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2003 Course Chemical Reaction Engineering - II

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Total No. of Questions :12] [Total No. of Pages :4 [3864]-431 Final Year B. E. (Biotech.) CHEMICAL REACTION ENGINEERING - II ( 2003 Course) (409343) P1110 Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100 Instructions to the candidates: 1) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 2) Use of Programmable calculator is not allowed. 3) Draw a neat sketch wherever necessary. 4) Make necessary assumptions wherever required. 5) Answer any THREE questions from Section I and any THREE questions from Section II. SECTION - I Q1) a) b) Calculate time needed to burn to completion particles of graphite (R0= 4.5mm, = 2.2gm/cc, k = 20 gm/s) in 8% oxygen stream. Assume that gas film diffusion doesn t offer resistance to diffusion and reaction. [6] Solids of unchanging size (R=0.3mm) are reacted with gas in steady flow bench scale fluidized reactor with following result : [12] Fo= 10gm/s, W = 100 gms, XB = 0.75 OR Q2) a) Spherical solid particles containing B are roasted isothermally in an oven with gas of constant composition. Solids are converted to nonflaking product according to SCM with initial concentration of A as 0.01 kmol/ m3. Determine rate controlling mechanism for this transformation in these cases. [12] Case - I Case - II Dp, mm t,sec DP XB t,sec 2 0.87 1 1 0.3 2 1 b) XB 1 1 1 0.75 5 Write short note on : i) Shrinking Core Model. ii) [6] Progressive Conversion Model. P.T.O. Q3) Gaseous A absorbs and reacts with B in liquid in packed bed under following conditions. [16] kAg. a = 0.1 mol/(hr.m2 .pa) Fl = 0.01 m3 / m3 kAl.a = 100 m3 / m3 DAl = DBl = 10-6 m2/hr. k = 10 m3 liq/ (mol. hr.) HA = 105 pa.m3 /mol. a = 100 m2/m3 ; pA= 100 pa, CB=100 mol/m3 Calculate a) Rate of reaction in mol /(hr.m3) b) Decide location of major resistance. c) Determine behaviour of liquid film. OR Q4) Rate of CO2 absorption into alkaline buffer solution of K2CO3. The reaction is given by second order reaction.-rA = k.CA.CB Pure CO2 at l atm was bubbled into packed column irrigated by solution kept at room temperature and close [16] to constant CB. Find fraction of CO2 absorbed. Data : Vr = 0.604m3 ; fl = 0.08 ; a = 120 m2/m3 ; = 101.325 pa. HA= 3500 pa.m3/mol ; vo= 0.0363 m3/s; CB = 300 mol/m3. DAl = DBl = 1.4 * 10 9 m2/s; k = 0.43 m3/(mol.s). kAg.a = 0.1 mol/(hr.m2. pa); kAl.a = 0.025 s 1. Q5) a) b) Explain determination of surface area by BET method. Write short note on : [6] [10] i) Mercury Penetration Method. ii) Nitrogen desorption Method. OR Q6) a) b) Describe experimental methods for catalyst preparation. Write short note on : [6] [10] i) Catalyst deactivation. ii) Promoters and Inhibitors. [3864]-431 2 SECTION - II Q7) a) Determine the catalyst required for 30% conversion of 1500 mol/hr. of pure gaseous A at 3 atm and 110 C. The reaction is carried out in packed bed A 4R, - rA = 95 1/( catalyst) CA. Assume mixed flow with very large recycle of gaseous reactant A. [12] b) Determine amount of catalyst needed for 80% conversion of 1000 m3/ hr.of pure gaseous A (CA0=100 mol/m3) if stoichometry and rate is given by A = R ; - rA= 50 CA/(1 + 0.02 CA) ; mol/ [6] OR Q8) a) The following kinetic data are obtained for first order reaction in packed bed reactor using various amount of catalyst and fixed feed rate of 10 kmol/hr. [16] W, kg 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 XA i) ii) b) 0.12 0.20 0.27 0.33 0.37 0.41 0.44 Calculate reaction rate at 40% conversion. How much catalyst is needed for 40% conversion if feed rate is 400 kg/hr. Briefly explain effectiveness factor and Thiele Modulus. [2] Q9) a) A particular first order reaction in absence of pore diffusion resistance proceeds as rA= 10 6 mol/ (s.cm3 cat.) at CA= 10 5mol/cm3 at l atm and 400 C. Determine size of catalyst pellet that should be used to ensure that pore resistance don t affect rate of reaction. [8] b) The first order decomposition A = R is run in an experimental MFR. Determine the controlling resistance for following runs. [8] Dp, mm W, kg CA0, mol/ml v, ml/hr XA 3 1 100 9 0.40 12 4 300 8 0.80 OR Q10)A bubble column slurry reactor is to used for oxidation of dilute aqueous ethyl alcohol to acetic acid by action of pure oxygen at 10 atm. The reactor is maintained at 30oC and used pd - A12O3 - rA = k. CA, k = 1.77*10-5m3/ (kg cat.sec). Calculate fractional conversion of ethy1 alcohol to acetic acid.[16] [3864] -431 3 Data: Gas: vg = 1*10 2 m3 /sec., HA= 86000 pa.m3/mol. Liquid: v1 = 2*10 4 m3/sec; CB0= 400 mol/m3 Reactor: 0.1 m2 * 5 m high, f1= 0.75 ; fg= 0.05; fs = 0.20 Catalyst: dp= 1*10 4 m; De= 4.16*10 10 m3/; s=1800kg/m3 Kinetics :( 0.052 m3/m3; kAC= 4*10 4 m3/(m2 cat.sec) Q11)Sustrate A decomposes in presence of enzyme E.Kinetic runs were carried out in presence of inhibitor B and without B. [16] Run 1: CAo= 600 mol/m3, CE0 = 8 gm/m3 ; CB0 = 0 CA ,mol/m3 350 t, hr 160 10 2 1 40 3 4 Run2 : CA0 = 800 mol/m3, CE0= 8 gm/m3; CB0 = 100 mol/m3 CA ,mol/m3 t, hr 560 340 180 30 80 1 2 3 5 4 a) Find rate equation for the decomposition of A. b) c) Explain the role of B in fermentation. Suggest mechanism for this reaction. OR Q12)a) A sucrose is hydrolyzed at ambient temperature by enzyme sucrase. With initial concentration of 1.5 mol/m3 and sucrase concentration 0.0158 mol/m3 , following data were obtained. t,hr. 2.5 4.0 5.5 7.0 CA,mol/m3 0.80 0.68 0.46 0.28 Find the rate equation to represent the kinetics of this hydrolysis reaction. [8] b) Write short notes on : i) Competitive Inhibition. ii) Noncompetitive Inhibition. zzzz [3864]-431 4 [8]

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