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2003 Course Natural Gas Engineering

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Total No. of Questions : 8] [Total No. of Pages : 4 [3864]-344 P1353 B.E. (Petroleum Engineering) NATURAL GAS ENGINEERING (2003 Course) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100 Instructions to the candidates : 1) Answers to the two sections must be written in separate answer books. 2) Question number three (3) and six (6) are compulsory. 3) Answer three questions from each section. 4) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 5) Neat diagrams should be drawn wherever necessary. 6) Use of a non-programmable calculator is allowed. 7) Assume suitable data if necessary and clearly state it. 8) Graph of z factor attached. SECTION - I Q1) a) A wet gas reservoir is producing 30 STB / MMSCF of condensate production at an API gravity of 50. The separator gas has a gravity of 0.7. Calculate the gas gravity of reservoir gas. [10] b) Draw the graph of viscosity, cg, Bg versus pressure and explain. [6] Q2) a) Pick the correct answer: i) In the transient flow regime s equation: 1) Time is a parameter. 2) Time is not a parameter. 3) Time is a parameter sometimes, but not always. 4) All of the above. ii) [5] At any given time in the producing life of a reservoir, the fluid flow regime may be characterized by: 1) Either a) transient, b) natural depletion, c) constant state 2) Either a) transient, b) water influx, c) pseudo-steady state 3) Either a) transient, b) pseudo-steady state, c) steady state 4) Either a) steady state, b) inflow performance, c) transient state 5) All of the above P.T.O. iii) Darcy s equation corresponds to: 1) Laminar flow in porous media 2) Turbulent flow in porous media 3) Laminar and turbulent flow in porous media 4) All of the above 5) None of the above iv) The non-Darcy flow coefficient accounts for the non-Darcy effects due to turbulence. Where do you think these effects are most dramatic? 1) They are never dramatic during the gas flow of a reservoir 2) They are most dramatic at the outer boundary of the reservoir 3) They are most dramatic at the near-wellbore region 4) None of the above v) For using a conventional vertical well IPR equation for a vertical fractured well purpose, what would you change 1) Nothing 2) rw and re 3) rw has to be substituted for equivalent wellbore radius rw 4) bottomhole flowrate is replaced by surface flowrate 5) None of the above b) Explain all the constants in the Gas metering equation. [11] Q3) Given data: a. b. c. Pr = 5100 psi re = 2100 ft h = 30 ft d. e. k = 15 md rw = 0.45 ft f. g. h. Sp.Gr = 0.7 s=0 Reservoir Temperature = 200 deg F Calculate the inflow performance relationship curves using the pressure squared method. Take pwf values from 0 to 5000 psi, with an increment of 1000 psi. Assume that the flow is in pseudo-steady state. [18] [3864]-344 -2- Q4) For the well with the following parameters; depth of 5790 ft, gas gravity is 0.6, Pts = 2300 psia, and average temperature of the flow string is 117 F., Gas flow rate = 5 MMscfd, D = 2 inches, Twf = 160 F, Ttf = 83 F, Ptf = 2122 psia, Length of tubing = 5700 ft, well is vertical. State your assumed values clearly and only do one iteration to find the flowing bottom hole pressure, and temperature and static bottom hole pressure. Tpc = 358 R, Ppc = 672 psia, f = 0.015, z = 0.82. [16] SECTION - II Q5) a) Name six conditions to promote gas hydrates. b) Draw the process diagram for glycol dehydration and explain the design considerations. [16] Q6) Calculate the flow capacity of the pipeline using the three approximations of single phase gas flow in a horizontal pipeline, if the following data is given: [18] a. P1 = 550 psi b. c. d. P2 = 250 psi T = 95 deg F L = 100 miles e. D = 10 inches f. Specific gravity of gas = 0.65 Q7) a) Find the horsepower required with and without intercooling when compressing 16,000 cfm of natural gas, k = 1.28, measured at 60F and 14.7 psia from atmospheric pressure of 14.4 to 125 psig. Inlet temperature is 70F. Allow a 4% discharge at each stage. [10] b) Explain in detail a two stage compressor cycle. Q8) Write short notes on: a) Pipeline efficiency and Transmission factor. b) Liquid Unloading. c) Gas hydrates. d) Two phase flow. [3864]-344 -3- [6] [16] rrr [3864]-344 -4-

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