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2003 Course GIS & Remote Sensing

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Total No. of Questions :12] P1363 [Total No. of Pages :2 [3864]- 421 B.E. (IT) GIS AND REMOTE SENSING ( 2003 Course) (414445) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100 Instructions to the candidates: 1) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate answer books. 2) From section I answerQ.1 or Q.2, Q.3 or Q.4 ,Q.5 or Q.6 and answer Q.7 or Q.8, Q.9 or Q.10, Q.11 or Q.12 from section II. 3) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. 4) Figures to the right indicate full marks. SECTION - I Q1) a) b) Explain in detail IRS series of satellites. [9] Define remote sensing. What are the advantages of computers in remote [9] sensing. OR Q2) a) b) What are different sensor parameters? Describe them with examples.[9] Explain the radar principle with required theoretical background. What are the factors affecting microwaves. [9] Q3) a) Explain the pre-processing correction methods used in processing of remote sensed data. [8] Explain in detail logarithmic and exponential contrast stretch. [8] b) OR Q4) a) b) Q5) a) b) Describe the image enhancement techniques used in processing of remote sensed data. [8] What are the key elements of visual image interpretation? [8] What are the components of GIS architecture/Give the classification of GIS. [8] What is grid system? Which grid systems are used in the GIS applications? [8] OR Q6) a) b) What are maps? What is map scale? Explain special referencing system. [8] What is map projection? Describe different types of map projections.[8] P.T.O. SECTION - II Q7) a) b) What are the functions of DBMS supporting GIS applications? [9] What is raster data representation? Explain it with suitable example. [9] Q8) a) b) OR What is vector data representation? Explain it with suitable example. [9] What is spatio-temporal data? Explain different types in representations used for spatio-temporal data. [9] Q9) a) b) What are the common errors in GIS databases? Explain the process of data cleaning. [8] Explain the process of digital terrain modelling with the tasks involved.[8] OR Q10)a) b) What are various guidelines for digitization in GIS? What are different types of accuracies used in GIS? [8] [8] Q11)a) b) Explain the issues in integration of remote sensing with GIS. How is GIS used in land use or land cover classification system? [8] [8] Q12)a) b) OR What are the challenges which have occurred due to usage of GIS in urbanization? Write a short note. [8] Describe the software scenario in GIS focusing on functionalities, products and developers? [8] zzzz [3864]-421 2

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