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ICSE Class X Prelims 2024 : English Paper 1 (English Language) (Pawar Public School (PPS), Bhandup, Mumbai)

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Class Subject X En lish I PAW AR PUBLIC SCHOOL, BHANDUP. . . Prelim Marks Duration Date 2 80 16.01.2024 No. of printed 2 Hours Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The rime given at the head ofthis Paper is the time allowed/or writing the answers. Attempt all five questions. The intended marks/or questions or parts ofquestions are given in brackets [ J. You are advised to spend no more than 30 minutes in answering Question 1 and 20 minutes in answering Question 2. ------[20] Question I (Do not spend more than 30 minutes on this question) Write a composition (300-350 words) on any one of the following: (i) Write an original short story ending with "It was night once again but this time the sun has left behind its light." (ii) You have recently attended your cousin's wedding. Describe your experience of the rituals and the ceremony amidst the fun filled activities and joyous moments you had with your family. (iii) 'Indian schools should adopt casual wear instead of uniforms.' Express your views either for or against the statement. (iv) We come across many situations in our life. Narrate an account of the most embarrassing / funny I sad experience you have had as a high school student, explaining what had happened and how you dealt with it. (v) Study the picture given below. Write a story or description or an account of what the picture suggests to you. Your composition may be about the subject of the picture or you may take suggestions from it; however, there must be a clear connection between the picture and your composition. ' '\ \ I I PPSB/23-24/10/ENG I/P2 Page 1 of 6 - 511t i .' - - - - - ,Question 2 (Do not spend more than 20 minutes on this queSlion) Select any one of the following: . h N ent harashtra in t e ational (i) Your cousin has been sele cted to represl Ma h. / her for the selection, Sports Event. Write a letter to congrat 1 a-pprecia,ting the efforts tak.~n anq the ~ at7 1~ h t u draw from his/ tn5PJ.!!1 ~~n t a yo '~ ' her succ ess. I (ii) Write a letter to the Editor of a renowned newspaper to highligh th t e apathy of the civic officers to the men ace of beggars. Question (i) \Your school is organizing H d boy / the Annual . Head girl of the school, write a noti Sports Meet. As the e~ ce requesting students to give their names for athletic events. (ii) Write an email to the principa l of a neighbouring school inviting him / her to be the Guest of Honour at the Annual Sports Meet organised by your school. Question 4 , Read the following passage careful ly and '""'-.-i I [1O] [5] (5] 1 answer the questions that f?llow: 1 opened the iron gate and walked as drive. My mind was strangely emp softly as I could up the weed-tufted gravel ty. l felt no glow of pleasure and was unexcited at the prospect of becoming rich. l was occupied only with the mechan ical task of finding a black box. The front door was closed and set far back in a very deep porch. The wind and rain had whipped a coating of gritty dus t against the panels, showing that it had been shut for years. Standing on a dilapid ated flower-bed, I tried to push ope n the first window on the left. It"yielded to my strength stubbornly. I climbed through the opening and found myself crawling along the deepest window-ledge I had ever seen. After l had jumped noisily dow n upon the floor, I looked up. The room was thick with dust, stuf fy and empty of all furniture. Spiders had erected great stretching of their webs abo ut the fireplace. I made my way quickly to the room where the box was and paused on the threshold. It was a dark mor ning and the weather had stained the windows with blurs of grey wash which kep t the brightest part of the weak light from c.Q_ming in. The far comer of the room was a blur of shadow. I had a sudden impulse to hav e done with my task and -be out 'of forever. this house l walked across the bare boards, knelt down in the comer and pass ed my hands about the floor in sear~h of the lose board. To my surprise, I found it easi ly. I lifted it up, laid it aside and struck a mat ch. l saw a black metal cash-box nestling dimly in the hole. I put my hand dow n and crooked a finger into the loose reclining h~dle, but t~e match suddenl~ flick e~ed an~ went out and the handle of the box, which I had hfted up about an mch , shd light another match, l han heavily off my finger. Without stopping to d into the opening and, just when closing about the box, something it should b happened. e 1 cannot hope to ~escribe what it was but it ha~ frighten~d me very much. It was some change which came upon me or upon t e room, indescribab ly subtl momentous. It was as if the dayligh t had changed with unnatural sud dennesse, y~t Page 2 of 6 'as if PPSB/2 3-24/10/ENG I/P2 1 I 1 I I me tw ic e as as if the air ha d be co or nt sta in an i~ tly ap s aIJ of th es e altered gr ea kli ng of an eye. Pe rh in the temperature had tw the m en be d e as it ha wi ld er ed all at on ce m y se ns es were be rare or twice as dens all r the fo er, eth tog ened ht hand, th ru st in or ot he r things, happ e fingers of my rig up Th e n. m tio ca na d an pla , ex no ing at all an d could give me anically, found noth ch me d se clo d ha op en in g in the floor, x had gone! th at again empty. The bo in g than an y so un d al, ye t more di stu rb tur to na k, d in an th ft I so e, , du me d ght wa s Theard a cough behin at I di d no t di e of fri to Th et r. pr ea ter n in ma to hu le the ab on rranged an d sa di dy ea co uld ev er co me up alr of re ce we an th at m y se ns es the fa ct th at th e ut ter ng . I tw o things: the fact perceived, and als o d ha ey th in ev er yt hi at wh lly re aw fu l alt er ati on mo m e on ly gradua me e- oo t so it th wi to bring the floor. Sw ea t br ok on up ion sit po the co ug h se em ed wn o a lim p sitting-do thout a wink. collapsed weakly int en for a long time wi op ed ain rem es ey on m y brow and my sit tin g in a ch air , window, a man wa s the ar ne om ro the of In the da rk es t co m er but unwavering interest. ld mi a th wi e m g ein ey ng (a s us ed in th e se the co rre ct m ea ni oo ch w lo be n ve gi (i) Fo r each word tions provided: passage) from the op dilapidated 1. (a) run-down (b) in tac t (c) ol d fashioned ( d) humongous [2 ] - 2. bewildered (a) unperplexed (b ) da ze d (o) wo nd er ed (d) to be wild e wo rd 'ar tif ic ia l'. ans the opposite of th me e ag ss pa e th in Which wo rd (ii ) (a ) stu ffy (b) we ak (c) natural (d) unwavering own words. tions briefly in yo ur es qu ng wi llo fo e th An sw er (ii i) ter in g th e pr op er ty ? tia l feeling up on en ini r's to rra na e th s a) W ha t wa . th e na rra to r en ter ed on of the ho us e when iti nd co e th e rib sc b) De ho us e? na rra to r's task in the c) What was the l an d ph ys ica l na rra to r's em ot io na -the e ri? sc de d an d) An aly se the_2oygh? respon,se...upon he ar mg ok an d wh at do es hi s lo the m an in th e ch ai r s wa k in th u yo do e) Who re ve al? towards th e na rra to r hi nd na rra to r's pu rp os e be the e rib sc de s, rd wo an 50 he en co un te re d (iv) In no! m or e th strange atm os ph er e e th d an e us ho d ne en ter mg th e ab an do there. IIP2 PPSB/23-24/10/ENG Pa ge 3 of 6 fl ] [2 ] [2 ] [l ] [2 ] [2 ] [8] J ~~ t !!!''11ii iii - . ~ ... ......,. N-'h'~ ,f Hf , ~ -..hfM lwt lf'J I J ip II 't ,,,.,.~.. t U 1t htit lei tl}fl1hi ftu,. fHt:tiliHlt 111 Wj , , . -- 3. Mr. Wonka was talking. The elevator started to shake and make a scary beeping noise. (a) Because Mr. Wonka was talking, the elevator started to shake and made a scary beeping noise. (b) After Mr. Wonka was talking, the elevator started shaking and made a scary beeping noise. (c) As Mr. Wonka was talking, the elevator started to shake and make a scary beeping noise. (d) Mr. Wonka was talking so that the elevator shakes and make scary noises. 4. The class was quite noisy. I could not hear the announcement. (a) Though I could not.hear the announcement, the class_ was quite noisy'. (b) The class was quite noisy so I could not hear the announcement . (c) Because the class was quite noisy, I could not hear the announcement. (d) Since the class was quite noisy, I could not hear the announcement . (iv) Choose the correct option to rewrite the following according to the instructions given after each sentence. I. All the Christmas markets follow their own unique Christmas traditions. (Add a question tag.) (a) All the Christmas markets follow their own unique Christmas traditions, didn't they? (b) All the Christmas markets follow their own unique Christmas traditions, doesn't they? (c) All the Christmas markets follow their own unique Christmas traditions, don't they? (d) All the Christmas markets follow their own unique Christmas traditions, won't they? 2. Gogol might be the oldest writer on the list. (Begin: No other ....) (a) No other writer on the list might be as old as Gogol. (b) No other writer on the list is a~ old as Gogol. (c) No other writer on the list wiH be as old as Gogol. (d) No other writer on the list could be as old as Gogol. 3. Our devices are constantly alerting us with all kinds of notifications. (Begin: We ....) (a) We are constantly alerted by our devices with all kinds of notifications. (b) We are being constantly alerted by our devices with all kinds of notifications. (c) ~We ,get constantly alerted by our devices with all kinds of - =-- notifications. (d) We will be being consfc!ntly alerted by our devices with all kinds of notifications. 4. What a beautiful morning! (Begin: The morning ...... ) (a) The morning is ind~ed beautiful. (b) How beautiful the morning is. (c) The morning is beautiful. (d) The morning is very beautiful! PPSB/23-24/10/ENG I/P2 Page 5 of 6 [8] 5. As soon as Bassanio read Antonio's letter, his face grew pale. (Begin: No sooner... ) (a) No sooner did Bassanio read Antonio's letter than his face grew pale. (b) No sooner than Bassanio read Antonio's letter his face grew pale. (c) No sooner will Bassanio read Antonio's letter than his face will grow"'pale. (d) No sooner had Bassanio r~ad Antonio's letter then his face grew pale. 6. 7. 8. ' He was too excited to sleep before the trip. (Use: so ...... that) (a) He was excited so that he could not sleep before the trip. (b) He was so excited that he cannot not sleep before.!he trip. (c) He wa~ excited so that he will not sleep before the trip." -...: ,. (d) He was so excited iliat he~ould not ~leep before the trip. The shopkeeper says, "Prices are shooting up alanningly." (Begin: The shopkeeper ...) (a) The shopkeeper said1that prices are shooting up alarmlngly. (b) The shopkeeper says that prices are shooting up alanningly. ,--(_c~The shopkeeper says that prices were shooting up alarmingly. (d) T-he-.shopkeeper says that prices shot up alarmingly. War causes destruction and death as well as generations of hatred between the two countries. (Use: not only .....) (a) War causes not-onlydestruction and death but also generations of hatred between the two countries. (-b) War causes not only but also destruction and death and also generations of hatred between the two countries. (c) War causes not destruction and death on (y-but also generations , , of hatred between the two countries. (d) War cause not only de~ct iqn and death but also generations of hatred between the two countries. PPSB/23-24/10/ENG I/P2 L _ Page 6 of6

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