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2003 Course Basic Mechanical Eng.

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Total No. of Questions : 12] [Total No. of Printed Pages : 3 [3761]-13 F. E. Examination - 2010 BASIC MECHANICAL ENGINEERING (2003 Course) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100 Instructions : (1) Answer Q. 1 or 2, Q. 3 or 4, Q. 5 or 6 and Q. 7 or 8, Q. 9 or 10, Q. 11 or 12. (2) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate books. (3) Use of logarithmic tables slide rule, Mollier charts, electronic pocket calculator and steam tables is allowed. (4) Assume suitable data, if necessary. SECTION - I Q.1) (A) Define : Process, Path, State, Cycle, System. [05] (B) Explain Bourdon Pressure Gauge with sketch. [06] (C) The casting of mass 12 kg has original temperature of 200oC. If it loses heat of 801.36 kJ, find final temperature of casting. (Given : Specific Heat of Casting Material = 477 J/kgk). [05] OR Q.2) (A) Explain First Law of Thermodynamics with an example. [05] (B) State steady flow energy equation, explain various terms and convert it for nozzle application. [05] (C) Define and explain : PMMI, Isothermal Process, Enthalpy. [3761]-13 1 [06] P.T.O. Q.3) (A) Draw neat sketch and name various parts of a Refrigerator Cycle. [06] (B) State applications of Compressed Air. [05] (C) State classification of Boiler. [05] OR Q.4) (A) Compare 2-stroke and 4-stroke IC Engine. [05] (B) List any four mounting of Boiler and state their functions. [05] (C) Draw sketch and explain Centrifugal Pump. [06] Describe Hydroelectric Plant with sketch. [06] (B) What is Fin ? Explain types of Fin and list its applications. [06] (C) What is Counter Flow and Parallel Flow Heat Exchanger ? [06] Q.5) (A) OR Q.6) (A) Describe Nuclear Power Plant with sketch. [06] (B) Derive expression for heat conduction through composite slab. [06] (C) What is Insulator ? Why they are needed ? State name of Insulators. [06] SECTION - II Q.7) (A) How drilling machines are classified ? [05] (B) Draw only sketch and show various parts of Lathe Machine. [06] (C) Compare Soldering and Brazing. [05] OR Q.8) (A) Explain arc welding with its applications. [05] (B) State advantages of CNC Machine. [05] (C) Compare Power Sawing and Hand Sawing with its applications. [06] [3761]-13 2 Contd. Q.9) (A) State and explain any three modes of failure used in Design. [06] (B) State factors considered for selection of material. [05] (C) What are ergonomic considerations of Design ? [05] OR Q.10) (A) Explain Limits and Tolerance with sketch. [06] (B) Compare hot and cold working of Metal. [05] (C) What are Aesthetic Considerations ? [05] Compare Individual and Group Drive. [06] (B) Explain any one type of Clutch with sketch. [06] (C) Explain Flexible Coupling with sketch. [06] Q.11) (A) OR Q.12) (A) Compare Belt and Gear Drive. [06] (B) Explain various types of Keys. [06] (C) What is Flywheel ? State its use and applications. [06] [3761]-13/3

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