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2003 Course Real Time System (Elective II)

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Total No. of Questions :12] P1109 Time : 3 Hours] [Total No. of Pages : 3 [3864]-427 B.E. (Information Technology) REAL TIME SYSTEM (2003 Course) (Elective- II) [Max. Marks : 100 Instructions to the candidates: 1) Answer any 3 questions from each section. 2) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate books. 3) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. SECTION - I Q1) a) Describe any specific real time application. Draw neat block diagram of application [8] b) What are the varies factor, that are to be consider while estimating the program run time. [8] OR Q2) a) Describe in brief the effect of the following in estimation the run time of a program : [10] i) A pipelined architecture. ii) Use of Cache. b) Q3) a) b) What is performability ? Explain with a suitable example. [6] State the assumption made for the implementation of the Rate Monotonic Scheduling algorithm. What is the easy schedulability test for this algorithm? [6] Consider the following set of periodic tasks : [6] T1 = (Release Time, Deadline, Execution Time) =( 0,5,3 ) T2 = ( Release Time, Deadline, Execution Time) =( 2,4,1) T3 = ( Release Time, Deadline, Execution Time) =(6,10,3) Assigned tasks using Preemptive Earliest Deadline first c) Describe in brief the myopic offline scheduline algorithm. [6] P.T.O. Q4) a) OR Write short note on any two : i) [10] The Buddy strategy for task assignment ii) Focused Addressing and Bidding (FAB) Algorithm for task assignment. b) Consider the following set of periodic tasks : T1 = ( Period, Execution Time ) = (3, 1) [4] T2 = ( Period, Execution Time ) = (5, 3) Assigned tasks using Rate Monotonic scheduling. c) Describe the classification of IRIS (Increase Reward Increase Service).[4] Q5) a) Using example explain the different data typing features that could be usefull in a real time programming language. [8] b) Describe the skeleton and optimistic algorithm under the two phase approach to improve predictability of real time transaction. [8] OR Q6) a) Why main memory database faster then disk based database for single processor system? [4] b) Differentiate Real Time database and General purpose database. [4] c) Describe the Adaptive earliest deadline ( AED) algorithm used in transaction priorities. [8] SECTION-II Q7) a) Explain the VTCSMA Protocol using a suitable example. Draw the VCRC Trajectory for this example for n =2. Discuss the performance of this algorithm. [10] b) Describe the Timed token Protocol. Why this protocol is attractive for RTS. [8] OR Q8) a) Discuss the Window Protocol with suitable example. Discuss the performance of this algorithm. Where is the Contention Protocol most suitable. [10] Describe the Stop - and - Go multihop Protocol and Comment on its performance. [8] b) [3864]-427 2 Q9) a) b) Describe the following Capabilities of real -time operating system. [8] i) Split Interrupt Handling. ii) Memory management through virtual memory mapping and memory locking. iii) Early demultiplexing to identify the receiver of an incoming message. Write short notes on : i) VX Works. ii) RT Linux. [8] OR Q10)a) Describe the following capability of real time operating system. i) b) External- Internal interrupt handling. ii) Memory management through virtual memory mapping. Describe scheduling service that an operating system can provide to [8] simplify the implementation of the following algorithm. i) b) Fixed-Priority scheduling. ii) Q11)a) [8] EDF Scheduling. Describe the classification of faults according to their behavior. Explain Fault and Error Containment Zone . [8] Describe the following structures for hardware redundancy. i) Static Pairing. ii) [8] Shift-out Redundancy. OR Q12)a) Explain the Byzantine s algorithm for fault tolerance with an example. Also specify the interactive consistency Condition. [8] b) Describe in detail Fault- Tolerant synchronization in hardware and Fault Tolerant synchronization in software. [8] zzzz [3864]-427 3

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