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ICSE Class IX Mid-term 2023 : Chemistry

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PHYSICS SCIENCE Paper 1 (Two hours) Summative Assessment Pattern Practice sheet GRADE: IX Max. Marks: 80 Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the Question Paper. The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. __________________________________________________________________ Section I is compulsory. Attempt any four questions from Section II. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ]. _______________________________________________________________ SECTION I (40 Marks) Attempt all questions from this Section. Question 1 (a) The distance of a galaxy from the earth is 5.6 x 1022 m. Assuming that the speed of light is 3x 108m/s, find the time taken by light to travel this distance. [2] (b) Name and define the two physical quantities that can be defined with the help of the first law of motion. [2] (c) Displacement Distance graph of a sound wave is shown below. [2] With reference to the graph, calculate (i) Amplitude of wave A (ii) Wave length of the wave B (d) A particle is moving with a uniform speed on a circular path. Will it be an accelerated motion? Why? [2] (e) Why hydraulic machine is also called force multiplier? [2] Question 2 (a) Why does a ceramic pot easily break when it falls on the hard floor, but [2] doesn t break whne it falls on the carpet on the floor. (b) A ball is thrown vertically upwards with a velocity u. What is the maximum [2] height to which it will rise before falling back? (c) State the purpose of using the following in an electric circuit. (i) (ii) (d) [2] Switch Galvanometer Water tank in a locality is always at higher altitude than buildings in the [2] locality. (e) The tremendous atmospheric pressure surrounding us is not felt by us. [2] Question 3 (a) A rubber ball floats on water with its 1/3rd volume outside water. What is [2] the density of rubber? (b) Why do the divers use special protective suit for diving in sea? [2] (c) A and B are two metal spheres which are connected with the help of a metal [2] wire. State the direction of flow of electrons in each case. (d) Draw a diagram each to show the magnetic filed lines of : [2] i. a horse shoe magnet ii.two unlike poles of bar magnet facing each other. [2] (e) Define: i. Magnetic field of a magnet ii. Magnetic field line Question 4 (a) Write factors affecting the upthrust. [2] [2] (b) Define: i. electrical resistance ii. One Ampere (c) Compare the time periods of two pendulums of length 1 m and 9 m. and [2] amplitude 2m and 2.5m respectively. (d) What is magnetic induction? Induction precedes Attraction. Explain the [2] statement. (e) How is the voltmeter supposed to be connected in an electric circuit and why? [2] SECTION II (40 Marks) Attempt any four complete questions from this section. Question 5 (a) i. A piece of stone of mass 15.1 gram is first immersed in a liquid and it [3] weighs 10.9 gram force, then on immersing the piece of stone in water it weighs 9.7 gram force. Calculate a. the weight of the piece of stone in air b. the volume of the piece of stone c. the relative density of the stone (b) Why a ship begins to submerge more as it sails from sea water to river [3] water? (c) (d) A block of wood is so loaded that it just floats in water at room [4] temperature. What change will occur in the state of flotation and why if : A. some salt is added to water B. water is heated give reason Question 6 (a) A balloon filled with air is weighted so that it barely floats in water as shown in figure. Explain why it sinks to the bottom when it is submerged more by a short distance. [3] (b) i. Two identical pieces, one of ice having density 900 kg per metre cube and [3] other of wood having density 300 kg per metre cube float on water A. which of the 2 will have more volume submerged inside water B. which of the 2 will experience more upthrust due to water ii. Define the quantity that can be measured using the voltmeter. (c) Rahul starts from his home for his school. He heads west-wards from his [4] home and walks for 4km, he now turns towards his right and walks for 1.5km. he halts there to buy his tiffin and continues to walk in the same direction for another 1.5km to reach school. i. Draw a rough map to trace the path taken by him, mention the km he walked on the trails of the map. ii. Calculate the distance travelled by him. iii. Calculate how much he displaced from his home. iv. What is the direction of his displacement, according to the information given in the question? Question 7 (a) Two plane mirrors are kept at 90o to each other as shown in the figure. The [3] ray PQ is incident on the mirror M1 M2 at an angle of 25o .Draw the path of reflected ray. Label and write the measure of all the angles of incidences. (b) Calculate the number of images of an object placed between the two plane mirrors, formed in each case when the mirrors are inclined to each other at [3] (i) 90o, (ii) 0o, (iii) 60o. (c) Observe the given picture and answer the questions that follow. i. Name the original object and its image in the above diagram. ii. On which mirror can the image I2 be seen? iii. Which is the object for image I2? [4] Question 8 (a) Explain force exerted during collision with the help of a diagram. [3] (b) (i) Define a secondary cell. [3] (ii) Give one example of a secondary cell. (iii) State one advantage of a secondary cell over a primary cell. (c) i. A balloon filled with helium gas floats in a big closed jar which is [4] connected to an evacuating pump. What will be your observation if air from jar is pumped out. Explain your answer ii. What is Plimsoll line, what is its use? Question 9 (a) The given diagrams depict magnetic field lines between the poles of a bar [3] magnet. Identify the poles. (b) How long will sound take to travel ini. an iron rail ii. air [3] both 3.3km in length. (Speed of sound in air 330m/s and 5280m/s in iron.) (c) Draw a ray diagram for the image formed by a concave mirror if object is [4] placed beyond C. State the characteristics of the image. Question 10 (a) Where will the neutral points be obtained for each of the following [3] magnets. i. Two similar poles of bar magnets facing each other ii. The north pole of a bar magnet facing the north pole of the earth iii. The south pole of a bar magnet facing the south pole of the earth (b) i. State two evidences of the magnetic field on the earth . ii. Sketch four magnetic field lines as obtained in a limited space on [3] a horizontal plane in the earth s magnetic field alone. (c) Complete the circuit given in figure by inserting between the terminals A and C, an i. ammeter. ii. In the diagram mark the polarity at the terminals of ammeter and indicate clearly the direction of flow of current in the circuit, when the circuit is complete. iii. Name and state the purpose of Rh in the circuit. [4]

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