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2003 Course Environ., Safety & Health in Pet. Ind. (Elective I)

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Total No. of Questions : 10] [Total No. of Pages :3 [3864] - 347 B.E. (Petroleum Engineering) ENVIRONMENT, SAFETYAND HEALTH IN PETROLEUM INDUSTRY (2003 Course) (Elective - I (3)) P1266 Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100 Instructions to the candidates: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Answer three questions from each section. Que 5 & Que 10 are compulsory. Answers to the two sections should be written in separate books. Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. Figures to the right indicate full marks. Use of non programmable, electronic pocket calculator is allowed. Assume suitable data, if necessary. SECTION - I Q1) a) Discuss classification of Air pollutants in details. [6] b) Discuss the impact of natural gas flaring on Environment in details. What are the majors taken to reduce the impact. [6] c) What are the types of solids contained in waste water? Give detailed classification. [6] OR Q2) a) What is HAZOP Analysis? What are merits and demerits of HAZOP?[6] b) Discuss hazardous materials used in petroleum industry. [6] c) What are characteristics of produced waters in Petroleum industry? How are these harmful to environment? [6] Q3) a) What are Indian and international produced water discharge standard with reference to petroleum industry. [8] b) Write note on Accidental discharges of petroleum fields to environment. [8] OR P.T.O. Q4) a) Explain any four important parameters used internationally to assess quality of produced wastewater. [6] b) What are physical principles used in following equipment plate condensers, Gas / Air filtration units, hydro cyclones , skim pipes. [6] c) Draw a simple flow sheet showing all aspects of produced water treatment. [4] Q5) a) Design skimmer TPI std. tank followed by DGF & (20 mg / lit) skim pile. [6] Input = 50,000 bbl / day Maximum = 2 % oil Oil = 40o API & 20o API Water salinity = 35,000 ppm Rainfall = 2 inch / hr Deck area = 1000 m2 ( Finding dm is discretionary) b) What are equipment used for treatment of produced water. What are demerits of DGF equipment? [6] c) What are methods to curb noise pollution from i) Seismic operations. ii) Compressions. [4] SECTION - II Q6) a) Write short note on OHSAS 18001 .[4] b) What are Safety audits? What are benefits of safety audits? [6] c) What are the procedures for onshore / offshore well abandonment? [6] OR Q7) a) Write short notes on : i) ii) iii) [9] Work permit system. Root cause analysis. Job safety analysis. b) What are objectives of well abandonment and plugging? [3] c) Write merits and demerits of FMEA, JSA, what -if analysis. [4] [3864] - 347 -2- Q8) a) What are environmental aspects of oil field operations with respect to[6] i) Seismic. ii) Drilling. iii) Production. iv) Offshore. b) What are the different types of primary & secondary treatment available for wastewater treatment? Write in details about any two treatments. [6] c) What are effects of emulsification on the oil spills. [6] OR Q9) a) What are reactive / proactive system models of HSE management? [6] b) What are common legislation applicable to oil field operations. [6] c) What are effects of oil spills on aquatic life. [6] Q10)a) Discuss Biochemical Oxygen demand and Chemical Oxygen demand [6] in details. b) Define term Sludge volume index and give formula to calculate the same. Also , give values for good as well as poor sludge. [6] c) Discuss factors affecting oil spill movements. ***** [3864] - 347 -3- [4]

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