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2003 Course Basic Civil Eng.

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Total No. of Questions : 12] [Total No. of Printed Pages : 5 [3661]-15 F. E. Examination - 2009 BASIC CIVIL ENGINEERING (2003 Course) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100 Instructions : (1) Solve Q.1 or Q.2, Q.3 or Q.4, Q.5 or Q.6 from section I and Q.7 or Q.8, Q.9 or Q.10, Q.11 or Q.12 from section II. (2) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate answer-books. (3) Black figures to the right indicate full marks. (4) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. (5) Use of logarithmic tables, slide rule, mollier charts, electronic pocket calculator and steam tables is allowed. (6) Assume suitable data, if necessary. SECTION - I Q.1) (A) Explain the role of Civil Engineer for the branch Mechanical Engineering . [04] (B) Differentiate between the following with respect to any three points : [06] (1) Flexible Pavement and Rigid Pavement (2) Estimation and Valuation (C) State any two practical applications of each of the following : (1) Fluid Mechanics (2) Environmental Engineering (3) [06] Geotechnical Engineering OR [3661]-15 1 P.T.O. Q.2) (A) Explain the role of Civil Engineer in construction of Infrastructure Projects for 21st century. [04] (B) Explain the special considerations required for Erection of Transmission Towers. [06] (C) State and explain six infrastructure facilities for rapid development of an area/locality. [06] Q.3) (A) What is Ranging ? Explain Ranging by Line Ranger. [04] (B) State the principles of Surveying and explain any one with sketches. [1+3=04] (C) Draw conventional symbols for the following : (1) Marshy Ground (2) Lake (3) Embakment (4) [04] Canal (D) Define Scale. What is its necessity and find scale for following : [04] (1) 1:50,000 (2) 1 50, 00, 000 OR Q.4) (A) Draw the sketches to show the following bearings. Also convert them into other relevant system : [04] (1) S 75o 25 E (2) N 70o 10 W (3) 165o 30 (4) 255o 00 (B) Explain various types of Meridians used in Surveying. [3661]-15 2 [04] Contd. (C) Differentiate between the following : (1) Fore Bearing and Back Bearing (2) Base Line and Check Line (3) Dip and Declination (4) [04] True Bearing and Magnetic Bearing (D) For a closed compass traverse PQRSP, observered fore bearings of lines PQ, QR, RS and SP are 93o00 , 37o30 , 260o00 and 160o00 respectively. While back bearings of these lines are 260o00 , 220o00 , 80o00 and 324o30 respectively. Draw sketch of the traverse and find included angles. [04] Q.5) (A) Explain four characteristic of contours with the help of neat sketches. [04] (B) State and briefly explain two uses (applications) of : (1) G.I.S. (2) Total Station (3) [2x3=06] Laser (C) The following readings were taken with a level and 4m staff. The instrument was shifted after 4th and 8th reading. 1.950, 0.870, 2.855, 3.430, 0.855, 1.840, 2.625, 3.210, 0.945, 1.485 (1) Enter the readings in the form of a level book page and find the RL s by Collimation Plane Method. (2) Apply usual checks. [08] OR Q.6) (A) Write three difference between : (1) [3661]-15 Rise and Fall Method Collimation Plane Method (2) [06] Differential Levelling Simple Levelling 3 P.T.O. (B) Enlist fundamental axes of a dumpy level and state their inter-relationship. [04] (C) Following staff readings were recorded while levelling on a continuously sloping ground, with a dumpy level and a 4.0m levelling staff. 0.420, 1.660, 2,880, 0.580, 1.385, 2.190, 2.995 and 3.800. The R.L. of the station where first reading was taken was 300.000m. Rule out the page of level book and enter the above readings. Determine R.L. of staff stations by Rise and Fall Method. Apply usual checks. [08] SECTION - II Q.7) (A) Explain why, quality of concrete is better in precast concrete compared to cast-in-situ. [04] (B) Explain in detail; Deep Foundation and Shallow Foundation. [3+3=06] (C) Explain in detail; Dead Load and Live Load. [2+2=04] (D) Explain the necessity of Doors and Windows in a Building. [2+2=04] OR Q.8) (A) Enlist any 6 fundamental requirements of a Masonry. [1x6=06] (B) Enlist any 6 causes of Settlement of a Foundation. [06] (C) Enlist any 4 basic materials used in Construction. Explain 2 uses of any 2 of them. [2+4=06] Q.9) (A) Enlist any 6 important factors to be considered for the site selection for Residential Buildings. [06] (B) Enlist any 8 principles of Planning : Explain with a neat sketch : (1) Aspect and (2) Prospect [4+3+3=10] OR [3661]-15 4 Contd. Q.10) (A) Explain in detail Land Acquisition Act. (B) Explain following terms : [06] [2x2=04] (1) Open Space Requirement (2) Set Back Distance (C) A plot owner proposed G+1 construction with 175 m2 construction on each floor, on a plot of size 17m 22m. Find ground coverage and FSI proposed, if all margins are 2m each. If permissible FSI is 1, state with reason whether plan will be sanctioned or not. [06] Q.11) (A) Enlist any 2 effects of Air Pollution observed on global scale. Explain any 1 in detail. [2+6=08] (B) Write short notes on : (Any Two) (1) Conventional Energy Sources (2) Noise Pollution (3) [08] Land Pollution OR Q.12) (A) Enlist any 4 Non-conventional Energy Sources. Explain in detail : Tidal Energy. [2+4=06] (B) Enlist 2 effects of Air Pollution on each of the following : [2x3=06] (1) Human Being (2) Vegetation (3) Materials and Structures (C) Enlist any 4 sources of Noise. Explain any one in detail. [2+2=04] [3661]-15/5

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