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Sem - II Jun 2008 Pattern Basic Mechanical Eng.

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Total No. of Questions : 12] [Total No. of Printed Pages : 3 [3661]-110 F. E. (Semester - II) Examination - 2009 BASIC MECHANICAL ENGINEERING (June 2008 Pattern) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100 Instructions : (1) Solve questions No. 1 or 2, Q. No. 3 or 4, Q. No. 5 or 6 from section I and Q. No. 7 or 8, Q. No. 9 or 10, Q. No. 11 or 12 from section II. (2) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate answer-books. (3) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. (4) Use of logarithmic tables, slide rule, Mollier charts, electronic pocket calculator and steam tables is allowed. (5) Assume suitable data, if necessary. SECTION - I Q.1) (A) Explain with defination : Internal Energy, Irreversible Process, Enthalpy, Pure Substance. [2x4=08] (B) A closed vessel contains 2 kg of carbondioxide at temperature 20oC and pressure 0.7 bar. Heat is supplied to the vessel till the gas acquires a pressure of 1.4 bar. Calculate final temperature, work done on or by gas, Heat added, change in internal energy. [Cv = 0.657 kJ/kg.K.] [2x4=08] OR Q.2) (A) Define with example : System, Surrounding, Isolated System, Throttling. [2x4=08] (B) Draw sketch of Heat Engine and Refrigerator using source and sink concepts. Also state relations for efficiency and COP. What is PMMII ? [4+2+2=08] [3661]-110 1 P.T.O. Q.3) (A) (B) Give classification of I.C. Engine with applications. [09] Explain Split Air Conditioner with sketch. [09] OR Q.4) (A) (B) Q.5) (A) (B) How Boilers are classified ? State any four mounting and their functions. [5+4=09] Explain Double Acting Reciprocating Pump and Impulse Turbine with sketches. [09] Explain working of Solar-wind Hybrid Power Plant with sketch. [08] State Fourier s Law and Newton s Law of Cooling with their equations and units of each term. A 60W incadescent lamp has coil surface temperature 2500K and room temperature 300 K. Estimate surface area of coil. [4+4=08] OR Q.6) (A) (B) Compare Thermal and Nuclear Power Plants on any four parameters. Draw sketch of Nuclear Power Plant. [4+4=08] Explain concept of Thermal Resistance with Electrical Analogy for two slabs. The glass windows of a room has total area of 10 m2 and glass is 4 mm thick. Calculate quantity of heat leaving from room through glass, when inside surface of windows are at 25oC and outside surface is at 10oC. The value of thermal conductivity for a glass is 0.84 W/mK. [5+3=08] SECTION - II Q.7) (A) Describe Geneva Mechanism with sketch. State its applications. [4+3+1=08] (B) Draw sketches of Open Belt, Cross Belt and state their uses. What is velocity ratio is case of belts ? State advantages of belt compared to chain. [4+2+2=08] OR [3661]-110 2 Contd. Q.8) Explain following with sketches and applications : (a) Worm and Worm Wheel (b) Single Plate Clutch (c) Internal Expanding Brake (d) [4x4=16] Gib Headed Key Q.9) (A) Describe Gas Welding with sketch, applications, advantages and disadvantages. [4+2+2=08] (B) What are steps to be followed for designing a component ? Explain with a flow chart and example. [08] OR Q.10) (A) Explain various ergonomic considerations in design with an industrial example. [08] (B) State and explain (any eight) material selection criteria used for designing a component. [08] Q.11) (A) Draw a neat sketch of Column and Knee Type Milling Machine and explain its working. [5+4=09] (B) Describe Cylindrical Grinding, Centerless Grinding and Surface Grinding with sketch. [3x3=09] OR Q.12) (A) How Lathe Machine is specified ? Explain any three operations on lathe with sketch. [3+6=09] (B) How Drilling Machine is classified ? Explain reaming, tapping and counter sinking on Drilling Machine. [3+6=09] [3661]-110/3

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