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2003 Course CAD/CAM & Automation

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Total No. of Questions : 12] P1038 [Total No. of Pages : 4 [3864]-141 B.E. (Mechanical & Mech. S/W) CAD/CAM AND AUTOMATION (2003 Course) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100 Instructions to the candidates: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate books. Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. Figures to the right indicate full marks. Use of logarithmic tables, slide rule, Mollier charts, electronic pocket calculator and steam tables is allowed. Assume suitable data, if necessary. SECTION - I Q1) a) A triangle PQR with vertices P(0, 0), Q(4, 0), and R(2, 3) is to be subjected [6] to following two transformation in order : 1. Translation through 4 and 2 units along X and Y direction; and 2. Rotation through 90o about the new position of point R. Determine : i) ii) The concatenated transformation matrix. The new position of triangle. b) Write a short note on Inverse Transformation. [5] c) Determine the concatenated transformation matrix for rotating any entity about any given point. [5] OR Q2) a) Explain translational and rotational mapping with suitable examples. [6] b) Derive a concatenated transformation matrix to reflect a point about a line y = mx + c. [10] Q3) a) Describe the procedure to find the center of a circle that is tangent to two known lines with a given radius. [8] b) How surface modeling different from wireframe and solid modeling? Explain briefly with example. [4] c) Give some practical applications of solid modeling. [4] P.T.O. OR Q4) a) What are practical applications of B-spline and Bezier curve? [6] b) What is meant by sweep operation in solid modeling? [4] c) Write a short note on : [6] i) ii) Triangular Bezier patches. Sculptured surface. Q5) a) A metallic tapered plate of 600 mm length has the cross-section area of 450 mm2 and 150 mm2 at two ends. It is fixed at large end and subjected to tensile load of 35kN at free end. The modulus of elasticity for the bar material is 1 105 N/mm2. Model the bar with three finite elements of equal length and calculate stresses in each element. [8] b) Derive an expression for the element stiffness matrix of the two noded truss element. [6] c) Write a short note on Quadratic Shape Function for 1-D element. [4] OR Q6) a) For the two-bar truss as shown in the figure, determine nodal displacement and element stress. For both elements E = 70 GPa and A = 200mm2.[10] b) Give details of various types of element shapes usually employed for modeling components. [4] c) What are the properties of stiffness matrix? [4] SECTION - II Q7) a) Discuss the Problem Modeling and Boundary Conditions for the following cases : [8] i) ii) A cylinder of infinite length subjected to external pressure. Belleville spring. b) Write a short note on Isoparametric Elements? [3864]-141 2 [4] c) Explain reflective symmetry with suitable example. [4] OR Q8) a) The CST element is defined by three nodes located at (1, 1), (4, 2) and (3, 5). For a point P located inside the element, the shape functions N1 and N2 are 0.15 and 0.25, respectively. Determine the x and y-coordinates of point P. [8] b) Derive a relation to determine the Jacobian function for CST element.[8] Q9) a) Write a manual part program for finishing a forged component as shown in the figure. Assume the speed and feed on the turning centre as 450 rpm and 0.4mm/rev. assume 1mm material is to be removed radially from external diameter. [8] b) What are various activities of a manufacturing plant which can be carried out through computer control? [4] c) What is a canned cycle? Explain with suitable example. [4] OR Q10) a) Write a manual part program for turning a raw bar of long as per the drawing using canned cycles. [3864]-141 3 60mm and 52mm [8] b) How is tool offset measured in the machine? [4] c) What is a word address block format? [4] Q11) a) Briefly describe significant application area of robot. [6] b) Discuss the need for flexibility in automation system. [6] c) What is a FMS? How does FMS ensure flexibility in manufacturing?[6] OR Q12) a) What are different types of drives used in Robot? [6] b) Compare FMS with transfer line and CNC on the basis of volume and variety of part produced. [6] c) What are the different methods of programming of robot? xxxx [3864]-141 4 [6]

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Tags : Pune, Engineering, University of Pune, Engineering question papers, Pune University, previous year question papers, question papers, india, model question paper, pune university paper pattern, pune university syllabus, old question papers  

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