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ICSE Class X Mid-term 2021 : English Paper 2 (English Literature)

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Anchita Chatterjee
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CLtrg~I 5UIJE'a: IIIGU9-1 IANIIUAGE !>Mr: I il!WIIIEt e MIIIIIU FULL MAlkl: Ill Q. lt Wrille -1 CDR1pc15ition on ~ roHOllrif!W topic: Nnm1re ya1r e:aper-nas wtie,n yi:iu en~ haG to r,erif crm on Still!!.. but ,au 'IN!re du"OIY s ddti!led by I , palnf ul pll'1DI\II~ irtdtli!nt at tthlt tlm ~ r Q . Zt FHI in ~ilCh blllnlt with an a1pc1prrllmr word: 1~~ A tse Derson p,oflts _ = =====- Offiers"er,m_ i) Thi, thlld w-al! m !Tt1~ ed _ _ _ the 1:are al her grarutpia renb~ 1'1i)ifhil iJ One oftlle tbffl~es.wnl.W .........,..........,.._ d'ill!! 1ub)Kt. iv) MJ piilfena UNld n ' hide t!heir far _ __ m, 1ucc:e1s.. vl The c;aps have been DMty 1a, l'IM"BI _ _ 0.e J.J Write a le11er co the follu.iDI toplc~ a) 'Wrltl! a ll!!Ul!rlo ,ourfrielitd" d'esalli!lg an [10] ~ Gimp wtm:h was 1.-ganf&edl by tM members or vau1r c:om 1!119 't o provide free lJ!'ye dleclt~ bl In, medteat 1help to those hiv need and 10 1e neralty ral!!i@ &w,.iff!nf!a aktut the '"'po.ftln'2 of t1kln1 Cilll! of the e,n~ Q. } R1:1wme the follow ins ientenGe. follow,na the H1structions gilrem lclfter ~ Make whl!Eever chl,wes afe nee~, hl du nut dl n1, the meanil"fls of the senmnc:-as,.. i) He Wil5 Ml lure i1 Uwt WIS Ulle ri1ht way.. [Use: dtn..1 It) [10] II~ SIJ111dy hard arid VDU M II wcceed. [Bqln: Unless__.) m, 5tle was lnvillfll each of twu friends.. (Bqln: Each....) Iv) Donrt bliilnl! him if the ~ode ~ broken. t-.lll: NI! is not.OH) v) 1Why drd me spe.a:k 50 n.1cte1, l (Betifl: Sile ou,cht.H ~ vi) 1Ha rl ls not.such a 1000 pla)'f!r a1 .Jah~ (Use,: 'than) 111-Yo.u shal!IJd reu oow, ~.,,,.. the fathair said. tUse: advlse:IJ vii1I, CHJps 1t1nnot possibly 1raw ~n .i udh .son. (lleSifli: It is LmpoBlble....) h,t ~p u1lm1 yau wnl de, a mlnak~. (Begin : lfi-r,) x~ The cornmaltder rcse to SIM!ak ilnd all we~ s~le nt lllelfn; No soor,er~-- .t Q. 5J Ju~n the ~ntences wltholllt ll~i11g and. 1R[S 011 .!!! i) He flln~she-d his work:. He went 10 pl&y. ii) l1he tbond was si.sriH!t.t He was sat:isfile. mi litama Ir.I 11>le her lei.. She 'fell down the stai~. Iv) He thgu1hl Rltu was, He lent he~ the money. ~) Mi, aid car ~ sllow. My new car is much faster. [SJ mar ct,. I].._ tt. P.M,..111~~-"' -,MW th1 qiil!ltiam ful!Or. In 1111!" . . . . ~ I 1 w n I U ~ It 1111 cnar.1,a Ind IPO i!ffif If 1th!! d i ~ I mlt. I hiid 11e!e11 mp;!l!'m q '5!vll!II ~~ clolm lffll ll"OW I rfflil!t .~ wbG c.oulld liarey' ~ tin' budies. I lomll'd ~ iJM nch ~ 11'leil !IIIOflOB 1ndl ~ . Mmtn kil'A!IN Dllu Wit tt-Dlnn bl Dilfflll-.d 911! to fflll, ~ Uii!N ~ 1~ dlroup the ~.. t/ill'Jti ~ M nilM~iilitid M .I ~ I ~ WJiltl- ~ ll!Ollttl lkMtld tD ffll by ._.. 'llliNIIHi~ ltMII ~ JIO. Hilffl lfr!ffl iiO Hill: pi. t "'"t ~Ill.~"'m t'11 ~ be flied rn his rnamory, fillEI IOUCI tc ltrn Ni pmtmdii; wfllchi tihhl~ ftmnwl DI' hvn!!L'iltlid ll'&hl~ ~rffliWDiild mr'nit ifel nt.-toli w lfll d\'lkh pra'Mid ~ ptOJOlfg. ~ o~ NIMYilltt-ffllft promlttd!CQ ~ for~ in lht t'Opl tJlat ,rtir.__,.. ellctld. - ~ - mmlklld ,,....,.. Cb-- l!hfS,~ ~me-!Dil 1bJ bin. ri1Dh1w. bwladi ,can m loat. .. Ml'II frrar.n r.a. to ~ and m ,,.._ I j u n ~ a madlin-. ,umn Md lddrtmJ1 cl Pm ~.-n. i1ml llhl- &pg Sl!Bfled #rt Mr 10.b tNmed to lbl rac,ud:ooom.. dc!lna u. HlrN wo.d... 1hr !!iiiilme l!JiieJof1~1it-. ~ ilftdtamtl. Thi only tira11i f n i m ~ IWH'llilben uli M ~ iil:diiswd . - - in lhl l1iiBbif tplilc:L Ta hiip ffllMI. ha PlliC!Uldlp,c- tilk- in 11,e ftmn crt ii, 1e1u---. I #'Ii l'lilJ ltan:b u.ttailamllf. qdi#lll 101\'1 th b.r to ffllJi. dl h lSJ - - ~ ,i!Pld th;umn ~~to ~ h - ~ ol llhim gptiqtlld lN ardl in b;lm. .!ilfioutll'd .' -n 1u '4ilAJCl't h!m. ri to f~ - -- 1 cs-, ~ "' IS] Ill lilBWlr It. IJUEilU:.a. in ,mo-own 'IW!Jd1: ~ 'Whit ..utani5hedf" th! Dilmmilr whai'li 'lw ~ mrtlil ~P-51 al Ml6i did,.. wneu~.lhlimidrtf!I do iiJ M!.11 did theniiltile..._. pmmh.11 LallMCl lllhw-1 riri) W'hy dDH h nioriltlf 1111 111' l_ ,.ffll ,I nuchnt""'J wJ _,.,_ LIW'i ~ 111'1 ~'k.r plAm [~WiMlDI ~ Ju.~.-.~ (flti 1tlll1p? U.Oli

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