * (2*7) (ii) p = (n- -)% 4 + (m- -)%2+(6+5) (e) Write the java statement to find largest of 3 numbers using conditional operator. [2] [2] [2] [2] [2] Question 2. (a) What is array? How does it differ from string? (b) Explain the role continue statement in java using example? (c) Give one similarities and one difference between while & do while loop? (d) Differentiate between PUBLIC and PRIVATE visibility label. (e) Give one example each to elaborate syntax error and logical error? [2] [2] [2] [2] [2] Question 3. (a) State the difference between entry controlled loop and exit controlled loop. (b) What is the role of access specifier? (c) Why Java is platform independent? (d) Write the name of two jump statements with example? (e) Write one difference between constructor overloading and method overloading [2] [2] [2] [2] [2] This paper consist of 4 printed pages TURN OVER (f) (g) (h) Differentiate between Java Applications and Java Applets. What is Data Encapsulation? Explain the principle of Encapsulation using example. How many times will the body of the following loop be executed? Also state the output: int i = 200; for( i = 0; i < = 15; i + = 3) { i + +; [2] [2] - - i; System.out.println ( i ); } (i) [2] Write the equivalent switch case statement for the following code: char a; int c = 2; if( a = = A || a = = E || a = = I || a = = O || a = = U ) c + +; (j) System.out.println ( c ); [2] What is a package? Give an example of package? [2] SECTION B (60 Marks) Attempt any four questions from this Section. The answers in this section should consist of the Programs in either Blue J environment or any program environment with Java as the base. Each programs should be written using Variable description / Mnemonic Codes such that the logic of the programs can be clearly depicted. Flowcharts and Algorithm are not required. Question 4 Write a program in java to input two arrays of same size containing 5 elements each of integer type. Print the list of common value which is present in both the arrays. Example: X[ ] = {3, 5, 6, 7, 9} Y[ ] = {6, 0, 5, 7, 9} Output: 5, 6, 7, 9 [15] 2 TURN OVER Question 5 Using the switch statement, write a menu driven program to: (i) Input a number and check whether it is a NEON number or not (ii) To print all the three digit Armstrong numbers. For an incorrect choice, appropriate error message should be displayed. (HINT: For example 9 is a NEON number. SQUARE of 9 = 81. Now sum of digit that is 8+1 =9 ARMSTRONG number: 153 = 13+53+33) [15] Question 6 Write a program in java to accept 10 different numbers in a single dimensional array, use any sorting technique to sort the numbers. Then store all the numbers in a new array called p where all the numbers will be divisible. by 7 [15] Question 7 Write a Java program to input a sentence from the user and display the words which contain the alphabet A in them in either Lower case or Upper case. sample input: All is well that ends well sample output: All that [15] Question 8 Design a class to overload a function Series( ) as follows: (a) double Series (double n) to compute the series: S = x+ (2!) + ( 3! ) + ( 4! ) + (b) double Series (double s, double n) to compute series: S = ( +1 +3 +4 2 4 6 )+( )+( ) + [15] Question 9 Define a class Wages as described below: Instance variables\Data members: String name-to store the worker s name. char code-to store the category of the worker(Unskilled, Semi-skilled, Skilled) 3 (continue ) TURN OVER int hrs-to store the number of hours worked. double wages-to store the total wages earned. Member methods: Wages( )-default constructor to initialize the data members with default values. Input( )-To accept the worker s name ,code and the number of hours worked. Compute( )-To calculate the total wages earned by the worker as per the criteria given below. Category Hourly rate Unskilled Rs 40.50 Semi-skilled Rs 50.35 Skilled Rs 60.80 Display ( ) - To display the output as per the format below: Name Code Hours Worked Total Wages --------- -------- ---------------- ----------------- 4 END

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