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Class 12 CBSE Sample paper with solutions 2018 : Computer Science

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Ram S Kaushik
Hindu Colony Chellammal Vidyalaya, Chennai
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Aglasem Schools MARKING SCHEME Subject: Computer Science Class: XII (2017-18) Time: 3 Hrs. M.M.:70 Instructions: (a) All questions are compulsory, (b) Answer either Section A or Section B: (i) Section A - Programming Language with C++ (ii) Section B - Programming Language with Python (c) Section C is compulsory. SECTION A (C++) Q. Part Question Description Marks (a) What is the role of a parameter/argument passed in a function? Can a default value be No. Q1. 2 assigned to a parameter(Yes/No)? If yes, justify your answer with the help of a suitable example otherwise give reason. Ans Parameters/arguments are values passed in the function for the attributes which are required by the function to work and provide desired output. Yes, an argument may be assigned a default value. E.g. int Sum(int a, int b=10) { //Here b is given a default value of 10 return (a+b); } void main() { int x=5; - cout<<Sum(x); } Output: 15 (1 mark for correct role of parameter) (1/2 mark for correct answer) (1/2 mark for giving correct example) (b) Raman suggests Kishan the following header files which are required to be included in Page No. 1 1 Aglasem Schools the given C++ program. Identify the header files which are wrongly suggested by Raman. Program: Suggested header files:1. iostream.h 2. stdio.h 3. conio.h 4. ctype.h Ans stdio.h conio.h (1/2 mark for each correct header file) (c) Rewrite the following program after removing the syntactical errors (if any). Underline each correction. Ans #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> typdef int Num; //Typedef should be written as typedef Num full=100; Page No. 2 2 Aglasem Schools Num Calc(int X) { full=(X>2)?1:2; return (full%2); //; is missing } void main() { int full=1000; full=Calc(::full); cout<<::full<< :: <<full<<endl; } (1/2 mark for every corrected line of code) Or (1 Mark for only identifying any 4 errors without suggesting corrections) (d) Write the output of the following C++ program code(assume all necessary header files are included in program): Ans Output: New Encrypted Message after Pass 1 is : Dpnqvufs3128 New Encrypted Message after Pass 2 is : Eqorwvgt4239 Page No. 3 2 Aglasem Schools (1 mark of each correct line of output) (e) Write the output of the following C++ program code(assume all necessary header files 3 are included in program): Ans Output: B:380 A:350 C:275 (1 mark of each correct line of output) (f) Consider the following C++ program code and choose the option(s) which are not possible as output. Also, print the minimum & maximum value of variable Pick during complete execution of the program.(assume all necessary header files are included in program): Page No. 4 2 Aglasem Schools (a) 5:6:6:6: (b) 4:7:5:3: (c) 8:6:1:2: (d) 7:5:3:1 Ans Output: Option (a) & (c) Maximum value of Pick will be 8 Minimum value of Pick will be 1 (1/2 mark for each correct option) (1 mark each giving correct values of both max & min) Q2. (a) What do you mean by Data Abstraction in OOPs? Explain its significance with a suitable example. Ans Data abstraction in OOPs is the process of showing only the essential details of a class without going into background details. E.g. Page No. 5 2 Aglasem Schools In the above example, public member Mult( ) is invoked using the object p of class PRODUCT. Thus, demonstrating Data abstraction. (1 mark for correct definition of data abstraction) (1 mark for giving a valid example) (b) Answer the question (i) & (ii) after going through the following code. (assume all necessary header files are included in program):- Page No. 6 2 Aglasem Schools (i) Give the name of the feature of OOP which is implemented by Function 1 & 2 together in the above class Game. (ii) Anuj made changes to the above class Game and made Function 3 private. Will he be able to execute the Line 1 successfully given below? Justify. void main() { Game ABC; //Line 1 } Ans (i) Polymorphism or Function Overloading or Constructor Overloading (1 mark for correct answer) (ii) Yes, an error Destructor for Game is not accessible will come. As there is a destructor defined in the class and it cannot be made private. (1/2 mark for correct answer Yes) (1/2 mark for correct reason) (c) Define a class Bill in OOP with the following specification:Private members: 1. Bill_no - type long(bill number) 2. Bill_period - type integer(number of months) Page No. 7 4 Aglasem Schools 3. No_of_calls - type integer(number of mobile calls) 4. Payment_mode - type string( online or offline ) 5. Amount - type float(amount of bill) 6. Calculate_Bill() function to calculate the amount of bill given as per the following conditions: No_of_calls Calculation Rate/call (in rupees) <=500 1.0 501-1200 2.0 >1200 4.0 Also, the value of Amount should be reduced by 5% if Payment_mode is online . Public members: 1. A member function New_Bill() that will accept the values for Bill_no, Bill_period, No_of_calls, Payment_mode from the user and invoke Caluclate_Bill() to assign the value of Amount. 2. A member function Print_Bill() that will display all details of a Bill. Page No. 8 Aglasem Schools Ans ( Mark for correct syntax of class header) ( Mark for correct declarations of data members) (1 Mark for correct definition of Caluclate_Bill() function) (1 Mark for correct definition of New_Bill() function) (1 Mark for correct definition of print_Bill() function) Note: Page No. 9 Aglasem Schools Deduct Mark if Caluclate_Bill() is not invoked properly inside New_Bill() function. (d) Answer the question from (i) to (iv) based on the given below code(assume all necessary header files are included in program):- (i) Write name of the class whose constructor is invoked first on the creation of a new object of class Country. (ii) Write name of the data members which are accessible through the object of class Country. (iii) List name of the members which are accessible through the member function void New_Country() . (iv) What will be the size(in bytes) of an object of class Country & State respectively. Page No. 10 4 Aglasem Schools Ans (i) class City (1 mark for correct answer) (ii) None (1 mark for correct answer) (iii) Data members: Country_Id, Country_Name[25], State_Population, City_Population Member functions: Display_Country(), New_State(), Print_State(), Get_Population(), New_City(), Show_City() (1 mark for correct answer) (iv) 90 bytes for object of class Country & 63 bytes for object of class State (1/2 mark for each correct answer) Q3 (a) Write the definition of function named Array_Swap() that will accept an integer array & 3 its size as arguments and the function will interchange/swap elements in such a way that the first element is swapped with the last element, second element is swapped with the second last element and so on, only if anyone or both the elements are odd. E.g. if initially array of seven elements is: 5, 16, 4, 7, 19, 8, 2 After execution of the above function, the contents of the array will be: 2,16, 19, 7, 4, 8, 5 Ans ( Mark for correct function header) ( Mark for correct loop) (1 Mark for correct checking of odd elements in each pair) (1 Mark for swapping the elements) (b) An array A[50][30] is stored along the row in the memory with each element requiring 4 bytes of storage. If the element A[10][15] is stored at 21500, then find out the base Page No. 11 3 Aglasem Schools address of the array and the memory address of element stored at location A[30][25]? Ans Row-major Formula:- A[I][J]= B+ W*((I-Lr)*Nc + (J-Lc)) Nr=50, Nc=30, B=?, W=4, Lr=0, Lc=0, A(10,15)=21500 A[10][15]= B + 4*((10-0)*30 + (15-0)) 21500= B + 4*(300+15) 21500=B + 4*315 B=21500 1260 B=20240 A[30][25] = 20240 + 4*((30-0)*30 + (25-0)) A[30][25] = 20240 + 4*(900+25) A[30][25] = 20240 + 4*925 A[30][25] = 23940 (1 Mark for using correct formula for row major) (1/2 Mark each for substituting formula with correct values for calculation of Base address & address of A[30][25] element) (1/2 Mark for each correct final answer of Base address & address of A[30][25]) (c) Write the definition of a member function Q_Insert() for a class Exam_Queue in C++ to insert a new Application information in a dynamically allocated queue whose code is already given below as a part of the program(assume all necessary header files are included in program): Page No. 12 4 Aglasem Schools Ans (1 Mark for creating new node) ( Mark for entering values for the new node) ( Mark for assigning NULL value to the new node) ( Mark for assigning Front to the first node) ( Mark for linking the last node to the new node) (1 Mark for assigning Rear to the new node) (d) Write the definition of a user-defined function REPEAT_ROW(int A[][3],int R, int C) in C++ that will store the elements in the following manner 1. All row elements except the 1st element replaced by the 1st element, 2. All row elements except the 1st & 2nd element replaced by the 2nd element, 3. All row elements except the 1st , 2nd & 3rd element replaced by the 3rd element and so on. For example: if initially the array was:5 6 10 2 2 6 9 12 18 14 5 6 Then, the contents of the array after execution of the above function will be:5 5 5 5 2 6 6 6 18 14 5 5 Page No. 13 2 Aglasem Schools Ans (1 Mark for correct loop) (1 Mark for correct placing elements) (e) Evaluate the following POSTFIX expression. Show the status of Stack after execution of each operation separately: TRUE, FALSE, OR, NOT, TRUE, FALSE, AND, OR Ans S. No. Element Scanned Operation Stack Status 1 True Push (True) True 2 False Push (False) True, False 3 OR Pop(False) True Pop(True) OR(True, False)=True Push (True) 4 NOT Pop(True) False NOT(True)=False 5 True Push (True) False, True 6 False Push (False) False, True, False 7 AND Pop(False) False, False Pop(True) AND(False, True)=False Push False 8 OR Pop(False) Pop(False) OR(False, False)=False Page No. 14 False 2 Aglasem Schools The result is False ( Mark for evaluating till OR operator) ( Mark for evaluating till NOT operator) ( Mark for evaluating till AND operator) ( Mark for evaluating till OR operator) Note: (1 Mark to be given for writing correct answer as FALSE without showing the Stack Status) Q4. (a) Answer the questions (i) & (ii) in the program segment given below for the required task. (i) Write Statement 1 to position the file pointer to the appropriate place so that the data updation is done for the correct Route. (ii) Write Statement 2 to perform the write operation so that the updation is done in the binary file ROUTE.DAT . Page No. 15 1 Aglasem Schools Ans (i) File.seekg(-sizeof(R), ios::cur); (ii) File.write((char*)&R,sizeof(R)); ( Mark for each correct answer) (b) Write a user-defined function named Count() that will read the contents of text file 2 named Report.txt and display the count of the number of lines that start with either I or M . E.g. In the following paragraph, there are 3 lines starting with I or M : India is the fastest growing economy. India is looking for more investments around the globe. The whole world is looking at India as a great market. Most of the Indians can foresee the heights that India is capable of reaching. Ans ( Mark for opening opinion.txt correctly) ( Mark for fetching each line from the file correctly) ( Mark for counting each word) ( Mark for correct displaying the no. of lines which starts with M or I ) (c) Consider the following class Item:- 3 Page No. 16 Aglasem Schools Write a function named Change_Item(int Id, float Pr) to modify the price of the item whose Itemid & new price are passed as an argument. Ans ( Mark for opening ITEM.DAT correctly) (1 Mark for reading all records from the file) (1 Mark for comparing value of Id from file & calling Set_Price() function) ( Mark for writing new value of price in file) SECTION B (Python) Q1 (a) Differentiate between break and continue statement with the help of an example. 2 Ans break statement is used to terminate the execution of the loop. For example: Page No. 17 Aglasem Schools The output of the above code will be: The loop terminates when i becomes 3 due to break statement Whereas, continue statement is used to force the next iteration while skipping the statements in the present iteration. The output of the above code will be: continue statement forces next iteration when i becomes 3 , bypassing the print statement .Thus ,in the output 3 is missing. (1 mark for explaining break statement with example) (1 mark for explaining continue statement with example) (b) Identify and write the name of the module to which the following functions belong: i. ceil( ) ii. findall() Ans i. ceil( ) - math module ii. findall( ) re module 1 ( mark for each module) (c) Observe the following Python code very carefully and rewrite it after removing all syntactical errors with each correction underlined. Page No. 18 2 Aglasem Schools Ans ( mark for each correction) (d) Write the output of the following Python code: Ans 14 : 7 8 : 49 2 (1 mark for each line of correct output) (e) Write the output of the following Python program code: 3 Ans ['d', 'o', 'I', 'i', 't', '@', '@', '1', '1', '2', '3', '!', '!'] ( mark for converting D to d ) ( mark for converting I to i ) ( mark for substituting each with the consecutive character) Study the following program and select the possible output(s) from the options (i) to (iv) 2 (f) Page No. 19 Aglasem Schools following it. Also, write the maximum and the minimum values that can be assigned to the variable Y. i) 0 : 0 ii) 1 : 6 iii) 2 : 4 iv) 0 : 3 Ans i) and iv) are the possible output(s) Minimum value that can be assigned to Y = 0 Maximum value assigned to Y = 3 ( mark for each correct possible output) ( mark for each correct possible minimum and maximum value) Q2 (a) Explain operator overloading with the help of an example. Ans The feature where an operator can be used in different forms is known as Operator Overloading. It is one of the methods to implement polymorphism. 2 '+' operator behaves differently with different data types. With integers it adds the two numbers and with strings it concatenates or joins two strings. For example: Print 8+9 will give 17 and Print "Python" + "programming" will give the output as Python programming. (2 marks for correct explanation using an example) (1 mark for only writing a definition) (b) Observe the following Python code and answer the questions (i) and (ii): (i) How is data member count different from data member Author ? Ans Data member count is a Class attribute whereas the data member Author is an Page No. 20 1 Aglasem Schools Instance attribute. Class Attributes belong to the class itself. These attributes will be shared by all the instances. Such attributes are defined in the class body part, usually at the top, for legibility. Attributes defined for each class instance are known as Instance Attributes. These are called instance attributes and they belong to each instance/object of a class. (ii) (1 mark for correct point of difference) Fill in the blanks: B= BOOK() ______________________________ #Write statement to invoke Function 2 ______________________________ #Write statement to invoke Function 3 1 Ans (c) ( mark for each correct statement) Define a class COURSE in Python with the following description : Instance Attributes: REGNO Integer CNAME String Score Float Fees Float Methods: A constructor to assign REGNO as 0, Score and Fees as 0.0 SetCourse() to assign Course and Fees on the basis of the Score input as per the following criteria: Score CNAME Fees >=9.0 -<=10.0 Clinical Psychology 10000.0 >=8.0 - <9.0 Corporate Counselling 8000.0 >=5.0 - <8.0 Guidance and Counselling 6000.0 less than 5.0 Not Eligible 0.0 GETDATA() to input REGNO and Score and invoke SetCourse() DISPLAY() to display all the details. Page No. 21 4 Aglasem Schools Ans ( mark for correct definition of __init__()) (2 marks for correct definition of SetCourse() : 1 mark for applying conditions using if..elif..else 1 mark for assigning correct values to CNAME and Fees ) (1 mark for correct definition of GETDATA()) ( mark for correct definition of DISPLAY() ) (d) Answer the questions (i) and (ii) based on the following: Page No. 22 4 Aglasem Schools (i) Explain the relationship between Line 1 , Line 2 and Line 3. Ans Line 1 is a parameterized constructor of derived class RacingCar that accepts values for its instance variables turnRadius ,speed . It accepts clr,seats,l,w to initialize the instance variables colour with clr , seatingCapacity with seats of base class Car through its constructor function/__init__()(Line 2) and invokes constructor function/__init__() of base class Vehicle to initialize its instance variables length with l and width with w(Line 3). (2 marks for appropriate answer justifying the passing of parameters to initialize members of base class via __init__( )) (ii) Predict the output that will be produced on the execution of the following statements : Ans ( mark for each line of output) Page No. 23 Aglasem Schools Q3 (a) Write the definition of a function Reverse(X) in Python, to display the elements in reverse order such that each displayed element is the twice of the original element (element * 2) of the List X in the following manner: Example: If List X contains 7 integers is as follows: X[0] X[1] X[2] X[3] X[4] X[5] X[6] 4 8 7 5 6 2 10 After executing the function, the array content should be displayed as follows: 20 4 12 10 14 16 8 2 Ans (b) Ans (c) (1 mark for correct loop) (1 mark for displaying twice of the list element) Consider the following unsorted list : [22, 54, 12, 90, 55, 78] Write the passes of selection sort for sorting the list in ascending order till the 3rd iteration. Pass 1: [12, 54, 22, 90, 55, 78] Pass 2 : [12, 22, 54, 90, 55, 78] Pass 3 : [12, 22, 54, 90, 55, 78] (1 mark to produce correct List after each pass.) Consider the following class Order and do as directed: Blank 1 : : i. Fill in the blank 1 with a statement to insert OID in the Queue maintained using List L. ii. Complete the definition of delorder() to delete OID from the Queue maintained using List L, the function should return the OID being deleted or -1 in case the Queue is empty. Ans: 3 i. self.L.append(self.OID) ( 1 mark for the correct answer) ii. Page No. 24 4 Aglasem Schools d) (1 mark for applying condition to check if Queue is empty) ( mark for returning -1) (1 mark for deleting the first element from the Queue) ( mark for returning the deleted value) Write a generator function to generate odd numbers between a and b (including b).Note: a and b are received as an argument by the function. 3 Ans: ( mark for correct function header) (1 mark for correct use of loop) (e) Ans ( mark for condition) (1 mark for using yield() to yield the correct value) Evaluate the following postfix expression using a stack. Show the contents of stack after execution of each operation: 10,40,25,-,*,15,4,*,+ Symbol Operation Stack 10 Push(10) 10 40 Push(40) 10,40 25 Push(25) 10,40,25 - Pop(25) Pop(40) Push(40-25) =15 10,15 * Pop(15) Pop(10) Push(10*15) =150 150 15 Push(15) 150,15 4 Push(4) 150,15,4 * Pop(4) Pop(15) Push(15*4)=60 150,60 Page No. 25 Result 2 Aglasem Schools + Pop(60) Pop(150) Push(150+60)=210 210 210 ( mark for correct stack status till - ) ( mark for correct stack status till * ) ( mark for correct stack status till * ) ( mark for correct stack status till + ) or Q4. (a) Ans (b) ( mark for writing the correct result without showing the working of Stack) Nancy intends to position the file pointer to the beginning of a text file.Write Python statement for the same assuming F is the Fileobject. (1 mark for the correct answer) Write a function countmy( )in Python to read the text file DATA.TXT and count the number of times my occurs in the file. For example if the file DATA.TXT contains: This is my website. I have displayed my preferences in the CHOICE section. The countmy( ) function should display the output as: my occurs 2 times . 1 2 Ans ( mark for reading the file using read) ( mark for correctly using split()) ( mark for the correct loop) (c) ( mark for displaying the correct value of count) Write a function in Python to search and display details of all those students, whose stream is HUMANITIES from pickled file Student.dat . Assuming the pickled file is containing the objects of the following class: Page No. 26 3 Aglasem Schools Ans: - ( mark for opening the file in correct mode) ( mark for try.. except EOFError) ( mark for while loop) ( mark for using pickle.load() correctly) ( mark for comparison using if) ( mark for displaying) SECTION C Q5 (a) Differentiate between DDL & DMLcommands. Identify DDL & DML commands from the following:(UPDATE, SELECT, ALTER, DROP) Ans DDL stands for Data Definition language and comprises of commands which will change the structure of database object. DML stands for Data Manipulation Language and comprises of commands which are used to insert, edit, view & delete the data stored in a database object. DDL Commands: ALTER, DROP DML Commands: UPDATE, SELECT Page No. 27 2 Aglasem Schools (1 Mark for correct definition of DDL & DML commands) ( Mark each for correct identification of commands) (b) Consider the following relations MobileMaster & MobileStock:- 6 MobileMaster M_Id M_Company M_Name M_Price M_Mf_Date MB001 Samsung Galaxy 4500 2013-02-12 MB003 Nokia N1100 2250 2011-04-15 MB004 Micromax Unite3 4500 2016-10-17 MB005 Sony XperiaM 7500 2017-11-20 MB006 Oppo SelfieEx 8500 2010-08-21 MobileStock S_Id M_Id M_Qty M_Supplier S001 MB004 450 New Vision S002 MB003 250 Praveen Gallery S003 MB001 300 Classic Mobile Store S004 MB006 150 A-one Mobiles S005 MB003 150 The Mobile S006 MB006 50 Mobile Centre Write the SQL query for questions from (i) to (iv) & write the output of SQL command for questions from (v) to (viii) given below:(i) Display the Mobile company, Mobile name & price in descending order of their manufacturing date. (ii) List the details of mobile whose name starts with S . (iii) Display the Mobile supplier & quantity of all mobiles except MB003 . (iv) To display the name of mobile company having price between 3000 & 5000. (v) SELECT M_Id, SUM(M_Qty) FROM MobileStock GROUP BY M_Id; (vi) SELECT MAX(M_Mf_Date), MIN(M_Mf_Date) FROM MobileMaster; (vii) SELECT M1.M_Id, M1.M_Name, M2.M_Qty, M2.M_Supplier FROM MobileMaster M1, MobileStock M2 WHERE M1.M_Id=M2.M_Id AND M2.M_Qty>=300; Page No. 28 Aglasem Schools (viii) SELECT AVG(M_Price) FROM MobileMaster; Ans (i) SELECT M_Compnay, M_Name, M_Price FROM MobileMaster ORDER BY M_Mf_Date DESC; ( mark for correct SELECT) ( mark for correct ORDER BY) (ii) SELECT * FROM MobileMaster WHERE M_Name LIKE S% ; ( mark for correct SELECT) ( mark for correct WHERE clause) (iii) SELECT M_Supplier, M_Qty FROM MobileStock WHERE M_Id <> MB003 ; ( mark for correct SELECT) ( mark for correct WHERE clause) (iv) SELECT M_Company FROM MobileMaster WHERE BETWEEN 3000 AND 5000; ( mark for correct SELECT) ( mark for correct BETWEEN clause) (v) M_Id SUM(M_Qty) MB004 450 MB003 400 MB001 300 MB006 200 ( mark for correct output) (vi) MAX(M_Mf_Date) MIN(M_Mf_Date) 2017-11-20 2010-08-21 ( mark for correct output) (vii) M_Id M_Name M_Qty M_Supplier MB004 Unite3 450 New_Vision Page No. 29 M_Price Aglasem Schools MB001 Galaxy 300 Classic Mobile Store ( mark for correct output) (viii) 5450 ( mark for correct output) Q6. (a) State & prove De-Morgan s law using truth table. Ans De-morgan s Law: (A+B) = A .B 2 (A.B) = A +B Proof using Truth Table A B A+B (A+B) A B A .B 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 ( mark each for stating correct De-morgan s law) (1 mark for correct proof) (b) Draw the equivalent logic circuit diagram of the following Boolean expression:- 2 (A + B).C Ans Logic Circuit Diagram for (A + B).C is given as:- ( mark each for correct placement of gate) (c) Write the SOP form for the Boolean Function F(X,Y,Z) represented by the given truth table:X Y Z F 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 Page No. 30 1 Aglasem Schools 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 Ans SOP Form is : X .Y .Z + X .Y.Z + X.Y.Z + X.Y.Z (d) (1 mark for correct answer) Note: Deduct mark if wrong variable names are written in the expression Reduce the following Boolean expression using K-Map:- 3 F(U,V,W,Z)= (0,2,5,7,12,13,15) Ans POS form using K-Map is given as:- Quad 1: (V +Z') Pair 1: (U+V+Z) Pair 2: (U +V +W) POS Form: (V +Z').(U+V+Z).(U +V +W) ( Mark for drawing K Map with correct variable names) ( Mark each for correct placement of 0) ( Mark each for 3 groupings) ( Mark for writing final expression in reduced/minimal form) Note: Deduct mark if wrong variable names are used Q7. (a) A teacher provides to his/her students to Page No. 31 1 Aglasem Schools identify the URL & domain name. Ans URL: Domain name: ( mark for each correct answer) (b) Which out of the following does not come under Cyber Crime? 1 (i) Copying data from the social networking account of a person without his/her information & consent. (ii) Deleting some files, images, videos, etc. from a friend s computer with his consent. (iii) Viewing & transferring funds digitally from a person s bank account without his/her knowledge. (iv) Intentionally making a false account on the name of a celebrity on a social networking site. Ans (ii) (1 mark for correct answer) (c) Expand the following:1. GSM Ans 1 2. TDMA GSM: Global System for Mobile Communication TDMA: Time Division Multiple Access ( mark for each correct answer) (d) What is the significance of cookies stored on a computer? Ans Cookies is small text file that web servers send to a web browser so that the web server 1 can keep track of the user s activity on a particular website. (1 mark for correct answer) (e) Kabir wants to purchase a Book online and placed the order for that book using an ecommerce website. Now, he is going to pay the amount for that book online using his Mobile, he needs which of the following to complete the online transaction:1. A bank account, 2. A Mobile connection/phone which is attached to above bank account, 3. The mobile banking app of the above bank installed on that mobile, Page No. 32 1 Aglasem Schools 4. Login credentials(UserId & Password) provided by the bank, 5. All of above. Ans Option No.5 (1 mark for correct answer) (f) What do you mean by data encryption? For what purpose it is used for? Ans Data encryption is a technique used for data security in which original message is converted or encoded using an algorithm into a form not understood by anyone except the person who has the key to decode it. ( mark for correct definition) ( mark for its purpose: data security) (g) Sanskar University of Himachal Pradesh is setting up a secured network for its campus at Himachal Pradesh for operating their day-to-day office & web based activities. They are planning to have network connectivity between four buildings. Answer the question (i) to (iv) after going through the building positions in the campus & other details which are given below: Admin Main Building Academic Finance The distances between various buildings of university are given as:Building 1 Building 2 Distance(in mtrs.) Main Admin 50 Main Main Finance 100 Academic 70 Admin Finance 50 Finance Academic 70 Admin Academic 60 Number of computers:Page No. 33 1 Aglasem Schools Building No. of Computers Main 150 Admin 75 Finance 50 Academic 60 As a network expert, you are required to give best possible solutions for the given queries of the university administration:(a) Suggest cable layout for the connections between the various buildings, (b) Suggest the most suitable building to house the server of the network of the 1 university, (c) Suggest the placement of following devices with justification: 1 1. Switch/Hub 1 2. Repeater (d) Suggest the technology out of the following for setting-up very fast Internet connectivity among buildings of the university 1. Optical Fibre 2. Coaxial cable 3. Ethernet Cable Ans (a) Star topology (1 mark for drawing correct layout) (b) Server should be placed at Main Building as it has the maximum number of computers. (1 mark for correct answer) (c) Hub/Switch each would be needed in all the buildings to interconnect the group of cables from the different computers in each building A repeater needs to be placed along the wire between main building & finance building as the distance between them is more than 70 mtr. Page No. 34 1 Aglasem Schools ( mark for each correct placement) ( mark for each correct justification) (d) Optical Fibre (1 mark for correct answer) ********* Page No. 35

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