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ICSE Prelims 2017 : Physics (Mar Athanasius International School (MAIS), Ernakulam)Half Portion

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Mar Athanasius International School (MAIS), Ernakulam
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I *! / ^51 1"'''/ / r /v MAR ATHANASIUS INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL KOTHAMANGALAM SECOND MODEL EXAMINATION 2016.17 GRADE X B MAXIMUM MARKS:80 TIME:2hrs PHYSICS SCIENCE Paper -1 Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the Question Paper. The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. Attempt all the questions from Section I and any four questions from Section il. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets t ]. SECTION I (40 Marks) . Attempt all questions from this Section.[Each carries 2marksJ Question:1 (a) (a) Write down the gravitational unit of force. How is it related to Newton? (b) Give an example when work done by the force of gravity acting on a body is zero even though the body gets d'isplaced from its initial position. (c) Classify the following into levers as class l, class ll or class lll: 1. A spade turning soil 2.Foot treadle 3. Nut cracker 4.Shears (d) Whe:'= is the centre oJ gravity of the foltowing objects situated? i. R!ng 2.Rhombus 3.Scalene triangte 4.Solid cone. \ (e) A body of mass 4 kg initially at rest is subjected to a force of 16N. What is the Kinetic Energy required by the body at the end of 10 seconds? Question:2 (a) Two waves of same pitch have their amplitude in the ratio 2:3. (ii what will be the ratio of their loudness? (ii)What will be the ratio of their frequency? (b) (i)A person is tuning a radio set to a particular station .What is the person trying to do to tune it?(ia) Name the phenomenon invotved in tuning the radio set. (c) A lens gives the image of same size as the object. ldentify and show it by ray diagram. (d) water tank depth is appearing 3Ath ol its actual depth. what is the refractive index of the water? (e) What is the range of wave length of the following electromagnetic waves? (i) Ultraviolet rays (ii)X-rays. Question:3 (a) State two uses of infra-red radiations.. (b) State two practical uses of echo. (c) Name a machine which is used as (i)force multiplier(ii) Speed multiplier. (d) Why is the mechanicaladvantage of a second class lever always greater than one? (e) The speed of light in one medium 125bbffi66mls. what is its refractive index ? Question:4 a) Under what conditions total internar reflection takes ptace? (b) Derive the relation between joule and erg. (c) State the energy changes takes place in the following in use(i)dynamo (ii)loud speaker? (d) What is the difference between forced vibration and free vibrations? (e) State the law of moments. V SECTION ll (40 Marks) Attempt any four questions from this Section Question:5 (a) An engine can pump 30,000 litres of water to a vertical height of 45 metres in10 minutes. Calculate the work done by the machine and the power. (Density of water = 103 kg/m3, 1000 litre = 1 mt, g= 1O m s-'). t3I (b) A light mass and a heavy mass have equal momentum. Which will have more kinetic energy ? Explain. t3l (c) A pulley system has a velocity ratio 5.(i) Draw a neat labelled diagram of the pulley system to lift a.load by applying the effort in a convenient direction. Mark the tension in your diagram. (ii) lf the efficiency of the system is75%find its mechanical advantage [4J Question:6 (a) Show how a right angle prism can turn a ray of light by 180" with diagram and state the phenomenon responsible for the same. Name an instrument in which this device is used. [4] (U) e radar is able to detect the reflected waves from an enemy jet. After a time interval of 0.02 ms. lf the velocity of the wave is same as light then calculate the distance of the plane from the radar.[3] (clA postage stamp is raised by 8mm when placed under a thick rectangular glass block of refractive index 1.S.Find the real thickness of the glass slab. t3l Question:7 (a) How does the angle of deviation of a prism varies with an increase in the (i)Angle of incidence (ii)Wavelength of light?[3J (b)Copy and ':omplete the diagram to show the formation of image of the object AB. (i)What is the name given to X?[3] ,m. * xlle*r*d to fall free*y front {*! Arr obiect *f mc** btal fq*B! A ar Slora':t i* lhe Sgxre. eakulate &e i mf fficrXY sf *r* *bieti *t : fI rstu*6 ip$*$n*,{*, (rB.qls (#q, *---:l!;* A Question:8 (a) i"l .+l tfil rsi*t S 1ffi eckt {lY}'$t* " n$* l*w r#h} isverified ATT by yourcalerhtiw'rx *{l -=H r__j iti A hy of rr,or'(-lr-ilrslrratic iigtrrf e.nt*'rs a lrquid {x':n air as fih;n...n i* the ,iliagram giv*n bebrr'. (6 Copy the diagram anc sfiot' in th* dlagrarn the path drites the mirror erd re. nters ths medi*rn of air. ri ihr' ral of light after it {#-'Hart in pur degram El twc angi* on tire surfxe of separaticm , Bfrt mclneo ct ft?ut H&uid t<l ai*: AIR LQiO , '--*i' i ?tJ. r*i&o* rl ;! it I I I r*f "$=.rytitlit .ffitue i: + qdH- r- .@ r,t hen the rey of , l?]

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