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2003 Course Bio-Process Equipment Design

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Total No. of Questions :12] [Total No. of Pages : 5 P1112 [3864] - 433 B.E. (Biotechnology) (Sem-I) Bio - process Equipment Design (2003 Course) (416283) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100 Instructions to the candidates: 1) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 2) Use of programmable calculator is not allowed. 3) Draw a neat sketch wherever necessary. 4) Make necessary assumptions wherever required. 5) Answer any three Questions from Section I and Three Questions from Section II. SECTION - I Q1) a) b) Explain the working of rotary vacuum filter in detail. [8] Explain in detail pressure filters and state their advantages and disadvantages. [8] OR Q2) a) b) State the principle of partition chromatography with suitable example.[6] Write short note on: i) Q3) a) b) TFF system ii) [10] Leaf filter Describe the general design procedure for process equipment. [6] Describe downstream processing operations used in fermentation process. [10] OR Q4) a) b) What is the criteria for the selection of a valve. [6] Differentiate between wiped joint and socket joint. [4] P.T.O. c) Q5) a) b) Q6) a) b) Estimate the optimum pipe diameter for a flow of dry chlorine gas of 10,000 kg/hr at 6 atm and at 20oC through carbon steel pipe. [6] Write a short note on purging of vessels. [6] Calculate the thickness of torispherical head (100-6), (80-10) and elliptical head (2:1) for a vessel having a design pressure of 3.5 kg/cm2. Welded joint efficiency can be taken as 100%. Also calculate the percentage reduction in thickness with reference to the thickness of a torispherical head (100-6). Permissible stress for a material of construction is 1250 kg/cm2. [12] OR Explain various types of construction used for high pressure vessels. [6] A high pressure vessel fabricated by shrink fit construction has three concentric shells. The ratio of outer radius to inner radius for all the shell is 1.4. The vessel is subjected to an internal pressure of 150 kg/cm2. Pressure outside the vessel is atmospheric. Estimate: i) The maximum combined stress at the interfaces of concentric shells. ii) Interface pressure resulting internal pressure and shrinkage stresses. Data: Modulus of elasticity, E=2x106 kg/cm2 [12] Internal diameter of vessel is 400 mm. SECTION - II Q7) a) A looped flow arrangement plate heat exchanger is to be used for cooling viscous liquid from 95oC to 60oC. The mass flow rate of viscous hot liquid is 2.6 kg/sec, water available at 18oC is to be used as a cooling medium. [12] Maximum water outlet temperature is 44oC. Plates are made up of stainless steel. Plate thickness t = 1 mm. Projected heat transfer area of plate = 0.2 m2. Effective width between the plate = 0.4 m. Distance between the centers of inlet and outlet ports = 0.8 m. [3864]-433 2 Properties Hot fluid water Viscosity N-S/m2 0.1230 0.78x10-3 Heat capacity J/kgK 2512 4180 Thermal conductivity W/mK 0.1731 0.62 Gasket thickness = 3mm b) Discuss the fouling of plate heat exchanger. [6] OR Q8) 1.2 kg/sec of an organic liquid is to be cooled from 45oC to 20oC using a chilled water at 5oC in a shell and tube heat exchanger having 12 mm ID/14mm OD steel tubes of 1.6 m length. Outlet temperature of water is 10oC. Design a suitable heat exchanger with following data. [18] Organic liquid water steel Specific heat, J/kgoK 2150 4180 - Viscosity, mNs/m2 0.25 0.80 - Density,kg/m3 716 1000 - Thermal conductivity, W/mK 0.133 0.61 45 Fouling resistance, m2K/W 0.0002 0.0004 - As a first estimate take an overall heat transfer coefficient as 610 W/m2 0K and valid your design. Q9) a) b) Give classification and selection criteria of agitators. [8] Calculate the diameter of a shaft used in agitation system. Torque acting over the shaft is 115000 kg-cm, while bending moment acting over the shaft = 34600 kg-cm2. Ultimate tensile strength of shaft material = 6900 kg/cm2. Ultimate shear stress is 75% of ultimate tensile stress. Factor of safety used is 6.0. [8] OR Q10)a) A toluene is continuously nitrated to mononitrotoulene in a cast iron vessel, 1m in diameter, fitted with propeller agitator 0.3m diameter, rotating at 2.5Hz. The temperature is maintained at 310K by circulating 0.5 kg/ sec. Cooling water through a stainless steel coil 25mm O.D. and 22mm [3864]-433 3 I.D. in the form of helix 0.8 m in diameters.The conditions are such that the reacting material may be considered to have some physical proprieties as 75% H2SO4 acid. If the mean water temperature is 290 K, what is the overall heat transfer co-efficient for desired at transfer co-efficient. Proprieties of water Properties of 75%H2SO4 K = 0.59 W/mK K = 0.40 W/mK Cp = 4180 J/kg-K Cp = 1880 J/kg-K = 1.08x10-3 N-S/m2 = 6.5x10-3 N-S/m2 (at 310 K) s = 8.6x10-3 N-S/m2 (at 300 K) =998 kg/m3 =1666 kg/m3 Thermal conductivity of stainless steel 15.9 W/mK. Dirt resistance at inside [12] and outside surfaces are 0.0002 and 0.0004 m2K/W respectively. b) Q11)a) Write note on jackets and coils. [4] A sieve plate distillation column is used for certain operation. Calculate the plate efficiency, using Van Winkle s correlation. [8] Given data: Density of liquid = 925 kg/m3 Viscosity of liquid = 0.34 10-3 N-S/m2 Density of vapour = 1.35 kg/m3 Viscosity of vapour = 10 10-6 N-S/m2 Liquid diffusivity (Light key component) = 4.64 10-9m2/sec Height of weir = 50 mm Hole area = 0.038 m2 Total column cross-sectional area = 0.50 m2 Superficial vapour velocity = 1.62 m/s Liquid surface tension = 60 10-3N/m b) Discuss various feed arrangements to be considered for distillation column along with neat sketches. [8] OR Q12)a) Explain the optimum sieve plate performance diagram. [3864]-433 4 [6] b) Explain the design of plate type column with dowmcomer. [6] c) Write short note on the smoker equations. [4] jjj [3864]-433 5

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Tags : Pune, Engineering, University of Pune, Engineering question papers, Pune University, previous year question papers, question papers, india, model question paper, pune university paper pattern, pune university syllabus, old question papers  

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